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- Birthday 10/27/1989
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Outgoing, fun, judge me yourself.
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Minutes after being sucked through his computer, Suzuka slowly came to, and saw a small, blue Digimon looking down at him. Suzuka's head felt as if it was going through an earthquake, so he looked at the Digimon with an almost out-of-it look on his face. He took a brief look of his surroundings, and saw that he was in a forest. DemiVeemon: "Hey, are you okay?" Suzuka: "Uhg....who...are you...and where...where am I?" DemiVeemon: "I'm your partner, DemiVeemon, and you're in The Digital World! We call this part of the World the 'Ether Forest'!'" Suzuka: "Partner?...Digital World?..." DemiVeemon: "Yeah! I'm your partner! You're the person I was destined to be partners with!" Suzuka: "...what?" Suzuka began to rise up onto his feet, looking at the small Digimon who claimed to be his partner. DemiVeemon: "You're name must be Suzuka! Am I right?" Suzuka: "Yeah, my name is Suzuka. But how did you-" DemiVeemon: "I told you already! I'm your partner! You were destined to be my tamer!" Suzuka: "Your tamer? Man, this is weird! So I'm here because...I'm your tamer, right?" DemiVeemon: "Right! that's why you have that digivice!" Suzuka looks at the digivice, then turns to DemiVeemon. Suzuka: "Oh, so that's what this is for! I have a toy one like it, but I never thought I'd ever hold a real one....or have a Digimon! I always wanted a Digimon, and now I actually have one!" DemiVeemon: "I'm glad your happy Suzuka! But this place isn't exact the safest place to be! Let's go-" Suddenly, a sound is heard from a bush in a tree. DemiVeemon and Suzuka turn and looked at the bush, both feeling cautious. Suzuka: "What was that?" DemiVeemon: "I don't know, but now's the time to get out of here! Let's go!" DemiVeemon then turns and begins to walk away with Suzuka close behind, before another sound in the bushes is heard. Suzuka: "Okay, I'm starting to get really worried now..." DemiVeemon: "I told you! This place wasn't the best place for you to land!" ??: "Hahahahahah!!!!" DemiVeemon: "Uh-oh...." Suzuka: "Whoever's there, show yourself!" ??: "If that's what you wish! HA!" Just then, a big green Digimon with a club in his right hand leaped out of the bushes, and landed safely on his feet. DemiVeemon and Suzuka looked on in fear, as the green Digimon grinned at them. Suzuka: "What is that?" Suzuka then points the digivice at the monster, and a screen showing his image shows up. [i]Ogremon, the Orge Digimon. This Digimon is the digivolved form of Goblimon, and is at the Champion level. Orgemon are know for being bullies, and picking fights with other Digimon. Special Attack: Pummel Whack."[/i] Suzuka: "Champion level? Uh-oh, we're in trouble...." Ogremon: "Well, well, look what we've got here! A human and a pint-sized loser!" DemiVeemon: "Hey!" Suzuka: "Leave him alone!" Ogremon: "I'd like to see you make me!" Angry, DemiVeemon steps in front of Suzuka, ready for battle. DemiVeemon: "If you think you're so tough, how about you fight me!" Suzuka: "WHAT?! Are you crazy, he'll destroy you!" DemiVeemon: "We'll see about that!" Ogremon: "Hm...you're a fool if you think you can defeat me! I'll crush you!" DemiVeemon: "Oh yeah? Don't count on it! Bubble Blaster!" DemiVeemon then opens his mouth, and fires tons of bubbles at the powerful monster Digimon. The attack hit dead-on, but did no damage at all to him. DemiVeemon looks on with a look of frustration on his face, as Ogremon simply smiles at him. Ogremon: "Is that the best you can do? Heh, that was pathetic! Now it's my turn! Bone Cudgel!" Ogremon charges at DemiVeemon, then leaps up into the air with his bone held above his head, and slams it down at the small Digimon. DemiVeemon manages to dodge the actual attack, but the impact was so great, that the rocks that burst into the air knocked DemiVeemon down to the ground. Suzuka: "DemiVeemon!!!" Ogremon looks on with a sick grin on his face, while Suzuka runs over to Veemon, and begins to aid to him. Suzuka: "Are you okay?" DemiVeemon: "I'm....fine......ugh...." DemiVeemon passes out in Suzuka's arms, causing a huge light to shine from the digivice. Suzuka and Ogremon look on in amazement, as the beam flies up into the air, then comes flying down into DemiVeemon. Suzuka gets up and backs away from DemiVeemon, during the time that Ogremon begins to slowly take steps backwards. DemiVeemon: "DemiVeemon digivolve to....Veemon!" Moments later, in DemiVeemon's place stood a larger, stronger looking Digimon. He looked much like his pre-evolved form, except he had claws as toes, small claws at the tip of his fingers, and a small horn on his nose. Suzuka: "You...you evolved?" Veemon: "I guess so....I feel great now! Now I can take him I bet!" Ogremon: "You? Beat me? Ha! Just because you digivolved, doesn't mean I still won't beat you! Pummel Whack!" Ogremon then thrusts his fist forward, releasing a purple energy blast from his fist, Before it managed to hit Veemon, though, the quick Digimon swiftly dodged the attack, causing it to instead hit another tree and destroy it. Veemon: "Vee Knockout!" Veemon quickly charges at Ogremon, before jumping up, and throwing a full power punch at his face. The attack connected, making Ogremon stumble back a few steps. Suzuka: "Yeah! Go Veemon!" Ogremon: "Lucky shot! Now, prepare to die! Bone Cudgel!" The monster then thrusts his club down at Veemon, who again dodges the attack, but this time, leaps back far enough before the effects of the attack could hit him. Immediately after landing on his feet, Veemon attacked again: Veemon: "Vee Headbutt!" Veemon then nailed Ogremon in the chest with a powerful headbutt, knocking the Champion Digimon down onto the ground. Veemon: "Haha! How'd ya like that?" Suzuka: "Yeah! Good shot!" Veemon: "Thanks!" Ogremon gets up onto his feet, grunting in anger. Ogremon: "You guys are no fun! I'm outta here!" The green Digimon then flees from the battle, bringing a smile across eemon and Suzuka's face. Suzuka: "Haha! We won!" Veemon: "Yeah, thanks to you! If you didn't care about me so much, the digivice wouldn't have allowed me to digivolve!" Suzuka: "Heh, thanks Veemon!" Veemon: "No problemo! Now let's get out of here." The two then prepare to leave Ether Forest, when they spot two figures int eh shadows. Suzuka: "Hey, who are you guys?" The two figures walk from behind the tree, revealing themselves as a girl and a Digimon......[/color]
OOC: There are two parts to this post, but I'm going to have to separate them, so please consider this one post instead of a double post. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]*Tick Tock Tick Tock*[/i] It seemed that the school bell would never ring. It seemed as though class would never end. Susuka sat near the back of the room, in front of the person at the back of the room in the middle row. There were five rows, each full of boys and girls his age. With a Math book on his desk, Susuka took a deep sigh, and rested his head on the book. At the front of the room, Mrs. Tawanaga continued with her lecture. Ms. Tawanaga: "So in conclusion, class....." [i]*Ding!...Ding!...Ding!*[/i] Suzuka quickly lifts his head up, and shoves his Math book into his bookbag. The class, as though ready for this moment, hop out of their seat and pick up their bookbag. Ms. Tawanaga: "Have a great day class! And don't forget our Math lesson tomorrow!" Suzuka lifts his bookbag onto his right shoulder, and begins to leave the classroom behind his fellow classmates. Suzuka: "I thought that class would never end..." Suzuka walks out into the hallway, and begins to walk over to the nearby exit. On the way, he meets his friend Teddy. Teddy: "Hey Suzuka." Suzuka: "Hey Teddy.....what's up?" Teddy: "Same old, same old. How was Math?" Suzuka: "Boring.....as usual. Science?" Teddy: "It was alright. Mr. Jacobs is pretty nice." Suzuka: "Yeah, he is." The two opens the doors to the outside, allowing them to see all the buses lines up, being filled by the second with students. It was a beautiful day out, sunny and bright. It was just the right temperature, nice and warm. Teddy: "Hey, that's my bus! Better get on it before it leaves! See ya later Suzuka!" Suzuka: "Okay, see ya." Teddy runs down the steps and to his bus, while his pal looks on behind him. Teddy turns around and waves at Suzuka, who then waves ack with a smile. Teddy boards his bus, as Susuka walks down the steps of the school entrance, and begins to walk home. His home was right around the corner, which was very convenient. After walking for ten minutes, Suzuka finally made it home to his apartment. When he made it to his room, he dug in his bookbag, and pulled out the keys to the house. With an insert and a turn, Suzuka opens the door, and walks into the home. He closes the door behind him, and tosses the house keys onto the table. Then, he walks into the kitchen for a snack. He grabs a cookie from it's jar, and begins to head to his room. He takes a big bite out of the cookie, and, once he reaches his room, opens the door, and tosses his bookbag onto the ground. Suzuka heads over to his computer, and sits down into the chair. Suzuka finishes the cookie, and enters AIM to talk to his friends, like he always does after school. Just seconds after he connects, a chatroom pops up on his computer. In the middle of it, a question is seen. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Ever feel like you don't belong in this world?[/COLOR] Suzuka: "Yeah...often really....." Suddenly, the screen fuzzes out for a second, then shines brightly. The lights nearly blinds Suzuka. Suzuka: "Ah....hey! What's going on?" Out of nowhere, a silver and dark blue digivice falls down onto his lap. Suzuka: "Hm? What's this?" Suzuka picks up the digivice and stares at it, before being sucked into the computer. Suzuka: "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
Name: Koga Age: 23 Gender: Male Species: Wolf Demon Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Height: 5'10 Weight: 186 lbs. Weapons/Powers: Koga only has one true weapon, which is a normal sword. He doesn't tend to use it very often, as he'd rather fight without it. Koga's power is his tremendous speed. He is very agile, and has the ability to surround himself in an extremely powerful tornado. Also, being the leader of the Wolf Demon Tribe, he has the ability to summon wolves to attack his opposition, who tend to follow him every where he goes, lurking in the shadows. Background: Ever since the defeat of Naraku, Koga has gone on an extensive search, in an attempt to rebuild his Wolf Demon Tribe. In this journey, he found relations to the murdered members of his tribe, as well as other powerful fighters, and elisted them in his squad. Now, the Wolf Demon Tribe has finally been revived. But with his new tribe, Koga has changed his ways. He no longer kills the weak without purpose. He still, however, has his bad-boy attitude. Koga's rivalry with Inuyasha has settled down, and now, Koga no longer needs the Jewel Shards to give him powers. The shards have been in him for so long, that the powers it gave it has it's permanent existance inside Koga. He realized this when they were removed in a battle against a mighty gang of Beasts. Mission: Ever since he heard about the almighty sword, Koga embarked on a new quest....to seek and destroy it. Why? Not too much about the possible destruction of the world, but about the true ability of a warrior. Koga feels that a warrior should build up strength that the sword supposedly contains, instead of finding it and simply killing all. A child could find the sword and become all-powerful, which he doesn't find fair, since he spent a long time training to get his level of power.
I know, it sucks, but I honestly don't mind seeing repeats of YYH.
[b]Name:[/b] Suzuka Minamoto [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearence:[/b] Susuka has long brown hair and brown eyes, and sports purple pants, with a small purple jacket vest and a purple and white striped shirt. [b]Country:[/b] Brazil [b]Crest:[/b] Reliability [b]Bio:[/b] Born and raised in Brazil, Suzuka is a quiet person, who usually keeps to himself. He doesn't have many friends, because of how secluded he keeps himself. However, his friends know of his bad-boy attitude on the outside, but his caring and friendly side on the inside. Whenever his friends are in trouble, Suzuka is the one to help them out, without a second thought. [b]Digimon:[/b] [b][u]In-Training[/b][/u] Appearance: [img]http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/demiveemon.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] DemiVeemon [b]Attack(s):[/b] Demi Headbutt, Bubble Blaster [b][u]Rookie[/u][/b] Appearance: [img]http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/veemon.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Veemon [b]Attack:[/b] Vee Headbutt, Vee Punch, Vee Knockout [b][u]Champion[/u][/b] Appearance: [img]http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/exveemon.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] ExVeemon [b]Attacks:[/b] Vee Laser, Critical Crunch, Vee Kick [b][u]Ultimate[/u][/b] Appearance: [img]http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/paildramon.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Paildramon [b]Attacks:[/b] Desperado Blaster, Sting Strike, Cable Catcher [b][u]Mega (Mode 1)[/b][/u] Appearance: [img]http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/imperialdramon.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Imperialdramon (Dragon Mode) [b]Attacks:[/b] Mega Crusher, Positron Laser [b][u]Mega (Mode 2)[/b][/u] Appearance: [img]http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/imperialdramoncombat.gif[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Imperialdramon (Fighter Mode) [b]Attacks[/b]: Giga Crusher, Position Laser, Ion Blaster, Spendor Blade