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Everything posted by Latharix_sama

  1. Hmm....Weird dreams...that's right up my alley! :animesmil I have this reacurring dream where different people are driving through the back Krogers parking lot (yes, back) and they come upon two dogs, the first holding up a sign, the second, jumping out at you. Then they see a smushed car with a GIGANTIC pig lying next to it. When they pass it, a fat lady comes out of nowhere and chases them out of the parking lot. I have a lot of dreams now that have anime themes in them. In one, I eat some grape and watermelon-flavored onigiri. In another, I had to find my term paper in a pile of Furuba pictures hand-drawn by my classmates. It turns out that mine was the worst!!! :animedepr Then I had a dream where Akito (Furuba) put me in a pickup and was taking me to a chinese restaurant so I could turn into a wolf. Then...The freakiest thing EVER happened! I had my [I]friend's[/I] dream! It's a dream where everyone turns into to cacti--including yourself! I suppose I could also include that dream where everyone was rolling down a humungous hill and my friends were trying to push me over because I didn't want to. Oh! and that one that involved nothing but me sitting on a bench, staring at little fishies in a pond.... Well...maybe those weren't so weird afterall...To me they are pretty normal! :animeswea But of course...these are just a mere sample of the freaky stuff that goes on in my head at night....it'd take several hours for me to even [I]begin[/I] to go into full description of it all.
  2. "Ranifa? Find out? Huh! He probably already knows by now..." Lolita scoffed at his name. "As for a training place...I own a broken-down dojo. It's not much, but for me it's home. We can train there, nobody will bother us." Lolita sprang up, and began to leave the park. "Come on you guys! Let's go!" She wanted to get out of the park. Something wasn't right. Someone was there...
  3. I see what you're saying. But all I have is sympathy, no empathy. My friends have never, or ever, faked change. Why? My friends are perfect the way they are, and they know that. In fact, they don't have to change or pretend to change for me, because I'm probably the one who needs the most work. :animesigh Just tell your friends straight up that you don't like it. They'll listen. And if they don't...then you have a BAD problem if they don't care about how you feel. Really, If you have friends, people, then that means you must already be good enough. Why change? Or especially, pretend to change?
  4. I draw and write. Sometimes I put them together and: tadaaaaan!!! Instant manga! I have two problems, though, that keep me from getting to far: 1.) I have yet to settle on a style for my art or for my writing. Of course, all I draw is manga characters, but I can't just seem to decide on one style! And my writing is too off focus. First, my story is a serious sci-fi, then it suddenly becomes a romantic comedy! 2.) I don't have attention span worth squat. I've got none. Diddly. [B]Curse you ADD!!![/B] :demon:
  5. Mine perked up a little. She scurried over to Chepin and Genevieve and tapped lightly on Gen's shoulder. In an ever so quiet voice she asked, "What kind of game?" OOC:My compy is a wreck, so I might not be able to post so much...we'll see how it all turns out, okies?
  6. OOC: Crap! I want a scythe...It's my signature weapon...XD I'll use one anyway! Bwhahahahahaaaaaa!!!! If you don't want me to, just send me a message and I'll change it. Name: Blood Autumnul Age: 117 (looks 15) Gender: Female Race: Half-demon/ half-human Bio:The daughter of a third-level demon and her human lover. Blood Autumnul was raised in the human world by her human father. She grew up relatively happy. She even had a few friends here and there. Every twenty years she changes jobs and with the end of each job, she fakes her death and changes her name, but now she wants to quit the charade and either find something new, or just die. Personality: Blood is rude, blunt, and loud. She loves to have fun, and when it doesn't come to her, she tries to make it. If she can't do this, she gets extremely bored and becomes almost like a zombie. Weapon: Deviloak Scythe Powers: Soul locking ( the of freezing a person/soul in time) and Soul welding (attaching a soul to a inanimate object), which she uses often together in a combo attack. Appearance: Slightly short. Slender with a child-like body. Blood Autumnul has short black hair pulled into two thick pigtails, huge saucer-like green eyes, and rosy cheeks. She wears a too-big black wool sweater, black knee stockings, brown lace-up boots,a black ribbon around her neck, and pixieskull earings.
  7. Mine was on pins and needles. She wanted to talk to someone, but by the looks of this group it was better to keep her mouth shut. Around her friends she was much more open and very clingy, but most of these spirits looked like they'd bite her head off if she so much as said "Hello". She nervously fidgeted in her seat. She glanced up at Ahru. She returned it with a glare. Mine got the point and scooted a few yards away. She helped herself get over the anxiety by trying to imagine what the Netherworld was like. Would it be ugly? Would it smell funny? Would it be cold, or hot? After several different daydreams about it, Mine couldn't hold the excitement in much longer. She couldn't wait to go.
  8. Mine tiptoed down the long hallway. It was eerily quiet and a damp draft blew in from an unknown direction. She hugged herself tightly, wishing that she had someone to walk with. She spotted a small insect running across the path and without thinking, pounced at it. After batting it around for several minutes she realized that she stil had to keep going. She stood up, brushed herself off and walked on. Mine reached the large doors and started to open the doors when a gruff voice came from a shadowy corner, "I can't believe you're actually going to leave me." Michal, the panther spirit, stepped out of the darkness and hugged her tightly. "I can handle being alone for a little while, but what about you? You once said that you'd [I]die[/I] if you were separated from your friends. What's brought about this sudden boldness?" He whipered softly into her ears. Mine pulled away from him. "I'll miss you guys, but I'm..curious about what the Netherworld is like! I'll see ya later!" He smiled, nodded, and walked away. Mine turned back to the door and entered the room.
  9. I love terms of endearment! I still giggle when grandmama calls me charlie brown! I especially love the one Michal (the pervert power man!) gave to me: Miss. Kittycat. Not because I like the word itself, though, I think its because he hugs me from behind and whispers it into my ear. Terms of endearment don't make me happy because they sound cute, I love 'em because it means that somebody out there likes me!
  10. OOC: My post is so long! :animesigh Spirit: Siberian tiger Name: Mine Gender: Female Appearance: 5'6" and slender. Her skin is pale white and striped with black and she has black hands and feet. Her hair is a soft white color and hangs loose. A black dorsal stripe starts at her forehead and runs down through her hair (leaving a long black stripe in her hair) and all the way to the base of her spine. The ears on the top of her head are white and tipped with black. Her large yellow eyes are flecked with green and brown. She has a scowling mouth filled with small fangs. She wears a long, form-fitting, leather long-sleeved dress that opens up in the back to show her dorsal stripe with a hole for her tail. An iron collar encircles her neck that has a broken chain attached to it. Persona: Dangerously curious and naive, she gets her feeling hurt easily and is quick to hold a grudge. She hates to be left alone and often clings to the other Spirits for comfort. She is obsessive compulsive. She is also very stuborn. She sleeps through the day and likes to do everything else at night.It is also very easy to amuse her. Abilities: Excellent sight in the dark, lightening-quick reflexes, and a knack for squeezing into and out of tight situations. OOC: No more generic kitty! Myo!
  11. OOC: BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I shall continue this dead rpg!!!!!! XD Nadja noticed that no one else was going so she stood up and raised her hand, "Teeeeacher! I volunteer!!!" Jacob nodded. "Well, I guess you've realized already that I have several problems, but they're not why I'm here. I'm here because I am an alchoholic. It's really bad. At first, I didn't think I had a problem, but then..."she looked down at the table, "I attempted to kill my boyfriend while under the influence. I've served my jail time, and now I'm ready to get clean! I...I don't want to hurt people anymore because of my problem. I've lost everyone I love because of my habit. And I don't wanna be alone anymore!" With that, Nadja started to sob hysterically. "Please...I want to get better...but I can't do it by myself."
  12. OOC:The posts would be better if everyone that actually signed up would participate. :animesigh Kokiro paused for a moment. She thought she had seen someone staring at her from a window. She traced back her steps and saw an orange-haired man standing outside one of the windows. Inside the room was the new guy and Yukin was standing at the doorway. " Um...excuse me..." she said to the orange head, "I'm Sohma Kokiro, and you are?" He meerely glanced at her and then replied, "Kyo Sohma. It is nice to meet you, Kokiro-san" "Um...same here..." she muttered. Yukin glanced her way and nodded."Hello Kokiro." Tetsume turned around slightly and blandly said, "Hey." Kokiro twisted a strand of black and white hair around her finger. She held her head down and shyly said, "Hello." "I'm afraid I don't know who you are..." She glanced at Tetsume. He placed a hand on her head and simply replied, "Tetsume. And [I]you[/I] are Kokiro." "Y-yes." She turned a little red. "Yukin-domo...I thought you had left...Do you live her too?"
  13. Levvy, bone white and weak from blood loss, stared blankly at Fang.She fell on her hands and knees, then vomited. The mangled body of Fang repulsed her. She gagged a little more and then shakily rose to her feet. All of this grissly mess had sobered her. She turned to Ivy and spoke to her in a serious tone for once. "Jealousy can be healed. So can wounds. But the loss of a dragon is permanent. It leaves the tamer devastated, even insane. It's like losing a part of you. So think about that. No matter what anger or hurt you hold against Fang, do you want to lose him?" Levvy then collapsed onto the ground and weakly pushed herself up into a sitting position. The head wound, though, not deep, had left her dazed and fatigued. Larenth was there in an instant and helped Levvy support her body against the dragon's side. "See? A dragon is your life companion. It's almost like being married. Hehheh!" ;)
  14. My worst day ever? EVERY STINKIN' DAY, MAN!!!!!!!! Nahnah, let us become serious now. My worst day ever was the day I realized how normal I was. It was my first day of highschool and as I went through each class, I began to notice that I wasn't really that unique. There were a lot of people like me there. I know, that's supposed to make you feel good, feeling normal and such, but not for me! I love being called "weird" and being judged, it makes me feel special. But now....I'm just another normal teenager and it makes me want to cry... The only thing I have left now that sets me apart is my pluto-related obsession. NORFLAKS ROCK!
  15. I go to a Christian church, but that doesn't make me a Christian. We believe that you're not really a Christian until you're baptized. I guess I'm in this faith because, well....my family has been that way for like, 5 generations or something...
  16. What DON'T I do that's embarrassing! 1. I talk in a squeeky, cutesy voice around my friends because for some reason I'm ashamed of my rough, I'm-so-not-into-what's-going-on voice. 2. I am totally random. My friends will be talking about something and then I'll all of a sudden blurt out something totally irreverent (like....MUSTARD'N'CRACKERS!!!!!). 3. I take daydreaming to a whole other level. I'll become so totally involved with what's going on with my delusions that I'll go for about three days in a complete daze. 4. I sing totally WRONG songs under my breath when I'm bored. For example I went around at school today softly singing the song, "FireWaterBurn", you know, the one that uses the donkey noise as a censor? I even sang the hee-haw part... :animesigh 5. When I'm all alone in my house, I get my cat out of the basement, put on pajamas (regardless of the time of day), pull out the peanutbutter and a spoon, sit on my bed with the cat and watch the daytime dramas. 6. I have immaginary conversations and encounters with real and fake people. 7. I have more to say to my cat then I do to people. 8. I mentally undress hot guys. I mean, with all these baggy shirts and pants, you may never know how attractive a boy is. I say down with baggy pants on men! Long live leather! 9. I want men to wear leather pants.
  17. Wow...."How well can you swim?" Hah! I can swim just enough to keep me from drowning. And that swimming is VERY VERY awkward. I swim like a three-legged dog. I can float pretty well, though. Despite all this, though, I LOVE swimming in the deep end! I just can't get enough of it! You're free to do so much more there!
  18. Lolita gleamed, "As soon as possible, youngling!" "Let's see....there's combat...weaponry....do you have any powers?" Alphiya gave her a blank look, "...Powers?" Lolita sighed, "We'll see to that problem later...You can't go barging into the demon world with just mortal strengths!" "I'll teach you weaponry, Katt can teach you combat, and I think that together we can help you bring out your powers. What do you think about that, Kattsukie?"
  19. Name: Lolita Molan Gender: Female Age: 18 Do you protect the tresure or do you hunt for it?: Hunt for it Why do you seek/protect the tresure?: To un-break someone's heart. Bio: Lolita grew up with her best friend, Lara. When they reached their teen years their interests slowly began to separate. Lolita became an introvert and hid in her room with her paintings and books, while Lara grew an unsatiable thirst for society. She went to parties and other social events. On a certain night, Lara pulled Lolita out of her recluse, slapped a dress and some makeup on her and dragged her to a party. While Lolita sipped on a glass of poorly chosen beer in a dimly-lit corner, she overheard some other girls gossipping. Apparently Lara had foolishly fallen head-over-heels in love with this womanizing senior. She had been chasing him around for nearly a whole year. This was news to Lolita. She turned around to spot her friend in the swirling mass of dancing teenagers. She finally saw that short, red coctail dress standing next to a green shirt and blue jeans. The guy was yelling at her and Lara was crying hysterically. After the "breakup", Lara was completely miserable. She attempted suicide on four occasions, the fourth one leading to severe brain damage. Now Lolita wants to find the Balathor to change Lara's fate so that she had never had her heart broken, so that none of this mess had ever happened.
  20. Lolita nodded in approval. "Of course I'll help you little one. As for fighting, I think me and Katt can help you out. As for those two boys..." She glanced at Sen and Specter, "Can you two even fight?" She snorted at the thought of the boys being out-strengthed.
  21. "Alphiya....Your mother...was...too good for that world..." Lolita began in a broken sentence. She sighed heavily, something that sounded like a last breath. "That place...did not approve of your mother's choice...Did not approve of a bonding between a demon and a human, especially if that bond produces a child.They killed her for it, your father as well." Tears formed in her eyes as she continued. The tears overflowed and trickled down her face. "There was a horrendous war between the humans and the demons, the demons won of course. The humans...were [I]frightened[/I] when they saw those who had been sent to execute your parents. In midst of the battle, you somehow lost what memory you had..poor thing, you were what, seven? Those demons..killed you parents. They kidnapped you and you were raised in a different family. I, of course was not allowed to take you, since they denied my right to be your godmother." "Your mother...was the kindest, most loving demon I've ever known. She was very beautiful too, I looked like crap next to her. Heh..." Lolita wiped away her tears and smiled sadly, "Your mother was, a good woman, someone who loved everybody they met. That's why the demons murdered her...for loving! How cruel...!" Lolita started sobbing and fell to her knees. "I'm sorry...I don't want to talk about it anymore..."
  22. Lolita sighed, placed a hand on her hips and gave Alphiya a exasperated look. "Apparently, you've lost more of your memories than I thought. Let me ellaborate for you." She pointed at Specter. "This boy apparently knows you from a time before they erased your memory. And this boy," Lolita points at Sen, "doesn't really know [I]why[/I] he knows you." Now she pointed back at herself and said, "[I]I[/I] on the other hand have known you since birth and have watched you grow up, so I think you should trust [I]me[/I] more than these other guys." Then she pointed to Kattsukie and laughed, "She doesn't know you at all, so you don't have to worry about this one!" :animesmil Kattsukie growled at her and shreiked, "Stop pointing at people, stupid woman!"
  23. "Oh no! I've already ruined it!" Lolita sobbed into her hands, "This is NOT how I pictured introducing myself!" She pulled her hands away from her face and put a loving hand on Alphiya's shoulder. She flinched away from her touch. "Heh. I knew it. I should've made myself known to you a long time ago." Lolita sighed and started over. "I'm Lolita, a demon. I was a very good friend of your...well, your mother. I've been guarding over you since you were very small. I'm sorry that I've scared you. I just think that it's about time you got to know your guardian demon!" Lolita flashed Alphiya a quirky little smile and held out her hand. "How, 'bout it, Alphiya? Friends? Friendly aquaintances?"
  24. Well, it seems that you like shonen manga, so of course I would suggest anything from Shonen Jump. Also, Viz has a lot of action manga that you'd probably be interested in. I reccomend Excel Saga. It's a wacky, somewhat perverted, manga about a secret organization called ACROSS who plan on taking over the world...one city at a time. Excel (Who is later joined by Hyatt and Elgala) will resort to any crazy antics to make her beloved Lord Il Pallazo happy. Excel Saga has enough comedy, action, and ecchi moments to keep boys happy. I suppose we girls just read it for the comedy and action, though... :animeswea And it's a pretty long running series. Vol. 12 has already been imported to the states and vol. 13 will be out any day now. You could also go with a manga that has no gender approach (neither shonen nor shojo). A simple comedy like Azumanga Daioh or Digi Charat, for example. Don't worry! There's thousands of manga titles! It's not like there's no more good ones left for you!
  25. Lolita jumped from rooftop to rooftop, looking for Alphiya. She had withdrawn from her recluse after a few days. She had gotten over the shock of being banished from the demon lands. She hopped down into an alley that ended with a brick wall. Lolita could feel her unnofficial goddaughter's presence behind that wall. She backed up a few paces and then ran at the wall, slipping into it like it had the conscistency of water. On the other side was the park. Lolita instantly saw Alphiya with two strangers. The male was not of easily iddentifiable race, but the girl...she was absolutely a demon! Lolita ran at her blindly, knocking the other demon to the ground. She growled at Lolita and clawed wildly at her. Lolita pulled herself from the wolf demon's grasp and placed her hands together, muttering a few words under her breath. The other demon froze. Her expression stuck in time. "Don't worry, it'll wear of in a few short minutes." Lolita told the two stunned onlookers. She suprised Alphiya by hugging her tight. She reluctantly released her grip and nonchalantly said, "Hello, I'm Lolita. I'm your guardian demon."
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