I didn't start this, but i feel it is my duty to continue it.
Dear Online Anime Comunity[OAC]
Hello My online name Is Rei Ayanami, I would like to adress you on a certian isusse that realy ticks me off, some christans on Petion.com or w/e it is, [U]are trying to ban Anime in the U.S[/U] That means no more trigun cowboy bebop inuyasha or any of those animes on adult swim, it also means no anime merchandise will be sold in the U.S. ALSO they are trying to make so that if you possses anime matirel you can be jailed/and or fined. Now thats just messed up soooo me and a couple of my friends decided this is not right so what were doing is makeing an anti petition that will be sent to the president if anime is actualy banned
All you have to do is copy and paste this email onto a NEW email and then add your name[REAL NAME, rp/nickname/anime name afterwards if you wish, and what state you live in, age if you want] thank you and LONG LIVE ANIMEEEEE!! (Send this to all of your friends)
1>Lelian Maldonado/Rei Ayanami/CA
2.Jessica Sedig/Miako Shinto/Az/ 13
3. Michael Plevinski/ Naruto BloodSwarn/FL/13
4:Shadow Roman/Ja Karachi/NY/13
5.Sinthya Duffer/Miyoko/Sin/MD/12
6. Sabrina Stidham(/Kimiko/Salene/shadow/and more)
7. Amanda D. (kyoto/akimi/tsukiko/ and more) 13/ IL
8.Arianna M.(kattya/hayori/eura/and so on) 13/IL
9.Maryanne G. ( Suiko, Yuki, ect. ) 13/ FL
10. Rebecca M. (Lana/Kagome) 13/FL
11. Jessica M. (Inuyasha-chan/Vixen/Mileyu/Tobi/Sakura/etc.)13/FL
12. Matthew Stephen Huf (hotsuma) 19/NM
13.katie n (goth chick)
14.Apollo C.(hinaboy)(Keitaro-Sempia)15/Ks
Here you go long live animeeeeeeeee!!