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Everything posted by LittleCherryZoo

  1. OH.MY.GOSH. I couldn't even watch the whole episode, it was way too painful. How can 4Kids do such a thing? They took a great manga and killed it over and over and over again. What did we ever do to 4Kids? What do you guys think of it?
  2. I have dreams like that all the time. Like just yesturday, I had one that I was Sailor Moon, which really freaked me out since I haven't watched it since I was like, nine oo; Anywho, I was battling Goku (where does he fit in with SM..?) and out of nowhere Vash came and kicked Goku's bum. Then me and Vash got married and but then Meryl came and started yelling at me and then she hooked up with Tuxedo. It was really weird and I'm gonna be having nightmares of that for awhile..
  3. [spoiler]I'm pretty sure Al and Ed are brothers[/spoiler], but what Al said left me stumped too. I have no theories, since usually all my theories are wrong, and I'm too tired right now to type any out. But what did Al mean by that? Is Ed keeping some big secret away from Al or something? Meh, it's going to be torture waiting for next Saturday..
  4. I believe in ghosts too, but it's not that good for me since I freak out *VERY* easily. Any scary movie, no matter how stupid it is, will scare me if it has just a little bit of stabbing and creepy little girls who climb out of TVs. And I swear, whenever I brush my teeth, something is watching me, so I only brush my teeth if I have some stuffed animals in the bathroom with me. I kinda believe in fairies, well not really, but I do think it would be cool if they really exist, same as dragons.
  5. Okay, I have a LONG list on what made me cry, meh, but some of this stuff may spoil things to a few people: When [spoiler]Wolfwood[/spoiler] died in Trigun. When [spoiler]Spike[/spoiler] died in Cowboy Bepop. When the [spoiler]android chica[/spoiler] dies in Kikaider. When Kenshin [spoiler]leaves to Kyoto[/spoiler] in Rurouni Kenshin. When [spoiler]Shia[/spoiler] died in Pita-Ten. When [spoiler]everyone died[/spoiler] in Wolf's Rain. When [spoiler]Haku[/spoiler] died in Naruto. When [spoiler]Yoh[/spoiler] died in Shaman King. When [spoiler]Tomoe[/spoiler] died in Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal There's alot more but I can't think of any..my brain go splat right now..x.x
  6. Worst: Kaolla Su: Have you seen what she does to people she sleeps in the same room with?! Pikachu: I don't trust him...>> Aki-Neechan: From Abenobashi..gosh I'm not even sure if she's a man or a woman oO; Best: Kero: You just gotta love him
  7. Yay! I love Kakashi he's the secksy! Hmm..everyone says I'm most like Edward from Cowboy Bepop..I'm not sure why but I think that they mean I'm a psycho...>>;
  8. I'm actually addicted to this site that has Hampton and the Hamsters dancing..I've been watching them dance for five hours straight..and still am.. Oh! And I'm addicted to gum and soda! Any kind, I would [I]die[/I] without those two things! I
  9. [quote name='elfpirate][b']Heh- you're not crazy-- a lot of us do that. I even sketch the people I come into contact with as anime.[/b][/quote] Me too, me and my friends sometimes pretend we're in an anime, which usually makes us get strange looks from people..^^;
  10. All, and I mean [I]all[/I] my friends who seen Ring 2 told me it stinks. According to them, the Americans messed took out everything that made the first any good, smited it, killed it, then spat on it, and finally beat it until there was nothing left except this horribly made sequel. Since more than 10 people pretty much told me that, I advise you not to watch until it comes out on DVD, since then you can make fun of the movie without getting thrown out!
  11. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v135/ZannaLove/Mishadawitch.bmp[/IMG] Misha from Pita-Ten cause she's just plain cute! Ya gotta love her and "su", which is the word she always says. Misha's always trying to help everyone, and she's adorable! [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/fma/24.jpg[/IMG] Winry from Full Metal Alchemist. Meh, sorry I couldn't find a better picture of her >.< Anywho, she's a chica who builds stuff! How can ya get any hotter than that? [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/chobits/Chobits001.jpg[/IMG] Chii from Chobits. She's a persocon with funky ears! She's like one of the hottest by far, and she's so childlike and innocent too!
  12. [QUOTE=Lore][b]On that note, my kid brother (who isn't really such a 'kid' anymore... le sigh) had hair a while back that looked [i]just[/i] like Kaiba's (from YGO!) I nearly fell over. (He'd just taken a shower, and his hair seperated into little anime-esque sections.) It was the right length, the right color, the right style, and looked just strange enough to merit being called 'anime hair.' Not that Kaiba's hairstyle is exactly off the wall, or anything, but the resemblence was striking. :)[/b][/QUOTE] My friend once tried copying Yugi's hairstyle..didn't turn out that well..>>; But it WAS pretty funny..but I like copying Sakura's (CCS) hairstyle, every once in awhile I'll cut it just like her's and random people would run up to me and be like "OHMYGOSH!!! You look just like that cartoon girl!" And I'm like it's anime and her name is Sakura get it right! Ha..gotta love when that happens..
  13. I would love to be able to make anything I want turn alive. There's really no reason for me wanting this, I just had a disagreement with some online friends whether or not rocks have feelings, and if I had this power I would be able to make them be alive, so I can prove to my friends that I was right!^^; But it might be kinda creepy too, what if you're at a funeral and you accidently touch the corpse...>>;
  14. I don't think it's over hyped either. I love the game, the multiplayer mode is awesome and so is the single player. I'm not saying it's the best game out there, but one of my favorites. I agree with Wayfarer about the first one being one of the best games ever made, and with Halo 2, I haven't actually beat the single player campaign yet since I'm stuck XD.
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