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Everything posted by Xx_Chaos_xX

  1. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]If you are used to watching Naruto raw and want to continue doing so, you can always turn the subtitles off. Even if it's not an option in the DVD's language menu, you can usually switch off subtitles using a button found on your player's remote control. At least I assume that's what you're talking about... :animeswea ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I dont know japanese but what i mean is watching it subbed, it is better then watching it dubbed, but the R1 DVDs have them both. But i rather what the japanese dvd with subtitles then watch Viz R1 DVD.
  2. Wow, Solo Tremaine warned you two times and Dagger IX1 warned all you too. i guest this topic is locked. rule in the future be more specific in your post. So please try and include more details about the anime,manga,video games ect; and followKaze's reply well, i would like to see Cartoon network bring back "robot saturday" and air gundam all day, for people can see just how great gundam, because these days not much people resept mech anime, so people can see just how great mech anime is.
  3. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]I mean, if you really do plan on buying the R1 DVDs, you'll be able to choose between watching it in English and watching it in Japanese. [/QUOTE] But it wouldnt be the same.Its like trying to slove a puzzle, and missing a piece. You all ready know what it is but you dont feel right, same with naruto. you miss the goodness of the Raw Dvd.Its like eatting out in a dinner, you pick something that looks good, and you eat it. Lets say that food was Rice&Eggs. The next day you wife wants to make rice. will you eat it without eggs or tell that woman to make some darn eggs.What I am trying is that when you try something better, and what to go down a grade, Nine out of ten times you will say no, so what do i say NO! Anyway reply to this post i just made, i enjoy are talks.
  4. In other words what dagger's post is a :lecture: Ok dude i get but still i am sick to my gut and i havnt started drinking( :alcohol: i am still to young but i feel like i drank over 100 beers from mugs:beer: to bottles :gulp: then we all know what happens :alcohol: =:sick: intill i faint :faint or blow up :blowup: ) This is how i felt when i heard the news, that they will shoot a beloved series in the heart and stab it while its down. Bandi should have got there hands on it, but i will take you word and watch the (crappy) english violume before i say anyway thing, but if its crap :bash:
  5. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]*nods* And anyway, CN already sent out a press release stating that they had the rights to broadcast ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] wait will adult swim get it or Cn??? I am so glad i got the japanese cut. I dont care if i buy bootlegs, its better then watching this Naruto: hi Jim Sasuke:Hi Mac NOOOOOOOOOO there going to give them english names! Back to what i was saying: i am ever thing but happy. This will ruin Naruto. People will look at naruto in horror, kids in my school will talk about it. It will fall in the foot steps of one piece. Thay wil have it on cartoon network!!!??? Richard Cox will ruin, uh lets say kakashi like he did inu-yasha. Only chance for happyness is to sing a song from naruto. OHYAOHYAOHYA
  6. I would be Demon eyes kyo from "samurai deeper kyo" in a wolfs rain manga with a little samurai Champloo, cowboy bebop, and Vampire Hunter D (with a little "ninja scroll) If so the story would be changed a little. Kyoshiro Mibu would be a wolf in human form, and demon eyes kyo is looking for his body to unlock his body. I would be Kyoshiro Mibu (heh)
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