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About Deathmonkey7

  • Birthday 03/05/1988

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  • Biography
    YARrrarrdyharr!! *Throws a Cat*
  • Occupation
    I'm a hobo

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  1. Guy laying down: "!@#% kids an' their loud music!"
  2. If by Half-Life 2 you mean the part where you're in Ravenholm then yeah.. that's really freaky.
  3. I say the scariest game for me was doom 3.. I don't scare easily but I've jumped quite a few times on it. Although later in the games the scares become more and more obvious. I haven't yet played RE4 but I'm trying my best to get a hold of it.
  4. NES: I'd say World Class Track Meet. N64: I have to say Superman 64.. I played the first level and quit because of it's cheapness. Gamecube: I haven't played to many bad games for the GCN either but I say it'd have to be Turok. I started playing it with high expectations and quickly got bored PC: The worst game I've ever played for the PC was NAM. It had bad graphics, rip off music (one of the songs sounds a lot like a very horribly done version of Paint it Black) and no story line other than you kill the enemy.
  5. Hey everyone.. I'm new here. But anyways.. this is an picture I drew and then took a digital picture of (cause I didn't have a scanner at the time) and then painted over in Paint Shop Pro. [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/11780895/]Click here to view[/URL]
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