Lolz! Some really odd dreams here! Well one that i remember somewhat was this:
I was in my backyard, and I was with Vash the stampede. He said something to tick me off, and soon I was screaming, and chasing him. I chased him to where a pet of mine (my pet rat, Saria) is buried, and he stepped on the grave. I then shouted at him to get off, and I was really getting upset. He immediately jumped off. He then hugged me tightly. I was blinking, all confused-like, but then i hugged him back. Then the two of us started singing something. Then my brother came and ruined the whole thing, (LIKE ALWAYS!) and soon the world seemed to melt away, and then I was on the computer, im-ing Vash.
Weird thing: I like Vash the stampede, but not in that way (the way i like Kurama and Riku -^_^-) weird, eh?