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Everything posted by natchan
Name: Lidy Exington Gender: Female Age: 21 Appearence: Lidy's not very tall and not very muscular at all. She stands 5'1 and only weighs 110 lbs. She has short violently curly black hair, with pink streaks (she like to die her hair.) She likes to wearbright orange cargo pants, with a black babydoll t-shirt that his the image of anime lookin kungfu girl on the back and some chinese writing on the front across the chest. She has many ear peircings and an eyebrow peircing. Oh yeah and she wears bright pink and black skate shoes. Skills: She has a ton of maedical knowlege and shes really fast on foot, on a skate board or in a car. She has had a year or two of martial arts training but nothing extragegant. And shes full of useless information, at least most people say its useless. Her greatest skill is the fact that she can accept anyone no matter who they are. Personality: Shes a college student studying medicine, and when shes not learning about the human body shes training on her board or in the dojo. She loves music, mostly J-Rock and J-pop, but the point is that she takes her mp3 player everywhere, along with her skate board. She loves to meet new people and is pretty fun loving, she loves living life on the edge and by the moment. She really likes quiet guys, but prefers to talk to people who are going to talk back. Her weakness is 'being alone' she is absolutely afraid of lonliness, which is why she lives with a cat. Background: Lidy is pretty knew to Racoon City, se had just moved her sor school becasue they have a really excellent medical program. She goes to school for 7 hours a day and then she goes to work at a telemarketing company taking in-bound calls. Lidy has heard rumors of the past "incedints" that have happened in Racoon City, but she figures they're just rumors and even if their true that was in the past. She lives by herself with a single cat, his name is Adrenaline. Her small apartment is located near the college near the canter of the city.
Xia grasped her staff tightly in her hands and delivered a series of blows to the enclosing goblins. She rushed forward to join the group of players against the Mu Gaurdian. She took a side to her self and tightened her grip on the weapon. "Right any brght ideas now guys?" She replied glancing at the surrounding goblins.
Xia caught her balance as the boat suddenly tipped over, she was surprised when she found herself standing on the cobles stone road instead of the river. "What in the world is going on here?" She replied as she watched the other two players catch their feet. She scratched her haed a moment as she looked past the other players to find another player being attacked, and he didn't look like he was in godd condition. With out speaking she dashed between the two charaters infront of her, her staff held high as she leapt into the air. She watched as the creature turned to face her, he attacked her in midflight causing her to crash to the gound. Her staff fell from her hands and landed 10 ft away from her grasp. The Creature lifted his weapon in the attack position. Xia shut her eyes tightly preparing for the blow. 'Is this how I go?' she thought to herself 'do I die saving another character, just like Lord Bulmung?'
Xia saw no way out of this alley way and deciced that it was time to book it somewhere safer. She poked her head out to check her surroundings and thats when she saw her, the non existant player. She could see her heading toward the player that Bulmung had saved. "Well its worth a try, after all safety in numbers." She replied to her self as she took off running for the river side. Two near by goblins quickly began her pusuit, but she stopped dead in her tracks and turned smashing the leading ones skull in with her staff. Then side stepping the next opponent she cracked his kness causing him to buckle under his own weigh, and then finished the job replying out loud. "No more running from such low level creatures as you fools." She then returned to her run toward the river, she easily reached her destination as she made a running leap for the baot floating by. She land lightly behind the non existant player, heaving a sigh of relief to see more characters, but mostly not for capsizing the boat. "I hope you guys don't mind company, becasue being alone in this crazy situation would deffinately not be my first choice. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Xialynn, I normally just go by Xia, but whatever." She replys holding out a delicate hand.
Xia ran down the alley way as fast as her animated feet would carry her, she had her weapon which was a plus, but she still couldn't cast which was still a downer on her part. She stopped at the end of the alley way when she had confirmed that she was not being follwed, her breathing was heavy and she was doing everything to regulate it, but fear and confusion still ran through her mind. Only moments ago she had seen the amazing Lord Bulmung flash grey as he saved a younger players life. It was a relief when her staff apeared in hand but when she attempted to cast only the shout of angry goblins sounded, thats when she turned and ran toward anywhere but where she was. "What is going on, nothing like this has ever happened, and I can't seem to get a hold of anyone I know. Are they all grey flashes as well. I need to find someone, saftey in numbers is deffinately the advice that I would follow now." She replied to herself continuing to glance down the alley way, making sure that no one was following her. She looked around at her suroundinds to see what was around her, she needed a plan, and she needed one fast.
[QUOTE=Blayze]I have decided, with great regret, to cancel the sign-up and close down this RPG. While your sign-ups were great, ShadowsRebel and natchan, it is just not what I wanted it to be when I started it. Its nothing to do with either of you, its just that I have decided I have much more important things to be doing, and I needed to get my priorities straight. Who knows, maybe this will start up again later on, but for now I think I will just leave it where it is and finish it before I get too into it. Thank you for signing up, and sorry again, Blayze[/QUOTE] Hey thats understandable, if you have more important things by all means, go ahead do them. Thanks for letting me know, good luck, and I do hope you pick up the story someday, it really does sound interesting. :) natchan
Name: Hana Age: 21 Gender: Female Species:mostly human with some cat demon blood in the family Eyes: Amber Hair: Black Height: 5'6 Weight: 117lbs Weapon/Powers: She is a hand- to- hand combatant that wears custome made gloves. These gloves have claws built in so that she can bring them out at any time she needs. Her powers are minimal due to the fact that her bloodline is so faded. She has extra quick reflexes, excellent hearing, and she can see quite well in the dark. She only has two special power attacks; Silent Strike: this is a powerful claw attack that happens so quickly the enemy doesn't see it coming. Razor Storm: this is actually a searies of multiple attacks that are delivered quickly and precisely causing severe damage to her enemy. Personality: Hana is pretty relaxed, almost to the pont where most people call her lazy. But when she puts her mind to somthing nothing can get in her way of succeeding in that goal. She tolerates everyone, but is very choosey about her friends, and will pick enemies quickly. She always loves a good joke, and is quick to play off of others. Background: Hana was born in Kyoto and trained in martial arts by her uncle. Her demon blood comes from her greatgrandfather who was half cat demon, no one told her about this until she turned 16. This is wear she began to use her skills to her advantage, using them to stop punks that picked on kids at school or thugs that bugged her on her way home from school. When she graduated highschool she began to feel that she was meant for something greater than going on to college. She moved to Hokiado when she was 19 and for the past two years she has honed her skills to perfection, and now she waits to see what life brings her way. Mission: To find what the strange disturbances are, and stop them. (little does she know what shes getting herself into)
Name: Xia (Seeya) Age:19 Gender: Girl Description: She stands 5'5 with long shimmering dark green hair, a single streak of silver in her bangs, and golden colored eyes. She wears disconected sleeves of green, a turtleneck top of the same color that cuts off just above the navel. Her matching green skirt is cut 3 inches above her knee, and she has disconected leggings that fall over her deep brown boots. She also wears a golden colored scarf around her neck. Her skin is very pale and she has the mark of a golden star beneath the corner of her left eye. Type: Wave Master Personality: Shes a little skeptical at first but the moment she decides your her friend she becomes quite friendly and joking. Don't let that fool you though she very cautios in a situation and very handy when it comes to rare items, and she can always keep a secret. She really likes boys to, whether she admits it or not. If its a friend you're looking for shes one worth having. Bio: Xia has been a daily member of "The World" since the right age of 11,her mother had passed away, and her fathers a major buisness men and is never home so he bought it for her to have company besides the nanny. she quickly became enthralled in its system and never had a friend outside of the world, infact shes never even seen her closest friends in real life. Shes now 19 and in college, on scholarship lucky her, she goes to school then enters "The World" for the rest of the day. She a computer whiz and lives for "The World", she knows it a sad pathetic existance but she loves it anyway.
Name: Rayin Vallis Age: 29 Gender: Female Race: Human Appearence: She has asian blood in her (her mother was asian) and stands 5'6 with a slender, but muscular build. Her eyes were once a vibrant green but have now become an ashin grey due to blindness. Her silky black hair is normally worn down. She wears mostly form fitting cloths, like long sleeve shirts that cut low in the neck and higher on the stomach, just above the navel to be precise, and normally pants that allow her flexability (not jeans), this atire is acompanied by tight lather jacket w/ knit sleeves for movement, and really nice skater shoes. Her wardrobe is very proffesional, becasue her part time job is working for the local newspaper. She has two dagger sheaths on the back of her belt, and strap of 5 throwing knives on her right thigh. Bio: She was born in London 29 years ago, and has only ever left on vacations. Her father worked for the local newspaper as an editor and met his wife in Japan on one of his buisness trips. Rayin grew up in the nicer area of the city, and always had kids wanting to be her friend, but she was always a little to serious for her age. This habit caused her to be alone most of the time, but she didn't mind she always enjoyed the company of silence. She does have a scar that runs down from the edge of her right eyebrow to her jaw line. When Rayin was 4 years old her mother began to teach her martial arts, from Japanese karate to Chinese Kung Fu. rayin was diligent in her studies and became a most impressive combatant. She did the same when it came to her school studies as well, her teachers were constantly complimenting her on her skills as a student and that she would grow up to be brilliant in whatever line of work she chose. When Rayin was 17 she was Head Editor for the school paper and decided to do on as a writer and editor for her career. That same year her father died in a tragic accident, his car had been demolished by a Semi that had lost control on a rainy day. At his funeral is when Rayin was told her father's secret, that all along her father had been assisting the church as a holy liberator, and that the Semi had not lost control... it was aiming for him, some one had found out his secret and wanted him out of the picture. This is when Rayin decided that she too would hunt down and destroy the evil which plauged their city. After she graduated highschool she began to train long and hard for her new proffession as a Holy Liberator, and becoming a writer for the local paper. Years went by and Rayin quickly became one of the top Liberators in the world, along with expert fighting she learned a few clerical skills that would help her in her duty. When she was 23 she found herself fighting one of the most dangerous foes she had encountered yet. In this battle he had cursed herwith a spell called "searing blindness", this is extremely painful for the target, and then it leaves them blind for eternity, this curse is as far as Rayin knows incurable. She almost lost her life in this battle when her enemy had left her to bleed to death on a roof top in the dead of winter. She only lived because her closest friend, Aiden (he is a battle cleric), had been following her trail that night and found her in a pool of her own blood. She trained extra hard to learn how to cope with her new disabilty, and she refused to give up her job as a Liberator just because she was blind, even though everyone disagreed with her, especially her friend Aiden. Through her time and effort she gained new skills that made her an even more articulate fighter than before. She learned to use sound, smell, touch and taste to her advantage, where most people relyed on sight and missed, Rayin relied upon sound and hit. Her greatest fears are losing those closest to her and lustful men ( she had been raped by a group of them when she was first getting used to her blindness, and couldn't defend herslef quite well yet.) And now she is where she is today. Special abilities: Hers are mostly clerical or helpful to her blindness. 1. The ability to heal herself a small amount. 2. the ability to banish weakling demons, we're talking really puny ones with very little power. 3. Extra sense so that she may travel by foot without being hindered by her blindness. 4. The last is to be able to cast a protective cirlce around one in danger, whether it be her or a civilian, but not both.
I can't even begin to describe how much I love this RE installment. Especially since my favorite male vidoe game character (not includinf rpgs) is Leon, when I first saw an image of the updated Leon I was exstatic. I love the controls, I love the replay value; I've gone through it 2 in two weeks and I'm goin through again. I love all of my different weapons and Leon, ahem sorry about that, and its the first RE game that gave me nightmares it was so good. My favorite is to repley the knife fight between Leon and Krauser and then run on to the laser hall and watch him be all nimble and arobatic, I can do this over and over many times before I move on to other things. I really hope they make a next one that continues from that, including Leon of course, I mean they did leave it open and all. :animeblus
My all time favorite is FF8 tied with Chrono Trigger, I never quite figured out why its just when I play them I get that goofy happy feeling that only comes from somthing I absolutely love! :animeswea
I dig a great Fantasy plot any day, but I also find myself attracted to the real life situations to. So anywhere from Loddoss Wars to lets say Imadoki! :animeswea
I would have to say that I re-watch Fruits Basket, Cowboy Bebop, Weiss Kreuz, and Sailor Moon the most. Fruist Basket is for when I need to be really happy, because just the mere thought of the show makes me giggle. Bebop, for when I need some seriously sweet moves and music, beside the fact that the bebop crew rocks. Then Weiss whenever I need to watch a severly handsome man (I'm in love with Yohji), and sometimes for cheezy old fun. Sailor Moon is simply because it was my first favorite and I will always watch it no matter how girly or cheezy it is. :animeswea