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I help people to understand what they are and why they are.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman][CENTER][I]There were limits, they were always told. Limits to what a human could and could not do outside of their teachings. To utter one word wrong in their ritualistic deeds could render them no better off than dead, to be blunt. But in order to follow these limits, to abide by the rules, one had to be sane. And in a world where sanity is merely defined as being able to confide in one's ability, was it possible for everyone to stay within the thin lines of society? Was it not possible that one man could change all that? With but a few simple words, the boundary would cease to exist. Everyone knows it. And yet, few act upon it. But there is a cult, a secret organization within this supposed utopia which is dedicated to the proposal that, "nothing is apparent, enforcable, or believable until it is destroyed." It is this cult that is responsible for the spark of insanity that now courses through everyone's mind. In this society, there are rules against three simple acts: Aeslithga, magic of instantaneous destruction; Furiagara, magic of undeath; Samaenish, magic of possession; and yet, there are those who would go against those rules. The cult formed by those who possess intent to use this forbidden magic is called "Aguriast Ekuitophs," "Anguished Escape." Troubled times call for troubled saviors, they say. Forbidden are the words that speak or act against the boundary of magic. Utterance of these words means only one thing--death, in all forms. But somehow, one can slip past the eyes of the ever-watching Keeper of Magic. Nothing, however, can slip past one's own conscience . . . . ~~~[/I][/CENTER] To join this RP, please use the form below when creating your character. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are optional. [B]Name:[/B] Character's full name [B]Title:[/B] Rank within Aguriast Ekuitophs (first five characters shall be Magisters; my character is the Demiurge; characters after the fifth are to be Initiates [i.e. Magister Numero Uno]) [B]Nickname*:[/B] Name that other characters will call your character [B]Gender:[/B] Male or female (yes, female persons may have male characters and vice versa) [B]Race: [/B]Anything ranging from human to elf, demon to angel, vampire to lich, orc to ogre, giant to gnome [B]Age:[/B] Character's age; should be somewhere around the age of Demiurge (slight fluctuations are allowed, but nothing like four hundred year jumps, ok?) [B]Appearance:[/B] If not described in full here, please attach a photo or describe them later in the story [B]Weapon of Choice*:[/B] Character's preferred weapon (or weapon type) [B]Abilities:[/B] Magical abilities (if any) [B]Preferred Forbidden School(s)*:[/B] Aeslithga, Furiagara, or Samaenish (details of magic from Forbidden Schools shall follow a simple PM to myself) [B]Biography:[/B] A short background story as to how your character got to be involved with Aguriast Ekuitophs and how they are involved with their magics and Forbidden School (if applicable) I have only one thing to say: should you create a god character, I am not wholly opposed to the idea, because in essence Laegehr is invincible; the only thing he can't do is get blasted to pieces and reassemble himself. But be careful with your descriptions because, should a character turn come into play wherein I send another character (or my own) to fight with yours (not that it would happen often, if at all) I would study your character for weaknesses and would exploit them at all costs. And one more thing: should you wage war against another character, make sure that it is a mutual agreement. If one party comes to me with a complaint, I shall step in and destroy your character. Thank you in advance. My sign-up follows: [B]Name:[/B] Laegehr Dehcorspe [B]Title:[/B] Demiurge Laegehr Dehcorspe [B]Nickname:[/B] Corpse Lightning [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Human (Acquired Immortality) [B]Age: [/B]616, but retains his twenty-year-old look [B]Appearance:[/B] See attached photo; imagine character with pale skin on his face, dark eyes--nearly black--and bony cheeks. [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Black, crooked staff (as shown) [B]Abilities:[/B] Able to conjure the six elements (earth, wind, fire, water, light, darkness) and use them at his will; able to bend reality, causing confusion and disorientation; necromancy; divinations including relocating lost things or persons, astrology, and predicting the future [B]Preferred Forbidden Schools:[/B] Aeslithga, Furiagara, [U]and[/U] Samaenish [B]Biography:[/B] "Corporeality is such a dull business, don't you think?" he said to his brother standing next to him, who had also come to the lair of the undead lord. They now awaited the king of liches, who would grant them their long-awaited power. The doors swung open. A dank pall filled the room, along with the stench of rotting flesh. Before them stood the Lich King, the master of undeath, his Tome of Forbidden Words levitating before him, opened to the center. "This is it," Laegehr said. "From here on out, we're no longer mortal." The lich king raised his hand, and a black light engulfed them. Laegehr's eyes went dark. When he awoke, he was lying on the ground outside his home, face-down in the dirt. He stood and instantly felt a calm center within himself that he never felt before. He went inside himself, briefly, and touched the new calm center. From his fingers shot a fan of fire which scorched across his wall and lighted his house ablaze. He touched the center again, and a wave of water from the heavens, accompanied by a breeze and a tremor, doused the fire. He smiled to himself and went inside to bed, for it was getting dark. It was nearly a week after that he learned of his brother's usage of a Forbidden School and of his being put to death by the government. From that day, he vowed to destroy the government with their Forbidden Schools. And from that day, he trained in the arts that each Forbidden School had to offer, eventually mastering each one some two hundred years after. Having been "blessed" by the Lich King, he now had eternal life and was in essence a lich, the only difference being that he was more whole in body than a lich. Soon after his mastery of the Forbidden Schools, Laegehr gathered a group of others that had done the same as he had--gone to the Lich King and received higher knowledge and power--and put together a sort of cult. Almost a week later, they came up with their name--Aguriast Ekuitophs--from an ancient language which had been outlawed in society but which they had discovered through bribing the Keeper of Texts in the library. Now, this cult of his seeks to destroy the government using their Forbidden Schools, to restore power to the people and to allow anyone to practice what they will. However, day in and day out, as they battle against the government, so too must they battle against themselves, forever struggling to keep their sanity. [CENTER] ~~~[/CENTER] To start up, I would like five recruits to serve as the Magisters. In actuality, the story begins just before Laegehr gathers the recruits for Aguriast Ekuitophs, so write accordingly and we may immerse ourselves in what may become one of the most interesting RPs you have played! If there are any questions, please PM me and I will answer them as fully as I may.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=TimesNewRoman]That He shall rip thine eyes from thy skull; Thy skull from thy body; Thy body from thy reality; Thy reality from time; Time from space; Space from the galaxy; The galaxy from the stars; The stars from the kingdom; The kingdom from the king; The king from his throne; The throne from thy mind; Thy mind from thine eyes; Thine eyes from thy skull. . . And thy eternity from thyself. Save but one detail: [I]"Giving but not receiving: a blessing in disguise, The call of the wind and the Bells' surprise. The gods are all laughing; they've seen your extent And force you to remorsefully repent. Taking is what they do best, And heed you not they, so follow the rest. A martyr; sure, to be so obscure And to receive royalties from this cur- The dog of Hell- so inclined, That can take man and woman from earth entwined, And weave new destiny, carve a fate; But which cannot open Heaven's gate."[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[I][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Flittering fingers And snappy dress- Yellows and oranges united in This dance. Emotion asunder, It rises to the heavens And spreads its poison Into the lungs of those that breathe in. It consumes all within, With dazzling heat and color And odors like none before, This ritual. Not even cold can stop This bright sensation, Nor can ice Even touch its tips. It licks the toes of Angels, Tickling them into submission And pulling them into The Abyss. O, how hot this That drags villages into oblivion, And cuts short The lives of good men. This, which demons spew, Devouring all the land, Stops at one thing alone: Water douses Fire.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/I]
[CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Not only do I tell a lie, But also shall the fetus fly. And under skin so crisp It is like a smoky whisp. Not only shall the birds sing long, But also join in Haper's song. And under the Bridge of Light Do Angels and Demons fight. Not only does one call out, But also gives a shrieking shout. And under the feathers of her wings Mother Nature, spring brings. Not only do they write aloud, But also to themselves enshroud. And under the dress of insanity Small children shall forever plea. Not only after the storm, the calm, But also the back hand's palm. And under the nails so yellow Dances the fungus of the mellow. Not only is the Shakespearean language free, But, "Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." And under that mask, the reaper calls As under his spell the maiden falls. Not only is death rather bittersweet, But also the cheater is very discreet. And under the pedestal of Judgement, Shall strike the knave a Godsent. Not only shall the gods stand, But also it shall be by their hand That under the red moon dies All that would tell their lies. Not only is the riddle done, But also none shall've had fun. And under the corpse of eternity Shall we three forever be.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/CENTER]
[FONT=Arial][CENTER][B][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]Chapter Two: Faint White[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=2]He had been running since daylight first broke over the horizon. There was no reason for him to run; and yet, he felt compelled to move at such a high speed. The clouded sky overhead told him that it was going to be a very difficult day; with the cover of the clouds ensuring the sunset would not be crimson, there would be no way for him to move about without detection and to draw upon his supernatural strength. Though he had Feth, it was nearly useless without the crimson light that bathed him in its power. Although he couldn't draw upon the power of the crimson light to give him strength, his own was enough to get by, at least until the clouds cleared up. His speed and stamina were second to none even without the abilities he could gain otherwise. He stopped at the edge of a cliff, peering off into the distance. His destination was clear- he was trying to reach what he saw in the distance, where no other man dare tread. His aim was the gate to Hell. He had heard stories from men at the edge of oblivion, mere idle banter from men he had brought to the brink of destruction, men who had claimed they had been to the gate and had survived. He hadn't believed any of their stories until now. He jumped into the air, using all the leg strength he could muster, and landed on the ground on his knees with a grunt. His ability to perfect such a high jump was also drained with the failing of the crimson light. He ran toward the gates, to where he knew them to be, and did not falter in his pace, did not slow for even one second. His feet pounded on the ground, his heart in his chest, as he ran toward something he knew he may not survive. The clouds parted in a spot directly over his destination, showering the dark and bleak landscape around the gates with bright sunlight. As he approached the gates to Hell, two pillars of fire shot up from the ground in front of him, creating impassible obelisks of burning air and blocking his path. "Damn it," he cursed under his breath. "What the hell do I have to do to get into Hell!?" [I]"You could start by dying, you foolish mortal," [/I] rang a voice from the pillars of fire. Instantly, the fire dissipated, leaving the figure of a man no larger than himself, dressed in jet-black robes and possessing long, yellowed nails on his right hand. Running up and down his right arm were arcane markings, seemingly carved into the flesh and glowing with a red light to reflect the color of the blood beneath. The man had horns on either side of his bare forehead, and his ears came to points at the top. His eyes were a milky-white color, giving the illusion of blindness. Two large, leathery wings sprouted from his back, torn and tattered, and flapped gently in the air keeping the man suspended off the ground. In his left hand he carried a black orb, which gleamed with an ominous light. "Did you think you could get into Hell alive?" "I do not need to live to exist." "So what I see before me is nothing more than a spectre, a mere shade of reality? And what of your weapon, spirit? Is it, too, an illusion?" "You have no right to call me a spectre, demon. You yourself are nothing more than a shadow of life, a crude attempt at the resurrection of a soul through Necromancy. You, demon, are nothing more than a reanimated corpse with a soul made from pure, dark magic. As for my spear, this is the only part of me that is truly incarnated in this realm. I am what was created when the soul in the spear tried to manifest itself in this world. I am only a spirit, yes, but I am more alive than you. This spear is my true body." The demon laughed, letting his feet graze the ground for a quick moment before he shot into the air. the sky turned black, and lightning dropped around Feth. "Demon! Where have you gotten to?" "You cannot kill what you cannot reach, spectre. You will soon see that it was better for you to have stayed in Hell!" The demon dove toward the ground, toward Feth, his lips drawn back and revealing his razor-like teeth. The orb he carried flew behind him, gleaming with a faint violet light, seemingly keeping the clouds from fading. The demon struck at Feth as he narrowly avoided its claws, jumping backward and pulling his spear from his back. It flew into the air again, this time staying in Feth's sight, and stopped for a second before diving toward him again. Feth struck at the demon with his spear, striking only thin air. Feth scowled, jumping from his position into the air while at the same time propelling himself forward. In the middle of his jump, he felt a sharp pain in his back. "A spectre you are, but yet I can still strike you down. Be you physical manifestation or dream, I can still kill you!" The demon cackled, throwing Feth to the ground and landing on his chest. He placed his knees on Feth's arms, preventing him from striking back, and began to strangle Feth. His nails dug into Feth's throat, spilling his blood on the ground. From the corner of his eye, Feth saw something silvery strike the black orb which hovered to the left of the demon. In the distance, flying just above the gates, Feth could barely make out a white winged figure- an angel, he perceived it to be. As soon as the black orb was struck, the clouds overhead broke, revealing the crimson light of the sunset. Feth smirked, disappearing into the air. The demon, both shocked and angered, shot to his feet. Feth pick up his spear from where it had dropped, rushing toward the demon and placing his spear between its feet. He thrust upward, throwing the demon into the sky and causing it to lose its balance. As it rose higher in to the sky, it could only flail about as Feth repeatedly stabbed it from every side, appearing out of thin air and rising ever higher. With each strike of his spear, the demon shot higher into the air. Finally, after several dozen strikes, Feth struck the demon in the chest with his spear, rocketing it downward. It hit the ground with such force that it created a valley where it landed. Feth landed lightly on the ground, and faded into invisibility, charging toward the gate to Hell and silently thanking the assistant who had helped him.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][B][SIZE=3][CENTER]Chapter One: The Crimson[/SIZE] [/B] [SIZE=2]He looked up to the sky, which was now turning that all-too-familiar shade of crimson. "The perfect time for us to come out, isn't it Feth?" He cast a playful look to his right shoulder, where rested the head of his spear. "The crimson is our signal." He knelt close to the ground, scooping up a handful of dirt and slowly sifting it through his long fingers. As he stood, he lightly brushed his hand over his long, white robes, not hard enough to dirty them, but just hard enough to get the dirt off his hand. He leapt into the air, higher than any normal man, and rocketed toward his destination. He landed on the ground on his toes, his right handle knuckle-down in the dirt, and sprang into a sprint. He was but a blur in the slowly fading evening light, and he moved as a river - unerringly and smoothly. He suddenly came to an abrupt halt in the center of a small village. As though nothing were out of the ordinary, the villagers continued about their ordinary business, paying no heed to this new stranger to their lands. He smirked. "They cannot see us in the crimson, Feth." He brandished his long glaive, and leapt high into the air again. The wind swirled around him as he flew into the air, creating a sheer around him which kept him above the ground even if his jump should halt. He pointed his spear downward, toward the crown of a villager below, and dove head-first toward the ground. The villager looked up just as Feth glinted in the fading sunlight. The spear skewered him through the mouth, exiting through his bowels and dripping with his blood as it held its master above the ground. He grinned, maniacally, as his victim coughed and sputtered with his last breath before slumping to a heap on the end of Feth. Landing lightly on the ground, he threw the man off the end of Feth, watching as his limp body smashed against the side of a small house. The villagers entered into an uproar. Panic-stricken, they ran about screaming and flailing their arms as though they could keep away the spectre that had wrought this deed upon them. He smirked, admiring his handiwork, and shifted into invisibility, for, as the crimson light faded, so too did his image.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[B][I][SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial]Stream[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=2][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Symphony of bitter petal paradise: luscious eternity together. And there you incubate, like delirious music; shine and remember, and speak not. Their languid hearts ricochet near to him. Ask always: "What sweet mouth said, 'beat like a stream'?"[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ecstatic Winds[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=2][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Sound of a river was a soaring goddess, powerfully sleeping with wicked rhythm; yet men flood machines and drool repulsive milk. You hear ecstatic winds murmur, "Down with the man who screams like wet dreams."[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I]
Writing Lilith (Continuing Thread) [M-LV possible S]
Ellven'and replied to Ellven'and's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial][I]Cold,[/I] she thought. [I]So very cold...[/I] She whirled around. The ground was white all around her, and the air was frozen to the touch. She shivered against it, and could see her breath. Her bare flesh did not help at all; the flames in Hell were so hot that she did not need anything more than her flesh. But here, in the mortal realm, she would need something to cover herself. She stretched herself before walking on; though Mikhail had carried her from Hell to Earth, she felt as though she had made the entire trip herself. She shivered once again, and headed, aimlessly, into the winter night. As she came to a group of people, Lilith smirked. [I]Looks as though I can have myself a little snack,[/I] she thought to herself, kneeling close to the ground and listening to their conversation. [I]"In principio, creavit Deus caelum et terram. Terra autum errat inanis et vacua et tenebrae..."[/I] she heard a short man say. This man was wearing a brown robe and holding a book, apparently from which he was reading. Lilith hissed, covering her ears. "The Holy Scriptures! He is reading from the Bible!" She leaped into the air, landing on the priest's back and grabbing hold of his neck with her legs. She carried him into the air a short way, dropping him to his death and watching, cackling all the while, as his body hit the ground and slumped to a dead heap. Diving faster than the others could perceive, she tore through the gut of a man, spilling his crimson blood on the white snow. A woman that was cowering before her was beheaded by her sharp nails, and she lifted a small child that had tripped off the ground, gently setting him down before punching through his gut and ripping out his entrails. "Damn mortals," she hissed, viciously eating the throat of another man. "This will teach you to follow that fool God of yours!" As she cackled, blood flowing freely all around her, strange whispers floated on the winds around her. She ignored these whispers and flew off again, eager to find more humans to kill, and no longer affected by the cold.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial][I][CENTER]Bobby James came home; He toted nothing, said nothing. Mother saw him and smiled: A sinister, sadistic curl of the lips. Bobby gave her a strange look. Mother owned a gun... Bang. Father had been out working; He heard not of this, saw not his son. Mother saw him and cooked: A delicious, satisfying meal. Father pulled something from his mouth. Mother disposed of them... Bones. One week passed; Father was worried, Mother was not. Father asked about his son: Questions that would seem normal. Mother picked at her fingers. Father looked into her eyes... Guilt. Father took her in; She was questioned, asked about Bobby. She told them nothing: Answers did not cross her lips. They went home that night. Mother got her gun... Bang. Another week passed; The neighbors came over for dinner. Mother greeted them and cooked: A delicious, satisfying meal. The neighbors thanked her for the meal. They handed her the plates... Fridge. The door swung open; Oddities beyond recognition were within. Mother tried to hide it: The ghastly scene of death. The neighbors turned her in. Mother paid dearly... Death. Their house was sold; Years passed, nothing happened. The family's son was born: Bobby James was his name. They lived peacefully. Nothing too strange... Kitchen. Bobby James came home; He toted nothing, said nothing. Mother saw him and smiled: A sinister, sadistic curl of the lips. Bobby gave her a strange look. Mother owned a gun... Bang.[/CENTER][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Ok, Count, you are talking to Umbra. Of course he understands the meaning of the poem; he was merely giving constructive criticism. Anyway, this is a very good poem. I feel like this with some people... There is nothing I would really change; I would, though, take a look at Umbra's advice and try to follow it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][QUOTE]Demon of the Night. Demon of the Dream. Ancient demon, old like the time. Beautiful demon of divine form, with the body of the woman of twisted comings; in all of your beauty, all is lustful. You are the sin and you are the punishment. If a hell exists, you carry it with you.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [CENTER][Quote=Webster's Dictionary]Lil·ith Pronunciation: 'li-l&th Function: noun Etymology: Late Hebrew lIlIth, from Hebrew, a female demon 1 : a female figure who in rabbinic legend is Adam's first wife, is supplanted by Eve, and becomes an evil spirit 2 : a famous witch in medieval demonology[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]She spread her wings, the leathery skin rippling in the cold, fiery breeze that stirred around her. "Sent into flame, born of imperfections. Lifeless, yet stirring; bloodless, yet bloodied. Weeping, yet remorseless; innocent, yet condemned," she hissed, licking her fangs and jumping into the dead sky above her. Her wings beat down on the air, sending shockwaves of anger throughout the pit to which she was condemned. Having spent almost her entire existence here, she despised Hell and everything in it. She stared down below her. Demons of every sort roamed about, casting their tortures upon whatever mortal soul happened to be near. She saw her brother, Incubus, and all of his spawns; and opposite he were her sister, Succubus, and all of her offspring. Many of the other angels that had fallen in the war were also there; one-third of the entire population of angels had fallen, and one-third of the entire population of angels had become the shameful abominations called demons. Though she had come to call all of these fallen angels her brethren, she despised them all. She had once had next to great: Eden, and all of its beauty. Now, she had no more than cold fire and the dead. She stopped her flight, landing on one of the only places in Hell without fiery columns rising upward forever into the dark abyss. [I]Samael,[/I] she thought.[I] I must speak with my lord.[/I] She called to the darkness ahead of her. "Samael, my lord: heed my calls. I must make with you an offer; a persuasion to which you must reply. Answer me, O Great Ruler of this Inferno!" The once grand Angel of Light appeared before her, his former glory still showing through in his eyes. His perfect face was so fragile; his eyes, soft; his hair as fair as any maiden's; but his robes and wings tattered. "I shall answer you but one request; make your choice carefully. Hereafter, be forbidden from my presence and from my answers; and that you ask again, my Wrath shall fall upon your shoulders and shall make you long for the cold fires. My daughter, Lilith, my most beauteous of all the Fallen Host, what seek you?" She bowed low before him, her leathery wings wrapping around her and following her bow. As she stood, he approached her, stroking her face and peering into her eyes. "My lord Satan, I ask from you but this one answer: would that you open the Abyss and allow me to the mortal realm, shall I be allowed to wreak havoc upon the mortal realm and reap?" Satan, taken aback, stepped away from her, looking her over before slightly shaking his head. "My daughter, Lilith, my most beauteous of the Fallen Host, you are yet too innocent: this answer I cannot provide; I cannot grant your request. My brother, Mikhail, the high Archangel of Heaven, could once do such things; however, his heart has grown cold to our kind and our kin. None are able to enter to that realm." And with these last words, the once grand Angel of Light disappeared into the black Abyss and left her standing. "Mikhail..." she repeated. "The Archangel Michael..."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Though I may be new to the boards, and though you may not yet know of me, I, too, can give you advice on your writing. I prefer not to do it here; such a thing would be trivial and awkward for me. I prefer to give advice through messages. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to come to Umbra or I for help. I am sure either of us would be more than happy to help you out. Take care, and good night. ~J'orgaan P.S. Don't forget to check out (when, of course, we get it posted) Umbra's and my story that we will be working on together. P.P.S. I knew what you meant, Umbra; I was saying that he could have left those adjectives out because he didn't want the character to seem too outrightly obvious. I do that sometimes; leaving out physical descriptions is not a bad thing, and it does add a hint of suspense.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Umbra II']You are right, the stiry is good, but your charactors lack depth. Try describing them with adjetives on the outside that give you a glimps of their personlaities on the inside. Especially the samurai. He is your main charactor, after all.[/quote] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Actually, Umbra, he has something here: he either inadvertently chose to do this so that he could make the characters seem more mysterious, or he has forgotten to do it altogether! If that is the case, then you have a good point there. Either way, it was a nice piece. I am intrigued. If you continue to post, I will continue to come. Of course, I may require some warning as to when this is updated... I suppose I will merely subscribe to this thread and wait for an update... If one should happen to come. You are a good writer, mistakes aside. However, you may want to be a little more specific in your word choices and at least try to clean up the grammar and mechanics a bit to give it more of a fluid flow throughout the piece. As one writer to another, you can always improve, and I am sure that this can be developed into a very interesting story. Good job, kudos, and good luck if you are going to continue it. I will be here if you would like any help or anything. Give me a holler. Take care. ~J'orgaan Ellven'and, Weaver of Dreams[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]They have another Fire Emblem game? I did not know this; [I]of this we were not aware.[/I] [I]Won't you expain to us what it is about;[/I] will you tell me what this one is about? I would like to know; [I]we would appreciate it if you could tell us about it[/I].[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][I][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Demonio de la noche. Demonio del sueño. Demonio ancestral antiguo como el tiempo. Hermoso demonio de formas divinas, con cuerpo de mujer de andares sinuosos; todo en ti es belleza, todo es lujurioso. Eres el pecado y eres el castigo. Si existe un infierno lo llevas contigo. Demon of the night. Demon of the dream. Ancient demon, old like the time. Beautiful demon of divine form, with the body of the woman if twisted comings; in all of your beauty, all is lustful. You are the sin and you are the puishment. If a hell exists, you carry it with you. Démon de la nuit. Démon du rêve. Démon ancien vieux comme le temps. Beau démon de forme divine, avec le corps de la femme de venues tordues; dans toute votre beauté, tout est concupiscent. Vous êtes le péché et vous êtes la punition. Si un enfer existe vous il portez avec vous.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/CENTER]