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Single H

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Everything posted by Single H

  1. Returning home after several months on the scorching plains of Mars..... Jab: You guys haven't started yet?
  2. Far end of town...... ????: Bravo leader, this Alpha squad, awaiting deployment. Bravo: Can't you see I'm busy?! Get your squad ready, you're moving in ten! By the wy, call me Jack. ????: I'm Bill. Jack: I don't give a d@mn about your name! Now move out! Bill: Yes, Sir! Bill heads towards his squad. He realize that this camp, doesn't realy have anything. Dead bodies are everywhere. The stench of rotten flesh fills his nostrils. Med Camp is destroyed. He thinks for a moment. What is he doing here? Bill: Tim, Justin, Sally and Roger. We're moving in ten! All: Yes, Sir! Tim: What are we doing here? Sally: Hey, stupid! Umbrella hired us, okay?! Justin: Oh, yeah..... I almost forgot. Roger: ....... Bill: God help us all, and the civilians.
  3. Name: Jab (Jabroni) Team: United Smugglers Association Orbital Frame: Piranha EX Description: As a member of the United Smugglers Association, Jab is required to perform several 'unique' tasks. One of the tasks is to assist in getting the Jahuty. Although failed, he manage to escape death sentence and continue on living in the shadowy streets of Mars. With a scar on his face and a family to raise, he must use his good looks and charming personality to somehow obtain money to continue on living. His frame, a classic frame which was once the royal frame of the royal guards of Mars, has been modify to fit the modern requirement. Equiped with a grenade launcher, the frame is close to be unstoppable. Stats....... Power: 200 000 Defence: 400 000 Evasion: 600 000 Speed: 800 000
  4. Samsung reaches the real world. It's more difficult getting into hell than getting out. Death: You're out. Where're you heading? Samsung: Find Sabir.... Stats.... Strenght- 0 Speed- 99999 (can go anywhere.he's a ghost) Dexterity- 0 Spirit- 99999 (ghost and spirits are the same) ki: 0
  5. In Hell.... Samsung: (watching television of the real world) Oh my, Aj's dead, Sabir doing something and I'm in hell? What the hell's happening? Death: You're a new face. Hi, I'm Death. Samsung: Yeah, right. And I'm the son of the devil. What do you want? Death: You're bored, right? Samsung: So... Death: You're a spirit, go and wreck havoc in the real world, have some fun... Samsung: Now you're talking...
  6. Murdoc: No! They're here! Racoon City is doomed! We must evacuate the civilians. Craig: Hold your horses! We still got time. Murdoc: You don't understand kid! the zombies are just the beginning. They'll be back! Craig: I'll get you to the hospital. Murdoc: No! Head for downtown. Craig: Yeah, right. Come on, the hospital's just around the corner. Murdoc: No! (grabbing hold of Craig's trench coat) It'll be too late. Craig: Sorry, but... ( knocks Murdoc unconsious)
  7. Jackie: Well now, both of you won! Zero, you're going to battle, right? After this, we'll have a party! Mako: Party.... that's cool! Craig: Right on! Zero: Ok... From far..... Sandra: I'm forgotten. Might as well do this before I go.... She steps out of hiding and dashed forward to strike Jackie. Sandra executed high jump kick. Jackie countered with fury swipes, look at those long nails at work. Sandra avoids the devastating attack and attacks Jackie with Mega Punch. Jackie: Stop it! You win! Sandra: You betcha! Zero: I don't even want to know. Mako: Me too... Craig: Well, I'm a bit curious....
  8. Mike: Wait, hold it! Ken: What? Mike: I heard something.... I'll be back. Ken: You stay put! Too late, Mike's already gone. Ken waited in the truck, listening to BSB cd's and stuff. Suddenly lots and lots of geezerds attacks Ken's truck. Ken inside sees them. Ken: Annoying little buggers.... Meanwhile..... Mike: That voice..... Siren! Siren: You found me. Now you shall die! :devil: Mike: ??!!! Siren quickly silences Mike. Mike's unable to speak or do magic. He stood there, holding his throat, wandering why there's no sound coming out. Siren: Ha, Ha, Ha! Mike: ...... (it's not over. You will be mine!)
  9. It's midnight. Footsteps can be heard in the alley next to the gas station. Emerging from the dark alley is Murdoc, wearing a trench coat, holding in his hand his trusty Five-Seven, bought at the famous weapon shop downtown which is called (C-S). No one knows why it's called that. Murdoc coutiously walk away from the alley. Heart pumpimg faster than a train. Murdoc: A little more. He walks straight into a building, climbs the stairs until the top floor and opens the door labelled 99. Looking around for anything suspicious, Murdoc takes out his gas mask that's hidden beneath this trench oat. He puts it on and walk inside, closing the door behind him. Murdoc: Where's my grenade launcher? He looks around in the dark, his feet steps into clouds of poisonous gas on the floor. Wandering around his apartment (what else) he finally spots his grenade launcher on the couch. He reach for it and checks it's condition. Murdoc: No bullets! [SIZE=1]curses....[/SIZE] He's about to leave the apartment when the door explodes and hit him hard on the forehead. Lucky for him he survived. His left arm is squashed though. At the doorway stood a figure. Murdoc: Get the hell out of my apartment! :flaming: Figure: Roar! (I can't think of anything for the zombies voice) Murdoc: [SIZE=1]curses....[/SIZE] The figure takes a step closer, the closer he gets, the better Murdoc realized the figure wasn't a man on a women, a fierce, horrible looking zombie. Murdoc: So this is the end, is it?
  10. Racing.... GT3, what else? Action/Rpg.... MGS2, what else? Bouncer is the first Squaresoft fighting game..... I'm thinking of getting that one.....
  11. Meryl stripped her fur coat and stood there, only wearing her bikini because of the gym's pool that's just next to her. Mako: Women in bikinis!!! Meryl: Don't get any ideas..... Sandra: Now two women stood between me and the guys. I must do something.... Craig: I still feel something.... Zero: It'll go away...
  12. From the stands.... Sandra: No ome realized I'm missing. I think I better go and hide....... From there Sandra sees Meryl's pokemon. She has a Starmie, Dewgong, Tentacruel and Lapras. Meryl: Lets dance! Mako: My dream comes true.... Sandra: I think I'll sneak past the guards and sit at the stands behind Meryl.....
  13. Despite all the posts about not getting a ps2, finally I'm getting one by the end of this month. Now, what games would you recomend for me? I'm getting Devil May Cry, what else?
  14. All the colours are good but, white will 'reflect' the heat therefore, making the ps2 cooler and will lasts longer...... that's what I think.
  15. Mike: I rather crawl in the sewers than to get my Ferrari covered in unknown waters.... Ken: You can hitch a ride in my truck, but sit at the back. (thanks :D ) Mike: Whatever. Wake me up if you drive past some girls. I'm preparing for my second objecive, get a Siren. You know, the GF Siren. One Beautiful guardian. She's quite useful. Silencing up a few enemies and stuff.... Ken: Shut up and get in. Mike: Off we go....
  16. From afar.... Sandra: I turn my back for a second and those jerks just ignore me. Might as well go and see my good old friend, the sexy Artolia Gym Leader, Meryl. Sandra leaves the scene and head straight towards the gyn. Craig: You feel something strange? Zero: Like what? Mako: Like we're missing someone. Craig& Zero& Mako: (thinks for a sec) nope, not realy. Jackie: Well boys, lets head for the gym.
  17. I'll add a knife for my character. So... A Handgun, Grenade Launcher, knife and painkillers.
  18. Mike is driving his Ferrari which is a present from his parents, wishing him to stop fooling around with girls and get married for once. Mike: I got to buy some pain killers. Cactaur's giving me a lot of 'accident' scars.
  19. sacrificing parts of their body(which is made from food) so they....
  20. space by eating their sworn enemy, the vanilla flavoured muffin which lives....
  21. Name: Mike Stanley Age: 14 Height: 7' Starting Weapon: Shotgun Starting Summon: Cactaur Starting Magic: Haste, Reflect Bio: Think Irvine and think Squall. Both macho and sexy (towards the girls). Typical flirting type of guy. Description: Same as Irvine... (long hair, trench coat, leather boots, regular charmer)
  22. is a pervert and likes to see porn while....
  23. Seph: Hey, Sabir! Varis: What?! Using this advantage, Captain Shoryu blasts a ki attack at Varis. Varis: Huh? Samsung: Noooo..... Samsung pushes Varis and instead of Varis getting the ki attack, Samsung bravely recieve the attack. Varis: Samsung! Samsung: Don't mind me. I'll just lie down here.... (drops from the sky) It's true. Samsung's soul has lft the building... has left the body. Varis, who can comunicate to the spirit world, tries to find Samsung's soul. Varis: Samsung! Samsung's Soul: Forget me. Face the captain. revive me later after this is over. With determination in Varis's eyes, she once again face the captain, who killed Samsung. Varis: This is a killing spree....
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