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Everything posted by alchemist2120
OCC: I said he was a god of fire because war always causes fire and destructon. Plus I always thaught that Poseidon was the god of the oceans. Ruler os the seas kinda guy. I may be wrong. Dunno, but anywho. Kristen opened her eyes to a crashing noise that came through her wall. "Ohh shit. We are all going to die arent we?" She watched as a woman stood up and began to glow a hazy red. "Question, who the hell are you? And why are you in, is this my room? Wow this is really cool!" She looked around at the fountians and aquariums that held rare fish and other sea creatures. "You. I am going to get you you egyptian bastard." "Who are you? And why are you here?" Kristen said as she got up. She nearly tripped on the floor because she had a white robe that fell to the floor, causing her to trip. "What? Listenfish girl. Stay out of this fight. This is a fight between the rulers of hell!" The girl said. "Lemme guess, Norse right? Well its nice to meet you, even though you came trough my wall." Kristen said as she picked herself off of the ground. Dagon peacked his head trough the hole in her wall and loooked around."Hey, nce room. Its really,whats the word? Fishy? Yeah that seems about right." "Listen you little peice of shit, don't you dare look at someone else while you are fighting me." Another voice said as Dagon turned back around. "That is enough. There will be no more fighting in this hall. Anubis, you of all people should know that. You were the one that forbid it. And Deigo, go back to your room and cool down. You have no right to tresspass is the egyptians part of the temple." Brice walked through Kristen's doors and looked at Dagon, the at Deigo, then turned to Kristen and smiled. "Please forgive Deigo. He is a cocky little sonava bitch." "Who the hell are you? And how do you know who I am? This is getting really messed up." Dagon said as the fed aura fadded from Deigon's eyes. "He is Zeus. And he is her brother, well god wise." Deigon said as he pointed at Kristen. "Huh? Brother? No wqay, and I always thought I was a single child." She sighed as she walked over to Dagon. "Do not contemplate of it Kristen. We shall talk later. Right now, I do beleive that Luke would like to talk to you." He watched as Deigon walked past him out of Kristens door then fallowed hom out. "Umm, ok. Are you leaving as well?" Kristen turned to the Norse god as she walked way down the hall. "Dagon, are you as confused as I am?" She turned and looked at him.
Kristen watched as everyone walked away to their designated area. "Hey, what about me? Where the hell am I supposed to go?" No one seemed to turn around until she heard a noise behind her. "I can tell you where you are supposed to go. And who you are." She turned and looked at a guy that had red hair. "And you are? Don't tell me, a god. Of fire right? Or something close to that." She smirked as she leaned on one leg. "Wow, you are good. Brice told me you were. I would be the god of Ares, But I go by Luke now. Its good to see you agian, Poseidon. I would have thaught it a guy though." He smiled as he began to walk in a direction opposite of the other Egyptian gods. "Hang on one damn minute. I am the god of water, and a male one at that?" "Well, you are a god, and a very strong one, when at full power, but you aren't a male anymore. Water has no gender remember?" He began walking agian and eventually walked into a room that was designed like a Greek temple. "I have a couple of questions. First, where the hell are we?" She said as she was trying to not fall behind, but trying to look at the room as well. "The Greek gods, and the Egyptian gods were very good friends. Many Greek temples have special room that are designed for the Egyptians, and many Egyptian temples have Greek rooms. This is our domain. No other god dares to enter this room without permission. Now, next question." He smiled as he opened a door that led into another room filled with about seven other people. "Well, who is in charge. I kinds want to talk to them." She sat down in the chair that Luke motion twards and looked around at all of the other people. "The one in charge is this guy here. His name is Brice. Also known as Zeus. Next would be me, Ares, then you." He sat down in the chair next to Kristen and smiled."A little much for right now?" "Well, no, but I had no idea that Poseidon had so much rule. I guess that would be why I stopped the rain. It being water and all." "That is very true, now tell me, what is your name now?" Kristen turned to Brice as he leaned agians his hands. "Me? Oh my name is Kristen." She flinched a little as she tunred to look at the fountian in the corner. It slowly began to spray higher and higher until the sculpure on top of it shattered, sending water everywhere. She closed her eyes, blacking out as Luke caught her before she hit the ground.
Kristen giggled as she looked up at the sky. She sighed as it started to downpour. "Oh, this is just great.! First, I wake up on a beach next to the desert, and now, it rains when I have no other pair of cloaths." She raised her hands as to sheild her eyes from the rain as a small force feild thing surrounded her, Arron, Christa, and Dagon. She watched as rain fell, and suddenly stopped before reaching them. "Ok, I didn't do it. At least I don't think I did." She slowly turned to the trident that had appeared as she was fighting the worm that went straight for her. "Wether you did it or not, Its good to get out of the rain." Arron said as he turned a little twards her. "Huh, oh right. Well, lets hope thats not all I do, flame boy." She smiled as she turned back to the trident.'[I]Water, huh? This may get a little intresting.[/I]' she thaught as they began to continue on.
Joan watched as Daiske and Kyle lifted off of the ground and flew ahead to see if there was anything dangerous. "Wahoo, this is just great. I was going hom,e. Now I haveta shoot people wearing bearskin or something." She sighed agian as her tank let off two shells at the enamy. "Well, that should put them bak a couple. When is it going to end?"
Kristen looked from the beach, then twards the desert inland. In the distance she saw three cammels with people on them. "Oh, wow. This is great. They can help me, and they are going in the direction that I need to go!" He smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Hey! Please, can you help me? Please!" She began running twards them as the turned and looked at her.
Reiji sighed and looked back down into the ally,"This is getting old. I should probably head back to the manor. I have a bad feeling I am going to be in a little trouble." He stood up and started to beat his wwings until they lifted him off of the roof of the building. He began to quicly fly twards Drake's estate, which at his speed only took about five minutes. As he landed in his room he heard a knock at the door. He slowly opened the door and saw the servent that had druged him twice. "Master Reiji. Where have you been? Master Drake has been calling for you. He wishes to meet with you. Please fallow me." Jobe motioned for Reiji to fallow him down the elegantly decorated hallway. "Hey, servent person. I still don't know what your name is. Go ahead and tell me will you?" Reiji said as he put an arm around Jobe's shoulder. "Sir, ist Jobe." He said as they reaced the fancy door leading into Drake's room. "Please enter, Master Drake is waiting for you." Jobe knocked on the door a couple of times, then slowly entered the room. "Master, Reiji has returned." Jobe said as he gave his master a small bow. "Good, bring him to me." Drake said looking up as Reiji entered the room and stopped in front od Drake's desk. Reiji bowed, then sat in the chair Drake was motioning twards. "You should be more careful about your adventures off this estate. The townsfoolk aren't going to be used to seeing their Champion Gladiator walking the streets."Drake said as he leaned back into his chair. "I am sorry. I couldn't resist. It was my first time outside of your compounds. Next time I shall ask before I leave." Drake smiled and nodded as he looked down at the red folder on his dest. "That would be the best. i am glad you are safe, Reiji." He said as he looked up at Reiji. "Thank you very much. So, tell me, why did you want to see me. And do forgive me for being so blunt, you do know how I like to just throw everything on the table, from our last meeting." He smiled at Drake who returned his gaze.
Name: Joan Taylor Age: 21 Gender: Female Rank: Captian Feild: Demolitions Weapons: Rocket Launcher Vehicle: A-12M Tank ...........simple...very simple.... :sleep:
Kristen looked out over the ocean, trying to think about how she had gotten there. "This is crazy. All my life I've hated the ocean, why am I here, and how the hell did I get here?" She clenched her fist as small waves started to beat the sand away. A few seconds later, a fear started to over come her heart. She began to cry as she stood up. "Why? Why me? I don't want to be here." She begins walking along the beach, nothing but sand all around her. She wiped away a few tears and kept walking, walking to somewhere that was pulling her. She did decide that when she found out who had brought her here, she would beat the living crap outa them until they begged her to stop.
....your woke up in the desert? Mine woke up on a beach.........does it matter? Hope not...
Reiji woke up to the sunlight comming through the window. His eyes were not yet used to it, mainly because he used to live in a cell that had a window that was smaller than a book. "Damn. Why the hell is it so bright?" He sat up and set his feet on the floor. It was cool under his bare feet. He sighed and realized that he was hungry when his stomach growled. "Well. Now might be a good time to get something to eat. But, where the hell is the kitchen?" He slowly walked out of the door and looked around the hallway."Well, guess I could always go to a market or something." He nodded at his idea and the quickly shut the door as he walked over to the big window that was on the far wall in his room. He opened it and took in a big breath of the fresh air. "This is great. I can really spread my wings out here." He let his wings open to their full spread, only about eight feet, but for a crow, that was big. He flapped them a couple of times until he lifted off of the ground. He quickly made his way over the gates and past the guards, who didnt even notice him flying over their heads. "I may have to tell Drake about that. They arent even doing a good job. Oh, well. Not isnt the time." He decided to fallow a street that looked promising. He fallowed about a mile and started seing building lined up one after another along the widening street. As he landed near the first building, he saw a couple Yeal and Elves looking around for someone, or something. He watched them look in an allyway, then come out and continue their search. "Cool. A real man hunt. I've only hear about these. Never saw one before." He watched the hunters leave in the distance, then decided to see if he could find the person they were looking for in the allyway. He walked into the ally and didnt see anything out of the ordinary,"Guess they really didnt come this way. Maybe they went on the roof." He flapped his wings ntil they lifted him the the top of the building, then he began to look around. He decided to stop and watch everything going on around the street, deciding when the best time to get food would be.
....I feel like being the oddball here for some reason.... Name: Kristen Age: 19 Gender: Female Reincarnate of: Poseidon Weapon: A crystal blue Trident Description: see below Personality: She can be calm and quiet at times, but she can turn into a deadly storm. Bio: When Kristen first woke up, she saw a buitiful beach. White sand everywhere, as well as animals swiming in the ocean. As she walked the beach, it went from a paradise, to a horrible disaster. There were beached whales everywhere. A black sludge filled the waters, as well as the beach. She became inraged at the sight. The waves began to turn, animals were quicle washed back into the ocean. Her anger cleaned the water for the animals, but didn't help any of those that had already fallen to the tar.
Reiji listened out the window to the noise as it began to die down. He sighed as he finished the last piece of meat on his plate that Hilos had given him a few minutes earlier. It only consisted of a stale piece of bead, two carrots, a small cup of water, and two pieces of dried ham. "Reiji, you done yet? Normally, it takes you only a few minutes to finish that, whats wrong bub?" Hilos gave him yet another yellow smile as he put the empty plate on the cart. "Those darts take alot outta you. Next time they should ask me to move, I would happily agree now." He sighed as he closed his eyes, the red glare cutting off. "I think they did that because they weren't sure about how you would take it." There was a short silence after that was said, then Hilos began to walk to the next cell as the servant that had drugged him before walked up to the cell door. "Master Reiji, the party is ending, and now Master Drake would like to have a couple words with you. He told me to walk you there, not drag you." Reiji looked at the servant's depressed gaze and nodded. "Alright. Show me the way." Reiji slowly stood up, still woozy from the darts, and walked over to the entrance. A second later the electric field shut off and the servant opened the door and began to walk down the hall as two guards walked behind Reiji. "Protection, right? Or is Drake afraid that i may run away?" Reiji gave a cocky smile as the servant led him into a back door to the estate. "Neither. I was told to bring you unharmed, but I got them two to come along to kill you if anything happens. I could always say you tried to kill me." The servant gave a sly smile as he led Reiji and the two guards into a small room with four lamps, one in each corner. There was a small oak table with two chairs and a cushion on the ground. "My guess is that he is going to have his own body guard right? That's cool, my guess is that its gonna be his werewolf." "Please sit down. Master Drake will be with you shortly." The servant pointed to a chair and walked out of the room, fallowed by the two guards. "Great. Now what am I supposed to do til' he gets here? Lets see, I can't hide in the shadows, too much light. Can't fly anywhere, room is to small. Only chance I get is i I kill him hand to hand, but then I have to worry about the guards, and his wolf that would rip me to shreds." He gave up on thoughts of getting away and sat down in the closest chair and closed his eyes. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door, then Drake entered by himself. "Wow, your alone. Wheres the werewolf? She sleeping or something?" He stood up as Drake made his way over to the other chair. "Something like that, yes. I already know that you know there is no way to get out of here, so I feel that I am safe, for the moment." Drake mentioned for Reiji to sit, and he did after Drake did. "On the front end Drake, your servants need a little lesson in manners. Pretty much, only the one you keep sending to get me. He is really a little prick." Reiji crossed his hands over his chest. "Note taken. But you do have to realize, I had to drug you. I wasn't sure how your reaction would be to me meeting you. I never have before." Reiji nodded as he looked at Drake in the eyes. "Alright, down to business. Why do you bring me here?" "Well, to be honest, I want you as another body guard. Valeria is great. The best one I have ever had, but you must know, she cannot do everything that is needed. You on the other hand, can deal with the stuff that she should not be involved in." "You mean, killing certain people so they can't trace it back to you, right?" Reiji smiled a little as he closed his eyes. "You can put it that way, yes. You would only be around me on affairs that needed your skills." "Night hunts. Or rather, quick hints. Ones in which looks like some other creature did." "Very good. Ones that needed to be quick. Ones that the killer should not be seen doing. There are a few that can be dealt with without your help, but then there are others that need to be dealt with without letting anyone know of." Drake smiled and walked over to a small chest sitting next to one of the lamps. "And that is? Better not be another dart." Reiji began to stand up as Drake turned around, holding two glasses and a bottle of wine. "Would you care for a glass?" He offered a glass to Reiji who took it. "Ok, now what about my days as a gladiator? Are they over?" He took a sip of the glass that held white wine. "If you want them to be. I don't see a need in letting you fight. If you die, how are you to help me then?" He smiled at Reiji who nodded. "Well,when you put it that way, I don't think I can think of any reason to say no." Reiji stood to his full height and held out a and to Drake. Drake shook his hand and smiled,"Thank you. I shall get a servant to show you to your room." Drake set the glass on the table and walked out of the room, leaving Reiji to think about what he just did. Occ: alrighty. Not really sure about what I just did to myself, but if there are any changes that I need to do just tell me
Reiji toned out the ever growing crowd that seated it's self above his living quarters. The room wasn't big, but it was the best room that Drake offered to a gladiator. He had a small window, only big enough to get two arms through, but it was a window that no one else had. He had a bed that was softer that any other, yet it came nowhere close to what Drake kept in his house. Reiji kept his eyes closed as he heard his normal guard walking down the hall towards his cell, but it was different, there was another set of footsteps that were quieter. "Alright, wake up Reiji. Its time for you to actually get something for killing Shione. Aren't you one lucky bastard." The little fat guard smiled and revealed his yellow teeth, but they had a few pieces of beef in them. Reiji slowly opened his eyes, letting the red glare through the darkness, straight at the new person standing behind the guard,"Hilos, who is that? He looks too proper to be in a place like this." Reiji stood up and began to walk over to the two men standing behind bars that were powered by high voltage. "This? He is a servant of Master Drake's. He is here to take you to Master Drake, so you can get your reward." Hilos said with another, yellow grin. "That is correct. My name is-" Reiji cut him off by flapping his wings. "Personally, I don't care what your name is. Lets just go see him and quick, so I can get back to my personal time." "Actually, Master Reiji, you are being put on another job. I think this one will suite you better." The servant smiled and shut the current off. He then looked at Hilos, who slowly took the key and slid it in the lock. He gave it a little twist as the lock opened. "There you go. He is all yours. You sure you don't need me to escort you to the manor?" Hilos looked a little desperate as he said it. "No, it will not be needed. He isn't going to be awake." The servant smiled and stabbed a small dart into the back of Reiji's neck, sending a sleep portion into his bloodstream. "Why you!" Reiji tried to take another step forward, but fell to the floor, blacking out. [CENTER]_________________________________[/CENTER] Reiji slowly opened his eyes, revealing a brightly lighted room, filled with chatter. He tried to focus in on a certain conversation, and realized that it sounded very proper, almost like royalty. "Where, where the hell am I? What the hell's going on here!" Reiji screamed as everyone stopped talking and looked at the black crow that was tied to the ground, in the middle of the floor. "Please Master Reiji, I suggest that you keep your voice down. Other people are trying to hold conversations." Reiji looked up, to a certain degree, and saw that servant that had stabbed him, holding a sword at hid neck, smiling. "What is going on? Where am I? Where the hell is Drake?"Reiji tried to stand, then realized that his waist was chained to the floor as well. "Ahh, Reiji. It is good to see you well." Drake came and stood in front of Reiji, close as to talk in normal voice, but far enough away so he wouldn't be threatened. "Why am I here? I want to go back to my cell."Reiji relaxed his muscles, letting everyone know that he wasn't going to pose and danger. "You are here because I wanted you to be. And I wanted you to be because, I want to offer you a job. One that will set you free, to a certain extent of course. I can't let my best warrior loose on the streets." He gave a pleasant smile as a silver haired elf came beside him and whispered something in his ear. "Why do you pick me? I know you have many werewolves that are more than able to do your bidding." Reiji watched as Drake sighed and then let out a small smile. "You are wrong. I only have one under my control, Reiji. For that is why I need a little more backbone. People are beginning to know it is me that is killing people by how they are killed. If I sent you, they may begin to think someone else has begun killing people and seek my help. Do you understand?" Drake bent over and looked Reiji straight in the eyes, straight into the intense redness. "Right. I get it now. If i kill some people, then what'll happen? Do I get to be set free?" Reiji let out a small smile as he tried to stand up again, only to be stopped by the chains. "We shall talk about that. As for you, I wish you to think about this opportunity. I will come and see you in two days. Have your answer by then." He looked from Reiji, to the servant that was now feeling around in his jacket. The servant pulled out another dart, and jabbed Reiji in the back of the neck, sending in into another world of darkness.
Sign Up The Reign of the Braeden [M - LVS]
alchemist2120 replied to demonchild781's topic in Theater
Name: Reiji Gender:Male Age: 122 Race: Yael- crow Rank: Drake's Gladiator Personality: He is very likeable.If you are on the same side as he is. In all of the hardships, he tries to see the good. Normally, when he gets the chance to kill his enamy, he does so without thinking twice. Height: 6' 2" Weight: 142 Eye color: Red Hair color: Black Body Structure: Lean, well defined Character Snippet: "Reiji, it is time for you to show them why I havent killed you yet." A dark figure stood in the shadows of a cell. His eyes glowing in the darkness, a red that cuts through fire without stopping. "Do I kill, or let them live? And who am I fighting this time? Another wolf?" Reiji's eyes close, letting the red glare fade, then it comes back in full force when he opens them agian. "Do what you want to. Boss never said either one. But you know how he likes blood, so i would guess killing them. And as for who you are fighting, i think its another Yael. Maybe a falcon, i dont know. But itis another bird. Well it helps you because its a night, good news isnt it?" the short fad guard smiles, showing his yellow teeth. Reiji stands up, and lets his wings flap a few times, stretching them from the daylong confinement."Will Drake be there?" "I think so, yes. Now come, it is time to go." the guard poens the steel doors and fallows Reiji, holding a sword at his neck for protection, until they get to the gates."Good luck. I was told that if you can kill this one, that you would get a present. Wouldnt that be nice?" Reiji nodded as he listened to the announcers voice travel across the stadium. "Ladies and gentle men. Angels and Yael Any anything else here for this special event. I would like to introduse our chalenger, the 'Grey death', as he is known. The quickest being at this arena. Please welcome, Shione,the falcon." Reiji nodded as the crowd began to scream their praises, along with their boos. Slowly the gates in front of him began to open, revealing the dim lighting from the stadiums spotlights. As he took his first step into the arena, everything got quiet. "And now, the one and only, our champion. To his enamies, he is known as 'The Shadow'. To his friends he is known as Reiji. give a great hand to Reiji, the Crow." The whole stadium erupted into a frantic cheer as he kept walking twards Shione. "Listen crow boy, this is gonna be a quick fight alright? Thats why they put me agianst you, Drake there is getting tired of your fights." The falcn began to let out a little laugh as reiji kept his eyes shut. "Do you know whats funny Tweety bird? A crow can see at night." Reiji opened his eyes as a bright red glow began to fom around them from the lights. then slowly, the lights began to fade until they were at a very low dim. Reiji smiled and flapped his black wings a few times, lifting himself off of the ground. "No one ever told me that this way a night fight. this is bull ****!" Shione began to walk around, looking for the black crow, then got blind sided by a fist, sending him into the ground. "C'mon tweety bird. Hit me. youfall agian and you will not be getting up." Reiji smiled as he came by and tried to hit Shione in the jaw agian, but only was able to get hit himself. "Reiji, your getting careless. i was able to his you." Shione smiled as he got blind sided by another fist. Then in the darkness, screams of pain are heard as Reiji begins to tear the skin and feathers right off of Shione's back. then the screams stop as the lights slowly come back on. reiji is seen walking away from a falcons body that is missing most of its fethers, its right wing,and its head. -
Kou looked at T'kure and the serious look on his face,"You really want to go after her dont you?" T'kure nodded. "Yeah so lets get ocer there now." He said turning to Kou. "You can go. I have to go after Kyle before he kills somebody." T'kure nodded as a small section of the disc broke off and took T,kure to the ground. As soon as the barrier was gone, the wind nearly threw kou off of his disc."Dang, this is strong." A few moments later, and a few more times of nearly falling off, Kou finally saw Kyle. There was a strange smile on his face. and Talans sword in his side. "I have to kill them all. All the satanics must die. " He turned and saw Kou coming twards him,"And here is the guy that will help me!" He grabbed Talan and threw him away, into the winds. He then grabbed the sword and pulled it out, alot of blood with it. "Kyle, what the hell are you doing? Your going nuts. Your going to kill her before you try and get her back!" Kou saw that that got to him so he went on with it. "Do you not know that because you are acting like this, you probably will never be able to get her. Your scaring her off." The anger flushed back into Kyles face. "No, Kou. It is the satanics that are trying to keep me from her. If you ehlp me, we can take them all out, togeher!" "Your wrong, Kyle. I cant kill anybody. Thats not what an earthian does. You, you are no earthian. Hell, you arent even a satanic. Your worse. Youwant to killeverything that comes in your way, no matter who." Kou was right next to Kyle now. "You never really trusted me, did you Kou? You always thought that it was my fault that you were involved in this war. Think about it, if not for me, you would have never met anyone. You would be your lonesome self. You want that? You should be thanking me!" He turned his back to Kou and started to look for Talan. "That may be trfue. But now, Kyle, you are in the way of true arthians everywhere." Kyle began to turn around as Kou hit him ini the ack of the head with his fist that was covered is steel. The blow made a thud as Kou began to fall to the ground, out cold. the wind began to fade as Kou grabbed Kyle bwefore he hit the ground."I am truely sorry, friend. But you had to be stopped before you killed everything we earthians truely care about." "You, earthian, were you not his friend? Why did you stop him from killing me?" Kou looked up and saw all of the diffrent Talans go back into one."Not to long ago, you wanted to kill me. In any case, he will die before you get him to any help." "Listen, Talan. You are a satanic, i dont expect you to understand my methods because i am a earthian, but Kyle was thrown from his path by you and Rin. his heart fell for her, yet her heart fell for you. this in turn caused him to loose his hold on his mind.For me stopping him, I did it because, as an earthian, i hate to see anyone die, wether it be celestial, earthian, or satanic."Kou stood and looked him straight in the eyes."In any case, he is still me firend, so i must try to keep him from dieing" "So, you are a bleeding heart. Figures, you earthians are all the same." "Call me what you will, but the fact doesnt change, I may have saved more that one life here. We may meet agian, maybe on diffrent sides of a fight, but no matter, wether I am winning or not, you will never nee a death blow come from me, rest assured." He picked Kyle up and stepped up on his metal disc. "Earthian, you may not be able to give a death blow, but I can. Do not forget that." "Do not worry. I know." Kou nodded as the disc lifted off of the ground and began to head for the place he left Kiana. The dieng Kyle in his hands.
Kou watched as both Kyle and T'kure left to get Talan. He sighed and turned the other way. Then thought agianst leaving and started to walk in the direction the two went. "Why are you going to do that? Try to kill Talan? Its not right." He turned around and looked at Kiana, who looked as mad as ever. Kou smiled then shook his head. "I'm not. Its not in me to fight Talan. Even though Kyle is really ticked about having competition for Rin, I still dont know why he is getting so worked up. Hell, neither of us really know how she feels for him." He put a hand on her shoulder."I'm only going to make sure there is no one killed. In any case, you would kill me if I had anything to do with it wouldnt you?" He gave her a wink as the anger left her face and was replaced with a light red tint. Then it came back in full form. "What?! I have no idea what your talking about. Why should it matter if you are involved or not? Its not my problem." She crossed her arms over her ches as Kou smiled. "Alright. Well I'm off. You comming?" She shook her head as kou shrugged." Well just be careful, ok?" Out of nowhere his metal disc was floating behind him. He stepped back, stepping on the dick then turned around and flew off behind kyle and T'kure.
Raze quietly sat behind the shoma main house, meditating. The voice that he had heard a little while ago seemed to get louder and angeryer."When will people learn to try and be quiet." He slowly stood up and walked around to the front where he saw a girl yelling at Yukin. He shook his head then walked up to the pair. "Yukin, is something wrong? i heard someones voice from the back. it was getting pretty loud." He looked up at the girl and smilled,"Hello. My name is Raze Shoma. And you are?" "I am Kokiro. Can you help me get into the house?" She looked as though she were about to jump out and kill bothe Yukin ans Raze right there. "Raze, werent we told that a new Shoma was going to be here tomarrow?" Yukin looked Raze. "That we did. So you have gotten here a littly early. If you want in then you must use the doorbell. Otherwise we cant hear you, it is a big house." Raze walked over tothe door and unlocked it then turned around and headded to the back agian."Welcome to our home, Kokiro." When he got to the back yard, he sat back down under his tree and looked up at the cloudy sky.
Kou watched Talan leave then turned back to Kiana,"Are you sure? i mean, he did try to kill us all a little while ago." She nodded as Kou sighed."You better find yourself lucky that I'm gonna do this girl. Normally I wouldn't." He turned to T'kure that looked him in the eye."I got a question. well really i got two and a warning. First, why did you tell me and Kyle that you want to switch sides?" Kou saw both Rin and Kiana's mouths open. "Trutyhfully, i dont know. I just began to see how you treat people, earthian. But the celestials treat people with compassion. It makes me feel somewhat good inside." T'kure shrugged then tried to smile. "Right. Hope you know that I still done think your telling the truth. In anycase, the second question. Ever heard of the material, Tropius?" T'kure shook his head. "Didnt think so. Tropius is a metal that is foubnd in the earths core. So now you know whats in the core, but that doesnt matter. Man's machines havent found it yet, but I have. It has the ability to move at the users whim, so its a good material to use for a limb. And its strong. You've felt it. I punched you in the jaw with it." Kou watched T'kure rub his cheed."Alright, here is your limb." Kou clenched his fist as the ground started to shake. A few seconds later, a thick blue metal started to come out of the ground and connect to T'kure's arm. About a minute later, there was another arm, now blue and metalic. "There, now finally the threat. Do not forget that now that your arm in made of metal, I hace control of it. you try anything to hurt me, or any other celestial, or earthian, you will loose more that an arm. Got it?" T'kure nodded as Kou turned around and started to walk away.
Shenlong stared deeply at the moon as he clenched his fist and let out a low growl. Behind him he heard a twig break. He turned around and saw the elf watching him. "Is something wrong? I heard you growl so I thought I would make sure you werent in trouble." Shenlong looked deep into her eyes and then turned away,"I'm fine. I just got reminded of something, thats all." She nodded and turned around back to the campfire. "This is great. Normally i would never get myself caught up in someone elses problems, but here I am now, fighting in a war." He looked into the brush and let out another growl,"Wolf, get out now of you wont be to happy." A second later Harlan steped out of the brush with a smuile on his face,"Ha, ya got me." Shenlong turned around and started to walk down the trail,"I'm going to scout. Be back later." He made his way down the path as Harlan just watched
Kou sighed as Kiana stood next to him and Rin still stood on his metal disc,"This is great. The other day I thought it was hard to ever find a girl to talk to me and now look, I got two that seem to depend on me. Gust great." Kou looked from Kiana to Rin then back at T'kure, and his missing arm, thinking about what he had said a little while ago. "What was that? Did you say something about us depending on you?" Kiana turned around with a little anger in her eyes. "Uhh. thats not really what I meant. Enough about that, look out." Kou stepped in front of her and clenched his fist as shards of metal started to comeout of the ground and form on his hand."Hey, Rin. Dont move." He glanced back as his disc slowly began to land on the ground. It then began to look as if it were forming back with the ground. After it was gone Kou looked at Talan with a serious gaze. "Tell me, you arent putting ou a hundred are you?" Talan shook his head as Kou smiled, "Good, cuz if you were then it could be a pretty quick fight for me." "Thats it. you arent gonna finght him. None of us are here to fight ok?" Rin said as she took a step next to Kou. "Fine. I'll go with that for now." Kou let the metal fall off of his hands as he moved them around. "I thought that this wasnt your war." Kiana said with a little sarcasm. "Cant let you three get hurt can I? I wouldnt be a good earthian if I did." Kou said with a smile. "Whats that supposed to mean? I can take care of myself!" Kyle said as he balled up his fist. "Right. Well then I guess that I can leave." Kou turned around as Kiana put her hand on his shoulder,"Dont, just in case, please?" "Kou nodded as he walked over to T'kure,"Tell me, why did you say that to me and Kyle a little while ago?"
Shenlong licked his lips after Harlan was finished,"You hungry now cat? Told you that you should have gotten something to eat back there." Harlan was smirking. "Listen pup, you of all people should know that i dont eat people. Strictly animals, humans dont have the right taste." He looked out into the woods and saw a deer. "Hey! That is not going to happen! I dont want to see anything else die and get eaten in front of me today!" Shenlong turned around and saw Aieldail. "Fine. I'll do it whene everyone else is asleep. Trust me, you would rather me do it than him,"Points to Harlan who is using a stick to clean his teeth."He doesnt really know when its dead, unless its in his stomach." "I think I'm gonna be sick," Aieldil said holding her stomach. "Please stop talking about that. i cant get the immage of him eating that guy out of my head." "Yeah, I even eat animals and i think that its wrong." Shenlong said sticking out his toung."So, how much longer till nightfall?"
Shenlong grabbed the last soldier that dared to cross into his path and lifted him off of the groun,"This is my last one, what about you three, and you as well on the roof!" He glanced onto a roof as Lyns looked over at the bloody streets. "I'm fine!" Lynx yelled as Harlan slowly began to change back into his human state. "Shenlong, why are you holding him? Why dont you kill him?" Harlan asked as he stood up in human form. "Uhh, good question." Shenlong clenched his fist, causing the soldiers neck to snap like a twig. After he let go, he looked over to where Latharix is standing, bodies all around her,"Kitty, did you do that? Damn girl, remend me never to get on your bad side k?" He smiled a little as he turned to Aieldail was and sniffed the air. "What is it? Whats wrong?" She took a step back as Shenlong took a step closer,"What is he doing Harlan?" Harlan began to laugh a little as Shenlong held out a hand,"It is very nice to meet you, Aieldail." She slowly grabbed his and as they shook. "Now, let us know where we can go next, this place is getting boring."
Kou watched Kiana take off into the air,"Hey! Hold it right there!" She stopped and slowly turned around,"You do know that not all of us can fly right?" She got a little red then slowly came back down to the ground. "Who cant fly? Because We have two people that can right?" Kou smiled,"Ha, just kidding. I can take Rin and myself. Kyle, your on your own buddy." Kyle nodded as the ground began to shake. Out of nowhere a giant silver disc shot out of the ground and stopped right before Kou,"Well, not my prettyest work of art, but it will have to do. After you." He motions for Rin to get on, ans she did, a little nervouse while trying to step up onto it. "You sure this will hold the both of us?" Rin asked. "It should, unless I forgot about something." Kou stepped onto it as Kyle and Kiana lifted themselves off of the ground. Kou soon lifted tyhe silver disc up and they all flew to the blast.
Kou grabbed Kyle by the arm and dragged him into a spot where no one else was,"This is bullshit! Your the one that signed me up on this friggin death trap. Why the hell did you do that?" "Simple rally. It looked as though you wanted to help, so I said you would." He grinned. "Just because I want to help doesnt mean that I want to get involved in someone elses war. Besides, being an Earthian for me means no fighting." Kou crossed his arms over his chest as Kyle turned around. "Hey, Kyle. Tell me, how much did you hold back? I could tell that you werent really trying." Kyle turned around agian but his face was stern and blank. "Enough so everyone else thinks that I need improvement. You?" His face got a little lighter. "About the same. I wasnt sure on how much i should use, so I only used what I thought would be nedded. Guess next time we need to use a little more, huh?" Kou relaxed a little as he saw Kiana walking up. "What are you two earthians talking about?" She seemed to be joking around a little bit. "Nothing really, just about why we decided to help really." Kyle blurted out before Kou could even think. "Yeah, theres no need to worry. I dont think that we are going anywhere anytime soon." Kou gave her a little smile as she turned back around."Think before you talk Kyle. They really dont need to know that." Kou popped Kyle on the back of his head as he began to walk back to the group.
Shenlong stopped right before a soldier that looked like he was about to have a heart attack,"You arent even worth it." Shenlong turned around and headded to another enamy as the bear that was trailing him, for anyone that hax lived through his attacks, tore into the scared soldiers chest, revealing his soft guts. "Hey, kitten, whats your name?" Shenlong turned to the girl as she sliced through another soldier."Its Latharix. How amny more are there?" Shenlong shrugged as he grabbed a nearby soldier and lifted him off the ground be his chest plate,"Naw, I prefer kitty. What do you think?" He moved in closer to the soldiers face as he nodded,"Good. Now that thats settled." He threw the soldier on the ground and started to rip into him with his claws, finding the pavement a few seconds later. "Hey, Shenlong, what are we going to do after this?" Harlan was crushing a soldier's neck as he turned to Shenlong."Eh, who knows. I'm sure we can find something to do after this.Got any ideas, kitty?"