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Single H

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Everything posted by Single H

  1. I'll create the first gym leader. Name: Bracho Age: 30 Pokemon: Geodude, Graveler, Golem and Onix. Bio: When Craig reaches The Mined City Gym, Bracho just broke up. He unleashes all his dreadful attack on Craig.
  2. It's the LOVE ball. Catches any girl and make her fall in love for you.... :devil: :devil:
  3. You know anything about the English Primiership?
  4. I thought there's one more?(7 people total) -------------------------------------------------- Deathmon: Oh no, he's here! Katanamon: I can sense him, we're doomed! Other digimon: Ahhhhhhh...... Jim climbs a tree followed by Kenjiro. From the distance they see a wing creature. Jim reach for his digivise. Jim: Devimon(I hope the spelling correct), a big, bad digimon. Born from the darkness of evil, it hunts down good digimon and kids. We're good, right? Kenjiro: I know he's not. We better leave. Tori: He's out to catch me:eek: I'm good:angel:, right? Usagimon will protect me. Jim: like it or not, I;m taking you with me. (grabs Tori and carry her in his strong arms) Ryu, Leona and Kaiyu: We're coming. All digimon: Don't forget us....
  5. I'm a guy. My character is a girl. Name: Sandra Age: 14 Height: 6' (that means long legs, mini skirts) Starting Pokemon: Hitmonchan, Mr Mime(a pokemon handed down to her by her father) Bio: Knowledgeable about pokemon. Likes flying type. School dropout. Parents think second ambition is good enough(poke trainer). Meets Craig ater getting her first badge(Craig will get some help from her). Walks with him forever.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]Ah yes, the [I]one[/I] lesson I learned in math class that I didn't have to question the teacher: "When will we EVER use this in the real world??!??" [/B][/QUOTE] Even if girls equals to evil, who do you think give birth to you? Here's mine- Girls+Boys = Baby:D and good50% plus Evil50%
  7. This clearly gives me the disadvantage. Since I'm a guy, you're probably a guy too, or are you?
  8. Jim sends Deathmon to scout around. That leaves Jim, Tori, Kenjiro, Katanamon and Usagimon. Jim: I sense 3 people and 3 animals, In this place those animals are digimon...... Kenjiro: Katanamon slice these bushes to make way.... Katanamon: As you wish.... The 'Bush'es are cleared. Ryu and Leona plus Kaiyu stood at the end of the clearing. Tori: More people! This is getting interesting... Kenjiro: My gold katana is standing by.... Jim: Deathmon's ready for aerial assault... Tori: Let's greet them...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]hey can you sketch a pic of mine too, it always says that my pic size is too big. frostmon blue body green eyes spikes down back sort of like agumon except more girly. [/B][/QUOTE] Don't you want to link up with the rest of the gang? Plese continue....
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]well im not desperate i just wanted to draw somebody into this thread, you a girl or guy?lol [/B][/QUOTE] People should pay more attention to my avatar. I'm a guy......
  11. Who got the most posts per day? I have 41 posts per day....
  12. I like all the girls:D The guys I'm not sure.....
  13. Although I'm 'Single H', I'm not that desperate. Tell me what you want to talk about, other people will sure to interrup.....
  14. Jim took his Digivise and tries to plug it into his palm pilot. Deathmon: What are you doing? Jim: I'm trying to connect this to my palm..... here it goes. The Digivise glows brightly. Using its hologram projectile, it shows them statistics of Deathmon. List of moves, ability even it's secret. Suddenly the hologram of Deathmon changes to a map. Near their location(which is marked with a green dot) a red dot is coming towards them. Tori: Let's go there. Kenjiro: I'll protect us with this gold katana. Jim: This way.....
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SothEnforcer [/i] [B]The hardest part of dating is finding someone. There are lots and lots a people you could date but don't. You just have to remember dating is not like what you see on TV and the movies. Most Likely the person you meet will not immediatly Be the "ONE". And remember don't judge people, at first you may see some you think is attractive but right them off cause you might think you have nothing in common, but give everyone a chance. Take small steps First Worry about talkin to the person, 2nd worry about gonna on a date, then a second date etc, etc, As soon you meet someone don't starting thinking oh we will date! Just thnk about the first date. Oppppps sorry I'm rambling. [/B][/QUOTE] Spoken like a true man....:smirk:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] sucks? fullcure to all party members, status changes averted and invulnerbility for a short period of time does not sound like it sucks to me.... [/B][/QUOTE] Different people have different opinions....
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FFmaster2 [/i] [B]but surely that they would make her come back to life, otherwise she wouldnt have a level 4 limit break [/B][/QUOTE] Even if she have a level4 limit, they probably suck....
  18. Suddenly the bushes starts to shake. Tori: Who's there? Jim: I'm lost. Please can you..... Jim cannot finish his sentence. In front of him stood his angel, love of his life. Jim: I... I'm Jim. Nice to meet you. Can I have your autograph? Kenjiro: Huh? Why are you wet? Jim: I was swimming when suddenly a scary thing chased me. It looked like Death.... Tori: A Deathmon. I think It's your digimon. Even I have one, Usagimon. Kenjiro: Here it comes... Deathmon: Jim, wait for me.... Jim: Your my.... pet? Tori: Seems like it... Jim: Well, nice to meet you. If I'm going to get out of here alive, I better stick with you guys. Deathmon: Here, I fixed your palm pilot. It should be fine now. Tori: I'm the leader here, so you only obey me. Let's go.......
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]1. He destroyed a Zaku in one shot! 2. Anything for the ones we love! 3. Commence Operations! [/B][/QUOTE] 1: ???? 2: Duo 3: Dekim Barton Mine are.... 1: Have you forgotten we no longer have our gundams? 2: We're faced with great danger and I've taken away the only means to counter this situation from everyone. 3: If I hadn't mentioned sending the gundams into the sun, this wouldn't have happened.
  20. It'll be Duo. He and I are the same. We're both perverts.....
  21. US is sending a sniper squad! We'll see lots of headless bodies this week........
  22. Does this mean [SIZE=4]WAR[/SIZE]? I'll supply the cats with bulletproof vests.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkerSephiroth [/i] [B]I cant draw good so i would like to enter a awsome pic by [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/mo3/darksephiroths/seph.gif]Cera[/URL] I hope she doesnt mind *_* [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know, the eyes are.... unique.
  24. Jim: *pant* I thought England was that way? Jim's stuck in the middle of the Pasific Ocean. He was going to England, finding the love of his life. With the directions given to him by his sister's spirit, he continues his swim to England. Jim: Oh great, another whirlpool. It shouldn't be that hard. Jim's been avoiding whirlpools in the middle of the ocean. Suddenly his sister tells him to swim into the whirlpool. Jim: Here goes nothing..... Yeehaaaa.... Upon reaching the whirlpool, his palm pilot starts to spit sparks. Jim: Nooooooo..... It's the newest edition. My dad's gonna kill me....... Forgetting about the whirlpool, he quickly check his waterproof palm pilot. He draws closer to the whirlpool. Jim: Oh, I forgot about the whirlpool....... Ahhhhhhhhh...... The adventure begis.....
  25. Samsung: Something is disturbing my concentration. I should know better than to practice my legendary fighting skills here, the nearest nudist beach. He look up to the sky. Try to see if anything is wrong. Samsung: My craving for young flesh got the better of me. It's time. In a split second he dash out of the nudist beach and straight to the 'Wind' shrine on top of Mount Rushmore. Samsung: 30 seconds, it should be 10 seconds. I'm getting old. He approches the shrine and pray to his decease master. The ground shook violently. I pray the coming evil is ready for the decipher of anchient fighting skills 'Gust Of Wind Dance'! Name: Samsung Age: 35(about to retire) Gender: Male Height: 7'3 Weight 259lb Bio: Hos weight is perfect for his legendary fighting skills. Manage to steal Zell's Erhgiez yesterday. A well knoen pervert. Stats Strenght: 150 Speed: 300 Dexterity: 250 Spirit: 150 Ki: 150 (his lack of strenght is matched with his speed)
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