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Everything posted by KuaiEienGunjin

  1. [size=2]When I was deployed to Iraq with the 101st I had a frend I did gaurd with that was in an aranged marrage. He didnt like it at all. He was always complaining about it.[/size] [font=Verdana][size=2]Personaly I'm against it. It kind of defys the point of getting married dosent it?[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2] [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font]
  2. What am I addicted to: Smokes Sake Posting at anime forums (Digital Anime in particular) Emotionicons Talking to frend with all my messenger programs I think thats about it.
  3. come on you have to go with lister lol
  4. well i know that and its nice to know to but that dont make it rite sorry but i thout this would be an interesting topic and well this will be the worst v day ever for reasons i wont post here
  5. you have a good point alot of ppl are happy on this day. the thing is there happyness comes at the expence or reminding everyone els how lownly they are. is it fair for them to leach off us like that? i know life isnt fair but still
  6. got to love it???? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v370/mech_desparado/violent-smiley-041.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v370/mech_desparado/thGuns3.gif[/IMG]
  7. well i have a few as well the two big ones Desperado/Desparado short versions used Desp Des (please never call me this {bad memorys}) i chose this name for both my fighting style my lownlyness and my love of guns KuaiEienGunjin there are no short versions since everyone knew me before i changed it. feel free to call me Desp to be exact it meand dark eternity millitary man or in other words dark eternal soldier i chose this because of my love of dark colors, my 4 years in the army and the fact that i spend alot of time depressed
  8. why is it our country and its ppl suport a holiday in wich mass amounts of mony are spend in ways that cause ppl to go parading around showing off how happy they are and rubing it into everyone that has never known what its like :flaming: just wondering
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