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Everything posted by kabapu

  1. from what i've heard so far about your plot, i think megas XLR might spoil the flow of things a bit. story idea sounds absolutely brilliant. i'd certainly pay for that at a bookstore
  2. i don't really have any friends. whenever i start to make freinds with someone, i say something stupid and made up to try and impress the person i'm talking to (there have been a few examples of me doing this here on otakuboards already), but it just shows how pathetic and socially inept i am. oh well.
  3. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Two posts that really deserve a kick in the pants: So, you consider vandalism to remain with the boundaries of being respectful? Vandalising doesn't count as you being a jerk? Oh, and best of all, if you don't like a rule, you'll break it? Now, as somebody who just happened upon this post, you know what you sound like? An idiot. Basically you break rules, and tend to do it all the time, and...that make you cool? Either that, or your just trying to make yourself sound like a big man.[/size][/QUOTE] actually, i don't break rules. i was saying that different rules SEEM to apply to different people. i'm not saying that this is right, but is my oppinion on what i have seen. and i'm not trying to portray myself as a big man. i don't even know what that means.
  4. talking to people made up in your head is fine. it becomes problematic however, when it begins to boarder on schitzofrenia. but there's nothing wrong with having an imagination. according to my psychologist, a healthy imagination is a sighn of good psychological development.
  5. some names i've thought of: don't blame me if you die. you can't sue me. detsucsed. dark motherboard chemichal R.A.M most of them suck, but there you go.
  6. personally, i find that tails, from sonic the hedgehog 2 (mega drive) is the most annoying character. whenever he gets stuck behind an object or something, he jumps continually. making that annoying "breeeeeeaow" noise, putting me off, and making me jump into a pool of "mega mack".
  7. [QUOTE=Heezay][COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]My God, this guy thinks he lives in an anime cartoon or something. Guess what? Life has moved on since Rurouni Kenshin! Go outside, but MAKE SURE TO NOTICE YOU AIN'T IN FEDUAL JAPAN![/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]My 2-year old baby sister has bigger balls than you. Not to mention she could probably kick your *** in a fight.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] don't you think i know i'm not in feudal japan?!?!?!?!?! look, what i did was shameful and irresponsible. but i've had to live with myself and what i did for about five years.you have to stand up for what you believe may be right at the time. i may have frightened the crap out of him, but you have to look at the other side of the story. a child, armed with a katana, and no knowledge of the ramifications of life or death goes out. it will not be pleasent. What i did wasn't the right thing to do, and i gotta live with myself for what i did, but in retrospect it prevented an even greater potential catastrophe. and after all, we all do really stupid things in a lifetime. but it's how we atone for our mistakes that marks who we are. i have since sold my katana.
  8. [QUOTE=Morpheus]I hope that you aren't from england. I live in the States and still know that anyone wanting to vote for Tony Blair will be laughed out of the building. He heads the party in control, so he is prime minister. Back on topic, that site is actually funny. I'll link it to my own site when it launches.[/QUOTE] actually, i AM from england. and i am 100% upposed to tony blair. he may be prime minister, but he's the worst minister that I can remember. the guy's a retarded joke, and lots of people in england don't like him, including me.
  9. [QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]I just moved into a new house back in November. Not long after we arrived, my brother made friends with a kid named Zack. Zack isn't a bad kid. He loves video games (a personal trait), doesn't cuss, and seems nice. But there's a dark side. He is the most annoying, argumentive brat I have ever met.First of all, theres my 7 year old brother Shade. He and Zack are mortal enemies. Now, I will admit, Sahde is a selfish, bratty, spoiled pain in the *****, but I can still get along with him. Zack on the other hand can't stand to be around him and is always insulting him. There is another major problem. I have to babysit my two brothers, and all day everyday Zack is over. Theres no way to get rid of him, because as far as hes concerned I have no power over him. His most annoying trait, though, is that he likes something everyone must like it. For instance, he is OBSESSED with Neverwinter Nights, the PC game. If you even mention another game to him, it will instsntly be compared with Neverwinter Nights. He refusses to believe anything is better. My brother bought it and hated it and took it back. Zack kept telling him, "It gets better! "You dont hate it!" but my brother, who can hardly type worth crap, wouldn't listen. Zack thinks that he's my friend, but I'm constantly telling him I'm not. I usually insult him for being stupid and he says "your gay" and things like that that make him seem stupider. Can anyone help me with this? Have you ever had a similar situation?[/QUOTE] situations like this are a pain to get out of. here's how i dealt with mine: i have a katana in my room whitch i keep for it's asthetic value. well, my brother had a friend, who was obsessed with my room. the house rule is that no-one, not even my parents is allowed to go into my room, except if i invite them. this kid kept asking my brother questions like "what's in there?" and "why wont ur brother let anyone in there?" he gave my brother hell untill my brother agreed to ask me to let this gobshite in. i said no. when i went to get a grink from the outside refregerator, this kid went in, and saw what was in there. he took particular interest in my katana, and was reaching for it when i walked back into the room. i yelled at him, drew my katana, and chased him from the room, wildly swinging my katana over my head. i caught up with him, slammed him against the wall, and put the tip of my katana to his throat, and said "if you ever come near to thinking about coming anywhere near my house again, you'll taste the steel of my katana". i've never seen him since. my brother says i traumatised him. so there you go, that's how i dealt with my same situation, maybe you should try it my way. (but don't get caught by police or anything. if you do, i had nothing to do with it!)
  10. I'd want to meet kabapu from excel saga, because he's so funny!! if this question includes My own original anime, then my answer would change from kabapu to khain from "the one winged angel saga" khain is a master swordsman and the ultimate anime mysterious character.
  11. new dream new dream!!!! XD kabapu was talking to matsuya about plans to stop ACROSS, when iwata walked up and said "why don't we just act like them for ages, and annoy them to death?" kapapu agrees to that. so the whole department of city security goes out into the city, dressed as members of across. kabapu (dressed as excell) is prancing around in a truly excell-ish manner, and saying "look at me! i'm a certifiably insane girl! look at me! watch me prance! as i dance, i've got ants in my pants! excell is working hard for lord ilpalazzo! who, coincedentaly.. hates my guts. look at me! i'm excell!" watanabe, dressed as ilpalazzo, is being his usual, grumpy self says something like "yeah right. look at me, i'm a freak in a cape, how inimidating". you then hear one of those crack sounds that indicate something's wrong, and ilpalazzo pops out from a manhole. and says "how dare you make fun of my cape! you'll pay for that!!." ilpalazzo pulls out his patented "excell buster" bazooka, and fires at watanabe. just before the shell hits, ropponmatsu grabs it, and hurls it into the sky, where it hits a puuchuu spacecraft. matsuyas then yells "STOP can't we all give it a rest for one episode? i'm getting bored of this!" they all agree and walk off, without saying a word to each other. this one didn't end in an explosion...... o_0
  12. if i were overlord of england [yes.... there is an english person here *gasp!*], first thing i'd do is take over the rest of the world. then i'd nuke canada. i would then make changes so severe i'm not sure what they are yet! XD
  13. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=darkslateblue] I just stumbled across this [URL=http://www.freewayblogger.com/index.htm]site[/URL], and I thought it was pretty interesting. For those of you who don't feel like clicking, it's basically a bunch of pictures of people who have make *freaking* big signs and randomly placed them on highway rails and bridges and such, so that a lot of people can see them. Most of them are political, of course. So, the main reason of why I'm posting this is whether or not you guys think this stuff actually makes people think. Personally, I think all it does is let the opposers get ticked off and angry, and the supporters happy. So basically, all it does is create more tension. Which can all boil down to what the title says: Power over minds. What sort of stuff [i]does[/i] make people change their minds about things? Has there ever really been a huge change for you in thinking or a change in your morals/thinking process? :whoops: Just thought it'd be nice to create some discussion in here. [/color][/QUOTE] Big signs like you mensioned, do nothing but create more tension. if i see a big sign saying something like "vote labour for the way forward: tony blair means a better tomorrow" it doesn't amke me stop and think "hey, maybe i should vote tony blair", it just pisses me off. Most of the people i've spoken to on this subject all basically say the same thing. something along the lines of "WWhenever i see an extreme left-wing sign or political editorial, it just pusshes me more and more extreme right wing". in conclusion i'll say that the opposite of what everyone else is doing seems to have a power over people's minds.
  14. what keeps me here? well for one thing, it's good to be part of an internet community again. there were a few "incidents" on the last board i was a member of, but otaku rules. Also, i like these boards, they are well designed. plus the post counts are hidden, which i veiw as a good thing (with post counts viewable poele can easily squabble over counts "ive got more posts than such-and such" and the like). plus on these boards, people discuss, not spam.
  15. the wierd thing about rules is that different rules apply to different people! to the rules that apply to me, i adhere strictly. if other poeple try to follow rules that seem to apply only to certain poeple (namely me), they get hauled before the school admistratum. rules seem to be relative....
  16. Personally, i think that big tatoos can deface the natural beauty of the human physique. it's sort of like drawing a crude stick figure cartoon in the midle of a monet, or putting sticky notes with "i did this" over an original koshi rikudo drawing. small tatoos are fine, but it's ultimately up to the people under the needle.
  17. well, seing as how it's the only series i can get a hold of, i'd have to vote gundam wing.
  18. how about the commercial for that new diesel fuel? it sort of has a song in it. i think it goes: "can hate be good...? can hate be great...? can hate be good, can hate be great, can hate be something you don't hate?" and then it starts singing about diesel engines that go "brawm and bang thwak and thrum and clatterclack?" it ends by singing "hate something? change something! hate something? change something! hate something change something hate something, make something better!" i personally find this advert hillarious
  19. hoho. don't know if i can post much here, but i'll try. 1) no-one has joined my rp yet. i hope to at least get this started before i die. 2) if i die, then i'll never be able to gig at the download festival. 3) i want to see neon genesis evangelikon before i die. i haven't seen it yet. 4) if i die, who will everyone make fun of?? and lastly... 5) i don't want to die before i reach one thousand or more posts on here.
  20. maybe we have these wierd dreams because we're special XD!! or maybe we are strange, lonely twisted people with nothing better to do than watch anime and play computer.
  21. the problem with religeon is that you can't question what they say openly. because then you are deemed a "faschist" or any number of derogatory terms. they have bullet proof armour of self-righteousness and public oppinion.
  22. alien huh? first thing i'd do is take it to see urotsukiidoji! i'd take it to sci fi shops and stuff like that, to show it what WE think about aliens.
  23. one cure i've found for sore throat is: eat the spiciest curry you can find. about ten minutes after, have someone hit you in the throat (not hard enough to kill mind.) then drink 2 glasses of iced water, followed immediately by a bottle of tabasco sauce. wait fifteen minutes, and have a fizzy drink. this cure has allways worked for me.
  24. i think that religion is a name the ignorant give to their ignorance. all of the major religeons are basically the same. they even cross reference each other (most notably isalam and christian) it is my oppinion that religeous people can believe whatever they want, just so long as they don't shove their beliefs down everyone else's throat.
  25. i've allways wanted to dye my hair bright blue. just for the hell of it
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