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Everything posted by Immelman

  1. I would choose either Teleportation or being able to minipulate time. Dont matter how long it takes if its reletave. =)
  2. Nice job on the shading! Especially on the face. If you are going for that half manled-levitating-in-mid-air look it would be great if you could concider a lighting effect. Say light comes from the top and causes shadow on the floor. Also I cant figure out why but, for some reason I would think a guy with a wound like that must have bled or have left his not so better half lying somewhere. I think adding a bit more detail to the background might just give it a bit more of a ominous feel to it. Overall very nice print. =)
  3. Must say coloring = nice job but, I tend to agree with everyone else on the shading. Keep at it you definateley have a talent for it. =)
  4. I must say after reading this tread I will seriousley consider starting to buy the Manga instead of just being an anime junkie. Can someone please suggest a few Manga Titles to get me started with? I really enjoy anime with original plots like Neon Gen Evangellion, Lain and Ghost in the Shell. Unfortunateley I dont know if these animes were mangas before they were animes or visa versa. Would appreciate some pointers. =)
  5. I prefer Subbed Animation to Manga because well... firstley i'm addicted to Anime and secondley I cant think of a more fun way to learn a bit of Japanese. =) If I could read kanji I would most probably be equally addicted to Manga for the same reason as watching anime. Theres no doubt that most of the time theres quite a bit that gets lost in translation but, I am currentley quite content with my extremeley limited Japanese vocabulary. =)
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