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Tala Lonewolf

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Everything posted by Tala Lonewolf

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]OOC:Talais listen I know how to use HTML. I took a freaking class on it last year and I work with the stuff almost everyday. I was just late at night like 4 in the morning and I messed up alright? geez..[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=royalblue] *Tala looks up at karma and giggles* "anata wa karma no baka...." *Tala rests her head on Deko's and grins* "Who said anything about magic? Deko you haven't said anything about my race have you?" Deko: Iie..Talasama. (deko only speaks Japanese xP) *Tala blinks and giggles again* "Foolish..he underestimates alot of the wrong people.." Deko: Hai Talasama! [COLOR=royalblue]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue] *Tala pets Deko* "hmf..your no fun Tero.." *stretches out* "This is getting boring..Hey! hurry up there! I want to fight this century please!" Deko: Tee hee.. *says something telepathically to Tala* "Exactly Deko..I'm bored with this form too.." *climbs onto his back to watch the rest of the match* [/COLOR]
  4. *Tala leans by a nearby tree waiting for her fight* "Karma? Looks like a f**kin pansy (hangs around Talon to much)" *looks at her two short swords* "I hope I'm not to out of practice.."
  5. OOC: I believe Talais is fighting me..I don't get online much..sorry. IC: Tala: *watches as Talon and Vegeta start their battle* "Stop talking and -someone- kick so a**!!!! " *teleports to a higher spot in a tree and continues to watch from there* "gods..their slow.."
  6. *Tala watches all this from a near by tree, and listens in on what they are all discussing* ::whispers to herself:: "What has Talon gotten himself into now??" *Tala continues to rest in the tree and watch the others*
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