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Everything posted by Zombie_Nosh

  1. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3][B]14th March, 2009[/B] If Robert "Bob" Deminico had known that, today, he was about to bring about the demise of civilisation, perhaps he would have called work and told him that he was sick. However, Bob had no precognitive powers, so, after his usual breakfast of Cornflakes and orange juice, he got in his car and drove the fifteen minutes it takes him to get to the BioWare labratories, where he worked. Bobby was one of a team of six scientists in BioWare's highly sensitive "Lazarus" program. Lazarus was a government funded project, aimed at finding ways to revive dead cells. The project had faced huge criticism for obvious reasons. Nevertheless, the research continued, and had exceeded all expectations- after only three years, Bob and his team had managed to bring a dead hamster back to life. At 4:58PM, team Lazarus discovered a major malfunction in one of their containment tanks. Afraid that the project might be dissolved, and all his hard work been in vain, Bob took it upon himself to enter the the tank and fix the problem. However, as is always the way, disaster struck, and the tank erupted. Bob managed to clamber from the wreck, but died shortly afterwards. [B] 17th March, 2009[/B] Bob's body was being examined in the local morgue when he came back to life. The startled duo of mortitians could only look on in disbelief as Bob climbed off the guirney and shambled slowly towards them. Attempts to comunicate with the awakened Bob were in vain. The mortitians misttok Bobs vacant stare as extreme disorientation . . . how wrong they were! Bob sank his teeth into the first, then the second mortitian, who was frozen in horror. Within hours, the mortitians had turned into slow, ambling zombies, just like Bob. Naturally, as these things happen, the infestation of zombies spread across the state, then the country, and eventually, the entire world was overrun by zombie flesh eaters! [B]2019[/B] The earth has become a desolate place. Days, weeks, and months have ceased to hold much meaning. Endless battles against hoards of undead have laid waste to countless cities across the globe. Nowhere is safe. Human survivors have banded together in places to fight the menace, and hope to return the world to peace . . . This is their story . . . ---------------------------------- Now, signups are open to anybody. No real rules, per say, let's just keep it realistic ! Name: Age: Appearance: History: I'll post my stats later. That's really all needed for signups. Play nice . . .[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  2. [QUOTE=Ailes de Velour][font="tahoma"][size="1"][color="darkorchid"] I still haven't beaten Ansem in Kingdom Hearts. It is WAY too hard. [/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] [RIGHT] [FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkGreen]The dude at the clocktower is harder! And Ruby Weapon was a pain in the rear-end too, but I eventually beat him! The lightning bolts in FFX are really frustrating, with that I must agree! When I got hit after 197 dodges, I was not best impressed! At the moment, the most irritating part of a game are the "secret" levels in Mario Sunshine. Goddam, I hate those things with a passion! They're enough to make me jump for joy when I do eventually pass one, and almost cry when I lose all my lives trying . . . [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/RIGHT]
  3. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]My first experience with death was when my grandad died when I was a little 'un (six or so). He had been really sick for years, and was just deteriorating in his bed. I remember him lying therre not being able to move or talk much, and he really looked like he was in pain. I suppose it's better that he died when he did, rather than live the way he was. I suppose I'm lucky in a way, because I didn't really know him. Our family had had a huge falling out, years earlier. It's ironic sort of, in his last few months, we were the only ones who visited him, and he made his peace with my dad. All I can remember really about the whole thing is how awful it was to see my mam crying when she heard he'd gone. I was far to young for his death to have an effect on me, but my mam's crying sure did! Recently my great granny passed away, although she was aninety six, and it was her time. I remember thinking at the funeral how I would have liked to have gotten to know her better than I did. The next week or so I spent thinking about God and the afterlife, but that just depressed me, so I shoved that to the back of my mind. Two days ago, I saw a man killed in a motorbike accident. That was pretty upsetting. There you go, aside from two dogs and a goldfish, they're all the experiences with death in my life.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  4. [quote name='M.Ali][font=trebuchet ms']Hmm, there are a lot of good annoyances here. But I'd have to say that Tien, from the DBZ Buddokai series gets to me sometimes. [/font][/quote] [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]What about Yamcha, with his Wolf Bang Fist (what's all that about?)! Does anybody remember Streets of Rage 2 (I think), where one of the characters was a kid with skates? Now that guy annoyed the bejaysus out of me![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  5. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond][RIGHT] Excellent - a zombie story! Name : Gary Armstrong Gender: Male Age: 21 Appearance: Gary's a tall, thin guy, towering at 6'5, and weighing about 10 stone. His long brown hair and unshaven face have earned him the nickname "Jesus" from his close friends. He's usually seen wearing his navy and black uniform for "Joe's Garage", where he works. Skills: Gar is an apprentice mechanic, trying to make a name for himself. One day, he dreams of owning his own garage. Needless to say - he's good with a wrench! Personality: Gar's a dreamer whose completly content with his life, and always seems to roll with the punches. His lax attitude towards life has presented a lot of problems - he dropped out of school at 17, and recently his girlfriend lest him for somebody with "a future"! Gary's not booksmart, but that's not to say he's not intelligent in his own way. In his spare time, when not out with his friends, he writes short stories and listens to the radio. History: Not much to tell really, Gary lived all his life in Racoon City. HIs father owns a convienience store, and Gary, who helped out there during summers, is well known by a lot of the community.He left school at 17 and got a job at McDonalds. A year later, he left and began working at "Joe's Garage". Up until recently he lived in a small appartment with his (ex) girlfriend of three years, Amy. He's currently sleeping on his good friend, Rex's, couch.[/RIGHT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Batman Forever and Batman and Robin (except for Alicia Silverstone - yummy!)- both dire excuses for movies. It was a shame really, seeing as the other two were superb. I suppose the studio realised that children would buy into the Batman franchise bigtime, so they had to tone them down and brighten them up. Hopefully Batman Begins will rectify these problems. Out of intrest, what certificate is Batman Begins getting? But - yeah, those films were really disappointing ![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  7. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]A friend of mine whacked me in the knee with a cooking pot. Really, really hard! That was stoopid . . .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  8. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Good golly - it's been a while since I've played this![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT] [COLOR=DarkRed]Final Fantasy 8[/COLOR] [*]What in the living seven fiery hells is Laguna to Squall? They look a lot alike. :animedepr [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond][RIGHT]His dad (I think)[/RIGHT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [*] Does Squall and his party actually get to meet Laguna, Kiros, and Ward? [RIGHT][FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3]Yes[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/RIGHT] [*]Who in the hell's in Ellone? [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Garamond][RIGHT][SIZE=3]Some little girl from Laguna's past.[/SIZE][/RIGHT][/FONT][/COLOR] [*]How does Ellone know Squall...but he doesn't remember ever meeting her (Except in the infirmary) [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]He's a fairy . . .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT] [FONT=Garamond] [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3]Perhaps you should try finishing the game? Just a suggestion . . .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  9. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]I guess I'm lucky seeing as I have a few really good friends who I can trust, people who've been there for me over the years. I also get on really well with lots of other people, but I'd consider most of those people acquaintences more than friends . . . Friends would be the people I'd go out of my way to keep in contact with -> 8 people! I have 8 friends! :animesmil yay![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  10. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Heh, yeah, honesty [I]is[/I] the best policy! Just tell them straight, "No!", and if that doesn't work - sometimes, you have to be cruel to be kind. And whatever you do - NEVER lead them on. So, basically, I've just repeated everyting that's been said so far. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/RIGHT]
  11. [QUOTE=Latharix_sama]Wow wow wow!!!! It's snowing in Ireland?! and it's sticking?! Omigawd! I have to come visit you!!!! Gawd...it must be real purty...all white....::dreamy:: [/QUOTE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond] [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen]Well - no, not anymore, it's stopped. But it was really cool for a while. We made snow balls and snowmen. It was the best day . . . :animesmil [/COLOR] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/RIGHT]
  12. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Over the last three - four days, it's been snowing an awful lot. As lovely and picturesque as it is, it's very strange, because in Ireland, it NEVER snows, and when it does, it NEVER sticks, and, when once in a blue moon it does stick, it's gone in aboot two hours. But it's been snowing constantly for four days! I've never seen anything like it in my life (some people are sooo deprived)! My dad said the last time it was like this was in 1984, the year before I was born. I don't know "weather" (you like that?) to chalk it up to El Nino, Global warmin, the End of the World as we know it (and I feel fine), or what! I was just wondering if anybody can offer any explanations, or has anybody else experienced unusual weather over the last while.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  13. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond][RIGHT]I guess I'd have to say FF7. It was the very first game I got on the PSX, and it's what got me into playing RPG's, and the FF series! I was so amazed - a game with a real story (up until then all I had played were Mario, StreetFighter and Scrolling Beat 'em up's). I still have "fond" memories of staying up until about three in the morning trying to beat that robot with the arms in the submarine loading bay. First time around playing, that guy gave me a real headache! Sure, only this morning, I was on the bus remembering how one gets Yuffie to join the team. Ah, hidden characters, where have ye gone?[/RIGHT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  14. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Just wondering, will anybody please be kind enough to shrink this picture down (or whatever it is you do) so I can use it as an avitar. And thanks to Panda and everybody else who pointed me in teh right direction. Cheers in advance![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  15. [FONT=Garamond][RIGHT][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=3]Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there was an orphanarium, lived lots and lots of pluky young girls, who for some reason or another, had no family. The head of the orphanarium was the cruel, alcoholic Ms. Halloran. Oh, she was a wicked old hag! She made all the girls do a frightful amount of chores. 'Twas shocking! But, dispite the exhausting hours of work, the girls were ofter in high spirits, thanks to one spunky street urchin, Angie. Oh, Angie was a character. She had a mass of red hair, and a fierce attitude. Always getting into mischief and leading the other girls in a sing song, as they went about their days labours. Anyhoo - One day, Angie was adopted by a rich old man (for dubious reasons), who called himself "Daddy Warbucks". Angie was livished with attention and wealth, and soon forgot about the grotty old orphanarium, and it's flea ridden inhabitants. Years went by, and Angie grew into a fine looking young woman, gaing the attention of all the yound lads in the neighbourhood. But, no matter how much they chased her, she never succumbed to their "charms" (at least that's what she told Daddy Warbucks!). One day, there was a letter in the post for Angie. Assuming it was yet another declaration of love, she tossed it aside. A week later, there was a knock on the door. It was Polly, an old friend of Angies, from the orphanarium. She was in a terrible state. It seem, Ms. Halloran had gotten a hold of an ancient artifact that could wake the dead. Now, Ms. Halloran was in charge of an army of Zombies, and was planning to take over the world. There had been a prophecy on the artifact, Polly told Angie. It seems, that the only person who could have stopped her was "A spunky young street urchin, with a flock of red hair". Polly had written to Angie asking for help, but Angie must never have recieved her letter(DUM DUM DUM!). But, it was too late now. Hallorans army was getting larger all the time. The only to stop her, is to distroy the artifact... ___________________________________________________________________ Sign ups: Name: First name, last name, nickname, whatever your little heart desires! Age: How old your character is - duh! Gender: Male / female / transgender Appearance: A good discription or picture is necessary. Personality: What's your character like? A little cowardly perhaps? or maybe you'ld rather be the fearless type? Occupation: What your role in life is, certain roles will have certain advantages. eg; a police officer will have a gun, a nun will not (well, maybe if it's some sort of GI nun). Short Biography: You know - like a bit of history![/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT][/FONT]
  16. [RIGHT][FONT=Garamond][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I don't really have a favourite ad, but I do have an ad which I hate more than anything else in the world - more than cows. The Kinder Milk Slice ad that was on a couple of years back, where the voiceover guy asks -"Have you ever tried to bite milk?" :confused: I don't know about any of you lot - but I know nobody who has ever contemplated doing this. And the part where the shopping trolley comes alive and starts zooming around the supermarket, and the mother and daughter start laughing and chasing it . . . WHAT THE HECK IS THIS ?!?! It confuddles me to no end - it makes my blood boil :mad: grr (see?)! The Sprite ad's are pretty cool. And I absolutley LOVE Churchill (ooh yes!), that dog kicks behind![/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/FONT][/RIGHT]
  17. Just a quick question - what do I have to do to get a custom avitar? All my pictures are too big to upload, and I don't "get" the URL thingy. Cheers in advance.
  18. [quote name='kaisha']Nothing. I live in TN, in the US. The town I live in is so small and dull, I wish I lived in Ireland.[/quote] Yeah, we Irish are pretty amazing . . . Sure only last night, wasn't I out hunting leprechauns with me pitchfork? Actually . . . come to think of it, Ireland's kinda boring too. It's become a real . . . generic concrete jungle. There are even plans to plow through the Hill of Tara to make a bypass. Is nothing sacred? :(
  19. I'm from County Meath, that's another place in Ireland. Kells and tara are just around the corner from the town I live in, and Dublin is about twenty minutes to the south. Plenty of history in Meath, what with St. Patrick and the book of Kells, and all that!
  20. [QUOTE=Panda]I would love to have the ability to [b]control time[/b]. That would so rock.[/QUOTE] Dang, that's what I was going to say ! Although, my motives would be less noble than yours. Imagine how much easier my final exams would have been if I could stop time half-way through and cheat my bottom off! And thieving - think of all the pretty shiny things one could steal? And if one could control time, one could probably travel back through it. If I could do that, I'd definatly go back to when I was fifteen and give myself a slap in the head for not taking certain "oppertunities", and then make sure I'd take them!
  21. I'm afriad of ghosts. And cows - cows freak me out! I do not like bovine at all! :eek: I know a girl whose afraid of eyeballs. Well, not really afraid per-say, they just creep her out big time, and she won't look anybody in the eye, she'll look at their nose instead!
  22. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Sienna]I'm totally addicted to bass! I'm addicted to Club Orange, Nik-Nak's, and Kit-Kat's. At the moment, I'm addicted to The OC, it's such a funny show, although it's a shame they got rid of that blond chick who played Anna. She was fine! Oh, and Zombie movies, definatly addicted to those! I have a friend who's addicted to touching himself. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
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