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Everything posted by Latharix_sama

  1. Latharix stood dumbly in awe of Harlan and Shenlong's ferocity, but only for a moment. She cleany sliced of the head of a nearby soldier and then moved to the next one. After chopping up several men, she whispered a few words and blinding white lunar energy flew from her hands which flattened all those surrounding her. A few more equally powerful blasts and then she was back to chopping of heads with her scythe. She didn't like to kill, but the her feline instincts urged her on and the bloodlust that was burried so deep down in her came welling up and she found herself almost enjoying the experience. "There are not many left!" she shouted to the others.
  2. Name: Arcana Age: 75 (looks 16) Gender: Female Appearance: Originally a crow which turns all different colors in the light. Her human form is small and impish. She has short black spikey hair that flops down around her head. Her eys are a deep purple. Her ears are elf-like and have pixie skulls pierced into them. Two large, black, feathery wings sprout from her shoulder blades. She wears a short, black, raggedy dress with sleeves that are too long for her arms. She walks around barefoot; her fingers and toes end with sharp talons. This is the typical appearance of a crow-girl. Race: Demon Weapons: A small dagger and her talons. Powers: Can transform between a crow and a human girl. Can shriek loud enough to break the sound barrier, which normally knocks out anyone within ten yards of her and summon high hurricane winds by beating her wings. Biography: Arcana grew up like any other child living during The War. Her parents and elder sister went to battle, leaving her and her big brother, Fenrir, to fend for themselves. They never returned from The War. Despite all the grief and hardship left over from The War and still coming from the Overmind, Arcana grew up to be a very happy, mischevious little trickster. Like any other crow-person, she is attracted to shiny objects. But the Overmind soon became such a problem that Arcana and Fenrir had to answer the call of duty. After all, a crow-person is a born trickster, and if the Overmind gets what it wants, well, there wouldn't be any good humans left to play with anymore! [B]Is nobody else signing up for this? Shame on them![/B]
  3. Latharix was confused. Should she leave or should she go? These two newcomers seemed so confident that they could win. She shyly approaches them and quietly asks, "How are you so sure? Do you have a plan? What makes you so positive that you can beat them?" "Just stick around and watch, kittycat." was their only response. As the first wave of Algathan forces made their way toward the deserted headquarters she found herself asking silently, "How can you be sure? How can you be so sure?" Latharix fingered the blade on her scythe and waited for this backup that these two believed would come to their aid.
  4. Maytone ran to the front line of archers and held up her saber, signaling them to ready themselves. She spoke in the old dragon tongue, shouting, "Merithlan!" Arrows instantly showered upon Merlin's army. And then round after round was shot into the air. As an arrow whized past her ear Maytone felt the exhileration of battle. She jumped down from her post and hacked at her enemies. She once more shouted, "Merithlan! Give it all you've got!" and arrows shot forth with such ferocity that the enemy troups were wiped back several yards. This[I] is why I joined the UA. No matter of discrimination against my gender can take away this thrill that fills me when I fight![/I] The supply of arrows began to deminish, but it didn't matter, they had won this battle. It was soon to be over and done with.
  5. Maytone sat in an oak chair seated beside Sorcha. She closed her eyes and imagined what kind of evils Merlin's armies were up to. She suddenly opened her eyes, stood up, and proclaimed more to herself than to the crowd, "They're out there...aren't they? Celebrating their victory, I bet." "Maybe we should move to an offensive strategy, instead of fending of Merlin's blows. Send more spies! A sneak attack, perhaps...something! We can't just sit around waiting for what comes next!" her voice lost its anger and became a whisper, "But...that is what you all plan to do...is it not? Just sit here?" The room was quiet at first, but soon grew into a roaring mob. How impudent this little twig of a girl was! Maytone slumped back down into the chair and said nothing. Just sat there looking at her hands in her lap.
  6. Latharix calmly walked down the deserted alley. She looked up at the sky and smiled sadly. It was dark and cloudy, perfect weather for rain. To her, rain represented the end of evil. When the drops began to fall upon her face she took it as a sign. The end...the end will soon come. We will defeat the emperor! And...my temple...my people will be safe...right? When I left, did I leave them to the destructive hands of the emperor?? "Oh! I shouldn't have left them!" she cried out and began to turn around, but stopped herself. If I don't do this, they [I]all[/I] will be lost. Latharix walked into the near empty headquarters and prepared herself for what would soon come.
  7. Name: Hoarfrost Age: 100 Gender: female Race: demon Appearance: She has a tall willowy body and brown hair that is chopped off right under her neck except for a long braid. She wears a long, lacy black dress. She possesses the piercing grey eyes of a devil. Reason: She clings to Ranifa's side, because she adores him with every ounce of black blood that flows through her veigns. Bio: Hoarfrost, having lost her mother at birth and her father being dead long before, grew up roaming about the confines of the demon lord's castle,working as a servant girl. When Ranifa came to power she found herself watching him in the shadows, admiring him. She soon grew to love him in a platonic, spiritual way. She would die for him. How: The minute Hoarfrost heard of her Ranifa's predicament she sprang into action. She came before him for the first time and begged to help him. Amused by her pleading, Ranifa consented. She now stands among the highest ranking officers in the army.
  8. I do like rock, and I listen to it more. Classic rock, alternative, punk...it's all good. I also like the alternative rap group [I]Gorillaz[/I] . But deep in my heart, Gothic music is my true love. It just has this special quality to it. So different from all the other genre. :love2: If you haven't listened to it before then I highly recommend it. My personal favorites are [I]Switchblade Symphony[/I], [I]Blutengel[/I], [I]This Mortal Coil[/I], and the [I]Cocteau Twins[/I].
  9. ~_~ Merlin IS evil, I knew it! Name: Maytone Gallote Age: 21 Gender: Female Race:Knight Side: UA Weapons: A lightweight saber hung loosely from a belt and an assortment of knives and daggers hidden on her person Description: Stands at about six feet with long brown hair pulled into a thick braid which falls out from underneath a small helmet. She wears minamal armor; just enough to protect her vital points. Bio: Growing up, Maytone had always wanted to be a Knight. But because of her gender it would never be. Now, though, since the Underground Alliance needs all the help it can get, Maytone has finally gotten her chance to be a Knight.
  10. Chroma sat quietly as the ship came to a stop. She had managed to survive the whole trip without interacting with anyone. For it was people that scared her the most. She didn't know for sure how the DNA modifications changed her. In fact, she didn't know anything. The precedure had badly damaged her brain and changed her body. A doctor diagnosed her with amnesia, gave her a new name, filled her in with a few important facts, and it was off to a new world for her. All she really knew was that human beings were NOT supposed to be all white, unless you're old or something. Chroma felt like a total freak. She quickly stepped off the ship, ready to get it all over with, but the force of the gravity knoked her small frame to the ground. She wearily pushed herself up and ignored the roaring laughter of the others. An officer gave her a look and crooked his finger to signal her to follow. She followed him silently to a room filled with two or three people. She found a seat and tried her hardest not to make contact. Chroma twiddled her thumbs and waited for what was coming next.
  11. Name: Latharix Age: 18 Race: Kalik Class: Priestess Magic: moonlight magic; white magic Weapon: a scythe made from the wood of the rare and powerful Deviloak Bio: As the high priestess of the Kalik's Moon Temple, Latharix became concerned when an evil grew in the West. Fearing the destruction of her temple, she quickly joined the resistance. Now she wonders if it was all a mistake; will her temple be safe without her protection? Appearance: She stands at a height of 6 feet with dark brown skin and fur. She has a long cream colored shock of hair, crowned with two long, brown cat ears. She wears a short, white lacy jumper with, of course, a hole in back for her tail.
  12. Name: Kokiro Sohma Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: 5'9, black hair that reaches her shoulders with a shock of white hair flowing through it, soft brown eyes, and wears gothic lolita or industrial clothing Background: Kisa-san and Hiro-san's daughter. They are still living in Japan, but instead of Tokyo, they live in Osaka. Kokiro grew up thinking she was slow and stupid because of the Zodiac legend. She idolizes Hatsuharu-san and follows his example of by turning into Black-san when upset. She's loud and obnoxious, at 13 she became a delinquent. She smashed things up, got into fights, and did nothing but upset her parents. After spending a year in juvie, she was ready for a change. Thanks to some help from other Zodiac members, Kokiro has become more withdrawn and quiet. But she still thinks of herself as the slow and stupid ox from the legend. And that's something that will keep her snapping and snapping until she can see the light. Animal: Ox (transforms into a small heifer) Fight: Yes
  13. Name: Chroma >given name< Age: appears to be about 16 Sex: Female Appearance: stands at 5'7, pale skin, long silver hair, white eyes, wears a standard fem-unit uniform Personality: quiet, antisocial Powers: able to generate heavy machinery weapons of destruction from her body Bio: After complications with the DNA modification, her body went through heavy trauma leaving her bleached and lost for memory. Because of her amnesia, she was given a new name and reinformed on the multiverse war.
  14. [quote name='shika']my eating habits pretty much suck too. in the morning i have no time to eat, and if i did i'd end up sick anyways b/c i just can't eat in the morning without feeling like i have to vomit. its weird, i've always been like that[/quote] I have that problem too, but the funny thing is, when I don't have to go to school it's a whole different story. I can eat and eat and eat! :tasty: I think it has something to do with the stress and anxiety of school that makes us so sick in the mornings. So I've recently learned to wake up about two hours before school, eat breakfast, then go back to bed until it's time to get ready. Of course, I often forget to do this, so I wind up fasting in the morning anyway.
  15. Update!!!!! I have decided on Alucard! I was talking to my neighbor about names and it just stuck with her, they've been calling my cat "Alucard" for days now. So I guess I'll have to use it since he's used to it. Ohh! The mommy cat ran off so they have to feed them by hand. And Alucard is drinking so much! I'm so proud! He's either going to be my big strong kittycat or my big fat kittycat, and I don't care which! Arigato mina sai!
  16. Is it okay if I join you? I hope I'm doing this right... Name: Latharix, Chaosis Age: 14 Eyes: pale grey, almost white Hair: brown hair pulled into a long braid that reaches to her thighs Type: WhiteLight demon Normally Seen Wearing: A white, long sleeved, short skirted dress with a black spider web pattern and two fake black wings attached at the back; thigh high black'n'white tights; and pixie skull earings in her elven ears Chaosis watched as a black streak of a boy flew by her. "Hmm...what's his rush?" she asked outloud, "Huh! What kind of loser would care so much about being late?" She put her arms behind her head and casually ambled down the sidewalk, whistling along to a nameless tune.
  17. I'm addicted to buying manga, the buying is almost as satisfying as the story itself. I'm so addicted, Mom has threatened to cut off my supply more than once. I'm also addicted to webcomics and flash cartoons. They're probably the highlight of my day! And of course, I can't get enough of those freebies that come along with the anime sometimes. I'll go out and buy an anime that I absolutely hate just because of some limited edition plushie that comes with it. My preeeecioussssssseeeeessssssss.....
  18. I'm five foot seven and 1/2! But...I feel so average! :animecry: I wanna be a biiiiiiig girl!!!!!! I live in TN where if you're tall you're tall and if you're short you're short, but if you're average you're [I]average[/I] !!!!!! And that's baaaad!!! lol I guess that's pretty good for a 115 lb girl, though, huh?
  19. Name: Tanizaki, Cho Age: 21 Gender: Female Place of Origin: Nara, Japan Personality: Quiet and sensitive, has an air of innocence about her, is but hard to handle when she gets angry Appearance: Dark brown hair, black eyes, a pouty lip, stands at 5'7', maintains a reasonably thin hourglass shape, dresses in an all black military cut or in gothic lolita apparel, and has a slight bit of trouble with her English Bio: At 13, Cho ran away from home and started hanging around some tough yakuza. She was crudely trained in ninjutsu, martial arts, and sharpshooting. When the fuzz made a raid on their hideout, Cho ran to the next yakuza rathole. There, someone told her of the Assassin's Guild. Interested, Cho asked him for more information. To get in though, she had to train harder. For five years she held an assassin job, taking out both street trash and immortant officials. One day, that same man came for her, gave her an address, and put her on a plane and that's how she found herself , now 21 years old, in America of all places, standing in front of Guild proper with a suitcase in hand.
  20. She stared at Victoria for a moment and then stood up. Feeling more perky than normal the goth girl in back happily shouts, "Heeeeyyy!!!I'm Nadja Kinnor! Um...I guess...I like to draw, write, daydream, and sleep." She suddenly realizes that everyone in the room is staring at her and she loses all that was left of her hyperness. Her shoulders sag and a depressed look crosses her face. "I like also like reading and listening to music, my favorite band is [I]Switchblade Symphony[/I] ...and...umm...that's all...I guess..." She slumps back into her chair and bangs her head against the table. She's too down to even notice Jacob's reaction.
  21. I pick stall 4. I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable in the last stall. I also like it because it's the handicapped stall (no, I'm not handicapped, just slightly claustrophobic). And for some reason it's the only stall that still has a working lock. But personally, I don't like public restrooms. I will cross my legs for over an hour just so I can go home and use my own toilet in my own privacy. Lol, thanks for the funny thread, makes me feel better after a day of TCAP testing! :animesigh
  22. [B]Name:[/B] Nadja Kinnor [B]Age:[/B]15 [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Description:[/B] 5'7' Brown hair, often in pig tails Grey eyes with half-moon glasses Wears gothic lolita and cosplay apparel [B]Personality:[/B] Bipolar; very latharigic, but hyper if something perks her up; antisocial; if she knows you she'll be the sweetest person ever to you, but she doesn't know anyone; and she's easily offended but she just laughs it off,bottling up her anger until she explodes
  23. Hah! All I have is a Japanese/English dictionary! and watching anime in japanese. and having major otaku friends. But really I don't know much. I know how to pronounce the words and I know quite a few words and phrases, but I don't know any of the grammar or even how to make sentences and carry on a conversation. I'll just have to do with the big shipment of do it yourself books I've recently ordered until I can take Japanese in college! That's about four years or more! :bawl: And of course you can learn from untranslated manga. It's a whole lot easier if you have an english version handy, just in case you don't understand something. Finding untranslated manga with bigger, more easy to read font is also good. If you are in a college where they offer Japanese classes, I would sign up at the first opportunity. I too, plan on finding a college that offers Japanese courses and has a study-abroud plan so I can go to a corresponding Japanese college. To get in all I have to do is teach English when I get over there. I just hope that I'm teaching little kids over there instead of people my age, or worse, OLD PEOPLE! ::shudders:: I wish with all the blood, guts, and bone marrow in my body that it's kids we'll be teacin' over there! :lecture:
  24. ai aiko akane aki akiko akina ami anda aneko arisa asako asami atsuko ayako ayame chiaki chika chikako chiko chisato chiyo chizu cho.....etc.
  25. Well, you see, the mother cat is my neighbor's so I can see my cat any day I want to. I just have to wait until he can be separated from his mom. What personality he has now is a lazy one, while the others are pretty active. :animesmil He's just like me lol! He really does seem to suit the name Ulrich more than Alucard, cos Ulrich is a really lathargic demon. You are right though, I should wait to see if this is just a stage he's going through and find out what his true personality is. Heh, my dad has named every one of my pets. lol, imagine a five year old me with tears in my eyes saying, "No! Daaaaaaadyyyy!!!! I wanna name him Scruffy! Not Ben! Scruffy! Scruuuuuuuuuffffffyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!" at this point I turned blue and was taken inside, lol. But since Dad isn't around, I get to name him. I want something really special. Maybe a Gothic, or pagan name (ex: Ulrich (a demon)). Or maybe an anime one, or a japanese one (ex: Kuroneko, Kamineko, and Alucard). :animesigh so may names........so few right ones....so many wrong ones....
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