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  • Birthday 10/16/1974

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  1. Video Games and Online Worlds as Art by Raph Koster [url]http://www.gignews.com/raph1.htm[/url] It ain't art Chris Crawford [url]http://www.erasmatazz.com/library/JCGD_Volume_5/It_Aint_Art.html[/url] Games, the new lively art Henry Jenkins [url]http://web.mit.edu/cms/People/henry3/GamesNewLively.html[/url] Game on exhibition [url]http://www.gameonweb.co.uk/index.htm[/url] For the best discussion papers on games try [url]http://www.gamestudies.org/[/url] Anyone playing F105 on PS2 now?
  2. JULES


    What about mario 64 and the N64 controller? or Gran tourismo with the GT4 branded wheel? Or Duck hunt with the light gun, Dance, Dance revolution with a dance matt? Oh Titus made superman64, where as Nintendo have made a couple of slightly good games.
  3. JULES


    [B]I think the free online play will have a major influence on sales. [/B] (of course they will add to there considerable fortune by selling us emu versions of Super mario / Monkey ball etc) the price point of the revolution will also be a major factor - it alwasy is. And who's is betting it's the cheapest on the market?- It alwasy is. As Nintendo are a games company not a Technology (Sony) or software company (Microsoft) i can't wait to own another one of there machines, the only thing i'm undecided about is which of the other two to buy as well, i know the Sony machine will be cooler under my TV but the usefullness of media centre is an advantage. Ahh the fun of the fare....
  4. JULES


    i agree with anyone that says this is a great game. I have found for a very long time games have been getting bigger and bigger and biggerand bigger, but i never finish them. I hate not finishing a game. Imagine if we never finished reading books, or hearing the whole song on the radio, or getting to the end titles of a song!!!! Arrrrrr i hate it. I appreciate that if a game is too short then players with more time to dedicate can enjoy them for longer, but quality and quantity are often mis used with games. I had really hoped when it came out that ICO would be a beacon for a new length of games, but no. Publishers are still demanding the same blaoted, unfinishable games, yukkk !! Something else i loved about ICO was the sound track, what a brilliant way to create atmosphere that having good honest sounds of foot prints, if i were running arounda castle i doubt there would be a pan piped music echoeing around the halls!!
  5. The ability to shapeshift according to the most benefitial appearance in any given situation. My appearance would also be different when different people see me. Purhaps alittle less out there, A superpower I would like someone to invent is a clever box that reminded me of peoples names and purhaps alittle valuable info. about them. Not really a superpower, purhaps i could be called [I]Megamemory man[/I]. (Maybe its not evan a superpower)
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