dark lord
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Everything posted by dark lord
oh thieres this cherictor in this jakie chan cartoon and he's just like hercule he calls out his moves before he does them but they allways have the goofyiest names
hey finaly another gundam serise on cn what did u guys think? its not personaly one of my fav's
hey if u like princess monanke thieres a version coming out this spring dubbed by real hollywood talen like billy bob thortan arnold swartinager(sp) robin williams and a lot more
scurge isnt the origanil optimas he's what hapend when the blank bot megatrons spark and optimas r scaned the only thing he has in comen with optimas is physikle look nothing else. im not realy sure whats going on with the serise it isnt realy new but ive never seen it and i equaly belive fox sucks. scurge was in the origanil serise 2 but he didn last long
hey thanx gouf i drew one but how do u post them
did any one else find hercules first atemt at flying hilarious
why is buu so childish in his first form??
fat buu jus cuz well .....its been said
d am b straight son goten
hey hey dont go diss gw its not the best but its sure not as hell the worst for what it is its a good show and whos to say whats cool different strokes for differn fokes as my old gaffer used to say.if u don like the plot just push mute and watch the mobile suites. but if gw the only serise youve seen then u havent realy seen gundam or anime for that matter expand your horizens
does any one know if thiere ever going to show new dbz movies on cn ? and if thiere not does any one know were i can down load them
its definitly worth the late nighters its probly one of my favs
hey i know turn a gundam was bad but it wasnt as bad as zz i mean the plot was bad but if u get it in japenese with out sub titles and put it on mute then its ok cause i realy like those mbile suites thiere unlike any thing else
sweet pics valkrie and gouf dragon gundam is from g gundam
realy ?? what company are your figures made by ? mine r bye hasboro and the arms barely move and the hair isnt right i was hopeing the dbz figures would be good cause hasboro has a line of 08th ms team figures and they ruled . an plus with the dbz figures have realy gay actions like goku's kame ah ma ha ( spelling) looks realy lame and i thought transforming saingen to ssj would b cool but u slip charictors into ssj socks that make the figure imovable and to bulky what r yours like
finaly i have found the promised land i have searched long and hard for so many people who share my belifes. i love evangelion its the best anime in the land , my old name here was evangelion until those terible people stole my name some day ill get it back i swear it .... ooops ok back to the subject i have all the eps. and the movie but the quality sucks cause i copyed them from a frien who copyd them so its not the best but hey what can ya do i hope to buy the dvds soon suposidly the dvds gonna kick some serise a s s
Anime Do u think Tenchi should be put back on the line-up on Toonami??
dark lord replied to Ryan's topic in Otaku Central
noodles your one wierd dude i mean tenchi's cool an all but only the first FIVE times after that it gets pretty d a m b gay im glad they put sumthin on for a change, i mean thiere's a definite reason the tenchi board is pretty much dessolate and i think you'll find its because cn played tenchi 2 much and refuses to get new eps. -
does any one know why the dbz toys r so d a m b god awful ? have any of u seen them thiere so cheap its terible couldnt they spend more then 25 cents to make them ?
this is getting creepy ..... funny words ..... wierd comics.... chickens ..... and penguins one by one they steel my sanity..... u all scare bill
that was hillarious
Anime Do u think Tenchi should be put back on the line-up on Toonami??
dark lord replied to Ryan's topic in Otaku Central
tenchi was cool but i like db dbz 08th team r a lot better and if you watch batman beyond 4 what it is its pretty cool -
i agree the movies wernt the best quality but thiere wernt to many quailty sci fi films in the 80s but if you know mor about guiver youd see how hard it would be to make a quality film with out some super computer graphics
man i think turn a gundam rules its mad funny 4 some reason it kinda reminds me of msg but the second best would b 08th team its just realy sharper u know what i mean and it seams to me as if it was taken care of a lot better then the other sagas it has a hole lot less detiriation then the others . plus has great earth tones
dude what the hell r u tlking bout gundam rules its awlsome the guys who draw those mecha's r incredable i mean drawing a still motion gundam takes it out of u imagene doing it a billion times. and sephiroth the tequila gundam does rule and yuri id love that game email it to me at [email]bill_sinclair_3@hotmail.com[/email]