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Single H

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Everything posted by Single H

  1. Dp you have any results on any international friendlies, here's the place to post. I have the results for the Brasil vs Malaysia. Brasil Won by 4 goals to nil. Quite a downfall to us Malaysians but we've put up a good fight. 1st half; a dull one. Brasilians are playing it cool and steady. Passing are the main theme. We (malaysians) had some good chances but no goals. The 3 R's are not so scary after all. 2nd half; The 3 R's are put to the bench. Some fresh faces walks up to the pitch. Before you know it, WHAM! 4 goals smacked across the Malaysian goalie. It was kinda ironic that squad A didn't score anything. Squad B did all the work. (Substatute) I watched it live on TV just now. So how about the other scores? Both past are future results are welcome.
  2. I don't know about you guys and gals but Princess Mononoke is the seed that flourished into my great anime archive. (not great but sufficient) I found it lying around in the shop and took pity of it by buying it. I was shocked to see it for the first time. How could someone not buy this great masterpiece? I'm greatful that I saw It first......
  3. You let your 8year old brother watch it? I wouldn't even let my 11year old brother see it. Something about he wouldn't understand and he'll starts asking questions. If he starts about the kissing part, I'll be in big trouble! (I illegally obtain the series using outside connections. My 'uncle' secretly bought it without my parent's approval.) Since my folks are old-fashioned they'll confiscate my anime collection.....
  4. I feel sorry for you guys...... I have Escaflowne Japanese version with English subtitle. The images are still fresh in my mind. I really fell in love for the first time...... The series was so touching and the plot is soo complicated. First episode, Hitomi and Amano was suppose to be couples but....... Last episode Yukari and Amano became couples instead...... and Allen gets his sister back.... spoiler(Dilandau is his sister!) I think the cut it because there's so much blood. One episode, Van gets seriously injured and he was screaming and blood was everywhere. Keep in mind this is a love story. One thing disturbes me is when Folken uses his technology to make Allen and Hitomi kiss and Van saw It all!!!!! Arrgh..... so much to say but I'll stop for now.
  5. Wa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...... Like the title says.... Boys Will Be Boys! If you don't like it than you must be from the opposite sex...... Uhh... It's been awhile.....
  6. run around in a small circle for 2 minutes..... exercise my 'fingering technique' on the PS2..... breathing exercise..... (sleep)........ basicly that's what I do best.....
  7. How can you say It's good? The whole movie Is In the dark, literally. When she kill the first person In the train, the lights went off..... then a few series of slashes..... tadaaa, chopped liver. But then again, It's quite good. I should've bought Akira Instead.
  8. All you guys think are adventures and excitement and girls and being strong and good looks and stuff. I want to be Van Fanel, the prince (now king) of Fanelia(from Vision Of Escaflowne). I like his life, carefree and without responsibilities (before he becomes the king). I like him even more because of his love life, the determination when saving Hitomi Kanzaki, his girlfriend.Ooohh... I wish I could be him.....
  9. I don't get It.... This guy who dumps you, and gets another girlfriend. Now he's want you back by dumping the other gall because he's sick of her. Tell me, why did he dump you in the first place? Because he was sick of you? What makes you think he won't dump you again for the same reason? He's quite a dumping guy...... and always sick..... better take him to the hospital.
  10. I don't get It. If you guys think FF/Square doesn't curse much, why do they need to cut down? I think they're at the lowest level of cursing and the don't have to cut anything. So tell me, Steiner, Alexandrea's Knight, sworn protector of the royal family, where did you her all this?
  11. I wish this everybody would become mindless drones and work 24 hours, 7 days a week. Then this place would not be established and everybody would be at home doing homework, housework, work and work...... Then I would be suffering due to all this work and die before I can breath for the 1,000,000th time.
  12. Nice...... Very nice indeed......
  13. I like the Princess Mononoke, Prince Ashitaka's Red Antelope(I think.... It looks like one). The ability to ride through forests, enjoying Nature..... speedy an effective, although the other hi-tech transportation seems kinda tempting, but I prefer this one.
  14. It was 11 o'clock.... I went into my room to take a break... one thing led to another and finally I fell asleep. Woke up at 6 o'clock(morning), go straight here and hang out. While It's morning here, It's evening in America. Since then it's been the same.....
  15. Do you think life is just parties and girls..... you're right! But seriously.... This new year, you should think of getting a life. If you got none, you can come here.......
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Because we like to [i]eat[/i] food..... :D [/B][/QUOTE] Food is a good source of energy, want to stay alive, got to eat...
  17. 9:00 o'clock here.... nothing special..... I think. Wait, I feel something.... excuse me, got to go to the toilet.....
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] oh come on,ur exagerating alot,I'm not all that pretty [/B][/QUOTE] For a woman.... Never say you're not beautiful! Just smile and blush a little:blush: .
  19. Lots of eating will be done this year. Getting my first kiss etc.....
  20. I can picture it now..... Stardust, the future Miss Universe.... How beautiful you are.
  21. Captain America should win if the fight is in America. If it's somewhere else superman should whip captains ***. Captain America draws the power of americans and channels it through his strenghts.
  22. Picture topics should be individual because it's the person's picture and he/she can do anything to it..... No one else should complain.....
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=4]Happy New Years!!!.....[/size] Wait a minute, I sill have five hrs and fifteen minutes, oh and by the way Final Flash thanks for ruining the Apocalypse thing, drat I was sure this year would be the year:flaming: :devil: :flaming: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No apocalypse is going to ruin any year until I finally get a kiss from my Dream girl.... not on the cheeks, not on the forehead.... on the lips.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] Iwould have to say Star Wars. I mean Return of the Jedi is a great movie...one of the greatest ever... episodes four and six were also incredible...bur Star Trek 2 Wrath of Kahn is a little better then Ep. One of SW(only b/c of JarJar I hate him, I wanted Darth Maul to kill him die JarJar die die die....)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] JarJar gives the morons a bad name.....:laugh:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]My budgie got away...when i was 8....I started crying..but I don't like dogs..[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] I have tonnes of cats.... most of died, but one remains. The mother of two generations. Her (first) kittens are as big as her now, last month she gave birth again.... I must control this....
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