okay first of all baptism is or should only be worth something if the person does it by his own volition and love of god or what have you.
numba 2, people are two proud to think they can be an accident so theyso they love the idea of a perect creator who can do no wrong.
and tree, does it really matter? i mean by my understanding it seems as if religion (all of it )is just a way to find peace and cope with the harsh world we live in.the world has not been nice to me or any one i know and after a hard day of practical abuse and multiple problems throwng dispair down on me like rain, is it so wrong that i can find hope or peace through prayer or meditation? i think not. instead of holding malice for people who throw there religion at you think about the fact that they beleave they are sharing a good thing. and remember most of your religious war starts because somone refuses to see another point of view
ps, dont rage on me coz im a hippie