Grammar Panzer
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[COLOR=Navy]Paul stood idly in the kitchen of the Beatle household, thoughts enrapt in a trivial matter. He absentmindedly leaned against the counter-top when it started to move. Paul immediately jolted up from his subconscious slumber. [B] "What the-!"[/B] Paul righted himself and started looking around for his friend. [B]"John! Jooohn!" [/B] He called. Had the appliances taken him away again? [B]"Oi mate, I'm right 'ere, you know." [/B] Paul spun around to see his friend, John, sitting backwards in a chair. More importantly, he was sitting in the said chair, while it was floating around the kitchen. Paul sighed of relief. [B]"So that's all that 'appened to you. I thought that the microwave might've-"[/B] John waved him off as his chair started to spin in place. [B]"No lad, tha's only on the [I]second[/I] Friday in the month. Besides-"[/B] As Paul noticed John was starting to spin a little fast, John called out, [B]"'Ey, man! Gimme a **fag!"[/B] Rushing to comply, Paul started to dance about the kitchen, looking for John's pack. Paul figured dancing was the way to go, it beats getting all sweaty and tired from running. A frantic-type of music began to play around Paul, and he danced around, searching, not wanted John to spin out of the kitchen. As Paul was dancing, the pack he was looking for zoomed across his face. [B]"'Ere you are, you lit'l devil!" [/B] Paul chased after John's pack with Jazz Hands until he finally jumped and caught them. [B]"Lit'l buggers." [/B] He said, tossing a cigarette and a lighter John's way. John caught both astoundingly, and immediately lit up. Exhaling a cloud of smoke and sighing, John's chair began to stop spinning. [B]"Tha's more like it."[/B] John said as he landed on the floor, and unsaddled the chair. He pocketed his pack and lighter into his jacket pocket with one hand, while inserting his cigarette back into his mouth to take a puff. [B]"Anyway..."[/B] He continued from before, [B]"Tha' microwave is crazy, ya know. And ya know it was only an accident, I mean, [I]be fair[/I]!"[/B] John jumped onto one of the slower-moving counters, and noticed Paul's "aura" of music faded away to a pianissamo. Paul nodded and felt a twang in his stomach region. That needn't tell him that he was hungry, the loud rumble was enough of a sign. [B]"Oi, 'as lit'l Pauly run outta gas?" [/B] John remarked with a smirk. As Paul turned to find the right food-holding appliance, he called out,[B] "Oh shut your face, you." [/B] "Wha'll you do? Eat at me?" John laughed. Paul spun around and summoned music music to "pester" his friend. Fortissimos, pianos, and metso-fortes floated around John, who protested by flailing his arms. [B] "Call 'em off! Call 'em off! Call 'em off already will ya!"[/B] John yelled. [B]"They're making me drop my **fag!"[/B] He continued flailing about. [B] "Tha'll learn ya straight. You're just lucky I didn't use time signatures and trebles."[/B] Paul grinned, withdrawing his dynamics. John grumbled something about, "I'll give [I]you[/I] treble..." Which Paul ignored. John was always cranky after a cigarette. Paul's stomuch rumbled again, but louder this time. He longed to see a refridgerator in sight, but no such appealing sight came. Then- [B]"HEY!"[/B] -Paul got knocked over by a heavy object. He got up to see it was, indeed, an appliance that stores food and drinks, and the certain appliance he was looking for. Without more ado, Paul began chasing after such the swiftly moving-food-appliance with a dance in his step. With such a strong vigor to reach the refridgerator, and because of how strong that mood was, Paul's music "aura" began to crescendo again. This time, in a whimsical and bouncy fashion, yet still frantic. [B] "'ELP! ME LUNCH IS RUNNIN' AWAY FROM ME!"[/B] Paul yelled. John laughed at Paul's ridiculous state, with the music and said, [B]"'Ey Paul! When you tie it down, toss me cold one will ya?"[/B] Paul responded with a, [B] "'Old your 'orses, mate!"[/B] Still chasing the food-holding object, which began to turn different colours when moving. Paul yelled to the refridgerator a, [B]"'Ey mate! D'ya know you're speedin'?"[/B] and leaped upon it. He wrenched open the door, and fished for a beverage. Finding a cold soda, he tossed it to John, who responded with a, [B]"Danke."[/B] As John caught the oncoming soda, he started to put out his burning cigarette in an ashtray that was conveniently floating by. [B]"'Ey, you know you're a real jukebox?" [/B] John commented, refering to Paul's music, which began to decrescendo slightly, but still had the whimsical elements remaining. As Paul took out a pre-made sandwich, and his own soda, he responded with, [B]"Oh, you're a cut-up."[/B] Which made John grin cheekily. Feeling cocky, John added, [B]"Hey, play us The Who, would ya? Or do I need to pay ya?" [/B] Then burst out in a fit of outragous laughter. Paul joined him for a few brief moments until they heard an oncoming noise. [B] "Eh? Wha's all this then?"[/B] Both Paul and John said at the same time. They both heard the sound of a car, making its way towards them. [B]"I hope it's the gang. It's been awful borin' 'round these parts with only [I]you[/I] to talk to."[/B] Paul remarked, smirking. John jumped down off of the moving counter and waited besides Paul. [I][B]"Shh!"[/B][/I] Paul whispered, shoving his hand in John's face. [B]"I hear them."[/B] Both John and Paul waited with anticipation the arrival of their friends. [/COLOR] ~*~ I've been gone because of Finals, as Ozy has mentioned. I believe Muse has too, so I kind of RPed for her, permission of Ozy. ** The term "fag", is slang for "cigarette" in Britain. I didn't mean it as the derogatory of "Homosexual", if that wasn't blatantly clear in my RP.
[COLOR=Navy]I believe I have. What I trying to get at, was what is there in Punk? What are the elements that people like in Punk? I gave reasons for what I like, what are your, or other Punk fans, reasons for liking Punk? [/COLOR]
Gaming What upcoming game are you most looking forward to?
Grammar Panzer replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Navy]What I'm looking forward to would be the new Sonic game coming out. Entitled "[B]Shadow the Hedgehog[/B]". I think it's an original name also. Safe to say it has me excited. But not all from a positive kind. It's also safe to say I'm a bit worried. I saw a few trailers for it, and, well, some elements have me groaning. It seems the [B]Sonic Heroes[/B] character model is used for Shadow. Not the greatest thing to first see. Why not the [B]Sonic Adventure 2[/B] character model? At least he moved smoother and more naturally then. Bah. Next thing I noticed were the various levels buzzing by. It seemed to be a mixture of the levels from the [B]Adventure[/B] series and [B]Heroes[/B]. More of an observation than a complaint. Next, hte oh-so-controversal gun that Shadow seems to carry. I've had my share of complaint about that. About it not fitting his character, about it contradicting the end of [B]SA2[/B], about it better having an appropriate meaning for it. I'd better not be playing the anthro version of [B]SoF[/B]. But I'm sure this won't be the case, as another trailer had Shadow with a sword, and on a dragon. So my prior suspicions were relived. Even through my original suspicions, I'm still excited about this game. I hope the plot will actually be good enough to be considered a plot this time. (Unlike [B]Heroes[/B].) But, I'll just have to wait and see, before I make any final decisions.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy]In my opinion, "Punk" was never alive. I don't see a reason to get attracted to it myself. "Punk" has a few good songs. That's it. There's a slew of more legendary and more thought out music than "Punk". My favorite band, [B]Dream Theater[/B], is my favorite for a reason. It's different from all of this horrible mainstream music you hear nowadays. It's music is more thought-out, and isn't, "OMFG LIFE SUCKS SUICIDE". Sure, they have some angsty songs, like "Just Let Me Breathe". But the lyrics are more insightful, and filled with understanding emotion. Something I can relate to, when overcome with stress. And he music isn't the outstanding three chords you constantly hear either. The band can play, and they flaunt it. Here's my question to "Punk" fans. Why "Punk"? Why do you like these bands when there are ones that are so much better? Try some Rush, Tool, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, dear god, something![/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I voted "Other". And my "other" would be Progressive. With [B]Dream Theater[/B], [B]Liquid Tension[/B], [B]Tool[/B], and [B]Pink Floyd[/B] being in Progressive, how could I not love it?[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I do not know the names of the songs, sorry. But all Jet songs that have been played for the public. They get too overplayed. I just had to get that out in the open. Here's one I do know the name to. [B]Green Day[/B] - [I]American Idiot.[/I] [B]Green Day[/B] should not have this as a hit. Sure, it was a cute joke when it first came out, but it's been overplayed too many times. Plus, listening to their other songs on the air, they consist of the same chords. Same rhythm, same music. Why call yourself a band then? Again, not sure of the name of the song, but that new [B]System Of A Down [/B] song. It's getting on my last nerve. Serj can't sing. But he tries, and that makes it worse. Music has it's moments, but I'm sure I'll hate it by Saturday. Even the fact that they now have a double-bass doesn't faze me. For the third, I can't think of any inparticular, but I'm sure I have one. Hmm... [-insert rap/hip-hop/pop/mainstream song here-] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
Sign Up Return to Pepperland - [G, Excessive Puns]
Grammar Panzer replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[center] [LEFT][COLOR=White][B]Name:[/B] Paul [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image021.jpg]Paul[/URL] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Talents: [/B] Guitar, Bass, Flute, and Piccolo. Can summon music from thin air. Which was tough for him. How would you like to go through high school with staffs and time signatures floating around you? Can it be used to his advantage somehow? Without him looking like an utter loony? It is known as Musicapostrophy, unbeknownst to him. Other talents include him persuading others to his whim by his charm and wit. He can definately use that to his advantage whilst in battles of wit. [B]Personality: [/B] Charming to say the least. Definately a "womanizer". Very cunning and sly with his words. Sometimes using them to his advantage when arguing or in regular conversations by his persuasive and manipulative manner. Slightly egotistical and condescending, though lovable when you get to know him. [B]Bio: [/B] Paul grew up with his family on the outskirts of Liverpool. He found out at an early age that he could make music appear out of absolutely nowhere! Whenever his emotions became an unnatural height, from anger, or sadness, music would appear. If he was down in the dumps of the blue, a low Bb might hover about him. But if he was a happy lad, random notes of an Allegro might dance around him. People in his coordinates might complain about "hearing music without a source", noting the said music seemed to match young Paul's current mood. In Paul's high school days, he found that he could "use" the musical notes and phrases that often became his sidekick in situations. When a bully in blue would talk Paul down, Paul would "attack" him with his music. This worked to persuade the bully to drop the blue and to become a man of music. At 26, Paul had "converted" bullies, and people who were feeling down to those of music and righteousness. Hearing about the corruption with the Blue Meanies, Paul thought he might be able to help the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band with his Musicapostrophy. He moved to Liverpool where he met up with three other musically inclined chaps like himself named John, George, and Ringo... Look who's back...[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/center] -
[COLOR=Navy]Before I get reemed....*pokes Billy* ¬¬ [B]Name[/B]: Michelle MaBelle [B]Age[/B]: 23 (Born year: 2082) [B]Appearance[/B]: Rather tall, almost six feet. Shoulder-length brown/ashy hair; brown eyes. Slender figure; often in a business-like appearance. Sometimes wears sunglasses. Wears a purple skirt, heels, a brown business jacket, constantly carries cell phones and models of the latest technology. Her face with holds every emotion, and one could say she is stoic. [B]Bio[/B]: As a small child, Michelle did not have a family. Her mother, father, and brother were all killed in a drunken car accident. She was at a babysitter's house when this happened. Growing up in a foster home with a family named, the "Tridas", she grew depressed. Her full family was gone at such a young age. The Tridas family did everything they could to make everything better for her, in fact they seemed as loving as her original family. Michelle began growing attached to her family a few years later, when she attended school. She received the highest marks in every class, and continued to do so until high school. In 2099, The Tridas family began dying, one by one. In that year, their two children, Michelle's foster siblings, both got shot down in a shooting coming home from school. The mother was raped, then killed by a robber, and in result of defending his house, the father got sent to the hospital that night with serious injuries and a concussion. He did not make it until morning. Falling into a deeper slump of depression, of having lost [I]two[/I] families, Michelle swore to never love again. This was her Senior year in high school and her grades started to suffer. She began drifting away from her friends and became bitter. Realizing the questionable future ahead of her, she began focusing everything- sadness, depression, hate, revenge-everything into her studies. She later graduated top in her class. Taking up a fancy in law studies, Michelle attended Law School, respectfully. She no longer showed her emotions and kept them bottled up. She never mentioned her past to anyone, and she quickly changed the subject if anyone asked. In cases, she developed a sinister being and showed no mercy to her opponents, but at the same time was clear-headed, calm and cool. She never lost one case. After Law School, Michelle has been working at TCD. She finds the whole organization very interesting, and loves every minute of it. Her co-workers have made her enjoy the missions, and advert her from thinking of the mindless way her family was killed. Her first and main reason for joining TCD was to make the past right, and get her beloved family back. Due to TCD, she has found and expressed positive feelings again, before the time when her family was killed. She has opened up a bit, finding more and more reasons to enjoy life every day, but still keeping a straight appearance about her. [B]Personality[/B]: Michelle is very level-headed. She does seem to intimidate others with a serious attitude and a constant glaring look, but she actually does enjoy a good laugh. Sinister and merciless when the job calls for it, she seems to be the most effective worker, in opinions by some.But, no one can really tell the emotions being bottled up inside of her, ready to explode at the wrong time... [B]Position[/B]: Her position is a Techie, but is much more like the head thinker and planner behind everything. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy] All of my teachers were pretty cool, and does "most memorable" necessarily have to mean, good memories? Anyway, my 8th Grade Social Studies teacher, [B]Mr. Grcevich[/B]. He made learning... dare I say... fun? He always walked around, cracking jokes, about stupid things that happened that day, or stupid things in history that deserved to be made fun of. He even let us reenact some scenes from battles or assassinations and whatnot. Then again, he did love the violence. Very enthusiastic about the wars, [B]Civil War[/B] mainly. If you think this sounds like your teacher, do he confiscate and protect bouncy balls from your peers and keep them in a box? No cell phones, no skate decks, [B]bouncy balls[/B]. He even hip-checked a kid to dive for a bouncy ball. I tell you, he was awesome. (Also taught me the ways of [B]Magic[/B], with his enormous deck.) Same year, [B]Mr Stookey[/B]. Choir director. (This is the "bad memories" I was saying earlier.) I wasn't in Choir, at all, (I was in band, still am. :P) but I know about this guy. Two words describe him: large man. (Okii ookino otoko to the max.) He was so... huge... and I know I sound mean, but ask Billy Shears, the man was a whale. Constantly eating during lessons, assigning horrible English parts, and making the worst puns you could ever imagine... ugh...
Anime Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.?
Grammar Panzer replied to graysky07's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I've only got one, and it's [B]Detective Conan[/B]. I miss it so much... it was my favorite out of all animes. .. ..I wouldn't mind if they put on [B]Flame of Recca[/B] again either. It's a drag waiting for the episodes to go on DVD.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I love this show to death. I've always loved puzzles, riddles, and just figuring things out. It was all so fun to me. And now you have all of that in an awesome plot, with wonderful characters, and [B]Jimmy/Rachel[/B] fluff. I just love it all. Too bad I haven't seen any of the movies.... or is able to watch it anymore.... Man, I love this show.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]For stating my honest opinion, I didn't really like it that much. I mean, I thought it would be more improved, and different from [B]Family Guy[/B]. I honestly did. Don't get me wrong, I love [B]Family Guy[/B], and [B]Seth[/B] is hilarious. It's just that [B]American Dad[/B] seems to be "trying" to hard. Also, the diversity with the family members seems to foreshadow [B]Family Guy. [/B] I haven't lost hope for it, I just hope it picks up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Who is your favorite Rock band? ANY Kind of Rock
Grammar Panzer replied to CowboyRocker's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Well, [B]Progressive Rock[/B] qualifies right? If that's so (it should), then [B]Dream Theater. [/B] Most, definately. There is real emotion in their music,along with mad-style shredding. If not, then [B]Symphony X[/B]. (Which...I think is still Progressive... I think) They're a mix of [B]Progressive[/B], and a Metal-ish, kind of music. (The singer really sounds like he's from [B]Nepalm Death[/B].) That's my opinion of course.[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
What's special about where you live?
Grammar Panzer replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy] 1.) Hmm, live by [B]Chicago.[/B] Which is actually pretty awesome. Met two kickarse hockey players there, and got my jersey signed. 2.) We apparently live close to the largest [B]Limestone[/B] quarry on earth. Yep, it is quite large. I always just wanted to throw something down there and count the seconds before it landed... 3.) Um, what else....Let's see... me and [B]Billy Shears[/B] live in the same town? X3 *shot*[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Hmm, I originally wasn't a pop drinker at all. It was milk for me. XP But I tried all kinds of pop, and hated them all with a fiery passion, except [B]Mountain Dew[/B]. ([B]Sierra Mist[/B] is good on occasion too. Yes, it will make you squeal in a kilt.) Every other caffeinated drink was... really painful to the back of the throat; not good for excessive chugging, or sipping. But, the good ol' [B]Dew[/B]... only drink that backed off on the carbonation and supplies a sugar rush. I don't know how others like [B]Pepsi[/B] or [B]Cola[/B], (or tell the difference.) because of the carbonation, but the [B]Dew[/B] probably DOES have the most caffeine in it, hence the sugar rush, hence my liking it. I tell you, it's obsession.... I could use a nice one right now...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Okay, I really hope someone has mentioned at least [I]one[/I] of these bands I'm about to mention. [U]Top o' The List[/U] [B]Dream Theater[/B]-Probably the band I'm most dedicated to, and it is not hard at all to see why. Reeling riffs and fantastic fills are the least of the great things they have. Then again, I'm more of a "technical" lover of music myself, with odd time signatures instead of these boring, predictable beats these modern bands have. It's better to stay hooked to the music, not knowing what will happen next, than listen to a beat you can easily air-drum to when you've never even heard the song before. (It happened to me numerous times) I guess I just like not knowing where the hell "Count One" is. [B]Liquid Tension Experiment[/B]-Second band I'm most dedicated to-[B]Dream Theater's[/B] brother. This is the result when [B]LaBrie[/B] doesn't sing, and [B]Myung[/B] is replaced with [B]Tony Levin[/B]. But that doesn't make these guys any less awesome. Without lyrics, they just have to concentrate on making a meaning to their music, to create a mood. Such compositions, like [I]When the Water Breaks[/I], or [I]Biaxident[/I] are examples of that. There has been arguements over which is better, [B]Dream Theater[/B] or [B]Liquid Tension[/B], with some of my friends, and it's going half and half. The great benefit of [B]Liquid Tension[/B], is that [B]Jordan Ruddess [/B] is now a permanent keyboard player for [B]Dream Theater[/B]. So great, so unknown... [B]Symphony X[/B]-The schizophrenic [B]Dream Theater[/B]. Dear God, they are awesome, not as top of the charts as [B]Dream Theater[/B] for me, but still in the "Gods" section. Hell, their drumset even slightly resembles [B]Portnoy's[/B]. It reminds me of [B]Dream Theater[/B] so much, with the odd time signatures and [I]mind-blowing[/I] riffs... But!! The greatest exception! The [B][I][U]singing[/U][/I][/B]. It... is horrible. I'm sorry, he does have his moments, but he overdoes the [I]vibrato[/I] and sounds like he came out of [B]Nepalm Death[/B] or [B]Metallica[/B]. Other than that, I love these guys. Definately one of my favourites. [B]The Beatles[/B]-[B]Billy Shears [/B] will ream me for this, but this is a different kind of love. This isn't the "technical, genius odd time signatures" love, this is "simple greatness" love. [B]The Beatles[/B] are simply the greatest influence of a band on this planet. And I know everyone will agre to that. What more is there? [I]They're the Beatles![/I] [B]Rush[/B]-Need I say more?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[color=navy][size=1]Amen, Billy Shears... Amen.[/size][/color] [size=1][color=#000080][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#000080][COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please try and add more detail to your posts in future. I know that you're basically agreeing with what Billy Shears said, but a little elaboration would prevent the post from looking like spam- anything too short will be deleted as such in future. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/color][/size]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Dream Theater[/B] is easily my favorite band. Followed by the ever similiar [B]Symphony X[/B], and of course, the instrumental [B]Liquid Tension Experiment[/B]. Actually, [B]Liquid Tension[/B] is what turned me on to [B]Dream Theater[/B]. I borrowed a CD from a friend of mine (This makes me sound like [B]Billy Shears[/B] doesn't it?), and it was [I]Liquid Tension Experiment 2[/I]. I listened to it endlessly for months, I couldn't get enough of them. I became fascinated by such musical beauty, it was genius. I went online to find more information on this band, [B]Liquid Tension Experiment[/B], searching listlessly for some insight on these God-like musicians. Every site I went to, I found the name, [B]Dream Theater[/B]. I read some online articles on [B]Liquid Tension Experiment[/B], and I soon learned that [B]Dream Theater [/B] consisted of most of the same people. I started collected [B]Dream Theater[/B] CDs, expecting again, such greatness in their music, but not wanting to expect too much. I popped in [B]Dream Theater's [/B] first album, [I]Images and Words[/I], from 1992. (Which shocked me because at first I didn't think they were around for so long.) I loved it instantly, like love at first sound, similiar to the reaction I had with [B]Liquid Tension Experiment[/B]. I had to consider things like, "Wow... those are people, playing those 30-second notes in odd time signatures" That's another thing that drew me to them, their odd time sigs. It's always an epic adventure when you listen to them. Instead of all of the predictable beats modern bands have, this music keeps you interested. Like you don't know what'll happen next. This band, is such a relief. I desperately needed a change, an inspiration. And here it is. I personally love this band, and its members, to death. I am what you would call a "die-hard" fan, dedicated to the music and its meaning. Not to mention trying to learn the drummer, [B]Mike Portnoy's [/B] techniques and fills (associated with double bass) while heeding his advice. This great inspirational band has come a long way, switching keyboard players twice, (So now the famous [B]Jordan Ruddess[/B] is at bat) having [B]Mike[/B] almost quitting the band, making eight albums, god I hope they never quit. Um, yeah, I wasted a few hours typing this.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy] Oh, I haven't played much recently... but there are three... 1.) Starfox Adventures (What can I say? It's a fun game) 2.) Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (In my opinion, the greatest Survival Horror game out there) 3.) SSX3 (I always love snowboarding every now and then) Those three... yep, I played them. And I love all three of them.[/COLOR]
Oh yeah, go Pollacks. Plus I'm Irish. Mostly Polish. Wait.... so that means I'll be a wife who beats the piss out of my husband? *looks strangely at you* I, I think I'll just stop, I'm greatly confusing myself. And I will never deny my heritage! I am proud to be the blonde Pollack I am!