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Everything posted by joshdude89
[url]http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_031008WAB_boy_buried_LJ.3e86c380.html[/url] Apparently this kid had his friends bury him in sand so he could be like gaara. Here's the story. Comments Page: [url]http://blogs.king5.com/archives/2008/03/sorrow-over-chi.html[/url] As horrible as it is, I blame the parents for not telling their kid not to imitate cartoons. Also, comments are hilarious.
I tend to multi-task to the extreme while watching them, and it normally doesn't mess up my intake of the story. For example: I'll watch Evangelion, play World of Warcraft, and do homework all at once. This isn't every time i watch anime, only when I'm watching a series I own...or anything that happens to be on tv.
[quote name='Kam'] To say I was obsessed with her would be ridiculous. I've never been one for obsession. I was intrigued, and I new she'd be much more likely to talk to someone her age openly. -Justin[/QUOTE] Now for something more lighthearted: You mispelled knew. But in all seriousness, how are we to know who we are really talking to. Its just a risk of the internet.
[quote name='John']As for your original question of if it's [I]wrong[/I] to be desensitized to violence, I don't necessarily think so. I've naturally always been somewhat hardened against emotional responses myself, so I might be biased on this, but I don't think people have the right to judge you on which emotions you feel or don't feel.[/QUOTE] seconded. Although, I'd still prefer to be able to feel fear or disgust at those movies...but that's just me... Man, did I hate the Devil's Rejects...
[quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Yeah I know. Luckily Naruto wasn't put through very heavy editting. Sakura said pervert, and it was shmexy. I saw the first movie Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow on CN yesterday, and the only really good part was the beginning and the end when Naruto blasted that guy with the [B]Rasengan[/B]. The new color? DarkSlateGray is so last week, and it was really common.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Not put through heavy editing huh...what about "believe it", the slogan that killed the old Naruto fans. I loved Naruto before it got really popular, back about 5 years ago, when there was only the manga. Then the anime came out, and believe it made narutards everywhere rejoice, and old fans cringe. I miss the good ol' days :animecry:
No, listen, I understand what you're saying and actually agree that a lot of what Nintendo puts out is just updated versions of the same game. But, on the otherhand, that's what every company does. And not just video game companies either. Look at movies and television. I havn't seen a truly original movie in years. I mean, most of what comes out nowadays are just remakes and sequels. Or, if nothing else the same basic story and characters in a "new" movie. But, at least Nintendo seems to be trying to change things up a bit by adding a motion control in. I mean, the 360 and PS3 are pretty much the exact same things that their predecesors were...except with better graphics. But don't get me wrong, I love my 360 far more than my friends Wii.
Man, now that I've seen those, its really hard to wait for the new movies. I wish I knew how long it'll be before they get imported to the US. Also, the differences in looks is just...wow.
I honestly can't get into Blood+ myself; I've sat and watched episodes just to try and like it, but I can't. I feel so left out, especially since everybody else I know who has watched it loved it. Course, I think that watching and reading Hellsing sort of ruined me on vampire animes. I personally think its the best...lots of blood and gore and swearing and violence and...stuff.:animestun
Well, at least you knew he did the pre PS2 ones. I only knew that he did FFX for sure, mainly because I didn't really care about game pedigrees until after I started having to conserve money. Anyway, I mentioned the Nobuo Uematsu thing because I've noticed that, be it anime or video game, I tend to enjoy something more if it has great music. And Final Fantasy music has to be among the top soundtracks of all time.
Well, the Cons are kind of...uneven. I'm pretty sure that there are going to be more people over 18 at cons compared to people around 13-15. Most Naruto fans I know are in the 8-15 range, although I was a fan at one point. But most Bleach fans are probably in the 16-22 range. SO, since there are less kids at cons then there are adults, the adult's shows would have more...showing. Also, all my facts and staticstics were made up on the spot.
But then again, its happened in other animes too. For instance, even though it was called "Sailor Moon", we all know that it was all about the cats.
The short Deja Vu are fun, cause they are random and throw you off. But I get the long ones every once in awhile. I remember driving once, with a few friends in the car, and I got hit by one. It was so weird, because my friends started freaking out due to my spazzing around the road. (When I get Deja Vu, I tend to Spaz out for a few seconds.) So needless to say, they don't like to ride with me anymore.
[quote name='silpheedpilot'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]For me it's 'cause I don't let Nintendo bend me over and ram their huge Wiimote up my pooper. There's something to be said about Nintendo when they repackage Gamecube technology in a white shell, give you a motion controller, and say; 'New system, guys!' Oh, wait. I know what that is. Great marketing. Thanks Nintendo! I love it when you pull the wool over my eyes with your technology. Thats Gamecube 2.0 which, to me, wasn't fun before so why would I want it again? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Alright, I'll give you that it's pretty much the same; but at least its not as expensive as the PS3. I'll buy a Wii for my 2nd next gen system, cause it is at least fairly cheap compared to the 360 and PS3. Plus, the same game on another system (Raving Rabbids on the 360) would play completely different on the Wii, which makes the gaming [I]seem[/I] new and different.
1. Sailor Moon 2. Excel Saga 3. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 4. Fruits Basket. I'm happy that I'm the first to say Excel Saga!!!
I got into and out of Naruto before it got popular, so I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm talking back when it was just a manga. Anyway, I'd have to say, Popularity wise...its probably Naruto(Lots of kids watch it, thusly the popularity gets pushed up more). But if you're looking for popular with older groups, while Naruto is still there, you'll be looking a lot towards classics. But if you want new ones that are popular, then you'll see a lot of Lucky Star and Melancholy of Haruhi Suzymiya.
For the Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl: I always bought the SSB games, and I don't plan on missing this one either. 360: Assassin's Creed: This game just looks cool. Suppossedly, if you see it, you can climb on it...basically. Fable 2: I loved Fable, the only problem was how short it was. Even "the lost chapters" was short. This one will hopefully be longer. DS: Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations: Alright, I love the Phoenix Wright series. I personally think it's one of the best series to come out in awhile. PC: Starcraft II: I just started playing starcraft, but when this comes out I'll probably buy it too. World of Warcraft: Rise of the Lich King: Okay, now this I'm really excited over. New WoW expansion. It probably won't be out for at least another year, but I can wait. And I'm sure that I've forgotten a lot of games...but still.
Well, aside from guessing how a movie or show will run (which I am always right...always), I tend to have dreams every once in awhile. Nothing major, but one night I'll have a dream that I'm going somewhere random, and I don't really know the people I'm with in real life, but I know them in the dream. Then a few months later, I'll know the people for real and we'll be going to the same place. Dejavu is something that happens to me pretty often. Also, I really believe that at the rate things are going, one day all the poor people in the country will get pissed and rise up against the uber-rich people. I mean, look at history. About every 200 years, some group of people will rebel against the rich, so I figure it will have to happen again.
Well, I guess I was lucky growing up. After I was in first grade, I never had a babysitter. My parents started leaving me alone for short periods of time when I was about 7 or 8, but it wouldn't be for longer than 2 hours. After a while, they would feel comfortable leaving me alone for longer periods of time. Of course, I feel that by them doing so, I felt more responsible and possibly matured earlier than others. I certainly feel that the latter is true. Course, I don't know how good of an idea it was, but nothing bad ever happened...so I guess it didn't hurt either.
1. Alchemy 2. Automail 3.homunculus 4. Transmutation 5. Philosopher's Stone
Well, for an anime style, I just picked up "Blue Dragon" yesterday. It's got the style of Dragon Ball, and made with a lot of the Final Fantasy people, including Nobuo Uematsu (the guy who did the music for FFX). For an anime based game, I actually enjoyed the Full-Metal Alchemist games, even though a lot of people hated them. I even like Dragonball Z Budokai 3, as far as a fighting anime game. Of course, you can't go wrong with .hack games.
Gaming Which consoles do you own? And which do you want to buy next?
joshdude89 replied to Vigilance's topic in Noosphere
Right now I own: PS2: I used to love this system so much, but then it fell off of my tv and broke...I got it fixed...then about a week later, the laser reader got off alignment. I havn't fixed it yet, so I don't play it anymore. Gamecube: This was my first Last-Gen system. I love most of the games I have for it, especially Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. Xbox: I never even touch this system anymore, especially now that I have a 360. But I still do have it. Xbox 360: This is my most recent system, its pretty good. The graphics are actually a lot better than I expected they would be. DS: I love my DS, I mean, its got just about everything I could want. Phoenix Wright...um....Pokemon. Macintosh: 3 games on my mac that make me love macs. Warcraft III, Starcraft, World of Warcraft. I have lots of other game systems, but i rarely touch them. So here is a list. N64/Gamebody Advanced/ Gameboy Color (3 different ones)/ Gamebody (the original Gray-purple block)/ SNES/PS1. The next system I buy will probably be the Wii. -
Nicknames... how did you get them?
joshdude89 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Well, I don't have that many nicknames that I can remember all that well. Josh Porter: One girl in my 2nd period always calls me this when she sees me, I don't know why. The last name isn't even similar to my real one. Gameboy: Back when I was in marching band, everybody in the drum section had a nickname. I got one of the more or less "boring" ones. During "Band Camp" I would bring a gameboy to play on in case I got bored during our breaks. Ash/Ashong/Ashy: I play Wow, and my first character's name was Ashong. When I'm online people will normally call me by Ash/Ashy just to shorten down the name. Then I even had 1 or 2 people call me by that outside of the game...I don't know why. -
I like all blankets pretty well. But my favorite would have to be a comforter. I mean, they're huge/soft/warm. How can you not feel comfortable underneath a comforter.
Well, I personally don't do drugs, and I only drink on occasion. (1 or 2 beers a year, mainly because I don't really care for the taste). But I think that drinking is personally fine as long as you don't act stupid when you do it, and I even want to go further and say that the drinking age should be at 18 during times of war.( I mean really, if you can go to war and get killed, you can drink. End of discussion) Now drugs, well...I don't have a very well informed opinion of them, since I've never used any.(At least not illegal ones) But from what I've heard, marijuana really isn't so harmful as for it to be illegal. I mean, it pretty much has the same effects as smoking/drinking, not exactly the same but pretty close. Of course, I am completely against cocaine/crack/meth/etc., but the less extreme ones I don't care one way or the other.
Well, I've never really got all that into buying full anime series, being a manga person myself. But I did get a few: (Also, I am bad at explaining stuff, so please bear with me) Evangelion: One of my favorite series, it is about 3 teens who pilot giant robots to stop giant monsters from destroying the world...sorta Excel Saga: A pretty funny anime, if you like the wacky out of this world comedies. It's about a secret organization "ACROSS" and their plans to conquer the world. Inuyasha: I never bought but a few episodes, but I bought all the movies. It's about a group of people who are trying to collect shards of the Shikon Jewel, while trying to defeat a demon named Naraku. Fullmetal Alchemist: About two brothers who perform alchemy to try and resurrect their mom. The ritual backfires and Al loses his body, while Ed loses his arm and leg. Ed then puts Al's soul into a suit of armor. The series is mainly about their quest to regain what they lost. Sakigake!! Cromartie High School: About a school of delinquents, and a new student who tries to get them to change their ways. The series mainly follows them around on random trips, and encounters, as they try to do stuff...its pretty random.