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Everything posted by Sanada

  1. Yeah.. I kinda do front.. In class I act like a clown, always making stupid jokes and being the victim of other people's pranks ^^' I guess that I'm always clowing around, trying to be funny, when I'm actually a quiet, thinking person, If you get to know me. If I'd ever say something that's more like the real me then the fool me, nobody would believe me.. I tried ^^' Anyway, I believe that many people aren't what you think they are, they're all wearing masked.. What would happen if they begin to slip? -Sanada
  2. Yeah.. It's kinda impossible to not judge people by their looks. But as you said, they all stereotype and that's what pissing me off. I mean: Long hair: Gay Shorts tucked in pants: Wuss Bald: Racist (this one is I think my area exclusive) Black clothes: Gothic and there are so many more..
  3. I was wondering.. I'm a boy, just a normal, average boy, Well, maybe I'm not that average but I'm not weird. The only thing that makes me stand out is my hair. In my class, my hair is longer then 60% of the girls, well, nothing wrong with that now, is it? Then why do people keep telling me: "You've got long hair, you're gay" Or "You look like some junkie/hippie" ? Why do people judge other people by looks? I think it's because that those who are different, pose a threat to the normal people.. "They aren't normal, they aren't like me.. I hate him for that." Sadly, this is how many, many people think. Even I sometimes judge people by their looks, but I'm not the kind of guy to begin name calling. What do you think about this? Do you judge people by their looks? -Sanada
  4. Poor Druik.. Man, this story keeps getting better ^-^ Keep it up!
  5. [QUOTE=Panda]Oh Sanada, my friend's mom has the ultimate doll for you to be afraid of. I am not afraid of dolls but this one I have made an exception for. This doll gives me nightmares and I run past it since it freaks me out. If you stand it up it is about 5 feet tall. Has long arms AND looks like a clown. The arms and legs are really long, they look like they will reach out and grab you. It sits in their foyer somewhat behind a door. So you walk in the room and when you go to shut the door the clown is sitting in a chair behind the door. I just expect it to jump up and kill me. Either that or I will see it sitting there, look away and when I look back it will be gone. Hiding some place waiting to attack. Creepy, just plain creepy. [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/cloughdoll.jpg[/IMG] This thing is nightmare fuel.[/center] Now that I have worked on that new phobia for all of you to deal with, my phobia is that of guinea pigs. I really don't like guinea pigs. I hate the way they look so calm inside of their cage and then when you reach in to pick one up they freak out! In a flurry of sawdust and fur they scurry quickly over to the other side of the cage. They make that "veep, veep, veep" noise too. I know they do that to taunt me! Looking at me with those evil red eyes...waiting for me to touch them. Darn you creepy little rodents!! No matter how much I tried to work with guinea pigs while at the vet clinic I could never pick one up. I can hold one if handed to me, but I still can't pick one up on my own. Everytime they freak out I freak out. I would rather work with mean snakes and angry lizards than a guinea pig. [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/gpig.jpg[/IMG] They're fixin' to loose a finger![/center] I am fine with heights, snakes, spiders.....but no way are you going to get me to cuddle with a guinea pig.[/QUOTE] Thank you, Panda, I'll now remain traumatized the rest of my live, living in fear of someday meeting that horrible excuse for a toy :animedepr That's the most. scary. looking. doll. EVER!
  6. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]I write differently. When I write, it's usually on something not normally written about. I pick up unusual words and use them or fascinating terms like "holy water" and "balladeer." My inspiration is by something new and intriguing to me whether it's an uncanny picture or a bizarre word. I also like to write in riddles, so sometimes my work sounds cool, but you won't understand what I'm saying. It also helps the fact that I write songs as well as the music on my guitar or piano. But that's just my style.[/QUOTE] I think I like your style, Dragon Warrior ^^ Well, I followed the advice and I started working on this song/poem, but I'm kinda stuck -_- Here's what I have: I walk the path of the ignorant, down the road of sorrow. Don't care where it'll take me, Cause it'll always lead to tomorrow. I walk these lines of mystery, through a void unknown, Don't know where I'm going, Or how much time has flown. (
  7. I don't know which scientific name thingy my phobia is called, but I'm very much afraid of dolls. When I was little, my sister used to have a doll that yelled: 'MAMA!' all the time, and for whatever stupid reason, I feared that doll like it was the devil itself. Ever since I'm having trouble being in one room with a wooden doll, looking at me.. freaks me out.. And then those Chucky movie's.. Blegh! -Sanada
  8. Pure brilliance! So full of emotions, tension, and good ol' humor ^^ "Let?s just say I have a squirrel in my pants. Is that code for something? No, I really do have a squirrel in my pants." Just awesome
  9. 1. If you're gonna be an [I]Otaku[/I] I think you'll have to at least: Have seen a few Anime (complete) Watch frequent and know something about Anime in general. 2. Discriminate.. dunno.. I for one doesn't watch Evangelion because I hate Mecha, but I watch all kinds of other series, do I discriminate? Watch what you like. 3. Why wouldn't it be? If they like that, they should watch it. But.. You can't be an Anime otaku with only Americanized series, imho. 4. Hell no! Do you know how much effort and time you're gonna spend learning it? If you want, you can do it, but it's not a need. 5.Duh..I mean, watch what you like, even if it isn't Anime. If you're gonna limit you vision to the only 'true' anime, you're not an otaku at all. 6. Yup, that's your choice. If you don't wanna watch something, who's gonna make ya? 7. I wouldn't know, wouldn't care. 8. They're awesome. -Sanada
  10. This might sound cold, but that's just me I guess ^^' At school I'm a kinda populair guy, so I have many people I hang out with. I talk to them, make jokes with them, laugh with them, meet after school with them but there are few whom I'd call my friends. I just have this feeling that if they were in a situation were I really needed help, they'd turn away from me. Soo.. I haven't got much friends no.. What I do have is alot of people to hang out with, but nothing more, guess they come closest to being my friends. -Sanada.
  11. Sanada


    I absolutely love Finch! Atmy school all my other friends think Finch sucks, but that's because they have lousy taste in music. (Mainstream ****, mostly) From their EP to Album, I've loved every damn song. Nate Barcalow is just such a great singer, even live he's amazing! 'What It Is To Burn' is currently my favourite Finch song, but I also really like 'Awake' 'Grey Matter' and 'Project Mayhem' Finch is just different from most rock/emo/punk bands, that's why they stand out. -Sanada
  12. [quote name='C.Azul']Look, I don't even try to hit on girls. I'm just a shy, stupid person that everytime I try to ask a girl out I ended getting rejected. I remember when I told this girl if she wanted to go out with me. Fortunately, she said yes and I was really happy. But then I saw her kissing another guy. I was going to kick his *** but fighting over a girl would just make me look like a dumbass(which I already was for believing in her in the first place). Also two years ago, on Valentine's day, I decided to give a box of chocolates and a stuffed animal to a girl. She didn't do anything to break my heart. It was the stuff she received from other people. She received way better gifts and that was enough to put my gifts and I in shame. There's still more problems that I had with girls but its embarrasing to talk about it. I just wanna know why the HELL does this keep happening to me?[/quote] OMG. You're just like me! Every single time I've fallin in love I can't make a move, cause I know I'll get rejected. I had a girl for some time, and I was really happy, but after a while she decided that I was boring and dumped me. I also tried to give a girl something for Valentine's day, turn out she hates the damn day and wants nothing to do with it whatsoever -_- Anyway, I finally found my girl. I liked her for along time, and I knew people were saying she liked me too. I first became friends with her and got to know her better, then I asked if she wanted to go out with me, and she said yes ^^ Ñext week me and her are together for one year ^^ So what I'm trying to say is, you'll find someone for you. I mean, the girls you tried to get before aren't worth it if they'll make you feel like ****. -
  13. Wow, thank you guys for replying ^^ I thought nobody noticed this topic. Flashlight, your advice is really good! I think I'm gonna do that from now on. I usually think up lines for songs and write them down in my map. I want to write to express my feelings, I don't know which music genre fits it best, although I think it's something in the lines of Rock/Emo
  14. My favourite bands change often ^^' I listen mostly to Emo/Punk/Hardcore Punk now and these bands are great: 1. Finch Can't really describe the style, it's just different, and it's great music. The lyrics aren't simple love songs, they are deep. Finch singer, Nate can really pull anything off with his voice and make it sound great at that. Recommended Song: Grey Matter. 2. Funeral For A Friend. Just Emo wouldn't say enough. Great band with great lyrics. Great to listen to when you're feeling down, great to listen to when feeling happy ^^ Recommended Song: Bend Your Arms To Look Like Wings. 3. Boy Sets Fire. The first Hardcore Punk band I've heard. If you want real punk, like bashing the government and such, listen to BSF. In almost all their lyrics they're bashing stuff like, exploiting the poor, priveledges for the rich, it's just great stuff to listen to. Recommended Song: Release The Dogs.
  15. I would wanna meet Yukimura from Samurai Deeper Kyo, and ask him if he would like to drink Sake with me (an offer he can't refuse, since he likes good sake) and then I'll talk about his past and goals and gaze at amazement at him ^^ And then I'd stick around for a friendly bout between him and Kyo.
  16. Hey! I just had my birthday party, and my cousin went to a comicstore to buy me some manga. I had a few manga listed but they didn't have any one of them (bummer!) So she bought me the first volme of Liling Po. I read through the manga, and I found it quite boring :animeswea So I wanted to know if anyone here knows Liling Po, and does it get better after a few volumes? Thanks! -Sanada
  17. I just saw The Grudge (American Version) yesterday. I found it quite amusing. It isn't what I'd call scary, but more mysterious and full of tense moments. The things I liked that they actually tried to maintain the Japanese aspects of the film. It all takes place in Japan with an American main character, and like many Japanese horror movies, you'll only know what's going on if you watch the whole movie, since it's explained throughout the movie non-chronological. I haven't seen the original, but after seeing the American version, I'm sure I'll pick up the original Japanese version!
  18. My fav. is definitely FF IX. It was the first in the FF serie's I've ever bought and cleared ^^' When I first played the game, I reached the final boss without the knowledge that Weapons contained abilities ^^' how dumb is that? After that I replayed it for like a thousand times and it never gets boring. great music, great story and really really loveable characters! Dagger and Zidane as a couple are soo cute :3
  19. XD This reminds me of something. When I was a baby, my mother used to dress me in pink girl clothes (Yeah, I'm a guy BTW) because they already bought clothes and were hoping for a girl, well, I turned out to be a boy, but they made me wear those girly clothes and everyone thought I was a girl -_-' :animesigh Even now I'm sometimes being mistaken for a girl, because I've long hair :animeswea It's really freky when guys start to flirt with you ^^' Anyways, I think there are few differences between the sexes, the stereotype Male being aggresive and the female being sweet.
  20. I was wondering.. Does anyone on this forum write song lyrics? I started writing lyrics a few months ago, and I'm not so good yet so I wanted to know if anyone could give me some advice. I mean, when you write lyrics, what inspires you and so on. Just your thoughts :animesmil -Sanada
  21. The Fruits Basket manga explains things better the the Anime. As the Fruits Basket manga is still ongoing, the Anime ended with 26 Episodes. I think much more things from the Manga could be explained in the Anime. Some Zodiac characters were completely left out :animecry: Anyway, It's a great manga ^^ It has comedy, Romance, action and alot of weirdness :animeswea
  22. Guess it's the same as most people would say: I'll break rules when I'm not agreeing with them. There are so many rules that are just plain stupid, and nobody follows 'em. If you can be happy breaking those rules and not hurting anyone in the process, that isn't bad, neh? I'm not the kinda person to follow orders, I'll do things my way.
  23. Hello ^^ My three things would be: 1. A real Muramasa! From Samurai Deeper Kyo, any of the Muramasa will do, but if I'd have to choose I'd like the really long sword of Kyo ^^ 2. Vectors. From Elfen Lied. It would be so handy to have a few spare arms nobody can see *grins* think of all the things you could pull off :animesmil 3. Long silvery hair. Just like Inu Yasha's. I already have my hair till my shoulders, but I want it longer and silver ^^ That would be so awesome.
  24. Mistake ^^' Sorry guys, I'll read the rules from now on..
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