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About ShadowsRebel

  • Birthday 01/10/1992

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  • Biography
    I'm insane. I driven people insane...deal with it.
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  1. I belong to a lot of other sites...but my first one is fanfiction.net
  2. Human Name: Sara Real Name: Kyo Age: 16, 1005 Gender: female Race: Dark Angel Human appearance: long brown hair in a ponytail, wears a dark blue dress, has dark gray eyes, tanned skinned. She has a dagger hidden somewhere in her dress Angel/demon appearance: Long black hair, dark stormy gray eyes, tanned skin, a long black skirt, a no sleeved black top, long black wings, and a mark of a wolf on the back of her neck. Bio: She was born a pure angel golden hair, white robes, white wings. Then the demons attacked her home killing her mother and father. She killed them and accidently some other angels that came to the scene. So the concil banished her making her wings go black. Her demanor change. She was no longer an angel nor was she demon or human. So she wandered. She wanders throughout Earth. No one notices her. She likes it that ways. Three hundred years back she was an assain. A very good one at that. She would kill all evil people and saved others but then she one day dissappered. No one knows where she went. She now works in the shadows. Assisting both demons and humans but never her own kind. The kind that banished her. The kind that hates her. The kinds which she will one day wipe out. She is a Dark Angel. She is the only one of her kind. She is dangerous so watch out. Powers: Shadows: Controling darkness Summoning: She can summon anything her spacilty is weponary summoning Psyhic: She can read emotions, auras, and is telekentic Weapons: Sword, daggers, bow and arrows, and hand to hand combat
  3. With Broken Wings or In the Blue. Those two songs are amazing. ;.; I keep on crying everytime I hear one.
  4. Study Math. Trust me it'll put you to sleep.
  5. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A black haired girl skidded on the corner as she ran as fast as she could to school. Three floating boys followed behind her. "I TRIED WAKING YOU UP BUT YOU KEPT CALLIN ME MAMA!!!!!!!!!" yelled one of them. As the other two sweat dropped. "Honestly Alex. I never called you Mama." answered the girl has she jumped the gate into school. Only to be stopped by her teacher. "Oh Konnichiwa, Saki-sensei. Ano...I overslept?" Saki-sensei dragged the girl into the school and placed her outside the classroom while she was holding to buckets of water.
  6. Mediums are all around us today. But you'll never know it. Now a group of mediums varying different ages has arisen and are about to embark on a journey that may change their lives. Enter Rei who is a insane child but she knows what is right and has an astuonding ablilty of analyzation.She also is astounding in the Arts as well. Her ghost partners Alex, Sam, and Kai. Always concerned about her saftey never concerned about their own for her Medium energy is the highest anyone has seen in years. Alex is a crazy ghost who has known Rei since she was three and Sam and Kai? They met Rei and Alex recently but both are brilliant and funny. Played by: ShadowsRebel Enter Kira a hardworking student who strives to be the best at everything. With her ghost partner Clara she always pushes herself to hard leaving poor Clara worrying about her. She has a very high intellect and conisders Rei her rival in the Arts and Lit. Clara is a very sweet and kind ghost who always looks after Kira and will continue to. Played by: Enter Kouji who's trying to win over the feelings of Rei. He's a Loner and is Rei's best friend seeing as how they grown up together. His ghost partner Kouichi who is very confident and is always coaxing Kouji to tell Rei his feelings is very understanding and true to his friends and partner. Played by: Now there is the oldest medium ever and knows how and why people are chosen to be a medium. So Rei, Kouji, Kira, and a few others must get ready for the adventure of a lifetime but some won't allow it to happen. Now it is up to you to add more mediums to this group. Every entery must be a paragraph long at the least. First we need people to play Kira and Kouji. Other mediums a short discription in your post and put good or evil in it as well.
  7. OOC: Hey everyone! Welcome to the RP! Remember to have fun! _________________________________________________________ BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP CRASH! Yet another normal morning at Rei's house. The black haired gray eyed girl got up and rubbed her eyes. A ghost with a white peasent shirt and black pants can over to her and asked, "You broke another alarm clock Ms. Rei." The girl looked over and sweat dropped. She smiled and said, "Guess I don't know my own strenght, Alex." Alex sighed and floated out of the room so Rei could get changed. The girl got changed into a pair of baggy black jeans and a black top. She put her hair in a ponytail as she snapped on some studded wrist bands. She left the room following her three ghost partners never knowing that today would change her life.
  8. Mediums are all around us today. But you'll never know it. Now a group of mediums varying different ages has arisen and are about to embark on a journey that may change their lives. Enter Rei who is a insane child but she knows what is right and has an astuonding ablilty of analyzation.She also is astounding in the Arts as well. Her ghost partners Alex, Sam, and Kai. Always concerned about her saftey never concerned about their own for her Medium energy is the highest anyone has seen in years. Alex is a crazy ghost who has known Rei since she was three and Sam and Kai? They met Rei and Alex recently but both are brilliant and funny. Played by: ShadowsRebel Enter Kira a hardworking student who strives to be the best at everything. With her ghost partner Clara she always pushes herself to hard leaving poor Clara worrying about her. She has a very high intellect and conisders Rei her rival in the Arts and Lit. Clara is a very sweet and kind ghost who always looks after Kira and will continue to. Played by: Enter Kouji who's trying to win over the feelings of Rei. He's a Loner and is Rei's best friend seeing as how they grown up together. His ghost partner Kouichi who is very confident and is always coaxing Kouji to tell Rei his feelings is very understanding and true to his friends and partner. Played by: Now there is the oldest medium ever and knows how and why people are chosen to be a medium. So Rei, Kouji, Kira, and a few others must get ready for the adventure of a lifetime but some won't allow it to happen. Now it is up to you to add more mediums to this group. Every entery must be a paragraph long at the least. First we need people to play Kira and Kouji. Other mediums a short discription in your post and put good or evil in it as well.
  9. I am female. But sometimes I act like a boy. I never acted like a girl my whole life. People say that I should be on dates and never discuss the morals of good and evil. But I never listened to what 'they' say. Screw what they know anyways. I mean have you ever gone an entire day without wondering, 'Why me? Why am I so different from everyone else?' Well everyone is different from everyone. The clicks and other stuff like that do not exsist only in our minds is popular and all that other stuff. In peoples minds. I am a tomboy. But the girls I know except a certain few are concerned about their looks and clothes...Stuff I may not even think about for a while. So what I am saying is... I'm one of many who probably agrees with me. If not then I am fine because I know that I'm happy what I see instead of what 'they' see. Thank you for your time -ShadowsRebel
  10. I always wanted to dye my hair black and then get multi colored streaks in it. Then show up to school the next day and scare the hell outta the nuns! Then after that they would send me to the school guidance consoler who will then declare me insane and send me on my way to the asylum...Then after a year or two I will break out and give them all my thanks. By driving pass the school holding up both middle fingers and yelling, "THANKS SUCKERS!!!!!!!!" and then drive off into the sunset. :D Such a nice theard. Ciao!
  11. I hate it when 1) Someone steals my anime/manga 2) People who annoy me 3) Justin 4) Anyone who pisses me off 5) Math 6) When someone flames me
  12. 1) To control Earth 2) To have an ablity to bring all anime charaters here 3) To have a HUGE library :catgirl:
  13. I would want to have the ablity to grow long black wings and fly. I would also like to travel through different dimensions into different anime and harnest the powers and rule the world!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA!!!!!!!! :animesweat:*coughs* I also like to control darkness. :animesigh: It's not like I'll have them anyways
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