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[COLOR=DarkRed][U]Name:[/U] Ian Campos [U]Age:[/U] 23 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]God:[/U] Hades, Lord of the Underworld. [U]Apearance:[/U] [U]Normal:[/U] [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/93024-20050127020635.jpg]Ian[/URL] (The first guy, with the brown hair) [U]Transformed:[/U] [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/109998-20050220210052.jpg]Ian (Hades)[/URL] (His hair is dark black, and so are his eyes.) [U]Personality: (Normal)[/U] Though Ian is the avatar of the brooding and dark god Hades, he is quite an easy going guy. He doesn't like confrentation much, but don't write him off as a weakling, he can do some damage in a scrap. He prefers to stop people from fighting, and discuss things over a few beers, but the presence of Hades is always nagging at him to let himself transform and rip their heads off... [U]Personality: (Transformed) [/U] When the wings burst from Ian's back and he becomes possed by the demonic Hades, he bcomes incredibly irritating to be around. He's very no-nonsense, and won't hesitate in striking somone dead. He is very quiet, he preferes to sit in the corner alone, and stare blankly. When he gets the chance, he likes to sore amongst the clouds at night alone/ [U]History:[/U] Ian grew up in rural British-Columbia, having a normal, average childhood. As he reached adolesence, however, he discovered it was all to different. He was 14 when he first met Hades, though he learned Hades had never left his side. He was freaked out at first: Being a Greek history nerd, the shock of learning that you were the reincarnation of Hades can be very dramatic. However, once he learned to control his ecstatisisim, Ian decided to learn about Hades. Dispite their differences in attituded, Ian and Hades came to rely on eachother for certain things, and Ian loved how lucky he was to be chosen by the gods. He was 18 when he first transformed. It was in the back allys of Victoria, and he was taking a shortcut to his home. It was then that three men decided to attack him. They took his money, and were about to kill him, when Ian called out Hades' name at an earspllitting volume. The pain of the first time, the pain as the wings burst from his spine, as the powerful force gripped his body and twisted his will... The fealing of the first time his scepter crushed the skull of the one man. Dispite the fact that he murdered the three men, and others who had tried the same, Ian remaind a calm and gentle person, living a split-personallity with the god Hades. [U]Weapons:[/U] Bane of Odysessus, a short scepter of dark-gold, harder then steel. The top is designed to crush skulls and other bones, and it's greatest use is as a club or mace. [U]Spells:[/U] [U]Summon Apherodi:[/U] Ian can use this spell when fused with Hades. He summons the dark panther,a hulking beast who serves her master ferociously. OOC: Ok, hope that's alright. I love Greek myths][/COLOR]
Wow, that happened today and I didn't even know about it... Man, elfpirate, that's gotta suck pretty bad... to actually know some of the victims... Ouch... Frankly, it sickens me that somone can get ahold of a gun and simply blow away 15 people... I'm frankly a stranger to any such brutal, sensless murders... The last school shooting in my province was was a few years back, when a French-Canadian anti-feminist went into a Montreal woman's collage and killed 17 people (12 of whom had masters degrees in various physics) He killed himself, and in his hand was a list of 20 people who he tried to kill. It's one of the worst school shootings in North American history. It is so disgusting that this man hated women so much he would go to the extremes of killing them, especially since they had so much to live for, makes me think just how sadistic and deranged the human mind can become. I hear this problem is alot worse in the US, and I find myself perplexed at just how paranoid (If not rightly so.) that your entire country is, that they would actually have a "In case of deranged person with a gun, smash glass" Type of thing, it sickens me, frankly.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]"The man is dead, as I'm sure you know, so now your going to pay us. Do it easily for a change." Pierre said seriously, Staring at the man harshly. "You've been paid already. The money is in your accounts." Their employer replied. X, sitting uneasily beside Pierre, smiled at the mere prospect of the millions... "However, it will be unreachable for the time being." "What?" X and Pierre said in unison, reaching for their weapons. "Calm, calm. You see, the banker hit was a test, a chance for you two to learn how you two function together. We were pleased to say the least. Now it's time for the big hit. The girl, the daughter of the Clan leader." "Fuck that, what's to stop us taking the bloody money and going on our merry way?" X said, leveling one of his pistols with the man's head. "Calm down X," Pierre said, "Now, you, I don't plan to work with this lunatic again unless you pay us substantially more then last time." "Ey'!" X said, "But, ya, we need a fuckload more money then last time." He kept his pistol to the man's forehead. "It's been aranged, ten times the 7,500,000. But you still need to kill the girl. This hit will be nothing so simple as a business man with thick doors and weak bodyguards. She's surroudnded by masters of combat, skilled bodyguards, and other such things. Point is, you two are in for a hell of a fight. But that's a hell of a lot of money." [/COLOR] OOC: Ok, I wanted to start some action, since there hasn't really been any clan-gang confrentation.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Robbie pulled up to the museum in his red E Type. It was ealry in the morning now, and he had decided to slip out before any of the others, trying to get a jump on the days work. His first target was a woman named Minerva Brutelli, a guard who was in charge of the Ball's security. Might as well start at the top, Robbie figured. He had learned that she usually came in around this time, never before. He held her picture to his face, making sure he wouldn't miss her. She was a pretty woman, tall, dark hair, nice body, and a stern, hard face. Shouldn't be too hard, so long as she wasn't a total hardass. It wasn't long before he saw her, pulling up in a red SUV. Robbie took his chance as she climbed the stairs: "Minerva Brutelli?" He called after, stepping out of his car. "Yes?" She turned around, suprised yet unamused. "Ah, good. I was told I could find you here. My name is Marcus Anton," He used the fake last name of one of her old friends. "I believe you know my mother, Olivia Anton." With these words, recognition flickered in her eyes, and she stepped down to talk to him. "Marcus, eh? Olivia said she had a son, but she never gave a name." She was talking freely, but Robbie knew that she was still on guard. "Well, mom was always descrete." "Yes, Olivia was. Anyway, what brigns you to Greece?" She was impaitent. "Well, I'm a museum buff, and mom told me this was a great one. I was just wondering that, since your an old friend and all, you could get me a discount?" "Hmph, I don't think so. Sorry, but I need to get to me post." She said, turning to leave. "Wait! Can you at least give me a tour? I hate those cheesy tour guides, I'm sure somone as beautiful as you knows more about this museum anyway." Robbie said, smiling woolfishly. "Fine," She sighed heavily, "but let's make it quick, I need to get to work."[/COLOR]
OOC: Ok Anarchy, let's kill us some Bank-type folk! [COLOR=SeaGreen]Pierre found himself frustrated with his new mission. Not to mention his insuffereable partner, the fact that their target was either very smart, or incredible paranoid. No matter where he went, he was surrounded by survailence and scores of bodyguards. No way to touch him. When he was inside, he kept the windows sealed with iron shutters. This was proving more and more complicated... Then the disapointed thought struck him: Looks like there was not going to be any finess involved in this job, it would all come down too brute force. Sadly, brute force was X's speciallity, so it looked like he was actualy going to be necessary... No matter, so long as he got paid he didn't care. "X, this man is good. He leaves us no oppertunity for a sniper attack, which means were going to need to get up close." Pierre said, as he and X sat across from eachother. "Bloody right." X said, grinning stupidly. "The point is, were going too need some heavy weapons and the like if were going too pull this job off. His security is tight, likely he has over 40 guards. High tech system, secuirty doors, the whole package. We'll need explosives. It should all be supplied by the Gang." Pierre said, dreading the very brutillity and bluntness of his plan.[/COLOR] OOC: Ok, I decided too do it that way because it wouldn't be all that interesting if I just got on a roof and sniped the guy, end of story. Heh...
I don't feal properly represented by any of the four - err six - main elements. The only element that resembles me would be Ice. Reasons are simple. One, from the day I can remember, Ice (Actually, the elmeent of Cold alltogether) has had little to no effect on me. I love it because of how it makes you feal at peace, numb and completly isolated from the noises of the outside. I often find myself outside in -20 wather in my underware, sitting in the snow drinking a 2-4. I often find myself sick. It represents me spiritually aswell, because, like the Ice, I prefer not too move and let things pass me by, be insociable and watch things rather then act. I also am as paitent as the Ice: I'm rather solid and trustworthy but I can crack and surprise you at any moment. I spend so much of my time in the cold I can't even stand to go places up south, across the border. If I had an ideal vacation, it would be sleeping in an Igloo amongst the Inuit of Northern Canada, during the part of the year that's all night.
I'd have to agree with Lunox, in that pretty much all of it is due to the media, which is not as bad here in Quebec, but I hear that it is signifactnly destroying what pass for morals in the Western world. As for the seven year olds in designer jeans, with the eerie type of eyes that when you look into them, you don't see anything looking back... I hate those people more then anything. The worst part is the famous, rich role modles that people want to be like are, for the magority, brainless, beautiful people (Especially for women) which in itself is responsible for decaying the intellegence of the general population. Furthermore, this forces many people to spend all (If not a good portion) of their time on making themselves look beautiful rather then doing anything constructive. As for the sexual morals, I find them disgustingly wrong. On the gay issue, I simply choose to remain neutral, but I still feel sbsolutly disgusted by the atrocities they fave daily. For example, a while back we were doing this thing in school, history class, we were all divided into groups and we were making laws for the school and such, and when one kid came out with the law to "exterminate the gays" I nearly punched him in the face. The only true cause I can see is ignorance, and the media.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]"Robbie, we need to call on your list of contacts for this mission. I trust you have some contacts in Greece?" Selene said, turning to face Robbie beside one of the sprawling, beautiful windows. "Aye, good friend of mine live's there. Coincadentally, man's a secuirty worker, and he spent three years at the National. I've worked with him before, we can trust him to supply us with blueprints, employee routs, the works. I'd wager the coads are on a rotation, they probably switch every month or so, so we need Zeddrick for that." Robbie said, rubbing his chin. "Good, this job should be easy then. You should go work with Zeddrick, get in contact with your friend and get him to meet us at the museum. I have other things to attend to, but be quick, were leaving soon." "So, what did I miss?" Xander (Edel?) said from behind them, but Robbie had no time to spend right now, so he said hello, waved, and left for Zeddrick's room.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]OOC: Ha, ya Anarchy, you get him down pretty much alright. Pierre sat, his face indefferent, his mind swimming with disdain. [I]Such insolence...[/I] Pierre thought, [I]Why couldn't he just work alone as usual...[/I] Pierre began to finger the mgnum in his coat pocket wishingly... [I]No, I can't. The money...[/I] "Wouldn't try it, frog." The man said, not moving. Pierre lifted his fingers from his gun, smiled wickedly, and closed his eyes. The scilence that followed was awkward as any, but amplified by the promise of more, equally unnerving and usless scilences too come. "You two appear to be getting along." The semi-fermilliar but hated voice of his employer rang out from an open door. The same two bodyguards entered the room before him. "Those bastards don't look nothing like them skinheads you got out front." The eery man, who's name he was yet to learn, spat sarcastically. "We like to keep a low profile." The man replied, standing oppostie the two assassins. "When do we discuss the assignment?" Pierre said, gazing venomously at the man. OOC: Ok, your turn Anarchy. [/COLOR]
OOC: Nice posts there, real... Er.. Nice :) :animenose :animenose :animenose :animeblus [COLOR=SeaGreen]Pierre sat paitently in the pitch-dark room, waiting for the snivling idiot who had hired him. Oh, how he detested working for these usless Englishmen; nothing like the sofisticated hits of old. Just fat, equally usless hits not likely to attribute to anything. He closed his eyes, leaned back lethargically, and sighed lightly: how dare he be kept waiting for this long? As if on que, the door (Which, it seemed, was located in the left-hand wall of the room) clicked, and light poured into the darkned room. Two men entered, one turning too turn on the lights. The two men looked almost identicle: Thin, well muscled black suits, sun glasses and earpieces: The whole bodyguard deal; such an indesirable bunch. Both men fanned out, making room for a third, even more annoying person who Pierre recognised as the man paying him. he was dressed a grey suit, clutching a briefcase weekly at his side. "The man is dead." Pierre said coldly, "Not to mention a few others you owe me for" "I'm aware. But these others, they were not in the contract." The man said, sitting down opposit Pierre. "The agreement's changed" Pierre said, leveling his Magnum with the mans head. "You'd better not move," He said to the bodyguards, "Now, you'r going to pay me in full." "Mmm... Fine, you can have the money. But don't ever try this again." He replied, suprisingly calm. He slid the briefcase to Pierre, who slid his revolver into his coat pocket. He picked up the case, and stood up from his chair. "Oh, Mr.Jean-Jaques, a minuit please, if you will?" The man said, tapping Pierre lightly. "What?" Pierre said, hardly bothering too turn. "We have another... Job, for you. It involves the Clan once again, one girl in particuler. A girl named Sadie, daughter of the clans leader. We can't touch him; but we want the next best thing, we wan't her dead. Now, we've got this guy, unsavory guy, hard to control: You'll be working with him. You'll both be paid seperatly, of course. "I work alone." Pierre said, turning too leave. "We'll be paying you ten times your usual fee." "I'm listening."[/COLOR] OOC: Ok, Anarchy, I hope you don't mind... Sorry if that's not quite what you were planning, you can PM me if there's anything too wrong about it.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Pierre watched paitently for his target, loading a round into his rifle. He cocked it, as he put his eye to the scope. His target, a high ranking memeber of the clan, was due to a meeting in the courtyard-restaurant any minute. Assassination in the daylight was never somthing Pierre enjoyed, he prefered to take his enamies stealthily. He lifted his head and examined the photo of his target: A squout, fat man with plump cheeks and timid eyes, and no hair whatsoever. Not a very exciting hit, he prefered his targets to be more then filth, but so long as he got paid he didn't care. So, he resumed to scan the crowed from his rooftop pearch. It was twenty minutes after the time, but finally he spotted the man. He entered the courtyard surrounded by other equally unintersing people. The sat at one of the bigger tables, and appeared to be ordering food. Pierre took his chance, and took aim. Pierre always thought that there was no fealing quite like the one you get when you kill a man, and that was the fealing of ecstasy he got now. He squeezed the trigger. Silently, the bullet flew from the barell and found it's mark: the left side of the mans head. The brains, what were left of them anyway, splattered onto the man next too him. The entire table flipped back in shock, everyone scrambling for cover. Screams erupted from the people in the crowed, and a smile crossed Pierre's face. He took the chance: The gang paid him for every man he killed, and squeezed out two more bullets, both killing two others. In the aftermath and confusion, Pierre calmly packed up his rifle and left the building, to collect his reward.[/COLOR] OOC: Ok, im happy it's finally up. Got a fealing this will be good.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]In the dark of his small room, Robbie sat at his desk, mulling over some old artifact from his recent job. It was an egg-shaped, ruby-encrusted thing, dotted with pearls at seemingly random locations. It was an eerily ugly thing, tacky and out of place in the under furnished room, but damn was it worth alot. The man he had stolen it from was in love with it; and he was just so damn rich... Robbie reckoned he could sell it back to the man for a hefty sum. Especially if he sold it back piece by piece... Robbie found himself laughing at the ludacris idea, before he, still smiling, replaced the egg in the small drawer. Robbie glanced at the digital clock, morning, he thought to himself. A perfect time to go to bed. So, that's what he did. He wouldn't get much of a chance too rest, however, since five minuts into his sleep a light knocking came to his door. Robbie looked up, saw the little envelope lying on the floor, and slowly got up. He bent over, picked up the envelop, and tore it open. He flipped through the contents lethargically: So, a meeting at breakfest. Might as well get up, then, he thought. Ten minuts later, Robbie, fully dressed, yet still tired, walked down the masgnificant stairs of the mansion, entering the eating room as dramatically as possible. He was less the ecstatic to only find Selene, and Lai waiting there for him, but he sat down and began to greedily pick out the sweetest fruits, bacon, pancakes, and some eggs: He had no concern for his diet, he just needed some energy. "So, what's this meeting about, Selene?" He said, shoving a pear into his mouth. "You'll know when the others get here" She replied. Robbie didnt say anything, he just continued too stuff himself.[/COLOR] OOC: Ok, can't wait till we start our first job.
I'd have to suggest my favourite Anime movie of all time... Princess Mononoke, yet another Miyazaki masterpiece. Don't let the title throw you... It's got action, drama, blood, samurai, uhh... demons, curses and the like. And its got an elk, what's cooler then an elk? Other then that I can recommend prettymuch anything by Miyizaki. Also, you can't go wrong with Akira or any of the Gundam series (Except SD Gundam, for the love of god stay away from that.) Tokyo Godfathers or Steamboy are some other good movies you could get, though I don't think Steamboy is out on DVD yet. It's in theaters this spring... So maybe you could pick it up for him next time... heh.
Where would we be without Miyazaki... Anyway, I agree completly that Anime is still not dieing, although it has greatly decreased over the years, mostly on part of the damn dubbers. When will we learn... Anime is not for kids, god damn, and it's insulting how companies like 4kids can do such a thing... especially to One Piece, my favourit Manga ever since I first read it in Shonen Jump. Thank god for the few redeeming companies who do decent dubs, though I still think nothing beats the origonal Japenese version, which is why I prefer Subs. Even anime movies like Princess Mononoke which had fairly good dubs are alot better in subs, since the dubbers never get the original timing perfect.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Angles: Harbingers of Destruction It?s the quite the feeling: The feeling you get when you learn that everything you?ve ever known, ever been thought, ever thought or believed was simply incorrect. That is the feeling the entire planet got, that mournful Christmas day of 2045. They descended from the clouded skies all across the world. At first, they were nothing but odd, small, bulbous silver objects, hovering thousands of feet above the earth. Within three hours of them entering the atmosphere, every single plane simply crashed. Thus, it was determined that these ?spacecraft? were hostile, and that actions must be taken to destroy them. Humankind never had a chance. All across the globe, every missile silo, every ammo depot, ever shred of explosives detonated, killing billions, and leveling entire cities. Almost all of humanity?s weapons were eradicated, leaving only mêlée weapons and small firearms. By this point, people of all religions were flocking to churches, monasteries, temples; any building of religious significance. Unfortunately, for these peoples, that was just what the ?aliens,? dubbed Angles by some, had wanted. At exactly the same moment, 12:00 March 12, the craft floating in the atmosphere released a devastating energy blast upon the earth. Every single religious building was destroyed, wiping out 1/3 of the population of the Earth. Then, the final blow too the Earth came. From the pristine skies above the Atlantic ocean, there descended the largest object to ever be seen in Earth sky. It was a literal city, twenty times larger then Beijing, and all resting on a metal platform. The ?city? descended slowly, although no sign of propulsion could be located, and, after thirty days in Earth?s sky, it splashed down in the Atlantic. The tidal wave it caused rippled outwards, completely eradicating the costal population of Europe and North America. The UK, Scandinavia, and various other islands were completely submerged. The ?city? has been nicknamed Wurmwood, the star of destruction. However, the history of Humanity doesn?t end here. Those that survived went to the only safe place: underground. The formed traveling bands, armed to the teeth and surviving however possible. In five months, nearly 5/6 of the planets population has been devastated. May god help us all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, that's the basic plot. You will play the role of a survivor, part of a large band with no particular name. This band is, essentially, Humanities last hope for survival, as they are the only one with the will and determination to bring the Angles to their knees. May god help us all :) Sign Ups: Name: Age: 25+ Gender: Appearance: Personallity: Weaponry: Like I said, no missle launchers, tanks or the like, just small firearms and Melle weapons. Bio: Just tell what your life was like before the "coming" and what you've been doing since, how you came across the band, and how you've been coping with the decemation of Earth. Ok, this is my first RP so I hope it goes well :)[/COLOR]