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dark lord

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Everything posted by dark lord

  1. any body have any pics of the dragon gundam i think he's the coolest around but the wierdest is the devil gundam agreed
  2. the dragon gundam he's the coolest looking any body got pics of him
  3. maybey hed kinda look like trunks did whn he came out of the hypobolic time chamber we should ask tico for a drwing interpritation thats if he takes requests
  4. every one has an opinion and it may not be the best manga but its the best ive seen but thats not much ive only seen guiver gundam wing msg sailor moon dbz tenchi and bublegum sumthin (not good with names) that one was wierd . guiver has pretty sweet drawings and the plots pretty cool reminds me sorta of a darker batman
  5. oh so then u didnt think much of it then , it wasnt my fave but if it does well thiere should more awlsome anine's redubed hollywood style. man do u reply to every thing?
  6. i know seporoth but thiere bieng re dubed in america with star talent voice overs and released in cinamas its totaly awlsome and the other one is princess monoke and billy bob thortan is the hermit guy its sweet they didnt say much bout the star power behind vampire hunter d but its bieng re drawn by the organil artists its going to be sweet as hell . the prodcers are miramax and wb i think .. plus thiers suposed to be vid games for princess monoke i think oly in the us though i saw it all on stars movie channel i was so pumped
  7. finaly peps in the us are catchin on to the anime craze thiere makein 2 us anime's vampire hunter d and princess somthing or uther american voice talents and japenese animators sweet combination no screw ups on translation
  8. any one herd of the manga serise called guiver its bout a dude who gets this wierd a s s alian nano armor i have a couple of the issues but i realy wanna find some sites on the net any body know any good ones or have drawings of guiver?
  9. is evry bdy waiting 4 the bout with goku and vegita tmrw? i can wait it'll probly end on time restrictions but goku will win even though vegita's my main man he'll get his bad *** kicked any other thoughts?
  10. any one know why they never finished out msg on cartoon network
  11. thats a sweet pic i think ive seen it before but it was rellena and dorthy who beet him up i saw it in the back of my gundam wing comic its wierd but i like the little comics in the back better then the real comic
  12. i saw this one episode that some guy drew it was awlsome you wouldnt have know it wasnt real except the giant orgy at the end i cant rember where i got it though
  13. vegita wins by a mile against goku but goten is the best
  14. who here would pay money to see are favorite green friends , picon and piccilo , duke it out
  15. voltron rules but looking back it reminds me of that rip off power rangers you know what i mean but the new voltron sucked
  16. nah its not that fox was the one who showed it origanly i think they wanna get the deluded fans of beast wars to watch it
  17. hey no name sryy bout what i said i didn know that was your site i used to go to that thing all the time . ill try to get the site were it said no stealing but it had the same gifs cept if you went to 1 o its links u could controll them it was sweet again srry . umm if school an updateing r getting to hard why not get some peps to help u im no pro but id help an that other dude allmighty ssj might help
  18. and to awnser why i like like the zaku III better its because he looks like one bad a s s dude its a lot more menacing then the zaku I or II
  19. hey dude what the hell u smoken that was a pretty cool a s s site i realy liked the gifs so it didnt have much the pics and gifs were sweet as all hell i mean he even lets you have the gifs thats awlsome when u try to take them from other sites all it says is stealing isnt nice so take a chill dude he's try'n . and no name i havent seen your site no name so if your gonna brag show us your site
  20. sweet ideas but mine would be this gundam from the fan fic im writeing its called shenlong 2 (real creative huh) it has two beam katanas , bow with lasar lip arrows , little grenaids like the zaku has and a head from the xi gundam and shoulders like the penelope gundam , they make it look like a samuri if any one can help me out with how to post a pic of it , i would forever b in your debt.
  21. thiere not as bad as the people at fox though they enen screw up the transformers they changed the decptacons to the predacons i mean what kind of people would link such a show with its gay spin off beast wars .
  22. every body siked bout new eps of dbz on monday? I cant wait the comercial for it rules .
  23. ok get this i was watching transformers on fox and was jus thinking fox had done somthing right when i noticed they changed the dectacons to predacons i was like what the **** thjiere screwing it all up this is a good show it shouldnt be even linked to its child like spin off beasat wars in any way . any one feel the same?
  24. not completly automated thiere are people controling them with a device similar to the zero system
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