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Everything posted by Xanadu

  1. I love fanfics personally. I read alot, usually, and I've been known to write one or two... (His Dark Materials Fanfics for the mostpart) Its great because it's like taking a story you love and then going deeper. If done right, Fanfics can be better then the actual books. I like writing fanfics that look more at the less wellknown and importent charecters, and going deep into their past and learning more of them (I've always loved sidecharacters anyway) I think that nothing beats a properly done Fanfic, they make for awesome reads.
  2. [COLOR=SeaGreen]Name: Pan AKA Marcus Scipii (Pronounced Scip-EE-I) Gender: Male Faction: Spirits - Ermine King Human Form: [URL=http://homepage.ntlworld.com/alanstuart/on_the_cablecar1.jpg]Pan[/URL] True Form: [URL=http://www.colby.edu/biology/bi257/images/Ermine%20-%202.jpg] Pan Ermine Form[/URL] (Note: He is about 10x larger then that.) Weapons: In human form, Pan uses a long, barbed spear of silver. In his Ermine form, he can create ice projectiles of the moisture in the air. (This power has little effect in Hell, aswell as arid parts of Earth.) Powers: Pan can control the snow. He can manipulate it into walls, projectiles ETC. In his spirit form, he's very felxable and can disapear easily. Personality: Pan is strong willed, determined and friendly. (To humans and Spirits, anyway). He belives that the time of Heaven and Hell is over. The time now is for Spirituallity to return, and he is willing to do anything he can to make it so. Motivation: He is determined to bring Spirituallity to rule, and that is motivation enough for Pan and his entire clan. They will fight hard, they will fight powerfully, and they will not stop until the Demons and Angles are all dead under his feet. Looks cool, hope that's ok.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=3]Marty, half dragging his wounded friend, stumbled through the deserted streets. "Comon, Chris, just a little bit further..." Marty said, tears flowing down his cheeks. Chris was stumbling behind him, clutching his opened chest with what was left of his arm. "Boots..." Chris managed to say, before his throat filled with blood. His eyes desperatly stared at Marty, tears lineing his face, looking for help. Marty choaked back his tears. He knew what he had to do. He put Chris down gently, and stood over his dieing body. With a cry of anguish Marty lifted the piece of re-bar he had found, and brought it down heavily into Chris' chest. He leaned over, and closed his eye's gently. Marty turned, and wordlessly continued to shuffle down the empty streets. He was alone now, and he would make those things pay, if it was the last thing he did.[/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: Sorry it's kinda short, I didn't really have that much to do.
  4. Yes, for the freaking love of the increasinly random christ, you write more! WRITE MORE DAMN YOU! WRITE MORE! (The hypnotoad commands it, biotch)
  5. [COLOR=SeaGreen]Heh... Looks cool. I've always had a thing for thieves... Name: Robbie Douglas Nickname: Force Ten Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.theadvocates.org/celebrities/neil-peart_copy.gif]Robbie[/URL] Bio: Robbie has always had... sticky fingers. Whenever he see's somthing he really wants, he usally takes it. He sound found himself in love with, if not relient, on his ability to do so. Eventually, he moved up to bigger things. A group, known then as Force Ten, found him and he quickly joined their ranks. However, when he was 20, a job-gone wrong saw three of his partners killed, and the rest arrested. Once again on his own, Robbie decided to honour the group that gave him his start, and he became known as Force Ten. At 22, The Secret Society of Le Marc found him, and he was offered a job. He took it without hesitation. Professional Trade: Deception is his main trade, he is easily and quickly able to gain somone trust, and just as easily make them regret it. Also, he is very good at tech work, he knows what wires to cut and which buttons to press. Weapon: .437 Magnum Revolver (Dirty Hairy Style!) Hope that's alright![/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SeaGreen]Nifty. Name: Alex Baillie Age: 23 Appearance: [URL=http://ctr.concordia.ca/2001-02/June_6/19-TESL/TESL.jpg]Alex[/URL] (The man on the left) Weapons: .437 Magnum Revolver (Dirty Harry Style) Equipment: Flashlight, 12-Pack of Labatt Bleue, (Stored in backpack) Backpack, assorted foods, and 30 bullets. Personality: Alex is a rather paranoid person, he frightens easily and is quick to panic. When the disaster struck, and he was trapped in the US (He was on vacation from Canada) he has become a complete nervous wreck.[/COLOR]
  7. Omg... It just keeps getting more random by the second. Reminds me of Monty Python... "Your dead!" "I'm getting better!!"
  8. [COLOR=SeaGreen]Coolness. Name: Billy Bishop Age: 34 Creation: Human Appearance: [URL=http://personal.inet.fi/peli/sas/images/black-ops,porukkaa.gif]Billy[/URL] (He's the second man in from the left, with the mask and goggles.) Personality:Billy has, since the "coming", become rather self-abosrbed and dark. He knows the secret to survival is simple: Never miss an opertunity. And Billy never misses one. He's willing to advertantly trample and kill anyone to get to the top, but he doesn't kill for unneccessary reasons. Bio: Billy is an ex-UN Peacekeeper, who served for seven years in the far east. Not exactly what you would call a decorated soldier,Billy was in fact responsible for the deaths of five of his team members, on three seperate occasions. It is for this reason that he was honorably discharged from service, and retired to a rather peaceful life. That was four years ago. He always kept his gear handy, more for sentimentle purposes then violent, and, when the angles came and effectivly destroyed the earth, he was quick to realize the only way he could survive was to fight. He gathered his gear, and set off into the terrible world known as Earth. Weapons:[URL=http://www.davesworld-oh.com/PICTURES/hk_mp5sd-complete.jpg] Heavily modifed SMG (He had alot of spare time in his retirement)[/URL] (NOTE: He has a rather limited supply of ammo, only twenty full clips. That doesn't last long in a world of demons and angles) Also, he carries a .437 Magnum Revolver, with 24 rounds. Loyalty: Lucifer. Billy knows that God and his Angles have lived in Hevan for millenia, and that a change is in the wind. He plans to survive, so why ont join the winning team?[/COLOR]
  9. So incredibly random and demented that it's sexy. Mmm... Tollhouse cookies... yay! I smell a sequel. The hypnotoad commands it!!! *All glory to the Hypnotoad!!!*
  10. Hahaha... Fucking hilarious! "Where did they get a grenad..." Genious... More! Me wanty more!!
  11. [COLOR=SeaGreen]Awesome...ness. Name: Pierre Jean-Jacques Age: 35 Gender: Male Weapons: [URL=http://www.gamecenter.cz/storage/articles/2165/awm.jpg]Magnum Sniper Rifle[/URL] [URL=http://www.residentevilshop.de/onlineshop/media/UmbrellaMag2.jpg].437 Magnum Revolver (Umbrella)[/URL] Three frgamentation grenades. Side: Clan (Mercenary) Personality: Pierre has a rather haughty attitued towards... Well, pretty much everything. He looks at everyone who he meets as inferior people (Unless they're the ones paying him) and, somtimes, rightlly so. He is also a very wary person, his eyes scarcly miss a detail. He can usually tell if your lying. Appearance:[URL=http://cf.geocities.com/jmdesbois/Desbois02.jpg]Pierre[/URL] Try to make him look younger... Remove some wrinkles etc. Notes: Pierre Jean-Jacques. Assassin extrordinaire. Pierre has always been incredibly good at marksmanship, and won several buck hunting championships in his early years. At the age of 25, when he got an offer from some shadowy-types, he realized just how good he was. He killed five people with his sniper rifle, was paid a handsom fee of 500,000 Euros, and realized just how much he reveled in the bloodshed and excitment of assassination. So, he became a feared and sought after sniper, hiring himself out to whoever wass willing to pay (His bottom-line price is 750,000 Euros.) Freelancer, Mercenry, Scum, whatever you wan't to call him. He's good, and that's all that's importent. Hope that's ok, and I hope you don't mind that I made him a bit older, the prospect of a 25 year old expert assassin just seemed ludacris.[/COLOR]
  12. lol... I fake sick so often, its rather funny. My parents are just so easy to convince it should be a crime... I'm not overly fond of school, so I stay home as often as I can. Just a forces throw-up or two, and couple of coughs, weak appearnce, and m personal trademark, forcing the blood into my forhead for aout three hours, making it extremly hot. I missed about 45 classes last term, 35 of which were fake. W00P W00P!!!
  13. Overrated: Snoop Dogg: Somthing about a singer who sings about how much ***** he gets and gets number one hits, just pisses me off. The Used: Somthing about them just bugs me. Jimi Hendrix: Despite being a great guitarist, Jimi just doesn't have very good lyrics, yet everyone loved him. Aqua: Oh jeus chirst, this band is so incredibly annoying it makes me want to rip out my eardrums everytime I hear them. All of Newage Music: Despite being ok in its own rights, New Age Music just can't compare to the Rock classics of old. It's just not good! Underrated: Rush: An amazing band with a rather eccentric vocalist, which puts most people off. But if you can love Geddy's voice, then you'll find out just how amazing this band really is. Sam Roberts: Frankly, I don't see how anyone can resist the overwhelming musical talent of Sam Roberts, but somhow they seem too. Thats all I can think of right now.
  14. Another of my favs is Five Man Electrical Band. This band was literally a one hit wonder, since I belive they only had one song (Signs) but that one song became an immortal 70s' classic. Rush is another of those bands you just love. I've never once been annoyed by Geddy Lee, and songs where he speaks alot (Closer To The Heart, Xanadu, or The Trees) are some of the greatest songs I've ever heared. But it's Niel Peart's legendary drumming that really makes Rush great. One of the great drummers of all time, still rocking 30+ years later!! My favourit songs are probably The Trees, Closer to the Heart, Bastille Day, Xanadu, and By-Tor And the Snow Dog (Odd song that, but amazing drumming and guitar.) Oh, and my name, though an odd coincadence lol, is not based on that song, though it influenced why I choose it. Xanadu is the Mongol equvilant to heaven or somesuch, still a cool song. BTW, did you mean The Who, or The Guess Who, because people are always confusing those two.
  15. One of the scariest moments I'e ever had would probably be... Well, I can't really decide, since my life has been very calm and collected, without much excitment. I guess it would be when I was on vacation in Florida. We were taking one of those really bad glass-bottom-boat tours, but the water was all green and we couldnt saee ****. Well, we came to this beach (Called seashell beach, althought there were NO shells, cheap) and we were doing normal beach-doing stuff. I went in first, but the water was horrible. There was this barrier of seaweed and other junk about 5 meters out, but, me being stupid, I jumped right in. The first thing I remember was about twenty sharp stings to my left leg, and, unfortunatly, I did a body-slam right into the Jellyfish infested seaweed. There were so many burn scares left on my arms, legs, face, and torso that I was bleeding. Furthermore, two crabs had latched onto my foreleg as I ran in terror. Unbelivable? That's what I thought. I never liked the ocean, but now I hate it. *Shudder*
  16. Mmmm... Sounds interesting Name: Sir Sampson Baillie Age: 46 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.bridgetothestars.net/images/dalton2.jpg]Sampson[/URL] Occupation: Sampson is an archeaologist, a rather good one, at that, who is famed throughout lands for his exploits and ground-breaking discoveries. He leads a team of other skilled archeaologists, who specialize in excavating forgotton human habitats, and other human-related things of the sort. Biography: Sampson's father was an archeaologist like himself, although not quite as well known. Ever since his birth, Sampson's father had been pushing his son to become an archeaologist, training him, edjucating him. So, Sampson did. And his father would be proud, had he not died the year before in an avalanche. It was on Sampson's third expedition, to the northern Yukon, where he came upon his first ground-breaking discovery. His team, spearheaded by Sampson, were camping on an ice ridge. They were testing for the effects of the new anti-global-warming programs put intro worldwide efect over ther last 300 years had made any differce. Instead, what they found was a literal city buired in the ice. For his find, Sampson was awarded with incredible fame, many awards, and was knighted by the King of England himself. Sampson has an annoying tendancy to over-edjucate somone, even if they're not willing to learn. He makes it a well known fact that he knows more then you do, calling you on any liottle mistake you make. Some would call him an arrogant bastard, and they'ed be right.
  17. Classic Rock has always been my favourit genre, none of the new age music can compete with classic bands like The Guess Who, Rush, Queen, Th Rolling Stones, AC/DC, etc. So, which classic band do you like best, and why? My favourite band is probably The Guess Who, though Rush ranks up high aswell, because they have one of the best singers of all bands, even today. Their lyrics are amazing, and they proform them so well. Their tunes are fresh and enjoyable, and the band is just iresistable.
  18. This year, there are quite a few movies I'm looking forward to, first and formost is The Hichhikers Guide to The Galaxy, which I'm hoping will be as good as the book. Secondly, I'm shitting myself over the planned release of The Golden Compass movie late 2005, or early 2006, so im looking forward to that most of all. I'm also waiting on Fantastic Four, which looks cool in its own rights. Star Wars III looks good, I'm just hoping it doesn't suck like II. Classic's are still the best. All of these movies are very special-effect-heavy, and I'm just hoping the graphics artists don't let me down!
  19. If an alien came to earth, the very first thing I would do would be to tell him how much we've ****** up our planet. I'd edjucate him on Global Warming, which, it would seem, would be unknown in a Utopian society. I'd tell him how far gone our beautiful planet has come, how wars rage daily and how the third world suffers so greatly. I would let him know how our entire planet revolves around the oil trade, and how we spend more money on weapons then on fixing the earth. Then I'd stop and ask him a question. The question would be such. How? How does one go about achieving a Utiopian society, how does one end all wars? Sadly, I doubt he can answer me this. Then I'd tell him to beware St.Catherians Str.
  20. Great Idea. Hmm... what really annoys me... Guess I'd have to say one of the most annoying things in my life would be Global Warming, since it's one of those things where the answer seems so incredibly obvious, yet everyone with power seems to miss it. It's so mind-bogglingly frustrating that you just want to scream! Furthermore, Global Warming is screwing me over, because its making it so warm that now our Winters SUCK! Way to warm, didnt even hit -35 this year. Sad.
  21. Well, if I was PM, the very first thing I would do would be to elimenate the GST. Hell, I'd elimenate every tax except one. The smokers tax. I figure if we made a pack of smoked cost 150$ the country would be even richer, and we'd be forced to cure cancer. After all, if all the smokers died our econamy would suckm so we'ed have to. Secondly, I would increase our budget for the Kyoto Accord (A mere 60 Million) by drawing some of the reperation to Native Americans, and First Nations (A total of 250 Million) Don't get me wrong, I think that the Native Americans and First Nations need reperation for what our ancestors did, but comon, 250 million? Frankly I think that the enviroment is more importent then setting up three new Indian Casinos every year. Thirdly, I would increase the Canadian Millitary Budget, so we can afford to send more Peace Keeping troops into the Middle East/Asia and therefore greatly contribute to bringing peace to the third world. Finally, I would do all I can do abolish Canada's reputation as being a weak nation. Lies need abolishment, somone has to do it, so I would.
  22. Ya, the weather really has been odd lately... The coldest it's gotten this winter where I live (Quebec, Canada) is around -25, which is with the windchill, and that is a major bummer since I myself rather enjoy the cold. Also, we probaly didn't even get 7 CM of snow at one time. This is rather odd considering the incredible amount of snowfall my area has gotten over the last couple of years. Global warmin', I tells ya. But who's to say? Maybe it is just a cycle running its course. I wouldn't be suprised if it was the sign of the end of the world as we know it. Either way, my only concern is that eventually my beloved winter will dwindle away and become just another warm month... Damn pollution.
  23. Why I can't die... 1) Too damn Sexy to die. 2) I still havn't tasted Honeydew Melon. 3) Yet to see the upcoming HDM Movie 4) Becuase I'm Xanadu 5) I havn't met a relative of Ganghis Khan (Will settle for Kublliah Khan) 6) Becuase I've drank the Milk of Paradise, and, consecuently, have become Imortal. Fancy thing, that.
  24. [COLOR=DimGray]Awesome... Name: Marty "Boots" Boutin Age:25 Gender: Male Appearance:[URL=http://ctr.concordia.ca/2001-02/June_6/19-TESL/TESL.jpg]Marty[/URL] (Note, he is the man on the right) Strengths: Marty's main strength is his speed and stamina. Being a Rugby player, he is quite used to running for long periods of time. Despite this, he is by no means stupid. In fact, he is an extremly intellegent person. Aswell, he is very resourceful and usful person. He enjoys a good fight, and has become quite good at it. Short Bio: Marty played Rugby, aswell as Football and Hockey, throughout his elementary and highschool years. During collage, Marty switched over to Full-Time Rugby, and has, in fact, become World-Class. If he hadn't been offered a incredible sum of money to play for a team in Silent Hill, he probably would have been bought by a European Rugby team. So, he went to the middle-of-nowhere town of Silent Hill to play Rugby. Such mistakes are one's regretted throughout one's entire life.[/COLOR]
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