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dark lord

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Everything posted by dark lord

  1. heres the way i c it optimas primal first then death sythe then wing zero then zaku I then zaku II then gundam 079 then zaku III then gundam 079 then master gundam then eva 00 then angle 06 the eva 01 then long hard battle between devil gundam and optimas prime with prime as the victor
  2. ok the ring is set the fighters are ready and you control thiere destiny jus tell the order of knok outs its a free for all every one for them selves master gundam devil gundam wing zero gundam 0079 2 zaku I zakuII zakuIII gouf szaibi eva 00 eva 01 angle 06 big zam zgok optimas prime optimas primal death sythehell custom
  3. i like that dude who piloted that dragon gundam any one know his name???
  4. r u sure ure the real ice dragon the master of all things gundam ? cause im pretty sure he'd know the difference between ac an uc . lol its ok i dot it all the time when talkin bout the earth sphere allince or the feds thiere so similar
  5. i know i know im definitly gonnna get reemed for posting gw stuff but its a needed part of the gundam saga my fav doll is probly vaeeight or the mercuries i cant spell
  6. yo whats every ones fav mobile suite ? mines either the zaku 3 , tauros , zgok, zaku 2
  7. zaku 3 rules ive played it in battle assault it has a kick *** specil
  8. i mentt he heart of thiere operatios on earth
  9. wha !!! ive never seen a more messed up gundam then when I first set eyes on the devil gundam but my own will look just as alain
  10. thats about the only down fall
  11. an army marches on its stomach so if you blokade earth the zeon forces suplys will dwindle and they will be weak march to the haert of zeon teritory and split it in three as to seperte the forces once the war on earth is complete spearhead side three with an all out assault but i dont think that the federation has enough man power to embark on such a campain
  12. i know this is off the topic but would you happen to be the origanil ice dragon ? i was once evangelion but when i re sighned my name was taken but i have been forged a new
  13. im realy likeing the suport im getting here ill post it as soon as im done , but while it isnt are thiere any sugestions out thiere of any other plot lines for chars conquest as i havent posted about the gundam squad . i think i give some info bout them though for starters thiere are only 2 suites that you could clearly mark for gundams they are the shenlong two and the evangle, the juggarnaught looks only half finished and the breyog has a dragon look to it its shell even looks like skin . the pilots of the evangle is kurt russle the shenlong 2's pilot is bill sinclair and the juggarnaught's pilot is an ageing wizard of sorts and brey og is a lizard like humanoid named szat yes thiere are alian spieces in the gundam universe now ill give u more info as i make it up
  14. maybe i should clarify some more im realy jus wanting different styles then my own cause i want every gundam to look totaly differnt no simularitys between them . pssst can you guys keep a secret ? If i tell u don tell a soul . Ok i think i can trust u guys with the biggest secret .... the main idea of my story . its like this char is fighting in the szaibi, he ducks into a nebula but some battle cruiser has placed nebula bombs in the nebula they detnote and cause a strange space anomily sending chars from uc to ac but ac is different from the ac we know and hate/love its in the distant future of gundam wing the gundams have been scraped along with all other weapons the galaxy is in a peaceful bliss . chars power hungry guy he is , pulls a hitlir and siezes controll , he prosess an army of none other then his old favorite mobile suites , the zakus . he's not unaposed though a groupe of scientests create a small army of gundams and hide them away they are called the excaliber team for they only wait for pilots to pull them out of the proverbial stone..... intrerested wel your gonna have to wait till i post it .
  15. im not asking for an extreamly awlsome gundam here jus one i can rework or sumtin cause mine all look the same pretty much
  16. how do u get avatars???? i liked my old one
  17. man this rules im glad that other dude totaly thrashed the place this is how boards r suposed to be were every body awnsers everyone elses posts
  18. this be a crazy post
  19. i repeating what that milardo dude says but he's right in '79 that was awlsome stuff its kind of likew watching the difference between star wars episode 1 and the origanil trillogy big difference
  20. yeah like the other dude said thiers no continueation of gundam wing but it would kick ass if they showed some more ac timeline gundam shows
  21. hey im doing a graphic novel based partialy on the ac timeline ive drawn two of the gundams but my other ones look two simalir could i get some help. here are the names i need drawings for breyog thundar shenlong 2 dark star juggarnaught outlaw send the pics to [email]BILL_sinclair_3@hotmail.com[/email] all will be acepted just include the name an your name and when i post it ill give credit to every one who helped
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