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Everything posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr

  1. i Do agree ever since george clooney became batman it went downhill and ho doesn't git the role of batman!!! And wuts X-2 And i think superman is gay sorry just my opinion!!!
  2. I haven't been to a prom i'm only 16!!! but when i used to be in elementary we used to have dances i only showed up for those dances cause of pizza!!!
  3. Dang alot of people think thps1 is hard yah it was but people remember its which ones the easiest duh:rolleyes:
  4. Chibi goku and 18 remember when 18 shoots those blast at super17 and he absorbs them and then goku flys in front of super 17 and does somesort of dragon move thing i can't remember
  5. bulma is older than chichi right cause in db chi chi is like that same age as goku and bulma is older than them
  6. Hey that was nice ok well r u gonna post some more eps?
  7. Well i can't wear contacts cause my mom thinks i'll go blind lol yup sooooo i have to wear glasses grrrrr which i hate wearing!!! Most of the kids nowadays i know wear glasses!!! i don't know y :confuse2:
  8. Thats impossible u can't be poor and still have the internet thats like rick poor people u know but i'm not poor i am normal!!! :mrt: I pity the foo who ain't one! Na just kidin
  9. How about Mewtri see u say the tri like tree not tri but tree so mewtri get it tri three lol i am soooooo smart!!!
  10. well i just recently broku up with my girlfriend it sucks too. Y lord y did i have to brake up with her wut did i do wrong? God says,"U didn't do anything she was just cheating on u duh :rolleyes:." OH ok u do know everything!!! Well then i just might eat chips and watch tv yuppers
  11. Happy birthday & happy new year lol :D Well um u spelled what wrong lol
  12. If sara moves in and i were u i would kick that b**** out!!! NO i'm kidding well y can't she and tj just live closer to yall so they can viist like someone said! Well i know i didn't help i'm too young for this. OY my back is broken ow owwww!!! Just trying to cheer ya up just in case :D
  13. Thats nice i think i'll add you guys to my buddy list if thats alright Well mines is [email]murdoc912@hotmail.com[/email] As u can see i love the gorillaz :hippy: or was it spelled :hippie: i forgot!!!
  14. Only after SEX :D NO NO NO sorry just joking i was just having a little fun!!! Well i never slept in the nude before and i don't know if i ever will :confuse2: :huh: :modrod:
  15. Yah i agree with u adam! I think that was more funny than wrong lol :D
  16. Nope we don't take stupid test everyday :D to bad for u sorry if this thread didn't make u feel better!!! :)
  17. Well i haven't been skating latly i been busy studying so oh well.But i will get back to skating soon i hope :D :POOPOO: That one was for fun!!!
  18. Yah i want to see it but i don't have money so i guess i ask for some from my mom.Cause i spent my last paycheck on this new Chain necklace it's sweet so i might wait to get money or ask for some!!! :D
  19. Ok she'll be in my prayers tonight godbless her and her fam and hope she gets better soon peace!!! :D
  20. I'm a skater i like World industries and blink and alien work shop yup!!!
  21. Well at my school we have to recite it everyday so i don't really know cause no one complains about it so i guess it 's ok to them!!!
  22. It's nice but it has a moody sort of color u know wut i mean :rolleyes:
  23. LOL really dang u must be a good gamer thats for sure!!!
  24. If he didn't invent it maby it would of never been invented who knowS!!! :rolleyes:
  25. Thats a nice idea and all but if it were to happen i wouldn't show up.U know y cause i don't want anyone here on otaku seeing my horrible monsturous face *Puts on mask and covers face with cape like batman*
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