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Everything posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr

  1. Ok OK but this is suppose to be about the easiest one but yah thps1 was hard i have to say :confused:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] not to mention the action poses, little bro.... [/B][/QUOTE] He's ur little brother really? :therock:
  3. I have winMX and when type in dragonballz i see this thing that says in the end tribute to vigita or sumthing like. it's kool:D
  4. OH if ur asking for my fav song OF ALL TIME it's uhhhhhh i don't know!!! I'll get back to yall on that one!!! I need some time to reminise or wutever!!! :mrt:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] whoo!chalk one up for stardust! [/B][/QUOTE] What do u mean chalk one up for stardust and y do u always have to pick on me :bawl: But anywayz goodluck on yallz midterminals i just wanted tosay that i mean midterms. :drunk:
  6. Well not actually see me and 2 of my friends were playing basketball and we lost :( Then while we were walking to my house i started to pick up rocks and throwing them for not good reason. Then when i picked up a rock i threw it and it accidentally hit a cops car back window :eek:.And well even though i didn't want to get in trouble I went to the cop and told him wut i did he got mad of course :mad: so i looked at him with my puppy dog eyes and said sorry.but i still got in trouble he called my mom and my mom got mad at me BUT i didn't get grounded or anything :D cause my mom was glad i told him i broke it yup but my mom still had to pay for the window. This was like when i was in 6th grade i'm 16 now!!!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] that's why u go to bed early the night b4!Duh!:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] OH really i didn't know that thanx for the tip maby i won't fall asleep this time around :D Really i didn't know that!!!
  8. I never seen it but i heard of it before and i think the kid that played harry potter was init or was that a different one *thinks hard and can't remember*
  9. Midterms put me to sleep and when its time to take'em i like don't know wut to put down lol :D
  10. Lol really shyguy lol hahahahaha thats soooo funny :laugh: Well three is the easiest and 2 was ok 1 was hard cause i didnt know how to play it a long time ago!!!
  11. How bout Mewt Don't know y just sounds good or ok. Mines not the best though :(
  12. Which one was the easiest for u? the easiest one for me was part 3 it's soooo easy!!!
  13. Well i don't really know yet cause i don't have it but once i get it i'll tell u guys :D
  14. u guys can always have food fights outside like it would kill anyone. And about gettin killed for getting a a food fight so wat u'll just end up in detention or suspended u'll get out of it eventually. i loooove food fights thats y i'm starting a new one on tuesday yup :devil:
  15. Thats really freaky. I've had that happen and eccept not with gunshots like um people having partys it gets annoying sometimes and i call the cops on them lol its funny when they get in trouble :D
  16. I have finally figured out wut i'm gonna be. Here r my choices. Pro skateboarder:First one to do a 1080 :cool: Computer disigner:I would make an awsome comp and get billions for it :D Game Disigner:Make a sweet game system and get billions for that tooo yahhh:smirk: A bum:Be the coolest bum here :therock: Rapper:Have all these girls wanting to get with me oh yah that would be cool :cool: That would be it those r my choices arent they cool
  17. That was a nice bmw picture me rollin in it with all the hot girls here in otaku yah :cool: i would be sooooo cool.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] tsk tsk,Austin Powers is too busy bein weird to solve the mystery.besides,even if he could,he wouldn't do good job,duh!:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Ok OK OK miss i always have to reply to kyjaun fuller. Then i will call the best agent in the whole wide world. And thats who could it be obviously Me. Hey that rhymed!!! Any one know my number -------------------------------- Hold up wait wait wait Stardust might say i am just guessing by the way.(hey that rhymed to !!!) NO NO ur to busy posting in otaku and u would probly be to lazy!!! -------------------------------- And i would say yah ur right!!! :D
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]heh,I'm gonna be a teacher! [/B][/QUOTE] I heard being a teacher is hard cause u have to teach little ignorant brats that annoy u all day and u have to wake up earlier than we do now!!! And it is a boring job thats wut i think :sleep:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] No!Scooby Doo and them are all busy bein cartoons and junk like that,they're way too busy!duh!:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Then i will call Austin Powers The greatest agent i know and well hate to say this again does anyone know his number? :) Yah baby!!!:cross:
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Im in 8th grade and I just got my classes for high school, I just wanted to know. What do you want to be your major? what are you interested in doing? [/B][/QUOTE] Well i don't know i will have to think about that. I am on the internet all day so thats y i don't know hahah :drunk:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] no,no,sherlock holmes is too busy bein dead to crack the mystery!duh!:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Oh ok then i will call scooby doo and daffany and fred and velma and shaggy :D uh um hate to say this but does anybody know there number? :rolleyes:
  23. U go home for lunch :eek: i wish i could do that. And i can not beleive that not much of u guys have lunch rooms or cafiteria. And i like getting dirty and smelling bad thats y i started a food fight yup :devil: i am bad to the bone :demon:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]thanks to whoever fixed my topic so it says song instead of sone. :wigout: [/B][/QUOTE] LOL it said sone i didn't know that lol hahah hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha :laugh: starts singing fav sone lol hahah hahaha hahh hahaha:laugh: sorry didn't mean to do that hahahahah brake dances to fav sone rotflmao hahhahahahahahahh *laughs to death*:excited: :excited:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]superman isn't real?? :bawl: :bawl: U LIE!! grrr @ stardust :mad: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] *cuts on ol super man song and goes into closet changes and comes out in a super man costume flies off to son goten's house* Hello son goten i am super man don't tell anyone i must go now :excited:
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