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Everything posted by graysky07

  1. [B]Name[/B]:Grayson Walker [B]Age[/B]:16 [B]Gender[/B]:male [B]Nationality[/B]:american [B]Appearance[/B] :At 6'0 Grayson is a tall kid.He has black hair with brown eyes.He has a large scar under his left eye from falling out of a tree when he was young.He wears jeans ,a white shirt, and a blank zip up sleveless hoody. [B]Pokémon [/B] :charizard scyther vulpix [B]Biography[/B]:Grayson was born in a small town named Pettlebrooke with very few people. His parent ran the local drug store.He has a brother and sister both who also like pokemon, but not the way Grayson does. When they look at pokemon they see pets,but when Grayson looks at them he see there potential and a reason to leave the small town he grew up in. Those is the reason he final rose the money to by the necessary supplies and head off to gain great power.During his search he came across a battle between a charizard and a scyther over the territory surrounding a waterfall.At first he thought nothing of it and continued on his journey but then after another look at them he relized the amount of potential each of them had. So he decided to wath the battle and capture them when they were at there weakest point and when that time came he sprung forward with pokeballs in had and captured them both. Thus begining his collection.Some time later while walkin through the mountains he found a injuryed vulpix,althought his first thought was to leave the apperiently weak pokemon there. He decided to take it with him because of possiblityto evolve it into a ninetails and with his band of three complete he and his pokemon begun training even harder for the battles that awaited them.
  2. Which animes have the best music? I think Gundam Wing's white reflections and just communications are cool. I also like Rurouni Kenshin's heart of the sword . Gundam Seeds operner isn't that bad either
  3. Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.? The animes that I think should be put back on t.v. are Zoids,Tenchi Muyo,and Gundam Wing on CN and on G4techtv Last Exile.
  4. [COLOR=Gray]I was thinking from either Gundam Wing or Gundam Seed.[/COLOR]
  5. My favorite animes? I would have to say that my favorite animes are: The Gundam genra except G Gundam that one was just stupid it went completly away from the concept of gundams as weapons of war,but the others did a good job story line and action.
  6. [COLOR=Gray]If any one has ideas or could make one for me it would be greatly appreciated.[/COLOR]
  7. If you could have two gundams from any of the seriess which ones would you have and why?If I had two they would be the [B]Freedom Gundam [/B] from Gundam Seed and the [B]Wing Gundam [/B] from Gundam Wing.The reason I would want to have these two gundams is because they both have the ability to fly and have enough fire power to take out multiple mobile suits at once.
  8. [COLOR=Gray]If I could have three things I would have the[B] Freedom Gundam [/B] from Gundam Seed because with that power I could stop any war,another thing would be[B] Ed's jacket [/B] from Fullmetal Alchemist because of the cool symbol on the back of it, adn the last would be the[B] Justice Gundam [/B] from Gundam Seed just for back up.[/COLOR]
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