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Everything posted by Oogie
Berky yipped as guns were pulled and trained on him and the captain. Vincent threw his arms wide, showing he posed no threat. Everyone stood still as the tension grew in the room. a voice crackled on the radio almost immeadiately: "Captain Allegro! What are you thinking get back into position before your discovered!" Vincent smiled weakly as he reached slowly for the radio, aware of the eyes, and weapons trained intensly on him. A swift jerk and the radio tore free. "My first step towards communing with nature." Berky peeked up from behind Vincent, thumping his staff on the ground triumphantly. "HA! Your apprenticeship with me is paying off! You will be a wise shaman one day!" vincent gave a slight bow, unsure of how to thank his new master. The other's just stared, suspicious and confused. Korbin strode foreward, gun still aimed at vincents face, he grabbed ahold of the captain, shoving him over a counter. "What sort of game is this?! GAHH!" Korbin fell to the ground twitching, beerky's staff crackled with electricity. "Now now! no violence! we came to warn you all!" Berky pointed at the other's, stunned beyond all belfief at the odd loincloth clad midget. He took it to be they were impressed with his shamanic powers. "You! are all doomed!" his tirade held a certain sense of forebooding in it."For now as we speak! The defilers of nature gather round this building!" Trey and Olivia exchanged one glance before they dove, gathering their tools. Ruya, began to hack into their comm. network. Vincent brushed himself off, bending down to whisper in berky's ear. "Thanks." "Your my apprentice, next time, try to tap into your shamanic abilities to ...Gah! the green men are back. DIEEE!" He began whacking the ground rapidly staff, shouting with glee and yelling "Gotcha you little alien bastard! damned Aros fiends!" He looked at Olivia. "You've got one on your shoulder!" he pointed at her left "Don't worry I'll get em!" He charged at her, spinning 'SkullCrusher' above his head, screaming his battle cry. A rounded can crashed through the window, sending thick noxious yellow smoke billowing out. Berky skidded to a halt. "Wait...I didn't summon the choking mist" He eyed vincent as the others began hacking & coughing. He was trying to tell odd people he could help them out past the units outside "Apprentice! did you do this!" Berky whacked the poor man's shin with skull crusher "I havn't taught you to do this yet! It should be beyond your power!" He whacked him again gor good measure. "No god dammit! No!" hobbled towards the back window "The defilers outside shot a grenade in, we have to get out of here!" "Ahaa! Good apprentice! help these odd people escape the defilers we will." Completely clueless, and un-daunted by the gas, he led Olivia and trey towards the back window, while vincent drug a sluggish Korbin over as well. "How are you *cough* immune?" hacked Trey. "What?" Berky blinked. "To the gas! how are you immune!?" Berky thought for a minute "Oh! that! I think it's just how many times I've been shot with it. Either that, or my face has gone completely numb from being sprayed with mace all the time." "You humans are touchy about me when I try stripping you of all that is unnecessary and unnatural." "Unnecessary & and unnatural?" Berky's head bobbed eagerly, ready to share his beleifs "Yes! your cybernetics and clothings!" "Perverted bastard." muttered Ruya "...I like my new master's idea." stated a grinning vincent. The Aros soldiers began moving through the door's and windows. ooc: sorry I havn't put up too many posts, been having a backwards version of writers block. I was thinking of how I could beat my apprentice and everybody else, I had to many ideas!
[SIZE=1]Berky hopped up, looking about. He was still in the shop he'd tumbled into. His beady eyes darted about, taking in his suroundings, which, he noted, were vacant of life. Besides himself anyways. He glanced down at his spiritual guide, and groaned. His guide had decided to go through the 'reincarnation' process again. "Another test of my spiritual connection with nature..." He sighed, feeling helpless."I'm all for it!" he surged upwards, feeling a new sense of prupose in life. "But first...A bath!" He gathered his staff and darted out the door. he ran about, asking people about where the people from the store went to. He soon found their trail, jumping over the dead body of a local thug, hardly noticing in his excitement. He ran through the winding maze of buildings and garbage, stopping to only again, ask about the people he was hunting for. It didn't take him long, he found the shop, that Trey owned. Treyvalen, Valan, what ever, he liked the name, the way it sounded. Had good karma about it, good connection with her spiritual side to his mind. He skidded to a halt, seeing a cybernetic scout unit hovering in the air, it was watching the shop. His quick eyes spotted, another and another. His eyes widened when he saw armored figures crawling acrossed the rooftops, getting into postion for attack. he saw another group of three Cyborgs, "Bladedancer" units, huddling in the aleyway. This particular series Berky had seen was very good at throwing their "boomerang" blades. the blades were curved, almost like a snake, serrated almost the full length down. On the backs of the blades were small jets, linked with the cyborgs cyber brain, that fired in percise timings to bring the blade back to it's thrower. Aros was particularily fond of this series, they had a high proficiency for slaughter. "Way out of touch with nature." growled berky as he readied his staff, he could feel nature begin to take hold of his body, his primal fury welling up within his tiny body. The skull & feather staff sparked with power as he finished his chanting. Stealth was the key for these three, if they could be taken off-line, the people inside might have a chance. Besides, he could always use a job that pays him, and gives him a stab at the fiendish Aros Incorporation. He slid over to the alleyway, delighted that his stealth skills were as good as ever. And people called him crazy for only wearing a loincloth. He grinned as he neared the first unit. He steadied his pounding heart. Berky swung once, he felt the electric charge fire into the Bladedancer, it shuddered and convulted as the electricity fried the computerized brain. His staff skipped sharply to the next unit as it turned. It dropped uselessly as well. the third let fly his blade. Berky yipped as he jumped to the side, the blade's jets fired, making the blade whistle as it turned. Berky threw himself between the legs of the Cyborg, slamming the pole into it's crotch plating. He gave a triumphant "Haha!" as the blade slammed into it's owner's chest. Excited, he pulled himself up from the pile, in time to see the sniper with his rifle trained on him.[/SIZE]
"Ah ha i have found you again my spiritual guild," as a filth covered midget stands up in a heap of reffuse holding a grease coved weasle wiggling with all its might, "Now why do you have to keep running from me like that, now we have to take a bath again because your covered in who knows what." "Now where to get a bath at?" Looking around spotting a 6' foot man with a black and jade cane walk into a shop, "That looks like a good place to go, now if only i could get down?" pulling his legs out of the garbage, and snagging himself on something losing his ballance and falling down the trash screaming like a wailing banshee untill he slams into the shop door with a loud crash, stands up dusts himself off and stumbles into the shop like a drunkard. "Excuse me do you have a bath that me and my spiritual guild could use?" Holding up the grease covered weasle and falling back over.
Name:Berky Wolf Classification: midget with cybernetic upgrades Nickname/Codename:Spirtwind the Wacked Age:35 Sex: male Physical Description: A crazed looking midget, around 3ft tall and weighing 60lbs. His body is adorned in tribal shamanic tattos and often seen carrying a long, wooden staff with skulls and feathers strapped to the top. More often then not he is seen wearing nothing but a loin cloth, and gauntlets made of bone. His smooth bald head is decorated heavily with tattos as well, blending in with the long locks of hair growing on the sides, and back of his head, contrasting with his glowing white eyes. Mental stability: unstable, he suffers from Hallucinations, and delusions of being an ancient tribal halfling shaman, both problems are cazed by cheap hand-me down brain implants, attatched by a druken back alley under-grad surgeon. Personallity: Hyper-active, and paranoid. Constantly thinking there are little green people trying to eat him and his pet weasle (that he thinks is his spiritual guide) Occupation: Merc as long as the customer respects nature and does not call him a midget or a dwarf cybernetics: Brain augmentations, enhanced thought processing and have opened up latent psychic ablities Faction:nature, which ever pays the best weapons: Skullcrusher, His staff that he takes everywhere with him that he thinks is imbued with shaman powers but are really mechanic and eletronic upgrades that enable the staff to generate a curent of eletricity at the end of the staff, he believes that he needs to meditate to restores its powers but it recharges on its own. With his "shamin" powers he can read peoples thoughts though he believes he is communing with the dead, he can also dominate another person with his mind thinking he is using he spirt though this tends to drain him and leave him in a weakin state. on an interesting side note, he believes that, if he were to meditate for seven days to attune himself with nature, and then use his staff as a foci for his "shamananic" abilities, he would be able to annihilate this dying world, so that nature could reclaim it. He really can't do this, this is just the instability of his poor mind telling him that he can. Background: Berky was never a quick thinker, he was all ways one of those kids who could never have a quick comeback or get those jokes, in a way he was like a blonde. So he decided to try and save up some money and find him a surgeon to fix this, only he couldnt save up enough money and had to go the cheap route and found a drunken back alley surgeon who some how messed up and left him for dead, upon awakeing he could not remember his past or how he came to be in an abandoned building, there are few things that he remembers (none of these things happened, they were just some how fabricated by his mind) and thinks he is to go out and protect nature. Through his madness his understanding of right and wrong are warped and maybe a little wrong but under the right guide he could be brought back to an almost normal state but this is unlikely to happen since he follows a weasle.
I play modern and i have a charater from there that i would think might have some fun in you story He is a little 3.5 foot tall thief who studies ninjutsu who travles so if you want someone with stickey fingers let me know