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Everything posted by Latharix_sama

  1. I'm going to get myself a black kitten in about six weeks and I'm confused on what I will name him. As I got to thinking about it I wondered what other otaku name their pets and if it was difficult for them to find the perfect name. So that's my question: What are your pets' names? It would also be nice if you could suggest a good name for a male black cat! :catgirl: Here are my pet names: Ben (dog) Lucky (dog) Max (dog) These were long before I turned gothic and became an otaku, though... I'd like to name my cat Alucard or Ulrich... :animesigh ....
  2. I want to be magical girl with attacks that take longer to call out than to hit. I want to have that smug feeling of being able to cry out litterally a whole sentence and no one will have the common sense to shoot me down while I'm busy. My powers would be based on fire! And I could combine my body with mecha!!!!!! :animesmil :animesigh whooboy, to much CLAMP....
  3. I have eisoptrophobia too. I don't know the scientific names, but here are my other phobias: fear of clowns fear of small, crowded places fear of confrontation fear of screwing up fear of pinecones fear of children fear of bright lights fear of strange dogs fear of strangers and fear of heights :animesigh some of these don't even make sense when I think about them, but I'm still scared
  4. Nicknames? Well my name is Catherine, so there's Cat...but... I started calling myself Latharix last year out of simple eccentricity and it finally caught on, well just a little bit, some of my friends call me "La-chan" Other nicknames include: Stringbean _(I'm fairly tall) Charlie _(I have no clue where this came from) Kittycat _(actually it's P****cat but that's not nice, is it? That's my ex-master's word.) Beanpole _(once again, I'm tall) Baka _(I'm stupid) Bonkura _(stupid) Neko-chan _(A play on the nickname "Cat") Bakayaro _(I can be mean) Doormat _(no-brainer to guess where that comes from) Jigoku _(they say I'm hellish) Meganekko _(I gots glasses :animeknow ) Hey, you! The Gothic-lolita chick! _(this is most popular among the preps at school. secretly, I really enjoy this nickname the most. It's my favorite!)
  5. When I see a barbie what I see is the beginning of a sickness in little girls. Once a girl gets her first barbie, she'll want to get another one, soon she'll want clothes for the doll, then sooner or later she'll want the same clothes her doll has for herself and bug her parents for them. It's killing parents' pockets. Barbies are a lot like celebrities for little girls. For teenagers and young adults, celebrities are the standard of true living and they want to acheive that standard, not knowing that it is deffinately NOT the standard of a good life. They try to be exactly like their idols. It's the same for little girls and their barbies. They want to be just like them in every way. Once I walked in on my little cousin stuffing her bra (actually it was MY bra that she stole) with socks. She said she wanted to have big breasts like her barbie. Even after girls outgrow the dolls, the sickness still remains in their mind. This is what I like to think as the sickness that causes the "prep gene" in these poor girls. Life isn't gonna turn out like hers. Your not gonna be a supermodel, a idol singer, a vet, a pilot, drive a snazy car, have a hot boyfriend, and have tons of super-stylish friends in your life. Maybe you'll achieve one of those, but not every one! Barbies are sex symbols too. You can ask my friend where she learned about the birds'n'da bees and she'll reply, "my barbie!" Also on another note, those cheap, generic dolls? They look like prostitutes! No wonder we can't control the prostitution problem in our state! Girls are growing up with these things! I was smart and never let the sickness get the best of me! All I ever did with my barbies was role play! And see? I'ma gothic lolita meganekko otaku and have a miserable life! And I'm HAPPY! :animesmil Take that, Barbie! You can't brainwash ME! To tell you the truth, I had more action figures than barbies. My toys went on grand adventures that usually ended with the majority of them dieing. I HAD a Hans Solo action figure. He was Thereasa's (you know, Barbie's friend?)forced-into-holy-matrimony-husband. Many of my role playing games had their divorce sealed into it. Barbie's house was HQ and the mighty Godzilla was their honorable leader. They went on magnifiscent quests for him for no real reason. Kind of like Excel Saga.... :animesigh
  6. Frankly I won't sell myself out for cash. I mean, if it doesn't go against my morals, then gimme that cash! But if it's something big you can just find yourself some other loser. ::flashes losers' salute:: Of course, if I really needed the money (let's say a family member needs help to pay for a life-saving operation, Et Cetera) I might be forced to take up their offer. Then again...if you were to offer me something like manga or other japanese affiliated items, I'll probably be persuaded to do your bidding. 'course I can't say much, because I allowed my friend to sell me to some Canadian guy for $20. ::laughs:: But I don't care because now I love my Canadian master! my Kenshu! my Uwo-sama! So maybe that was for the best. lol But ignore what I say, because you should never sell yourself out for cash or any other kind of incentive. Got that, you punks? Eh, you little whipper-snappers? LOL!!!!!
  7. As far as mystical creatures go, I do believe in faery and fawn folk. As for dragons, even though I [I]wish[/I] the big ones existed, I have enough common sense to know that something that large would have been discovered long ago. I do, however believe in the little dragons, I saw one when I was just a little child. Of course, that could've just been some coincedental occurence in which a dragonfly alighted upon a lizard's back. :animesigh I don't believe in ghosts or spirits, though, not my kind of thing. In confession, I believe in lepprechauns and bogeymonsters. I still look under my bed for 'em. ::checks under bed:: ::hears rustling noise:: :animedepr oh...mi...gawd... I also believe in the Niponjia (japanese) monsters. That's the kind of thing that just seems common sense to believe in.
  8. Hmmmm..... I don't know which one is the strangest! DigiCharat Opening Theme Nurse Witch Komugi Opening Theme PunyPunyPoemy Opening Theme Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) The Ultimate Strangest Song In My Head That Keeps Comin' Back (!!!): [U]One Weeks (Bare Naked Ladies)[/U] It's been, one week since you looked at me, Cocked your head to the side and said, "I'm angry." Five days since you laughed at me you said, "Get that together, Come back and see me." Three days since the living room, I realized its all my fault, but couldn't tell you. Yesterday you'd forgiven me but it'll still be two days till I say I'm sorry. Hold it now and watch the hoodwink As it'll make you stop think You think you're lookin' at Aquaman. I summon fish to the dish Although I like the Chalet Swiss and I like the sushi cuz its never touched the frying pan. Hot like wasabe when I bust rhymes Big like LeAnn Rimes Because I'm all about value. Burt Kaempfert's got the mad hits You try to match wits, you try to hold me but I bust through Like Andrew Lloyd, I've got a big show Mine's about a back-hoe There'll be a sound from the pavement Gonna make a break and take a fake I'd like a stinkin' achin' shake I like vanilla, it's the finest of the flavors Gotta see the show, 'cause then you'll know The vertigo is gonna grow 'Cause it's so dangerous you'll have to sign a waiver How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad Tryin' hard not to smile though I feel bad I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral Can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve I have a history of taking off my shirt. It's been, one week since you looked at me, Threw your arms in the air and said, "You're crazy." Five days since you tackled me, I've still got the rug burns on both my knees It's been three days since the afternoon, You realized it's not my fault, Not a moment too soon. Yesterday you'd forgiven me but And now I sit back and wait Till you say you're sorry. Chickity China the Chinese chicken Have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin' Watchin' X-Files with no lights on We're dans la mainson I hope the Smoking Man's in this one Like Harrison Ford, I'm getting frantic Like Sting, I'm tantric Like Snickers, guaranteed to satisfy. Like Kurasawa, I make mad films Okay, I don't make films But if I did they'd have a Samurai Like Skywalker, gotta big hunch Hey, that's my lunch Yoda's a really, really old guy Gonna get a set a' better clubs Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs Just so my irons aren't always flying off the back-swing Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon 'Cause the cartoon has got the boom anime babes How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad Tryin' hard not to smile though I feel bad I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral Can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve I have a history of taking off my shirt. It's been, one week since you looked at me, Dropped your arms to the sides and said, "I'm sorry." Five days since I laughed at you and said, "You just did just what I thought you were gonna do" Three days since the living room, We realized we're both to blame, but what could we do? Yesterday you just smiled at me 'Cause, it'll still be two days Till we say we're sorry. Hahhh...now it's back...o dear...."like kurosawa i make mad films...." I am soooo weird... :animesigh
  9. [QUOTE=elfpirate][b]Uh...I don't know why I'm admitting this, but when I was between the ages of 9 and 10, I lived in El Paso, Texas- right next to the interstate highway(I-10).[/b] [b]I used to lay down on the shoulder and roll all the way across the highway just to tempt fate. If that ain't the stupidest game a little girl can play, I don't know what is...:nope: [/b] [b]For those of you that don't know, I-10 is one of the largest, most-travelled interstate highways in the US- it connects Florida to California...[/b][/QUOTE] Wow.....YOU ARE MY LEADER!!!!!!!!! I WISH I WAS AS BRAVE AND AS STUPID AS YOU!!!!!! :love2: I forgot to mention that I've also played Mumblypeg and this game simply titled hand/wrist-tug-of-war...that name still strikes fear in my heart to this very day... You play by two people grabbing each other's wrist and tug as hard as you can until someone forfeits. It may sound wimpy and childish...but if you play it the [I]right[/I] way (or maybe it's the [I]wrong[/I] way) it's a real ordeal. ::Holds up left hand:: I know you can't see this but part of my wrist bone sticks up quite grotesquely when I bend my hand down like so...::bends hand down:: GROTESQUE PROTRUSION OF BONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This, my friends is why people should avoid any games of or related to hand/wrist-tug-of-war.
  10. I'd agree with 50/50. But most of the places I've been there have been more of us girls there than guys. Especially at my school where only, ooo, let's say....4 boys total in the entire 8th grade like manga/anime, but there's an entire clique of girls that ranges from about 15 to 20 in number that are extremly devote otaku (Including me!!!!! :catgirl: ). Talk about a big difference! But also, when I get on a chat room I feel the exact oppisite about things because almost all ofthe otaku there, if any, are guys. I guess it just depends on where you go. Ahh....now I'm all confuzzled... :animestun ....
  11. I'm only in middle school, I am currently in possession of 31 volumes of manga (and still counting). I bring them to school to read because I lend and borrow them to and from friends and because I really don't like the crap we have to read in class...AR book reading time my eye! When I first started bringing them all the preps were like "WTF? This crap reads backwards! How the crap do you read this?" and always taking them away from me to try to read them. I am now an 8th grader and the same people are [I]still[/I] asking the same retarded questions. My teachers really don't give a crap about it though. ...Ms.Walker was kind enough to ask what an otaku was and be understanding about it...she's a cool teacha! But really, those preps really bug me with their stupidity and closed-mindness. I too, have problems with peoples calling it cartoon porn and perverts sneaking peeks at it to see if it really is porn. Okay...so maybe one of them [I]was[/I] sorta-kinda porn but only one! And they never asked about [I]that one[/I]! Eva....you guys have it way, way to lucky....let me come to your school!!!! This is the current Mathribus of Pluto, future ruler of this Earth, and devote otaku, signing off! :animesmil
  12. Okay, you can delete this if it already exists, but does anyone know where we can find a fansub of Yotsubato? Or maybe the sequel to The Demon Ororon? Can someone please help us?! We need to know!!!! :moron:
  13. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]~_^ If you really do have a problem, and haven't been visiting a Doctor, [b]get one[/b]. And if you don't have a problem, well... grow up. What can I say?[/size][/QUOTE] But,but...the docters are [I]scary[/I] ! >>whimpers
  14. Get up in the morning, drag myself outa bed, scare the crap outa Mom cuz I look like da living dead...and skip breakfast entirely Eat whatever crap the cafeteria serves. Then I eat whatever crap Mom serves. I'm not picky at all, no eating habits whatsoever...well...besides my morning fast. So, what I want to know is: What are your eating habits/problems?
  15. I've been in wall punching contests before...I always win... I'm probably the queen of stupid games, man. Like Head Smacking, Head Smashing, Catch the Rabies Invested (probably) Raccoon, Knive Games, Pin the Tail On the Idiot, and my personal favorite:Paintball Russian Roulette... I'm too chicken to play with real bullets... .......... :toothy:
  16. I've got the most boring hair color in the world. It's mud brown. :animesigh I have dyed it pink before...got ALL over my clothes lol....yeah...I did it myself! :nope: Haaaahh...It actually looked pretty cool...kinda like Rose's from FMA. I did it for Halloween, but I left in in for about a month afterward, I freaked those NORMAL peoples out!!! :freak: But Master dyed his hair bright, bright red! (Even though he's already IrishCanadian) It was so friggin hot! ...So bright it blinded me... :hippy: So remember peoples! Don't dye your hair to bright unless you want to permanently scar the peoples around you! :: points at the glasses that'r falling off her nose:: :animeknow
  17. 1.) I am the Mathribus. What would those poor little Plutonians do without their Mathribus?! 2.) My friends would no longer have a doormat. 3.) I haven't got to marry and have kids with my Masterrrrrr! 4.)Where would the peoples in my head go? They'd be homeless! 5.) :beer: I haven't gotten to drink legally yet! :animesmil
  18. Apparently for me it is bad, cuz they are malicious, I do talk to myself, and I'm no longer aware of my presence in my head....... :animesmil Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Problems ,problems, problems!!!!! And what's this about borderlining scizaphrenia? Dude! I am a certified scizoid! And I'm proud! And the only thing I use my imagination for is to daydream................... :( :( :( :( :( :( Gomen Nasai!!!!!!! I have bothered all of you with my problems!!!!! Waaaaaahhhh!!!!! I am soooooooo sorry!!!! Please, forgive meeeee! >>scurries off to her pit to cry
  19. :animesigh I've got anime characters....my own little peoples...and even chibi versions of famous peoples in my head. This is partially my fault 'cuz I like to have friends that are always there...but.... is it really wrong to have peoples in your head...and then talk to them?
  20. Wow wow wow!!!! It's snowing in Ireland?! and it's sticking?! Omigawd! I have to come visit you!!!! Gawd...it must be real purty...all white....::dreamy:: Ya know what? The Snow Demons must be smiling upon you! ^^ It's the only logical explanation! :devil:
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