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About yin

  • Birthday 01/06/1982

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    i work out and play to many games
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    and yours is?

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  1. i would have to say whimsical type storys like spireted away and...well anything directed by miyazaki. i allso like phiosphy in anime like ghost in the shell.so whimsical and philosophical.
  2. sisnce i burn stuff that dont work...( never burn a psx those things pump out 10 foot tall flames) but i only have a super nes wif crono trigger and a ps2 wif a bunch of rpgs and dynasty warriors. all i have been playing of late is star ocean.
  3. i would haveto go with speed. super speed is cooo ,and i am a martiall arts freak and speed is important, so the idea of being the fastest man alive is pretty atractive.
  4. i am pro choice. since i am not a woman i dont think i have any right to tell a woman what to do with her body. i know the baby doesnt agree with the whole abortion thing, as one of you said but i didnt ask to be born so i dont think the baby is really gonna care. and again peeps should take responsibility ,as one of you said. abortion is in one way taking responsibility (i have seen some other alternatives and they aint so purty) and ppl wont stop sleeping around it is a fact so instead of fighting and thinking about gods ideals we should take the path of least resistence since no one wants to be controlled ,let them solve problems the best they can. life is allways precious but it is never pretty.
  5. im the outcast who likes classical i cant help but comment on labeling...it doesnt matter after high school once you are in the world no one cares if your a prep, freak,hommie or anything your paper is all that matters. back to point, like i said the variety of classical or orchestra is my fav...although i am growing addicted to utada hikaru.
  6. i would have to give my self a 5 cuz i am really good at what i do, but the things im good at are worthless to this world and dont help anyone. so im good for nothin but great at it
  7. okay first of all baptism is or should only be worth something if the person does it by his own volition and love of god or what have you. numba 2, people are two proud to think they can be an accident so theyso they love the idea of a perect creator who can do no wrong. and tree, does it really matter? i mean by my understanding it seems as if religion (all of it )is just a way to find peace and cope with the harsh world we live in.the world has not been nice to me or any one i know and after a hard day of practical abuse and multiple problems throwng dispair down on me like rain, is it so wrong that i can find hope or peace through prayer or meditation? i think not. instead of holding malice for people who throw there religion at you think about the fact that they beleave they are sharing a good thing. and remember most of your religious war starts because somone refuses to see another point of view ps, dont rage on me coz im a hippie
  8. i HATE the way that nothing ine the U.S.A matters but paper onions mc donalds playing with a rope dart and hitting myself in the back of head looking for love in all the wrong places sex drives stale pocky peeps (oh how i loath you) consantly dying in star ocean 3
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