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Everything posted by Latharix_sama
[FONT=Comic Sans MS](OOC: I apologize for the long time I spent away from the boards. School has been hectic, what with exams and all. I haven't had the time to check up on things.) Jerille crowed and hopped around his mistress. She had fallen asleep in a most unladylike manner--slumped against a brick wall, her frighteningly long legs stretched out before her, and her hands shoved into her pockets. She was the only vampire the poor bird had ever met who had the audacity to slumber in public. Felix opened her eyes slightly and peered warily at the beast. "Little bugger..." She sprang from her resting place and moved swiftly down the street. Jerille, caught off guard, squacked angrily at her, took a few hops across the pavement, and then flew off after the albino. Felix discerned that several of her own kind were wandering about closeby. The young sprig of a vampire had no desire to become involved with her tasteless kin. She took a turn at a street corner and headed towards the northern tip of Atlanta. The vampire and crow stopped when they had reached the tallest building. The two perched at the top. She let out a catlike yawn that showed off her highly pronounced teeth. The view did nothing but tire her all the more. She blinked at the sky ahead and then jumped when something caught her attention. She scrambled to her feet and coddled Jerille, pointing out the dot in the sky. "Lookit, birdy, there's a lovely fallen, come to play house with us."[/FONT]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]Relationships? I'm talking about real, loving, maybe even sexual ones. The age range people start searching for love seems to be splitting. People are dating at much younger and [I]older[/I] ages. I wonder, are all of these people really ready for physical and emotional companions? I claim to be nonsexual, and I really mean it. I have no sex drive and I can't be "turned on". I went through the sexual stage and said, "Screw you, bugger!" I am in need of constant companionship and love, but not the romantic or physical kind. So, what about all of you? Are you ready, already involved, unprepared, no where near mature enough, or are you blatantly ignoring such things, like me?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Sojiro47']Tical, a junkatarian.........? I like the sound of that. Now I have a name for my eating habits. Sweat! But like DeadSeraphim said, those of us with fast metabolisms will be way fat one day. But untill then, live it up folks. We've got the world of food at our finger tips, just eat it before our metabolisms give out on us. ^_^[/quote] [SIZE=1]Yes, you're absolutely right! I should ride this rollercoaster called metabolism 'til the very end, and then keep going at the same speed on my own! ...That would look strange in real life!! o.o" I want to still be sexy thin when I decide that people actually turn me on. :B[/SIZE]
1 ~ What is your NATURAL hair color/colors? Mouse Brown 2 ~ Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color[s]? NA 3A ~ If you have, do you regret it? Has it damaged your hair? NA 3B ~ If you haven't, do you want to? Hell yes. :3 4 ~ Are you satisfied with your current hair color? So-so. 5 ~ What is your favorite style for your hair? [[long, short, bangs, etc]] The male emo flippy hair style actually looks pretty hot on me. I should have a sex change. xD But I'm pretty happy with my long, straight hippie hair. 6 ~ What kind of hair do you like in the opposite sex? The mohawk. They are just so seximeji.
[QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna] Or maybe it's the dope... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Most likely, it's both. Metabolism probably plays the biggest part, but stimulants do a very good job of keeping you sickingly thin. Of all the druggies I have ever met, not one of them could have possibly weighed more than me.
If I feel like I'm too nervous or shy to start a conversation, I just don't do it. If they want to talk to me, they can. However, that is usually not the case. I love to break the ice. I either say something completely random and offbeat at a loud volume, or I physically start a conversation by doing something that I know makes people uncomfortable: I come up from behind them and give them a biiiiiiiig hug! :3 The best phrase to break the ice, in my opinion? "Yes, hallo, I am currently pondering the whereabouts of my [insert name of article of clothing or strange being], have you seen it/them?"
I saw this thread and I pulled out my old scale. xD I stand at five feet, seven inches and I weigh one hundred twenty-five pounds. I feel that this is fairly decent for a girl who hasn't been truly physical in two months and eats like a quartet of ten-year-olds. I guess I owe the fact that I'm an uncurvy stick of a girl to the fact that my metabolism is a super hero. :B But all super heroes get old, and one day I will have to start working my butt off to keep this weight range. >>;
Stuff you found funny that no one else understood?
Latharix_sama replied to Doublehex's topic in General Discussion
I find myself giggling whenever people commit a stereotypical act. Like when a girl says, "Why do I have to be [I]her[/I] partner?? She dresses like a freak!", I start to laugh so hard it wracks my entire upper body. Most people think I'm having convulsions and I'm always the only one that thinks those stereotypical moments are funny. -
[SIZE=1]My name is Catherine. It's another form of the name Katherine. It comes from the Greek name Aikaterine. The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name Hekaterine, which came from Hekateros, "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of the goddess Hecate; it could be related to the Greek word aikia, "torture"; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning "my consecration of your name". The Romans associated it with Greek katharos, "pure" and changed their spelling from Katerina to Katharina to reflect this. Today, if I was to look up Catherine, I would most likely come up with that meaning, "pure". I'm...not pure. xD So...no, this name doesn't really fit me. I still like it, though.
A shrill cry broke the ordinary din of Seventh Street. Several humans who heard it dashed recklessly into the alley from which the scream originated. One middle-aged gentleman caught a flash of white in the corner of his eye, but only for a moment. Collapsed beside the dumpster was a young girl. Her skin was deathly pale and two single blood drops rolled down her soft white neck. One word echoed in the humans' minds: [I]Vampire![/I] The men shouted with anger. A peal of laughter like silver bells emitted from Felix's rosy lips when she heard the growl of outrage from the humans. She slapped her thigh merrily and then skipped away from Seventh Street. She loved the way the crowds parted when she walked through. They didn't do it of their own free will, but hers. "Jerille, darling, where shall we go now?" Felix stroked the greasy head of the crow. The spoiled bird tried a cooing sound, but it only came out as, "Squak!" He scratched her right shoulder to indicate that he wanted to go in that direction. He was motioning her to head back towards the wastes. "Right-o, ducky," saluted Felix, and with a blur of white and black, the two were gone. Several people who had been walking nearby, couldn't help but scratch their heads.
Name and pronunciation: Felix Darsinae (fee-licks dar-seen-aa) Breed: Vampire Age: Young, but uncertain of the factual age Sex: Female Occupation: Thief Weapons: She carries a long, heavy black cane. A small blade is cocealed within it. Special abilities:Her senses are highly accute compared to those of normal beings. Her eyes are so advanced, they can see beyond the dark and can easily hypnotize. Her speed reaches such great numbers that if you saw her casually brush her shoulder, you might swear that you only saw a flash of color. Appearance. Felix is an albino. She has soft, nape-length white hair that falls partially over the right side of her face. Her eyes are a weak, sicklly pink and her skin is deathly pale. Her fangs are shaped like those of a snake and curl slightly over her bottom lip. She stands barely under six feet and has a thin, lanky body. She is most often seen wearing a three-piece pinstripe suit and heavy black boots. Pets (optional):A large black crow, named Jerille. History: Felix has unknown origins. She herself doesn't quite remember where she came from or how she came to be. In the past years, however, she has been living alone, picking off the dregs of humanity. Personality: Felix is mysterious and dark; a slightly Gothic air is about her. She enjoys toying with people and having fun at others' expense. Despite her shadowing aura, she is rather flirtacious and dandy.
Lares held her arms akimbo and frowned. She paced the floor. Soma was in her room getting ready, leaving poor Snake Eyes to sit patiently by the door; which she, obviously, wasn't quite good at. Soma emerged and Lares bounded up to her. "Finally! Let's go!!" She bounced up and down on the toes of her shoes. "Alright, alright. We're going." Soma walked outside which Lares following behind like a puppy. They walked toward their destination at a steady pace. Lares thought that this was a good pace for talking. "Remember, you promised. You hafta spill the edamame once we're there!" She winked at Soma.
[SIZE=1]Snake Eyes stopped scanning the kitchen for booze. She had several bottles, some full and some half tapped. She poked Joshua in the side. "Here! I already took it all from the fridge!" She handed him an unopened bottle. It was more expensive than the rest, so it seemed a waste to use it for a Malotov cocktail. He frowned. "Just one bottle?" "If there's any left, you can have it, you drunkie!" She harrumphed. "If it was up to me you'd drink coffee!!" She had never liked the sauce and couldn't see how anyone could poison their body with such foul-tasting stuff.[/SIZE]
"Oh no! I don't need anything at all! Vennet Fjorde lives nearby! I know because I'm sure I've seen his face before. I think he'll be pretty easy" Snake Eyes had taken the bounty poster for him because she knew it wasn't much work. "In fact, he's in the phonebook, right here!" She reached over the counter for the large book and flipped through it until her finger found a home. She was right, Vennet had never thought of removing his name from the 'books. His name, phone number, and address were all listed next to Snake Eyes' first digit. She closed the phone book and replaced it. She then hopped up onto the kitchen counter and used her powers to scan the cabinets. She stopped in front of one and opened it to reveal a bottle of whiskey. "I'll help you find that alcohol you need!"
Snake Eyes shreiked happily, "Yes!!" She grinned ear to ear and shook Soma's hand wildly. She stopped when she realized that Soma wasn't grinning back at her. "Sorries!" "Now....my guy....he's probably connected to yours. He's an eclectic black market dealer. He has business in most items." She looked at the bounty note. "He's not worth half as much as yours, though, 'cause even though he sells most things, he isn't as prolific in sales in illegal items like weapons or drugs. I don't think he'll be hard to get." Soma smiled. "You've actually thought a little about it this time. That's new!" Snake Eyes clapped her hands. "I'm trying to be a little useful!" She paused for a moment, because another thought had flashed across her mind. "Oh! Is it just us, or are we going to get some others to help?" Snake Eyes knew that all the questions bugged Soma. Soma was very well aware that Snake Eyes only had to use her powers to get the answers. But she was too lazy to ever use them when she wasn't working. Besides, brain-snooping was not always 100%.
Snake Eyes opened her mouth and then it was too late. She began to rant. "Kiiiiiiiyeh! Judgement, I've been alone in this house all day! Nobody would go with me...." She kicked the kitchen counter. The loud [I]clunk[/I] that echoed through the room seemed to satisfy her a little. Soma groaned. "You should've come with me! Oh, wait, you were skipping out during the meeting, weren't you?" She knocked on Snake Eyes' head. Snake Eyes grinned sheepishly and waved her hands about wildly to signal that she would rather not discuss any more topics that would end with her punished. "Oh well! I'll just go with you next time!" She smiled as if her whole rotten day was about to be justified. "What's the scoop on your guy, then? Is it juicy?"
OOC: Oh dear, oh dear! Sorry I'm so late! The posts just confuddle me when I'm trying to read them ALL...-_-; Lares looked around miserably as everyone left her alone in the house. All the targets she had wanted were taken, and she knew no one really wanted her to tag along. She bent down and picked up a random one. The name was Vennet Fjorde. A big-time dealer in the black market. Namely antiquated, or, on the opposite of the spectrum, high-tech hot items; most of which was illegal pretty much everywhere. Anything you want, he'll deal it to you cheap. Lares smiled. She liked to know what was in style. She looked about to see if there was anyone left willing to go along with her. "Hallooooo? Does anybody want to take this thug out with little old meeee?" She wailed grimly. Luck with the fast draw she could handle, luck with people she couldn't.
Ravi stared at the now blank monitors longer than neccessary. She rubbed her eyes and then looked around her room. "I think I'm prepared. Hmmm....So that means that I can go have some fun!" She smiled sweetly and bounced out of her room. She rubbed her tummy and decided she could go for some grub. She skipped down to the next level and headed for the nearest restaurant. She stared at the menu for quite some time, much to the displeasure of those working there. She finally ordered and sat down to eat. She wondered if she should introduce herself to the others, but she had barely seen any of them since the voyage began. This place was so huge, she suspected that one could play hide-and-go-seek and not finish for days. After that she bounded into the library and cozied up with some books. She planned to stay there until something else came up.
OOC: ahhhh...I luff you!!! -huggles- Name: Lares Penates Nickname: Snake Eyes Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Snake Eyes stands at 5`7" and weighs a measly 110 lbs. Her figure is slim and flexible, like that of a reptile's. She has limp, pink hair with blue tips raggedly chopped off above her shoulders. Her most distinguishing features are her electric blue eyes. These are where her markings reside. She wears tight, black clothing and carries a SW pistol , lovingly named "Caldera", in her belt holster. Personality: Snake Eyes is a pest. She doesn't really mean to be, but everyone regards her as such. She's unethical, unlogical, rude, often tardy, lazy, and has a sassy attitude. She's just never really had the chance to grow up. She tries to be nice, but something always goes wrong, making her seem selfish. Power: Snake Eyes has the power of divination through the markings on her eyes. This allows her to detect unseen people or objects, see into the future or the past, and delve into people's outermost consciences (current thoughts, health status, etc.). Character Snippet: Snake Eyes darted across the street and into the alley. She was looking for the ellusive serial killer her friends had been commenting on that afternoon. She had stopped by the station to get a picture. That was all she needed. She would roam the streets until she found the person who matched. "Where are you, bugger?" she hissed as she pulled her hair in frustration. She was ready to call it quits; the lights in this part of town were low quality and fizzled. Never the less, the serial killer was rumored to hang out on this street. Snake Eyes suddenly heard a soft noise from behind a dumpster. Then, a cloud crash, and a screeching cat dashed into the night. She simpered and then the markings on her eyes flashed wildly as she inspected the alley. There! Behind the dumpster was a human form. She looked behind it at the scraggly person sleeping there. "Hallo! Are you James Renric?" The man awoke and flinched at the name. Snake Eyes peered at his eyes. The burning marks reflected in them. She pushed her way into his conscience and confirmed that he was the one she was looking for. She grinned mischeviously. "No. You can't be him, sorry for the trouble!" "Wait just a second!" James whipped out a knife and threw it at Snake Eyes neck, missing by an inch. He was drunk. "I'm sorries, Mr. Badguy, but I gotsta kill you! They want you dead back at the pokey," she said in a singsong voice. She quickly removed her pistol and shot two injections of hot lead into his skull. She then began the long journey back to the station, dragging the corpse by the ankles behind her.
[B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Name_[/COLOR][/B] Ravi Palo [B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Age_[/COLOR][/B] 21 [B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Nationality_ [/COLOR][/B] Danish (fluent in English) [B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Appearance_ [/COLOR][/B] Ravi has platinum blonde, waist-length hair that she regularly pulls into pigtails. Her eyes are electric blue and large like a deer's. She has a short, seemingly prepubescent body and an impish face. She normally wears eclectic styles of clothing with lots of clothing. [B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Profession_ [/COLOR][/B] Bioligist. Ravi spends most of her time trying to discover new species of plants and animals. [B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Reason for coming on expedition_ [/COLOR] [/B] She's excited about the mysterious new species to be found on the new planet. She wants to start studying and recording them as soon as possible. [B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Personality_ [/COLOR] [/B] Ravi is energetic and spastic. Her loud, inquisitive nature makes her comparable to a mosquito. Don't be fooled, though. Ravi is very gung-ho and passionately serious about her job. She always does her best to give 100%.
[B]Name:[/B] Bonbon Paris [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age: [/B] 17 [B]Appearance:[/B] Bonbon has a short (5`3), thin figure that seemingly has no curves except for her slightly rounded hips. She has mint-green eyes and bobbed blonde hair with long bangs that hide her face quite often. She likes baggy, grunge clothing and always wears her combat boots. [B]Side:[/B] A citizen immune to the anti-christ's charms [B]Personality:[/B] Bubbly. She often says random things and ruins otherwise dramatic moments. She is also very cynical and criticizes a lot of the things going on in the world. [B]Biography:[/B] Bonbon has lived a pretty average life. She grew up as the only child in a caring, Christian family and has a lot of friends at school, but isn't a part of the "in crowd". She works at a bookstore part-time while she attends a public highschool in middle Tennessee. Being a Christian, she is wary of the threat of the anti-christ. She questions Alec Triston's every move and his overwhelming popularity. Afterall, the good book says that the anti-christ would come in the disguise of a beautiful and good being. She has yet to do anything about her suspistions, though.
OOC: I really like the sound of this rpg. At first I was worried that I might screw up my sign-up, so I didn't post one. Now, though, I think I ought to at least give it a try. [B]Name:[/B] Felix Yevril [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Nation:[/B] Pyrax [B]Occupation:[/B] Dragon Trainer (works in the hatcheries) [B]Family information:[/B] Felix comes from a large and diverse family that has roots firmly planted in every corner of Arcana. Until she left her home to work in the dragon hatcheries she shared a house with her parents, five brothers and two sisters, and four cousins. She still keeps in touch with her human family, but loves her new dragon family just as well. [B]Anything else:[/B] Felix has a short, skinny body but packs a lot of punch. Her most identifiable features are her short, snow-white hair and her firey red eyes. She also has a lot of scars from unruly hatchlings and their over-protective mothers. [B]Brief sample of your writing:[/B] Felix bit her lip as a messenger related the story of the rogue dragon and the war he had instigated. She pretended to be just as appalled as everyone else. She didn't want anyone to know that that particular dragon had been under [I]her[/I] watch. Going back just a few weeks earlier on the day that started everything, Felix remembers herself waking up before daylight. She stretched and quietly eased out of her pallet,then tiptoed past the snoring trainers. She slipped into her work clothes: Fire-proof under-armor, animal hide tunic and pants, and a pair of sturdy boots. Felix walked down the corridor that led to her assigned hatchery. She could hear the young dragons let out yawing roars and it made her smile. She loved this job. She stepped out into the large, arena-sized, space and headed straight for Gerinth, a large red dragon that had managed to evade Felix's every attempt to tame him. His impudence and spunk were what made him her favorite. As she neared him, he blew playful smoke rings that encircled her. She giggled and fanned at the smog with her hands. Gerinth snaked his long neck out and rubbed his triangular head against her face. "Heyyy!!" Felix squealed. "Don't think that being nice to me is going to get you any extra feeding time than everyone else!" She side-stepped away from the young dragon and headed for the large doors that led to the feeding grounds. She pushed down on a large lever and the doors slowly creaked open. She whistled at the dragons and they flew out. Felix had sucessfully trained the dragons to follow her whistle commands. When she whistled again, they knew that feeding time was over and they all hurried back to the hatchery. All, that is, except Gerinth. The red dragon continued to gorge. Felix whistled again and then shouted out a series of threats and curse words at him when he paid her no attention. She stomped her feet and started to run for the other trainers to help her out when she saw Gerinth take off and fly over the mountain range that served as the boundaries of the hatcheries. Felix stood there with her mouth agape. Not knowing what else to do, she decided to forget it not to tell the others of the mishap. One more screw up and she'd be out of a job. She bit her lip again as she ended the flashback to the incident. Felix knew that she would regret that day and her lack of control over Gerinth for the rest of her life.
Latharix opened her eyes halfway and squinted at the sunlight pouring in through the curtains. She weakly stretched her arms once she had managed to sit up and rose out of bed, planting her feet firmly on the floor. She started to walk, but stumbled, so she made her way downstairs while supporting most of her weight on the banister. She didn't eat breakfast because lately she had been waking up with an upset stomach. She showered, got dressed for school, and walked outside just in time to catch the bus. As she was climbing the steps, she tripped and wasn't able to get up until her friend Merrol tromped up to the front and helped her up. Merrol gave the the laughing kids a sinister look and then escorted Latharix to their seat. Once they were settled, Merrol immediately began berrating her on her feebleness. Merrol was the only person that knew about her curse and she was constantly nagging her about saving strength. "La-chan, I [I]swear[/I], what did you do [I]this[/I] time?" "Nothing...I--I heard that my neighbor's new baby had an earache and I fixed it, that's all." "That's all?" Merrol's right eye twitched as it always did when she was upset. "You mean that's all it took to get you this weak??" Latharix slumped over against her friend's shoulder. "Yeah, I guess so, but I'm really okay, Merrol; don't worry so much about me. I just didn't get enough sleep afterwards, so let me take a nap." She started dozing almost immediately so she didn't notice as Merrol frowned disbelievingly at her. Latharix hadn't told Merrol about all the other little miracles she had performed earlier. Not only had she cured the baby's earache, but she had also rid her dog of heart worms, cured the cold of the kindly lady that worked at the bookstore, and caused the cancerous tumor of a neighborhood kid to dissappear. She was completely drained and had recently caught a stomach virus so her health was already bad to begin with. She didn't want to bother anyone about it, though, so she told no one.
[B]Name:[/B] Felix Underthatch [B]Ethnicity:[/B] Brittish [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] Female (dude, am I the only one?) [B]Appearance:[/B] Felix is 5'6 feet, but looks smaller because of her tendency to slouch. She's bone-thin and has a pale, sickly complexion. She is an albino, so her long braid of hair is a pale white and her large eyes are dark pink. She wears little black, often pinstriped, dresses with lace and ribbons along with thigh-high stockings and a pair of brown, lace-up boots. [B]Personality:[/B] Felix is so quiet that many of the other orphans mistake her for being a mute. She turns away from most people and she clings like a small child to all the people that she does like. Her mentality is very child-like; she is easily offended and can hold silent grudges for years. The only things she really does is read, write, and draw; she never feels like playing with the others. [B]Fortes:[/B] Felix is exceedingly intelligent, despite her regressions in social growth, and knows a lot of information about...well everything. She's also good at hiding. Days and weeks often go by before anyone can find her, or she simply comes out. This also makes her great at ambushing which works even better for her at night when her pale appearance makes her look like a ghost. [B]Biography/Writing Sample: [/B] Felix sat on the edge of her bed with a pencil in one hand and a writing tablet in the other. She sighed and looked down at the lines on the paper. She lifted her pencil and began to write: [I] I am here. I have always been here, for as long as I can remember....[/I] She bit her lip and continued [I] The administrator says that my mother was only a little older than me when she brought me here. He said that since she couldn't find my father, she had decided to give me up because she couldn't take care of me on her own. I was barely one year old then and she wasn't even out of school. He said that she went back home to Liverpool directly after dropping me off. She never writes to me...The administrator [/I] [U]said[/U] [I]that she had promised to write to me, but she doesn't. I've never tried to make friends here and the only friends I do have are the ones who approached me first. I'm not lonely though...I'm really not...Everyone is nice to me...and I really like the animals that sit outside my window...[/I] She trailed off and set her pencil down. She bit her lip again and tossed the pad and pencil under her bed. Someone opened the door and called her name. She ran to her, clung to her arm, and followed her out.
Name: Latharix Mathribus Nickname(s): La-chan Age: 15 Gender: Female Origin: Liverpool, UK Current Residence: Nashville, Tennessee Appearance: Latharix has a height of 5'7 feet and a lanky figure. She has shoulder-length brown hair that she keeps down and cool grey eyes that seem to change colors in the light. Her skin is quite pale. She often wears baggy, dark colored clothes and has the appearance of someone who doesn't really care how they look. Curse: Latharix has the ability to heal others. She can cure illnesses and heal wounds. The side effect of this curse is that she herself is very weak, fragile, and has a dwindling immune system. Personality: She is very kind and selfless. Her submissive and unselfish attitude towards others often diverts their attention from her blatant disregard for her own wellbeing. Biography: Latharix was born in Liverpool, United Kingdom, to a couple of punk rock musicians who claimed that she was an accident. Her mother split up with her father shortly after her 3rd birthday and ran off to America with her. Latharix was always surrounded by friends who flocked to her because of her considerate nature. She loved helping them out when they were needy, but she wanted to be able help them even more. When she was ten, her best friend was diagnosed with lukemia. By the time the doctors found out, she was almost consumed by the disease. They could do nothing but watch her die. Latharix stayed in her hospital room along with her friend's mother on the her last night. Latharix weeped and hugged her friend tightly, willing it all to just end. Suddenly, her friend coughed and rose up in her bed. She started talking to them all as if nothing was wrong. The doctors ran tests and discovered that the cancer was miraculously vanishing before their eyes. Everyone crowded around the girl's bed to tell her the good news. Latharix smiled and didn't realize that anything was wrong until she suddenly blacked out... Ever since that moment, she has foolishly continued this cycle of healing and then consequentially getting weaker and weaker.