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Everything posted by Zombie_Nosh
[COLOR="Green"]I was in Thailand last year. I left the week before this went on. The taxi driver was telling me a bit about it, they close off loads of the main streets and have a huge concert! He said it's great fun and recommended that I should stay for it. Unfortunately, I couldn't, but there you go. And, you're right, the heat was phenominal! On a side note, I was in Vietnam for their New Year, the whole thing was quite subdued, some fireworks and a couple of parades. It was interesting to watch them go about their traditions. Dragons eating money thrown from balconies . . . and stuff like that . . . Oh, and the price for accomodation TRIPLED for the week that was in it! New Years over here (Ireland) is usually a bit of a let down- just another excuse to head down to the pub (not that anybody's complaining). I think there's a firework display in town, but I'm not sure . . .[/COLOR]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Zombie_Nosh replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] That's a pretty lame attempt at flirting, there, Darren.I lol'd. Kiddin', I'm kiddin'. But yeah, here's some recent photos of myself, since its been a long ol' time since I last posted some. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]What? You have no pictures with you wearing clothes? [/COLOR] -
Anime What are You Watching/Reading Now?
Zombie_Nosh replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR="SeaGreen"][B][I]My Neighbour Totoro[/I][/B] is perhaps the sweetest movie ever! I watched it yesterday. It's one of those films I could watch over and over! [/COLOR] -
[COLOR="Green"][LIST] [*]XBox - Dead Rising. Shopping has never appealed to me more! [*]PS2 - FFXII (Although to be honest, I'm not sure why I'm still bothered, but that's a matter for another thread) [*]DS - Super Mario Bros. 100% completion, and I still keep coming back for more! [*]Wii - DBZ Budoka Tenkaichi 3 - Man, i could play this 'till the cows come home! [/LIST][/COLOR]
[quote name=''[Sound_Nin];809659'][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua] They just want a paycheck. If you don't keep pushing them to investigate, they won't. So just keep on them. Or nothing will ever get done. [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR="Green"]That seems very narrow minded, do you not think? To become a doctor don't you need to spend year after gruelling year excelling at school, college, etc? Then you get to enter into a job where your health is constantly at risk, not just from the virus' and whatnot that are flying about, but from the long hours and the like. And let's not forget the mental strain these guys must be under, day after day, week after week, trying to save/enhance people lives, only to be viewed as lazy money grabbers? Seems like an awful long way to go for a paycheck. A banker would've been easier . . . Most of what I was going to say has already been said by [I][B]Aceburner[/B][/I], fair dues to ya! "Doctors are extremely adept at what they do". Any mistakes could probably be down to a heavy workload. In my experience, downright neglect is rare. And to [I][B]vegeta rocker[/B][/I], you have my sympathies, nobody should ever have to go through such a painful experience, but again, like[I][B]Aceburner[/B][/I] said, hold off on following suit. As tragic as it is, young, fit lads and lasses can die at any moment. Athletes can just pass out during training and never come to. Suing the hospital will bring little comfort, and add extra stress to an establishment that is stressful enough as is. [B]EDIT:[/B]And now I see that this guy was banned. Is this some sort of pisstake? Because, if it is, I feel mighty foolish right now . . . [/COLOR]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]First, to be absolutely sure, put her and a duck on a giant set of scales. If she weighs as much as said duck, burn her.[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Damn you N-man. Here I was, chuckling to myself in self-satisfaction when I thought of the clever witch-related quote I would use . . . But you had to be just that little bit clevererer! I'll bet you're made of wood . . . I suppose do the mature thing and sit down with your friend and express your concerns. If the friend is as good as you claim they are, they can't help but take your concerns on board. If that doesn't work, just shut up and get over yourself![/COLOR][/FONT]
"My being different to you still makes me a man."
Zombie_Nosh replied to Justin's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]For the most part, stuff like tatoos, piercings, and dyed hai don't bother me. I've even been know to dabble myself (very briefly). It's about individuality, and that's fair enough. However, when I DO see somebody in the street with all the extreme mods- horns, excessive piercings, those huge hoop things in the earlobe, I instantly think [I]"Ah, man, get a hold of yourself! We recognise your existance and your right to be different, but this is going too far, this is practically begging to be noticed."[/I] How needy must that guy have been to have done that to himself? I guess it's sort of like the guy who uses the [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Magenta"][B][I]size 4 font, Comic Sans, in day-glo pink[/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]. His imput is as valid as the next mans, but why oh why must it be made that way? Perhaps that's pretty narrow minded of me, and I'm sure that's probably not the case a lot of the time, but I'm just a guy, and that's just how I think. There's a difference between telling the world "This is me", and screaming at the world "THIS IS ME, THIS IS ME! ACKNOWLEDGE ME! PLEASE?!"[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]"I'm watching you . . ."[/COLOR][/FONT]
Hold the phone . . . ! Did we all see the same film? You all LIKED 28 Weeks later? This is MADDNESS! It was a God-awful excuse for a film! Half the time you couldn't even SEE what was going on! Shoddy workmanship! I'm a huge fan of Days, and I was hugely dissappointed with the mess the made out of what could have been an awesome movie! I don't actually think I've ever seemn a worse film! No lie! You should all be ashamed!
pro·cras·ti·nate ?verb (used without object) 1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost. ?verb (used with object) 2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay. Nope, can't say I've ever done this before. Nope, not at all- no procrastinator me! Not at all!
Your Favourite Kind Of Alcohol [M for drug use, oooooh]
Zombie_Nosh replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in General Discussion
A few pints of stout followed by a couple of whiskey neats are a staple part of my diet. But that's only if I'm at the pub. I'll have a few beers if I'm staying in. And Tequila if I'm being stupid. -
[IMG]http://www.cinestatic.com/infinitethought/molerat.jpg[/IMG] Naked mole rats look like . . . well, you know . . . [COLOR=Red]I like goats. They're uber-funky![/COLOR]
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Zombie_Nosh replied to NekoSama101's topic in General Discussion
I once turned up to a house party pretty drunk. Nobody would answer the front door (the music was pretty loud). So, I decided to go around the back. Unfortunatly, the gate was locked so I thought it would be a good idea to climb over the shed. Which I did . . . asI was jumping down the other side, my foot caught in a lantern, ripping it off the wall. i then fell and smacked my head off the patio. Ouch!Luckily I was too drunk to experience the full extend of the pain. Nobody realised what I had done, or found it odd that I had come through the back door, rather than the front. Luckily for me, some other fool kicked down a door, so not much notice was paid to the lantern. That's probably the stoopidest thing I've ever done. -
Pussycat Dolls - Beep. I kid, I kid. I'll take the rain by REM is a song that I always find myself singing in the shower, or wherever. It definately didn't get the attention it deserved when it came out. I really love that song, and I'm really peeved that my reveal CD has gone missing.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet?
Zombie_Nosh replied to PaganAngel's topic in General Discussion
I can't believe nobody's mentioned the Salad Fingers series. Perhaps the most deranged things I have ever watched, and yet, it's oddly addictive, like a trainwreck. -
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond][RIGHT]I'm Irish . . . You figure it out ! :animeknow [/RIGHT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='SpiritWolf']I'm only about six foot five. On a good day. :animesmil[/quote] [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Huzzah ! Me too ! And here's me thinking I was gonna be the only tall person here . . . :D [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/RIGHT]
[quote name='Phayt']Yeah I know. But Austrailia just plain puts it out there and Britian kinda does. I could never drive on the left... except in Grand Theft Auto. Tanks![/quote] [RIGHT] [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]I drive on the left, and I'm not Australian or British . . . But, yeah, showers, WOO-WOO ! I love my shower. Her name is Betty. Betty the shower . . . She keeps me clean. I love you, Betty ! I could spend 45 minute relaxing under the gushing stream of hot, hot liquid !Showers are so . . . Zen . . . I hate when I have to hurry a shower, like when I'm expecting guests, or when I'm being yelled at to "Hurry the *flip* up!" I don't really like baths so much. Well, I do, but I always feel . . . dirty afterwards. Something about bathing in my own filth, doesn't do it for me. BUt, hey, whatever you're into, right ? My baths name is Rosie. Wanna know why? Because, when I get out of the bath, I leave a ring around Rosie.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]When the Simpsons started to go downhill, or "Jump the Shark", was, is my opinion - the episode where Seymore Skinner was revealed to be an imposter. I mean, what the heck was that all about? After that, the jokes just sorta . . . dried up. There was one episode I saw there a while back, where Lisa tried to change her image. Myself and my dad just sat there for the entire epsiode in sheer amazement at how unbelievably crap and unfunny it is now! Thankfully Sky One is showing all the classic episodes now. During the week, the one with the softball tournament was on, and so was the one where Bart pretends he's stuck down a well. Genius![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Heh, in my college, there's this really old corridor that very few people go down, because the lab it leads to now has another door, making it easier to get to, hence, leaving this coridor redundant. Anyhoo . . . the toilets on that corridor have to be maintained (obviously), but all the students seem to have forgotten about them. So, what I discovered on one adventurous day, was a toilet-room free of vandalism, odour, and interuptions. This means that I can poop in peace, regardless of which stall I use ! In fact, just writing aboot this little haven has given me the urge to go visit it . . . Later ![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[QUOTE=Lord Dante]steiner was from ffIX not ffX. ffX's swordsmen were auron and tidus. [/QUOTE] [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3] [FONT=Garamond]Oops - my bad. I'm not the best when it comes to the old roman numerals thing . . . Well, at leasst you know who I mean ![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Well, I can't come up with a definate favourite, but I can tell you who my least favourite is - Steiner, from FFX. That tin can annoyed the heck out of me! He was no Cyan, that's for sure! Now, he was a swordsman I could respect. And he was so funny too, especially when paired up with Gau. Never in all my years playing FF have I ever encountered such a comic duo! Actually, I think I'll vote Cyan as my fave swordsman! Huzzah for Cyan![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.rpgclassics.com/shrines/snes/ff6/images/characters/cyan2.jpg[/IMG] [/RIGHT]
[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]I don't know if anybody was watching this on Channel 4 (British station) on Sunday night, but I was, and I was wondering, what people thought of the top ten? This is how it went - RADIOHEAD - OK Computer U2 - The Joshua Tree NIRVANA - Nevermind MICHAEL JACKSON - Thriller PINK FLOYD - Dark Side of the Moon OASIS - Definitely Maybe THE BEATLES - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band MADONNA - Like a Prayer GUNS N' ROSES - Appetite For Destruction THE BEATLES - Revolver Now, I'm a BIG Radiohead fan, but I just don't think OK Computer deserves to be the BEST album of all time. I know it's fantastic, but isn't there so much better things out there? My favourite album is "Automatic for the people", which came at #11. If you want to see the top 100, check out the site : [URL=http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/G/greatest/albums/results.html][COLOR=DarkRed]here[/COLOR][/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Name: Judd Bender Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://pedantry.fistfulofeuros.net/images/bclub1.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Judd Bender is a veteran of trouble. He is abused by his father, and a good Christmas at the old Bender residence involves nothing more than a carton of smoke. Bender finds complaining over life to be trivial. His tough-guy macho exterior is only the icing on the cake, and Judd can be rather surprisingly sensitive when he needs to be. He has recently tried to turn his life around, after falling for rich-girl Claire. However, his old ways are hard to give up! Your Time: Aron's time. Reason for Accompanying Aron: To get home. Weapon :Switch Blade. Bio: (how Judd met Aron and the group) En route to yet another Saturday detention, Judd was confronted by a gaping crater in the center of the road. He mused over this for a moment. He was contemplating wandering down to investigate, when the earth started to shake. Judd was shocked and and thrown off balance as the crater opened into a huge hole. He let out a defiant yell as he fell head-first into the unknown . . . Judd awoke in a daze, and was greeted by a strange, ostrich-sized bird. But this was no ostrich . . . it was yellow, and looked sort of like a giant chicken. He looked around, and saw he was in a pen, surrounded by a wooden fence, with four more of these birds. "What the . . . " he moaned as he sat up and rubbed his aching head. "Kweh !" the bird squalked. Judd give the bird a funny look. "What's going on, buddy?" he asked it. "Kweh !" the bird answered again, jumping up and down, with apparent glee. Judd chuckled. He had made a friend ! Examining his surrounding, Judd noted that the pen was in the centre of some sort of bustling marketplace. He stood up, and looked for somebody to help him out. BUt, ot his horror, and dismay, he noticed that he saw not one human. Pigs in pants stood by stalls, selling vegetables, strange dragon-like creatures chattered happily by a well, and some blue, horned beasts were drinking from tankards. Judd reasoned that this was a bad dream, probably brought on by some of the stuff he had smoked earlier. "Ah, to Hell with it, I've been on freakier trips before !" he thought out loud " I may as well go along with it !" Then, Judd saw a small group of figures wandering through the crowds, and some of them looked human! "Well, here goes !" Judd thought, as he climbed over the fence. "Hey, you there, wait up !"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]My ringtone is, and always has been the "Mary had a little lamb" ringtone, from the old Nokia mobile. My new phone didn't have that tone, so I recorded it onto it. I've had that tone for about six years now - all my friends hate it, but at least I'm the only one to have it - unique! I can't believe nobody's mentioned that damn crazy frog ringtone! :mad: :mad: :mad: Now that is darned annoying, to say the least! And it drives me up the wall when I hear people (mainly girls in the 13 - 15 age group) have actually paid good money for the damned thing! And one time, I was in my GP's waiting room, and a man sitting next to me had it! Granted, I think it was just because his baby son liked it, but still . . . grr . . . ! Anyway . . . end rant . . .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]