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Everything posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr

  1. Thats scary :worried: dude i mean dang 120 ppl absent thats alot well i'm glad that my school doesn't virus's.Hope u get better :)
  2. Well lets see i'm going to practice playing basketball so i can get on my school team next year i hope.and well thats it i guess, yup thats it.
  3. I live in Florida I'm currently 16 turning 17 i think.:D
  4. The only mythologies i like is Egyptian and Chinese i guess yah thats right.
  5. I watch that show. Yup it's freeeeky it gives me the chills sumtimes. But i don't think i would like to be on the show i would quit the very first mission yup i can imagine now.
  6. wow thats great happy anniversary. i've been here for um since v.2 I don't know how many years.
  7. Sorry but i can't pray for someone who commited suicide it's against my religion but i will pray for his family and friends.
  8. I'm scared of it well sorta but i don't think about it really i just live me life to the fullest. yah lets party.:D
  9. no but i'd like to play basketball someday.
  10. Wow thats cool i guess.Well congrats and happy anniversary.
  11. I liked them both.The first ones is the one i liked the best because it was mellow and very relaxing.Good Job!!!
  12. I'm a fan i'm not a big fan but i watch it from time to time.Sometimes wrestling just gets boring so i don't watch it much.
  13. u don't need a pure heart to become a ssj i think. but imagine radditz a ssj3 how long do u think his hair would be? It would probly be very very long!!!
  14. Dang yall r talking like scientist.Well um i think time travel is possible but let me ask this if u travel back to the past how r u suppose to get back to the present?
  15. here's something funny friend and i were playing super sudden death and he was young link and i knocked him in the air and he paused the game and he looked up young links skirt thing and it was nasty it didn't show anything but we laughed sooo hard!!!
  16. um i got a question is zero a girl or guy?
  17. OH heck yah i watch it it's soooo funny but i really think kenny should come back because i miss that famous line "Oh my god they killed kenny u basterds"
  18. I watch it. Fav Jackazz:WeeMan Fav Stunt:When Johnny was in a port-o-potty and they turned it upside down that was funny lol hahaha Fav Prank:When that one fat dude chases WeeMan around a public place!!! Most Painful stunt:When Johnny and that one dude r in this one place and then these guys throw balls at them with a certain stick thing.
  19. Yah I watch it sumtimes it's pretty funny it's just hard for me to believe that people fight about stupid stuff.
  20. Yah i like it my fav people r gambit wolvorine and night crawler!!!
  21. Money can get u alot of stuff but can it get u a famimly member wait yes adopting a kid well not a good example.ok oh can money buy u to heaven.NO.so money can't buy everything.
  22. yah i like buffy the movie it was cool.
  23. Thanx guys yall really helped!!!!
  24. I've seen that except it's gold and it can also play DVD'S and CD'S and NGC games and it IS coming out in America.They said so in EGM
  25. Bah... I suck at the airport i'm alot better at the foundry my record for 1 trick is 400,000 (sumthing like that).
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