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Single H

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Everything posted by Single H

  1. Once my friend broke his arm while wrestling. He got a cast on his arm and the doctor put something metal inside. He said the doctor screwed it in. It was creppy!!
  2. It doesn't matter if it resembles to one another. As long as you enjoy it. That's what really matter.
  3. I think he's just a psycho or a psycic or........ Rage has overwhelm me. I somehow can't think straight.
  4. Let me quote, [QUOTE]If you're joking, that's cruel. If you're being sarcastic, that's even worst.[/QUOTE] by, Duo.
  5. I'll consider joining it if someone else joins first.
  6. A simple question. Who currently has the highest posts? I'm not sure if this sort of question has come out before because i'm new here. Will the champ step forward and secure his title of highest posts in this board!! [SIZE=3]I'll be here all week.[/SIZE]
  7. It's kinda lame but, it contains some good stuff. I didn't have time to sign it though.
  8. I didn't mean to say that but, I voted to kill him!! When he's dead, i'll take his Mobile Suit!!! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha........:laugh:
  9. Why Wufei name his mobile suit after his dead wife, Nataku? If that's not enough, who is Trowa Barton's niece? Tallgeese is originally who's mobile suit? Who is Preventer Wind? Try to answer all, I'll be here all week.
  10. I must admit I like GW. What Chibi D.Sythe said is true, GW: Endless Waltz is a masterpiece. If you don't like it, you're wierd?!
  11. [SIZE=4]Everybody just loves Deathscyth.[/SIZE]
  12. As you know, everybody [SIZE=4]LOVES[/SIZE] Deathscyth Hell!! Deathscyth Rulz!!!
  13. I don't know much but, I can give you this. 1: [QUOTE]I will not allow you to go to Earth!![/QUOTE] 2: [QUOTE]History is much like an Endless Walz.[/QUOTE] 3: [QUOTE]If people allow Mariemaia to do as she wishes they'll end up giving birth to a second Millardo Peacecraft!![/QUOTE] That's it. Good luck.
  14. Single H

    FF7 Weapons

    You're still playing that antique? I thought everybody's waiting for FF-10? For your information, I cannot defeat the weapons. I'm still too weak. Shame on me......
  15. Please get me something interesting, unique and cool!!!!
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