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Everything posted by Latharix_sama
OOC: I am sooooo sory! I will pray! And I'll get yoko-chan to pray too...
"Wha- Oooookaaaay...." replied Levvy miserably. "I think I've got something in Larenth's saddle bag...just wait a moment..." A thoroughly confused Levvy wandered off toward her dragon and began rummaging through a large leather bag hanging from her saddle. "Larenth," she hissed quietly "what's going on between those two??" Larenth revolved her head around look at them. [I]The two younglings are arguing, Levvy. About what I do not know.[/I] "Uh-huuuuh..." Levvy grunted as she delved down to the very bottom of the saddle bag. "Aha! Here it is!" she cried as she pulled out a large, bulky package. She looked Larenth over. "Hmmm....you're not too bad...some salve should take care of your wounds." She ran over to Kyo and Ragnarok. She thrusted the package into his hands, saying, "This should help!" She took a bottle of clear liquid, a silver canteen that smelled of rum, some bandages, what looked like a sewing kit, and a large jar of bad smelling green goop and ran back to Larenth, leaving Kyo the rest. She hummed a little song while she rubbed the green gunk over the raw patches on Larenth. She kept humming when it came her turn for treatment. She took a swig of rum form the canteen and unscrewed the cap on the bottle of clear liquid. The humming halted and was replaced by little mewls of pain and hisses while she cleaned her wounds with the burning concoction. After the blood and pieces of melting ice were cleared away, it was clear that her forehead was mearely cut open, but her arm was sliced deep. She cried a little, then wrapped the wounds with bandages. She headed over to see if Kyo needed any help.
OOC: Oh, wow, Forevor Frozen! That was my story when I signed up for the first one of these! (It got locked) [B]Name[/B] Lolita [B]Age[/B] looks about 18 [B]Gender [/B] Female [B]Race[/B] Demon [B]Appearance[/B] Stands at 5'7, long dark brown hair pulled into two braids tied with black ribbons, pale skin, grey eyes; wears a lacy ruffled white dress with short shoulder sleeves and a back corset over it, black ribbons around her neck and wrists, and black boots. [B]Reason[/B] She was one of Alphiya's mother's dearest friends, and after her death, Lolita watched over Alphiya in secret. [B]Bio[/B] After her best friend's death, Lolita watched over her daughter from a safe distance to make sure she was okay. When she heard of Ranifa's plans, she made herself known to Alphiya. She was found out, and banished from her home. She will stop at nothing to keep her friend's treasure safe. [B]How[/B] Alphiya accepted Lolita as a friend and asks her to help her find her memories. Lolita slowly gives her what information she can give her.
OOC: Alright! School's about to start, so I can make a whole lot more replies! I don't have to worry about my phone being disconnected anymore! Well...I [I]do[/I] for a week and a half... "Uhhhhhh...Okay?" Levvy replied uncertainly, blushing a little. She relayed a command to Larenth and the dragon swooped down to take Ragnarok's place. Freza sent ice beams at her, a few hitting her tail and hind legs. Larenth flew underneathe Freza fast enough to catch it off guard and grabbed it around the middle. She darted straight up into the clouds where Levvy could barely breathe, then after hitting Freza with a burst of light to addle it, dove straight downward. When they were about 60 feet from the ground, Larenth suddenly put on the speed and crashed the dragon into the ground below. "Woohoo!" screamed Levvy. Larenth roared happily. When the dust cleared, what they thought was a down-n-out dragon shot a large quantity of ice at them. Caught off guard, Larenth took most of the blow while a few hit Levvy. Larenth's hide was thick enough to withstand it, but Levvy's face was bloodly from a wound on her forehead and her the fabric on her left arm was stained crimson red. Levvy winced in pain. A deep growl emitted from deep within Larenth's throat. She built up energy then let loose a volley of light beams, all hitting their target. She rammed her sharp horns into Freza's chest, then pulled them out roughly. Freza clawed at her shoulders while Larenth grabbed it's head within her claws and dove speedily down to the ground, cracking its head open on a boulder below. Despite the immense amount of blood and tissue draining from its skull, it rose up and made for one final assault on them. It mimmicked Larenth's last move, grabbing her head and pulling her downward. Levvy, in a last-minute attempt, pulled her scythe up with her good arm and drove it into the base of Freza's neck. It let go of Larenth and fell to the ground, twitching a few moments before lying still. Larenth daintily landed on the earth beside it and sniffed arrogantly. Levvy gingerly hopped down and, grimacing, pulled the scythe out of the stinking gore. She waved the boodly weapon at the others to show that they had finished their dragon off.
OOC: Sorry for such a short post! They're working on the road again and it's just a matter of time before they snap the phone line again. My mom has got me on an internet schedule based on when they're working and when they're on break! :animesigh Larenth snorted when the ice dragons came into few. Jason and Ivy were already there. They arrived just in time to see Ragnarok take a ice dragon down into the ground. Suddenly Glacier reared his big ugly head right in their faces. Levvy instictively pulled out her scythe and Larenth beat her wings angrily. Glacier barraged them with several ice beams, so fast that Larenth had to dive awkwardly to miss them. One shot right between Levvy and Kyo. Levvy shreiked and Larenth reared her head back to unleash her powerful light energy. "Kyo! What're you going to do?? Join Ragnarok or stay with us??" Levvy shouted over the roaring of several dragons.
OOC: Heheeh...I'm in so much pain! ::winces:: Don't you tell [I]me[/I] falling down wooden stairs isn't painfull! :animecry: Kokiro wandered around the grounds. She found a quiet little garden with a koi pond and sat down on a smooth rock. She pulled some candy out of her jeans pocket and munched away while she thought things over. She could: A. Go talk to Si (B. Call her parents or (C. Just sit here until someone rescues her. She decided to call her parents. Kisa answered the phone, "MushiMushi! Who's this?" "It's me, Mom." "Kokiro? How are you? Are they treating you okay-" "I'm [I]fine[/I] Mom, I just wanted to know what's going on here! I haven't exactly gotten the new resident treatment; it's like people around here don't really care about anything!" "That's nice, dear, you have fun." [I]CLICK![/I] "She hung up on meeeee!" Kokiro threw the phone on the floor and stomped off back to her room. She decided the best thing to do was to take a nap and let all her worries dissappear for a few hours.
My first manga was Flame of Recca! My friend totally bullied me into reading it! :animeswea The funny thing was that the backwards reading wasn't a problem for me at all! In fact, now I don't like to buy manga that are made the "normal" way. Since then I've become a total freak about it! And it's reallykilling my wallet! :animedepr That was what...about two years ago? Seems like such a long, long, time... And on another note: the first manga I ever bought was Magic Knight Rayearth!
This is for all you Azumanga Daioh fans out there! In case you haven't heard, Azuma-sensei's new manga, [I]Yotsubato![/I], or, [I]Yatsuba&![/I] , as it is published in the states, has recently started selling in stores! Yotsubato! is a cute little manga about a little green-haired girl named Yotsuba and her crazy escapades! [QUOTE: Yotsuba&! 1]School's out for summer, and Yotsuba's out of her mind! She's new in town-she could very well be new to the planet Earth-and with no knowledge of the world around her along with an unnatural fear of air conditioners, this green-haired gal has her neighborhood spinning out of control![/QUOTE] Please feel free to discuss whatever you'd like to about this manga here. Whether it be how you feel about it, what made you laugh, news (I'd really appreciate that!), or,ya know, whatever! :animesmil
Levvy turned her head and looked straight into Kyo's eyes, "Don't you just love it when she does those dives??" Apparently this egged Larenth on. She spun in three tight circles and did a back flip in mid-air. "Weeehahaaaaaa!" "Okay, stop!" Kyo shouted. Larenth sheepishly halted and then began gliding slowly in the air current. "Ohhhhhh! Kyo has become a jerk again! Kyo-jerk-kyo-jerk!" "Cut that out!" "Okaaaaaaay...." Levvy ducked her head down. "Hey, Kyo? When this is all over what are you going to do? I mean, like, a job or something. Personally, I want to open a little bakery, but it's kinda hard when you have to live with your uncle in his big 'ole castle." Kyo remained quiet for a moment to give it some thought. Meanwhile, Larenth began to ease up on the speed and started descending. "Oh! Are we there already?" [I]No, I'm just trying to find a faster air current.[/I] "Kyo! How much farther have we got, anyway?"
OOC: OMG!!!! I am sooooo sorry! They've been doing so much construction on the road and running over our phone line (dial-up) that I haven't been on much! Levvy bubbled over and squealed, "Of course! Larenth [I]loves[/I] it when there's company!" She hopped on Larenth's back and held out her hand to Kyoske. He waved it away and climbed on behind her. "Let's go get that big, bad ice dragon, okay??" "How can you be so uppity and hyper at a time like this?" he asked beweildered by her behavior. "That's just the way I am!" A female voice intruded on his thoughts, saying, [I]Don't even bother trying to figure her out young one, it'll just get you more confused than when you started.[/I] Larenth turned around gave Kyoske a wide dragon grin, then spred her wings and took off.
OOC: Why has nobody been posting? They fixed our phone line again, so I can get online...for now anyways... Kokiro was suprised, she didn't expect to see Si this early. Personally, she thought she looked a little sickly. She decided to wander around some more to pass the time. The building was so suprisingly empty, and it had a feel of pain to it; Kokiro swore she could smell the faint stench of old blood in the air. She was totally freaked out. She began to reassure herself under her breath and looking behind her shoulders. When she finnally came upon her room again, she thrust open the door and slammed it behind her, then slumped to the floor. "Phew! This place is creeping me out!" She realized that she was still wet and muddy so she took a long hot bath. She got out, dressed, and then walked quickly to the front door. She didn't want to stay in that house any longer than she had to.
OOC: I'll try my best to write on here, but they're paving my road (dirt roads rock!) and they've been running over the phone line. Since I have dial-up this is a problem. I'll write whenever the phone line is running. Kokiro wandered around the halls with a spaced out look on her face. She passed by Si's room and saw Minna rapping on the door and then wait for Si to reply. Kokiro watched her for a moment and then kept walking on. She would double back later to see is Minna was successful. She spotted Yukin with a phone to his ear and a boy and a man walking through the door. They walked away and soon disappeared around a corner. "Yukin-domo? Who was that...?" she asked him when the phone dropped from his hand. OOC: Sorry, but I couldn't exactly understand everything in kyo'slove91's reply. If I wrote something wrong, tell me, I'll fix it.
Levvy ran to Larenth and climbed onboard. "Welp! Let's get those big, bad dragons!" They lifted off the ground and sped off toward the large group of soldiers. "Get 'em girl! Let's make 'em toast!" Then miraculously a fire dragon plopped right outa the sky in front of them. "Ooh! It's rainin' dragons!" Levvy shreiked gleefully. [I]The time for daylight is running out so my power won't be very strong. Let's fight it with brute force![/I] "Okie!" Larenth dodged a fire ball and swooped below the enemy dragon then rose up quickly, ramming her horned head into the dragon's belly. The dragon released several spouts of flame out of anger. One hit Larenth's back leg, but she was not deterred. She flew in a circle around it and grabbed it's head between her claws. She breathed in deep, then unleashed a weak blast of white light into it's eyes. It was blinded immediately and fell fast, loosing it's rider, before Larenth grabbed it once again, keeping it pinned. Levvy carefully shimmied up Larenth's neck and reached for the scythe on her back. She raised it up and then slashed through the enemy dragon's neck. Larenth unceremoniously dropped it to the earth below like it was trash. "Yay! We got it!" Levvy hooted and clapped her hands.
OOC: Sorry for taking so long, I've been sick for the past few days. :animedepr Levvy climbed on Larenth, bent over so her head was close to the dragon's head and whispered, "We've gotta go girl! Won't this be fun?!" Larenth simply nodded in reply and took off. They reached the meeting spot Levvy hopped off the dragon's back and looked around. Everything was in ruin. The people she was supposed to meet weren't in sight. She noticed a half demolished pub nearby and instantly calculated where they were. "Wait here Larenth! I'm afraid you're a tad bit too big for that poor little pub!" She walked off and entered the seedy looking building. She glanced around and found the people she was looking for. They were all sitting around, talking, and drinking; except for one who was passed out. She happily ran over to them and gleefully exclaimed, "Sorry~! I am soooo late! I'm from Corinth! My name is Levvy Fellspar and I just can't wait to get to know you all!" She hopped around them shaking hands and learning names. "My dragon's name is Larenth and she's a light dragon!" she gestured outside. Levvy took a seat and stared at a pitcher of ale before pouring some into a mug. She just sat there looking at the mug worriedly until she looked up and saw the others giving her questioning glares. "Umm...I've never drank before..." She carefully sipped it and, having found it okay, downed the rest of the mug down.
Name: Levvy Fellspar Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality:She's hyper, fun, annoying, naive,selfless, and optimistic. (What a great combination! :animeswea ) Appearance: Long brown pigtails, grey-blue eyes, average height and twiggy-thin. She wears a short black dress, a belt around her waist, another belt around her right shoulder and her left rib to secure her scythe, and a pair of runner hide boots. City: Corinth Weapon: Scythe Bio: Levvy was chosen to be Corinth's dragon tamer solely because she is the niece of the king. They gave her a dragon when she was but barely 10. She's grown up with it and is now recognized as one of the greater tamers. Growing up in a castle, you'd think she'd be a brat, but instead she stayed with the servants and grew up right and caring.She's ready to defend the human race at all costs without caring what will happen to her in the process. Dragon Profile Name: Larenth Gender: Female Type:Light Appearance: A white dragon from a far away glance, but up close she is an opal hue, changing colors in the light. Larenth has to long, golden, goat-like horns and large white fleshy spikes along her back and tail. Her leathery bat-like wings have a large wingspan. She breathes white/blue flames. Like her tamer she is very playful, but knows when it's time to get serious.
"I'm absolutely fine!" Kokiro grinned at the newly arrived girl. "I was just wondering how to get inside. I'm so stupid, I didn't even think to ring the bell! I'm not used to being in such a large place." She was still smiling as she walked up the steps to the house, rang the dorrbell, and waited for someone to answer. She turned around and said sweetily to them, "I'm sorry I made such a fuss! I just can't control myself, ya know?" then she looked at the other girl and introduced herself, "I'm Kokiro Sohma, what's your name?" "Minna Sohma." she answered back. The door finally opened and she picked up her suitcase and disappeared inside. It was very large on the inside. The person who had opened the door had vanished and once again she was confused on where to go. She wandered around awhile before an elderly woman recognized her and told her where to go. She unpacked her things and decided to go outside to explore the grounds. Maybe she would meet some more people.
Kokiro woke up when she heard someone walk away. She stood up and shouted at the boy,"Hey! Can you help me get inside? I'm all wet'n'stuff." She must have been a fright to look at. She knew very well the effect her wet black and white hair must have on people. And her good clothes were ruined. The boy was still standing where he was. "Hey! My name is Kokiro! What's your name? Could you [I]please[/I] help me get inside??" "I'm Yukin Sohma" he replied, but he still stood there. Kokiro was about to snap.
Latharix stared at the stag for a moment and then got up to find her own food. "There's plenty here," shouted Aieldail. "Yeah, but, the stag is a sacred animal of the moon, and as the high preistess of the Kalik Moon Temple, I'd be pretty messed up to eat one, wouldn't I?" she replied as she sneaked away into the underbrush. Some rusling came from the right of them and a shrill scream echoed through the area. Latharix was back momentarily with a large rodent in her mouth and an Algathan soldier hanging limply from her clawed hand. "I found him, just a few yards away from here, listening to us!" A small twitch from the soldier gave prove that he was only unconsious. She threw him to the ground and unceremoniously sat on him so he couldn't get away. "Maybe we should "interrogate" him. Ask him what he knows...he could be useful. He might know of the Emperor's plans." Latharix began to tear at the rodent in her mouth and it quickly disappeared. She licked herself clean of blood and then set to work getting the enemy soldier to revive.
Kokiro sat in a dark corner, covered in dark bruises and gashes. Her clothes were stained with mud and traces of blood. She had quit her gang, and as punishment was beat to a bloody pulp. Her mother, Kisa, paced around the room talking worriedly on the phone and looking at Kokiro out of the corner of her eye. Her father, Hiro, was sitting in an armchair facing the wall and was staring moodily at it. They were sending her to live with some relatives in Tokyo so she could have a fresh start. Over in Osaka she had a reputation as The Bludgener. She got on a plane heading to Tokyo. When she arrived at the Sohma mainhouse they told her that she was living with a cousin named Si. Si was the adopted daughter of the former head of household, Akito, and was rumored to have a mean streak. When she got to the building where she would be living with her cousin, she found the door locked. She knocked several times, but no answer. She stood in the walkway, waiting for someone to open the door. It began to rain, and like any real ox, she sat down on the ground and fell asleep.
I don't appreciate labels, but if you could me under anything I guess I would be a "freak". I act weird, dress how I feel,have off-the-wall craziness, am a spaz, and say what I want to say. I'm also an otaku and a pyro, but I'm not saying I'm ONLY an otaku or a pyro. I may dress in gothic lolita and listen to gothic music, but I'm not saying I'm just gothic. Gothic has been so stretched out of proportion I don't even know what it is anymore. This is depressing to me. Everyone thinks that Gothic is a cult or satanic religion. It's not. A goth may be a part of a cult or satanic religion, but that doesn't mean that all goths are. To me, gothic is the clothes, the music, and the attitude. 'nuff said. [B]So I guess you could say I'm too special to be put into only one category. Hah! I'm special! Speeeecial! Everybody is special and probably has qualities that go under EVERY stereotype.[/B][B]But really, you should be ashamed for asking this question. People are people and are each different in their own way; you can't put them into a category and expect them all to be alike.[/B]
Is This Right? (Language Question)
Latharix_sama replied to Momiji Love's topic in General Discussion
:animeshy: I've had the same kind of problems with those kind of words. I too have pondered whether or not I should use the "no". I just gave up wondering and used no anyway. I say things like: baka no gomi, nama no gomi, watashi no bishounen, etc. If you really want to know if it's okay to leave the no out, go to one of those english/japanese translators, they are very helpful. :animesmil -
Name: Algae Age: 18 Race: Crowgirl demon Side: neither Weapon: A small dagger and her talon-like fingernails Power: The ability to turn into a crow and use black magic Appearance: Algae has a slim, impish figure; she has long elvish ears with pixie skull earings; she has long, black spikes of hair that flop down around her head instead of sticking up; she has two small feathery black wings growing from her shoulder blades; and she wears a long, black, thigh-reaching sweater with sleeves that are too long for her arms, a small red belt that has a small purse bulging with shiny things, black tights, and a pair of converse shoes History: Algae grew up fast like all crowchildren and was soon leaving her parents' nest to make way for the new hatchlings. She is playful and mischievious, and she adores shiny objects. When she heard the legend of the treasure in the Chasm, she was instantly interested. Think of all the shiny things she could add to her collection! And all of the people she would find along the way to play pranks on! She set off one morning and was on her way to the Chasm of the Lost.
Latharix still felt a little sick from watching Harlan eat;she had always had a weak stomach. She quietly tiptoed away with Kalik grace and quickly vomited in the bushes before rejoining them. Lynx had not yet answered Harlan's question so she decided to talk for him, "You will be saving people's lives! Saving their homes! Their children! Is that not enough reason to join?" she looked down for a moment and then looked at Harlan with tears in her eyes. She was still young and was not ashamed to cry. "That's why I joined! I couldn't bear it if my family, my friends, and my people were to be destroyed under the sheer strength of the Algathan forces and I not even do anything about it!" She stared into Harlan's eyes and then softened her gaze, "I am sorry, I spoke to harshly, forgive me." She shot him a small smile and then sat down from exhaustion.
"Thank you!" Latharix shouted at Harlan, "But next time let [I]me[/I] handle it, 'kay?" She yelled some words in the Kalik tongue and white flame burst around her in a semicircle and then sped outwards towards a line of soldiers. She didn't want to admit it, but she was running out of magic. To summon anymore she would have to pray and that could take an hour. So instead she took up her scythe and began to twirl it around, severing several heads at once. The number of them was dwindling and soon only a small group was left. A sword nicked her in the shoulder. She turned around to face her attacker, smiled a feline-like grin, then scratched his eyes out. She let him stagger around a bit before killing him. "Let's go find the others when we're finished here, okay?"
Name:Latharix Mathribus Age:25 Gender:Female Appearance: Long, straight black hair lengths to her hips and falls into her face, covering a pair of sad gray eyes. A red ribbon with a small silver bell is tied around her neck. A long black sweater clings to her body and reaches down to her lower thighs, the sleeves are too long for her arms. She is often found barefoot. Walks around with a small boy, clothed in a black gothic suit, clinging to her arm. Broken Personality: Morbid and eerily quiet. Latharix will only talk to the people she loves the most: the people in her head. She has conversations with herself and often refers to herself as "us" and "we". She has no touch to reality; she just ignores the people around her. If she does make contact with people in the "outside world" she becomes very clingy and overprotective. Latharix obsesses with death and the occult; she even carries around a supposedly human skull to talk to. Incident: Her father died when she was little. At a young age Latharix began writing and drawing the things she saw in her mind. It was her communication to the outside world, a cry for help. Her mother found these and, worried for her only daughter's mental health, sent her to a child psychiatrist. He diagnosed her with child schizaphrenia. She was supposedly "well" after a few years of therapy. She grew up fine, she even left home and got a small flat. She got a boyfriend and was seemingly happy. But then she got pregnant. Her boyfriend left her, her mother disowned her, she was soon all alone except for this small child. A horrible depression took over her life and the dormant schizaphrenia rose back up within her. She worked part time and only could only buy enough food to keep her and her son, Ulrich, alive. She felt that it was all her fault and that Ulrich didn't deserve this , but couldn't bring herself to part with him. She decided the just punishment for herself was torture, enough to make one mad. She cried at night, which soon caught the attention of her now seven year old son; this only made her want to hurt herself more. So she began cutting herself, slicing her wrist open deeply and then burning the wound shut before she bled out. One day, though, she planned on just letting it flow until the mad light in her eyes dulled, her lips blackened, and her heart stopped.