Anyone who's played enough video games has probably encountered one before. The boss, the big bad, that the game has been eluding to all this time! You finally get to fight them, and then.... it's the most disappointing fight ever. Moments like this essentially ruin the dramatic tension of the game. So what kind of anticlimactic bosses have YOU encountered?
The first thing that comes to mind for me when I think "anticlimactic" is the Sorceress from Spyro 3. The whole game you'd been seeing cutscenes of this evil cuss, and the boss battles before that had been growing exponentially greater, so OF COURSE the Sorceress is gonna be an epic mofo, right?
Nope, totally wrong. The instant you start fighting her, you notice the extremely inappropriate music. It sounds more like you're going for a picnic than fighting the big bad of the game. [spoiler]And this still holds true for the second battle. You think they might redeem themselves when you realize, "Oh hey, that wasn't [i]really[/i] the end! The real end is gonna be GREAT!" But no. :/[/spoiler] She's at least tough enough, but the music completely ruins the atmosphere. And you [i]know[/i] they have epic music on hand, so they definitely could have done better.