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Everything posted by natchan
It had been just over a week since Geni and Dante had left for Scotland, and Eclair had spent most her time in the comfort of her own home, mostly with Nathans order. When he was out being the officer that he was required to be, Eclair was left in the safe protective hands of Edward and Darian. She was sitting next to the window in her library reading, when there was a light tap on the door, and Nathan entered the room. He gave a bow and a soft to kiss to Eclair's hand before taking the seat across from her. "What are you reading?" Nathan asked curiously. Eclair blushed slightly and set the book aside face down. "Nothing important... it was Vincent's favorite." She replied quietly giving a weak smile. "I'm sorry." Nathans voice was kind as he apologized. "You have no need to apologize dear Nathan. Besides I have a favor to ask of you." She glanced away for only a moment before her saddening eyes me Nathan's. "Tomorrow is... its the first year anniversery of Vincent's death, and I was hoping..." Nathan lifted a finger Eclair's lips. He returned the weak smile Eclair gave moments earlier. "Of course I will accompany you, you have no need to ask. We'll go whenever you wish." A single tear rolled down Eclairs cheek. * * * * * * * * * * * The next morning came far too quick in Nathan's opinion. The slience was thick enough to touch it seemed as him and Eclair waited in the carriage for the cemetery to come into view. Nathan's mind troubled him more than ever this morning. [I]'I should tell her, but we only just began becoming to closer to eachother. What if she doesn't take kindly to what I have to say, and I shatter what we have.'[/I] He glanced out the window to see they were now nearing the cemetery. [I]'Thats rediculous, Eclair is a very understanding person. There should be nothing for me to worry about, I'll just tell her the truth.'[/I] The carriage came to a halt, Edward opened the door for Nathan and Eclair. Nathan stepped out first and turned to take Eclair's hand, helping her out of the carriage. Edward stayed with the carriage as the two of them made their way to Vincent's grave. They weaved through the maze of intricate headstones before they reached the stone that was Vincent's. Across the headstone read 'Vincent James Chamberlayn' 1864 - 1887 'Kind soul and loving husband, may his smile brighten our darkest hour.' Eclair approched the stone slowly, as though she was afraid to disturb her sleeping husband. She placed a envelope and a crimson rose tied with black ribbon on top of the stone. Her hand fell to the letters that formed Vincent's name and she traced them delicately with her gloved fingers. Tears formed in Eclair's eyes but she fought to keep them at bay. "Eclair... there is somthing that I must tell you. Its about the night you were attacked in your home. When Vincent arrived home later that night and I gave him the report as to what happen, and he found out that I was stationed in your room he... he thought that..." His voiced faltered. Eclair gasped and the tears fell. "Thats why he said that. He thought all along that you and I..." She stood but did not turn to face Nathan. "As Vincent lay dying the last thing he said to me was, 'As my last gift to you my love, I give you freedom.' He must have thought... Oh Vincent." Eclair now cried uncontrollably at the sudden realization of the torment he must have actually gone through from that night until his death. Thinking that his beloved wife did not truely love him. Nathan not knowing how to comfort the distraught Eclair, simply wrapped his arms around her whilst she sobbed. "I miss him sooo much Nathan. Why was he taken from me, am I a bad person?" "No Eclair you are not a bad person." He held her in his arms for what seemed almost an eternity, until the young dutchess could cry no more.
Kinas found himself walking down a hallway, the floors were polished with glossy finish and massive windows served as the ceiling. People were running about in every direction, they were all wearing the same type of uniform. There was a maintenance crew working on installing a new window just ahead, Kinas didn't pay them any mind, he had an important meeting he had to be to. As he appoached the crew, a shout came broke the bustle of the hallway traffic and the sound of a cord snapping could be heard. He glanced up just in time to see the large panel of glass stop just a couple feet above his head. He knew he should move but his feet didn't allow him, thats when he heard her voice. "You up there, make sure to check your equipment next time, you nearly killed this man." The voice was commanding and stern. He watched as the panel was lifted to the ceiling and placed in its proper place with very little effort. A Telekinetic, he had deffinately met his fair share of them, but he had never seen one moved such a large object as if it took nothing at all. He turned around to meet his rescuer. It was Helena Yvo, the highest ranking telekintec in the division. "Are you alright?" She asked, her tone very official. It took Kinas a moment to find his voice. "Yes.... thank you very much." He replied greatfully. "I was --" "Its no problem just becareful of where you're walking next time." She stated matter-o-factly then continued on her way. Kinas watched as she walked away, he had heard of Helena Yvo, everyone in the division knows who she is. Rumors were that she was currently dating one of the special opperations board members, interesting really. As far as everyone could tell Miss Yvo was extremely polite, intelligent, and didn't usually have time to 'hang out' with others. So the fact that she might be dating someone was interesting gossip. "You know I hear shes really nice once you get to know her." Some one replied as they also watched her walk away, probably back to her office. Nathan opened is eyes to the early morning sun creeping through the curtains, waited a moment for them to focus then remembered that he wasn't at his home. He had stayed the night in Eclair's guest room last night. Infact Nathan had been staying at Eclair's home for the past week, though they have been keeing it a secret. What would his men think of him, let alone what people in general think. OOC: More coming later!
Thread Killer? How did you know? I have had Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy too many threads die after I have posted! Some times I wonder if its a curse. Then again maybe its just me, but as lame as thread killing is its nice to know there are others out there! :catgirl:
After Lord David and the vicar had made their departure for the evening the others made their way up to Rufus' room where they could discuss the recent events. Ariana sat on a chair next to her husbands bed. Geni and Dante took a seat on the love seat that sat in front of the window, and Nathan pulled out the desk chair for Eclair. "I just don't think I'll ever get used to those memories." Eclair stated as she took her seat. Geni and Ariana took a moment to explain the memory to Rufus, who being completely "normal" didn't get to see it. While the two younger ladies took their time explaining Eclair let her eyes wonder the room. Thats when she noticed that not only were Rufus' clothes set out for the next day, but so were Ariana's. A smile crossed Eclair's lips, but she didn't say anything, and she didn't have to. Ariana noticed at precisley the same time as Eclair, then turning a bright shade of pink turned her gaze to Eclair. "Its just that..." Ariana started but her voice faltered when Eclair winked and smiled. "My dear girl, the only thing my room was used for when Vincent was alive... was the closet." Eclair replied cheerfully. Still a little pink Ariana smiled and turned her attention back to Rufus. 'Aren't they adorable?' Eclair thought to herself. 'I gusee so, its nice to know that in a time such as this love can still be found.' The sound of Nathans voice came in Eclairs mind. OOC: Not much I know but I'm just adding filler to get us moving along. Yay we've made it to bedroom!
OOC: This post is from Nathans point of view! After what seemed like an eternity to Nathan but only moments to everyone else Nathan returned to the young couples home. He was led to the parlor where everyone one else had migrated to. They were discussing the obvious subject of yet another attck happening in their presance. He made his way over to stand next to Eclair. "Oh Nathan its good to see you back." Eclair replied as he took is place beside her. "How is Lady Constance? How did you explain the situation? Does she know it was an assassin, does she blame me?" Ariana bombarded Nathan with the mess of questions. He lifted his hands gesturing that she need not worry about anything, a smirk on his face. "She is rather upset that she won't be getting a better dress out of this mishap, but other than that shes fine." Nathan replied smiling. Ariana looked rather confused. "What, shes not ranting about an attempt on her life?" Rufus added in equal confusion. "Well you see, I have made it so that she doesn't know that it was an attack on her life. Infact all she knows is that a nervous servant tripped, spilling wine all over her gown, and then when she stood quickly to throw her royal tantrum she knocked he candle stick over herself. Which explains the wax all over the place. Naturally you excused the servant, and told her that you would buy her the exact same dress." Nathan said this all with quite the smug look upon his face. "And how is it, Sir Nathan that she doesn't seem to remember the situation the same as we?" Dante asked flatly. "Well you see, its a trick I learned using my telepathy. I was able to, lets say 'suggest' to her mind that whenever she thought back on the attempt it would simply lead to the memory that I gave her. Therefore we no longer have to worry about her spreading to all of London that there was a murder attempt at the home of our dear friends. But I am afraid that you do owe her a new dress, it was the only thing I could think of. I am sorry Ariana." Nathan replied apoligetically. "The dress is no problem, I am quite thankful for all that you have done." Ariana replied. "So what does our friend say to us now?" Nathan asked seeing the letter sitting on the table before them all. OOC: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Eclair hadn't really moved since she threw the candle stick across the table at the assailant, true they were used to these attacks but she had never thrown anything at anybody. Of course he was sent by jack, but here own reaction still surprised here. "You've got quite an arm there Miss Eclair." Rufus was speaking to her from his seat. "Amazing shot really, I couldn't have done better my self, even in a perfect state of health." "Um... Thank You. It was rather right on the mark wasn't it?" Eclair glanced around the room at the current situation at hand. Nathan and Ariana were trying to smooth things over with Lady Constance and here dramatic daughters, and Geni accompanied by her father and the vicar left the house to follow Dante who was quite enraged at the moment. "That was a nice move there with the wine Dr. Lancaster." Eclair replied. [I]'This is rediculous.'[/I] The familar voice came in Eclairs mind. [I]'I know we'll talk it over later.'[/I] Eclair thought back. "You know what I find most peculiar though. Where did all the blood go?" The Docto pointed out to Eclair and Rufus. OOC: Kinda short I know I gotta go to work!
Eclair spotted the cake on Rufus' lap then glanced down at the one in her hands. "Oh I guess you don't really need this one do you." Eclair stated setting the cake down next to the other. "I absolutely do, you can't get enough sweets. Besides Ariana brought me chocolate, and it looks as though yours is vanilla and those two will go fabulously together." Rufus replied giving Eclair a gracious smile. Dante placed Geni gently in a chair near the bed, he wasn't about to let her do any walking when the doctor told her to stay off of her leg. "Wait a minute, come to think of it. How did you get in here Miss Eclair." dante asked raising an eye brow. "Yes how, Dante had to sneak me in." Geni added. "Well it was quite simple actually. I strolled up to the door, told them that I came here to see Rufus and that one of them was going to show me where he was. After all I am the Dutchess Camberlayn." Eclair replied with a smirk. "Brilliant that one is." Rufus replied. "So tell me everyone, hows the whether today. I keep starring at the window hoping it will open because it looks to be sucha fine day." Dante found the hint in what Rufus was saying and to the liberty of opening the window. "Ah thats nice, thank you Dante." "I would say that the whether is indeed fine today..." Eclair paused a moment. "... perfect enough for a picnic if I do say so myslef. To bad it had to start out the way it did." Eclair stated noticing the look coming from Dante. OOC: Sorry its filler, I'm home ill and all my writing skills are locked away with my health.
Olivia felt the throbing pain everywhere at first, then slowly it focused into central locations, the left shoulder, the abdomen, and her legs. She opened her eyes slowly and immediately became confused as to where she was. Her sight was slightly blurry but began to return as she focused her eyes on the ceiling. It was dark in this room, and she would have spoke out was it not for the hand placed over her mouth. Her heart beat increased unsure of who the hand had belonged to, then the familiar voice of Korbin rang in her ears and she began to calm herslef. "Shhh, its alright. Its just me and Trey. We're currently in a safe house, we'll be leavingshortly to find Hammet." His voice was a hushed tone. Olivia sat up slowly after Korbin removed his hand, every ounce of pain returned as she did so. "How long was I out?" She asked through gritted teeth, realizing that leaning on her left arm was not a bright idea. "A little over an hour, you're lucky I found you when I did, you were a disaster Liv." Trey replied quietly, placing a gentle hand on Olivia's good shoulder. "According to what Trey told me, you could be dead now if it had been any longer. How far did you run in your conditionn kid?" "3o minutes I think. I didn't do a lot of thinking." Olivia stated. "I was ran into by a small troop of 5 Aros. soliders, I was able to take out 4 of them with a price. I don't know what happened to the 5th, but obviously I'm not super human. I certainly didn't get out of it unscathed. So whats our next course of action, how we going to go about finding Hammet now?" OOC: I know its short... I'm sorry!
OOC: Yay! Saps of the world unite! Eclair had felt two feelings when watching the young couple out on the grass. One was hope, it was nice to know that in all this chaos love could still be shown and found. The second was an intense loneliness, she could remember her Vincent's first kiss as if it were only this morning, and her ached for him now more than ever. She set the feeling aside when Ariana spoke up. "Eclair, are you alright? For a moment you looked as thought the world was about to end." Her voice was kind as it always was, it gave Eclair a sense of comfort and she smiled. "Oh I am quite fine, Its just been an emotional day for me thats all." Eclair stated handing Ariana another book. "Now this is my favorite, he should like it." "Thank you for your hospitality Rufus will be thrilled hes already read everything we have. Speaking of Rufus I-" Eclair lifted a finger cutting Ariana off. "Really should get back to him. Absolutely understood, I am amazed that you were able to leave his side at all. Now let me show you to the door, I'll have Edward drive you in one of my carriages." Ariana did not object to any of Eclair's offerings, and the two off them walked dow to Eclairs drive. Edward was already there waiting with a carriage. "How did he know? You didn't even tell him." Ariana asked curiously. "Its is job to know. Now you tell dear Rufus hello for me. Safe trip, I'll see you again soon." She replied waving as the carriage pulled away. [COLOR=Red][I]"Useless."[/I] [/COLOR] Eclair flinched slightly at the voices appearance. "I am not, I'll show you." [COLOR=Red] [I]"Ah, is that a challenge from you Eclair? I am excited to see what you have instore for me." [/I] [/COLOR] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Eclair had decided to take this opportunity to go visit Nathan while he was working. She would have a small lunch made and take it to him. She figured that they all had been pretty hard on him earlier and that to make it up to him she would go see him, he would like that. When Edward returned from taking Lady Ariana back to her husband, she had him take her to Lord Dante's home, figuring thats where he was. They arrived at the scene of the fire once again, and asked the nearest officer where Nathan could be located. They younger man pointed off at the gate house and said that he was there conducting a more detailed investigation. Eclair asked edward to wait for her at the carriage while she headed off in the direction on the gate house carrying a small bundle. She tapped on the front door and entered the officer ridden house. The closest officer recognized her immediately and told her that Nathan was in the kitchen, and that he would go get him for her. "Oh if you could, don't tell him its me." She asked smiling. Eclair knew what was in the kitchen and did not wish to view the sight of the poor servant again. Nathan came out into the front room where she waited, he looked tired, and surprised to see her there. "Mi- Eclair." He slipped on his speech. "What are you doing here?" He asked slightly confused. He thought surely she would be with the others. "I figured you probably haven't taken the time to eat, so I had Darian prepare us a small lunch. Do you have time?" She asked shyly. Nathan looked back at the other officers in the room and they all turned their heads as if they hadn't been watching. He then turned his gaze back to Eclair, she stood silently smiling waiting for his response. "Of course I have time, for you I have all the time in the world." He replied kindly. "Shall we go outside and eat on the grounds, prefebly out of site of Dantes home. I don't think I'm in good standings with him right now." He led her outside to a slightly more secluded spot than the front room was. They sat on the soft grass, and Eclair began to unpack their lunch. "You know this is backwards, I should be coming to see you with a picnic lunch." He replied jokingly. "Don't be silly you're investigations are very important. While I'm not really doing anything." Eclair stated kindly. "Thats rediculous, you're doing somthing very kind for me. Thats more than enough, besides you needn't worry your pretty head about anything I am doing. You should just focus on keeping yourself out of danger, if anything were to happen to--" His voice faltered. "Don't worry Nathan nothing is going to happen to me... or you. I won't let anything happen." Eclair replied blushing slightly. There was a long pause between them, and Nathan never let his gaze leave Eclair. "I should apologize." Nathan stated breaking the silence. "For what Nathan?" Eclair asked looking up to meet his gaze. "Earlier today, what I said... about leaving your past behind. I should've never said that to you, Vincent was your husband, and my friend and I would never want you to forget him. I guess its just... that I... I'm sorry." "Nathan..." Eclair placed her hand gently upon Nathan's. "All you ever have to---" The searing pain returned and everything in Ecliar's mind went black, her body demanded to loose conciousness, but she would not give in. [I]'No I refuse, not this time.'[/I] Nathan wrapped his arms around Eclair, holding her close he could feel her body tremble from the imense pain she now felt. "Eclair." He wispered her name, and she opened her eyes slowly as the pain faded. "Why does this happen everytime?"
Everyone sat quietly for a moment, pondering on what Eclair had said, and on the clue at hand! [I]Was it really a clue? Or simply a diversion to drive them mad?[/I] None of them really knew anymore. The last two days had been quite the adventure for all of them, and now none of them really wanted to have to think about anything! 'I think its most likely a ploy to destact us.' Is what Nathan wanted to say, but kindness wasn't exactly on his side today, so he chose to stay silent. "I never really was good at riddles." Eclair stated more to herself than anyone. She did her best not to let her eyes linger upon Dante, mostly by glancing out the window as she thought or at the fireplace on occasion. It of course wan't Dante himself tht she would have been starring at, but the clothes in which he wore. It was more painful to look at them then she had imagined, memories of the two of them sitting here in this very room flooded her mind, distracting her from the task at hand. She remembered their last game of chess that they had played infront of the fireplace, Vincent had never been able to beat her before that day. It was only a week later Vincent came down with his illnes and everything darkened after that. Tears returned to her eyes, as she remembered his last words. "Eclair.... Milady!" Ariana's voice broke Eclair into reality and she realized that she again was crying. "Oh I do apologize, I'm a sentimental mess this afternoon. Please do go on." She replied wiping the tears away once again. Nathan watched her from where he stood, he knew she was thinking about Vincent, and it angered him to think that he would try and take any memory away that she had left of him. He could feel the sadness coming from her, and every now and then a stray thought. OOC: I didn't know what to write but figured anything was better than nothing. So Tah dah! Filler!
Olivia had seen the news reports on the television in the bakery and found an excuse to quickly leave. She new they needed to find Hammet and that she needed to stay out of harms way. She took as many back alleys as she could not really sure where to go, only that he had headed in this general direction. She turned a corner and ran head long into Vic, the delivery man. "Hey Vic, whats the news?" She asked nearly out of breath. "Hes been spotted at the fair grounds." He stated quietly, and without missing a beat moved out of her way and kept walking as if they didn't know eachother and really did just bump into eachother. [I]The old grounds of course, thats were most of his merchandise comes from, why didn't I think of that in the first place?[/I] She thought changing her course and heading toward the location. She was attempting to be as careful and sneaky as possible but the truth hurts and Olivia was not a very sneaky person. After a few blocks of running she turned into an alley, halfway down that alley a small team of 5 Aros. Special forces dropped in. She figured she was recognized from their little fiasco when without questions or words at all they began to open fire. As if she knew it was going to happen, Olivia dropped to a low crouch and two of the Aros troops went down thanks to crossfire. No one ever gave them credit for being smart, but smart or not the shots were not lethal and both soliders stood back up. From her crouch she rolled backwards, rolling directly between two of troops and ending up behind them. She quickly stood as one of the soliders bullets conected with her left shoulder. She let out a small cry of pain she made a 180 and bolted off in the opposite direction. The troops rounded the corner shortly after her and let the rain of bullets fly through the air toward their target, To Olivia's misfortune 3 of the 5 bullets hit. [I]Damn, I can't take much more of this. [/I] She thought gritting he teeth and loosing her footing for only a moment before re-gaining and continuing. She made a quick side dive for a crevas between two dumpsters and pulled out her pistols. She let a pair of bullets loose in the troops direction, one striking a solider in the chest dropping him. She ducked back away from the storm of ammo atempting to end her exsitance, waited for a perfect moment then shot four more rounds, dropping three more soliders. The last remaing solider pulled his radio out to call fro back-up as he ducked around a corner. [I]Back-ups all I need![/I] She tought looking for a way out. About 10 feet further up the alley and across the way was a window, if she could get through that window and get up to the roof through the building she may have a chance. She bit her lip, shot twice at the ducking solider, then took of a sprint toward the window. She fired two shots at the window to weaken the glass, then gritting her teeth and hoping it would work lept through the window. Glass shattering and scattering across the floor, a few shards stuck in her Olivia made a mad dash for the door. She swung the door open and ran toward the stair case. She made her way up the 4 story building and out onto the rooftop, and without thinking made a crazy leap for the next roof. She made the jump by only a breath, tumbling onto the ground of the roof, and rolling back into a standing position. She found the door leading downstairs and ran down the flights of stairs till she reached the front door bursting out of it and running for all she was worth. She must have hit the last solider, becasue he hadn't come after her yet, but she did not allow herself to slow down. After a solid half an hour of running at full speed without bandaging her wounds, she began to feel slightly dizzy and her lungs burned more than ever, but she made it to her location.She scanned the area for any signs of her companions, but her vision had begun to blur slightly from the blood loss. The pain from the gunshot wounds and glass suddenly came into existance as her adrenaline began to wear off, and she collapsed to her knees. She had taken two shots to the shoulder, one had grazed her ear, and another had entered the lower back and had gone clean through exiting out the abdomen. Not to mention the shards of glass that had embeded itself in various places. "Anyone here?!" She called out before completely falling to the ground unable to move from the intense pain. Now all she could do was attempt to stay concious and cross her fingers that someone friendly would find her before Aros. did.
Eclair heard the chime of the door bell and only a few moments later Geni and Dante entered the room followed closely by Edward and Darian. She stood to welcome them and when she saw the great tear in Geni's dress she rushed over to inspect it. "My dear girl, what has happened to your gown? I know it wasn't Lord Dante, to fine a gentleman. Were you attacked, was it Jack, are you alright?" Eclair said everything so quickly she hardly had room to breath in between. "We weren't attacked, a step shattered beneath me and I fell through." Geni replied, her skin going a little pink, she was obviously embarassed. "Under your feather weight, that rediculous." Ariana stated from behind Eclair. "Thats what I told her, after all the step had to bare my weight before hers." Dante remarked. "Well I do have a gown to change into if you don't mind?" Geni stated shhyly. "Of course, and you'll probably want a bath while you're at it." Eclair replied quickly then called for her chamber maid. "This Clohe, she will prepare your bath and help you with any need that you may have." She turned to Dante not giving him a chance to speak seeming as he already looked to object to whatever she was about to say. "And you Lord Dante, Edward will take care of you with a bath and a fresh pair of clothes from Vincent's wardrobe." The three servants all gave Eclair a look of astonishment, and they all thought the same thing but only Darian said anything. "My Lady, Lord Vincent's room has not been touched since --" "Its nothining to fret about Darian, beside Lord Dante looks to be about the same size. Now off with you all, we don't want to see you till your sparkling clean." Eclair shooed them away and returned to her seat. Dante would have normally been finished get ready before Geni, but due to all the soot and dirt caked on to everything it took him about the same amount of time. Edward helped him dress the only way he knew to dress anyone in the fine attire of his Lord. Dante was fairly impressed on how well the taylored clothes fit him, it almosted seemed as if they wer made for him. The pants and shirt were a midnight color, and the vest and tie were a deep ash. Eclair stood as she did earlier to greet the young couple, but when she saw Dante dressed so finely in Vincen't clothes she stopped dead in her tracks. A slight almost sad smille came to her face, and she could feel tears forming. "You look...nice." She replied quietly, then turned to walk over to the window hoping no one would see the tears falling. Dante felt akward enough already, but this didn't make it any better. Him and Geni made they're way over to one of the love seats and sat down. "I knew they would fit." Eclair stated not turning to face her guests yet. Ariana gave Nathan an almost threatening look and gestured at Eclair. He took a deep breath and walked toward the window where Eclair stood. She did not seem him approaching, but he could see the tears fall down her cheeks in the reflection of the glass. He placed a hand on her shoulder, she was trembling slightly. With his free hand he wiped her tears away and gently turned her head so that their eyes met. He gave her a warm genuine smile. "Tears don't suit you Eclair." He stated softly.
The officer and two ladies arrived at Eclairs home safely and were met at the door by Darian and Edward. Darian bowed as they approached and greeted them as Edward took the carriage to tend the horses. "Milady, it is good to see you return without harm. the news of the Lords home is dreadful." He led them into the house and closed the door behind them. "Thank You Darian, I only wish there was more that I could do for the young Lord." Eclair replied in a concerned manner. The four of them entered the palor and Darian served them drinks. "Will the Young Lord Dante and Lady Geniveve be joining us this afternoon milady?" Darian asked politly. "Yes, they shall, do be expecting them." Eclair answered kindly. Nathan stood near the fire place whilst the two ladies sat down and began to talk. "Do you suppose Jack sent someone to Dantes home or do you think perhaps he actually did it himself?" Ariana asked Eclair. "I don't know what to think but I do know that he is becoming more dangerous by the minute." She replied then took a sip of her tea. Her eyes wandered over to where Nathan stood, he was looking over the sword that hung over the fire place. "Do you like it?" She asked, he jerked his eyes away to look at Eclair, she was smiling. "It looks to be a magnificent blade. Do you know how to wield it?" He asked his eyes going back to weapon. "That silly thing..." Eclair reached out her hand as the sword left its mount upon the wall and gracefully moved to Eclair's hand. Nathans eyes were wide and a smaile spread across Ariana's face. "... of course I don't know how to use it." Her voice faltered for only a fraction of a moment as she continued. "It was Vincent's. He was amazing with a blade, watching him was as if watching an angel fly. His grace was un-matched, his speed that of the lightning bolt, and his precision like a artists." She smiled as she held the rapier gingerly. "Touching things with your mind and moving them by will alone. That is your talent." Ariana stated softly. "Yes, not as useful as others but nice to have." Eclair stated. "Nothing you do is un-useful Eclair." Nathan replied stepping near the chair where Eclair sat. Eclair smiled and held out the sword. "Would you like to see it? Its craftsmanship is beautiful." She released the weapon and it landed softly in Nathans hands. He slid the weapon from its scabbard, he could have sworn the room brightened as he revealed the blade for all to see. The sleek glistening blade bore marks of filigry more detailed than Nathan had ever seen on such a tiny blade. the swept hilt was a shinning silver with pearl inlays and the grip was a white leather covered in silver cording. Nathan inspected the filigry more closely and found an inscription hidden among the woven pattern. 'To my heart and soul, my beloved Vincent' "As I thought, absolutely magnificent." He replied sheathing the blade with the utmost delicacy, and carefully placing the weapon back on its perch. OOC: There I did it I posted, now I must retire. For I am very SLEEPY! :animesigh
"I need to find Nathan." Eclair replied hastily as she scanned the area in hopes to see him. Her heart beat increased in speed as the thought in her mind formed more clearly. "Eclair what is it? Whats wrong?" Ariana asked putting a hand on eclairs shoulder. Her eyes met Eclairs and she could clearly see fear in them. "This morning I had a frightful nightmare, and Dantes home was in the nightmare, what if Jack has the ability to know what we're thinking at all times? And these terrible events continue to happen because he know how to get to us." Eclair replied her voice trembling slightly. She turned her head and spotted Nathan exiting the scene of the gatekeepers murder. He caught sight of her and approached her quickly as he could clearly see the panic in her face. "Milady what is the matter? You look terribly spooked." He asked quietly as not to draw attention. "This afternoon we are all to meet at my home to discuss our knowing of Jack. I fear he has much more to do with this than we thought." She explained. "I will alert my officers that I am neede to escort you home, and that if they have any word that is where they shall find me." Nathan noticed Ariana standing only feet away from Eclair. "I apologize for not seeing you milady. How is your husband?" "He is as well as he can be at the moment. Thank You for inquiring so." She replied kindly. "Ariana, you are welcome to join us." Eclair invited. "Of course I will join you." She smiled.
Olivia had split off from the group as told, and headed to the last place she saw Hammet, hoping to get some info on where he might have headed. She knew it would probably leave her dry, but she wasn't sure what eles to do. She was a mechanic not detective. She flinched when she felt a stream of blood run down her arm and drip from her fingers. She lifted her right arm for a closer inspection. Not too much damage had been caused, but she had been grazed by an Aros bullet. She stopped and pulled some bandaging from her satchel, she took one look at the wound, then at the bandage. Her face krinkled in frustration. [I]It figures, I'm right handed and thats just a really hard spot to bandage bymyself. [/I] She thought as she began to attempt the binding. She spent a lousy 20 minutes trying to put the bandage on when she was interupted by a male voice. "Hey there." She looked up nervously. There standing only 4 feet away was a fairly tall man. He had strawberry blonde hair that hung just below his chin, and blue eyes that made even the sky seem dull. "It looks like you're having some problems, can I help you?" He took a step forward. "Um... its just.... that.... this dumb--" Her voice was quiet and flustered. "Here, let me get that. Thats a hard spot to bandage." He stepped up and took the bandage from Olivia's now shaking hands. His movements were graceful as he gently wrapped the wound. He wore a slight smile on his face, one that showed no malice or greed, Olivia like it. "You should be careful when you're out on your own. Its dangerous down here." He said, his voice was kind. He looked up at Olivia's face then replied. "But it looks as though you already know that." He was reffering to the cut she recieved earlier that day. "My names Thomas. Thomas Valley. I work over at that bakery over there." He gestured behind him. There was a small bakery with a sign hanging above the door that said "Valley's". "May I ask your name?" "Olivia Heartily." She stated shyly. "Thats a good name." Thomas remarked finishing off the bandage. "I didn't know quaint little shops like bakery's still exsited down here?" Olivia replied looking over at the shop. "We try, all we want is too bring smiles to peoples faces." He smiled down at Olivia. "I haven't seen you around here before, are you new in the area?" "No I just don't get out much." Olivia stated glancing down at her feet. There was a moment of silence betweent hem, and Olivia felt really akward. "Would you like to come in for a cinnamon oll or somthing? I just finished a fresh batch." His smile was genuine as he gave the invitation. Olivia nodded her head, and he led her toward the shop. He opened the door for her and as she entered she was assalted by the fragrence of fresh baked goods. Thomas walked to the other side of thecounter and pulled out a small pastry that was coated in powdered sugar and handed it to Olivia. She accepted it with a still slightly shacking hand, and took a cautious bite. "Good huh?" "Delicious." Olivia exclaimed. Thats when she remembered what she was really doing in the area. "Um may I ask you a question?" "Shoot." "Have you seen a junk dealer anywhere around her lately?" Her voice was very quiet as she asked. "You mean Hammet? Ya I've seen him, about 2 days ago. Why?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "I need some parts." Olivia replied. "Oh of course, I saw him heading toward the south side of town."
Everything happened so quikcly that Olivia had a hard time comprehending anything until the dwarf man said somthing a about cybernetics and clothes being removed. "I'd just like to see you try and take mine out, Liv can't even get to them." Trey remarked clearing her head. "Isn't that right Liv... Liv?" Olivia had one of her pistols out and pointed at the man in uniform that was obviously following the dwarfs lead. Her hand was trembling, and her eyes narrowed. "If you even think of touching me or any of these guys, I will shoot you." Her voice was just as shaky as her hand as she spoke. They could hear the Aros. soliders coming, and Trey placed a hand on Olivia's shoulder. "Hey its alright no ones stripping anyone of anything today. Lets just get out of here." Trey replied calmly. Olivia lowered the weapon slowly and returned it to its holster on her back. "Right lets get out of here, before they strip of us of our lives." Ruya replied, and 6 of them headed down a back alley way.
Olivia had visited Trey's clinic many a time, always for the reason that Aros. had done a crappy job putting someone back together. This pissed her off more than anything. They walked into the humble clinic and Trey led them to the patient's room where he waited. "Hey Alex, sorry to keep you waiting. I brought the reinforcements." Trey replied gesturing to Olivia as she entered close behind. Korbin and Ruya stayed out int he hall, they didn't want to crowd the small room. "Hello, my name is Olivia, I'll be doing to the repairs." She replied softly giving the patient a warm smile. She brought out the tools and inspected the faulty arm, brushing her hair out of her eyes to get a closer more clear look. "Um, I'm gonna be able to play after this right?" He asked nervously. "No sweat, Liv's the best I know. You're in good hands." Trey assured him. Olivia quickly located the problems and took to work. Outside Korbin stood next to the door his arms folded and his eyes shut. Ruya watched the young mechanic as she tinkered with the patients arm. "She really knows what shes doing." She stated. "Doesn't she?" She turned a glance over to Korbin who, eyes still shut, didn't notice. "Shes a good person, and useful to have on our side. Its not everyday you find a mechanic like her." Korbin replied in his stoic voice. Ruya moved aside as trey came out into the hall. "How long?" Korbin asked. "20 minutes tops." She replied cheerfuly. "Amazing girl, that Liv. Though shes been through hell to get this far." She added her tone going serious. "All of us have. Somthing about her smile though, everytime you see it, you can see the pain she endured to get here. But of course the same as been said about me." Not much else was said while they waited for Olivia to finish the repairs on Alex. Ruya asked more questions but nothing to detrimental. Exactly 18 minutes and 23 seconds after she began, Olivia was finished. "There you go, it should feeel more natural and move more fluidly for you now." She replied kindly as she packed up her tools. Alex stretched the fingers out and rotated the wrist a bit. "Thank You so much, you're a life saver." He stated excitedly. "I'm just another person trying lighten our lives, one repair at a time. Nothing more." She replied walking out of the room. "Theres the miracle worker. Under 20, nice job." Trey remarked patting Olivia on the shoulder as she entered the hall. "Hardly miracles, but thanks I'm flatered." She turned to Korbin. "We're all yours, where should we start?"
Olivia thought for a moment, considering the possiblities, then came to an conclusion. "Trey can your patient 15 more minutes?" She asked. "15 minutes? Yeah hes not goin anywhere, but this is realy only going to take you that long." Trey replied. "You sure thats all you need?" Korbin asked from the back. "Absolutely. Mam, give me 15 minutes and you'lll be good as new." Olivia said giving her the thumbs up, then realized she couldn't see it and felt a little silly. She rolled up her sleeves and took to the task. Her concentration was unbreakable as she delicately devised away for bead like objects to do as they were told. At exactly 15 minutes she held up the product of her scattered thoughts with a wide smile on her face. "That was a tough one, but I haven't found anything I couldn't fix yet." Olivia stated happily. "Ahem" Trey was about to speak up but Olivia cut her off. "You don't count."
Olivia dug through box after box in search of the single piece she was pretty sure she needed. She pulled somthing out and looked at it closely. "Hey I've been looking all over for this!" She shrugged her shoulders and tossed it aside. "But I don't need it right now." She dug further into the box. She had been meaning to go on a lableing spree, but she just hadn't got around to it yet. Trey helped her search, even though she wasn't quite sure what they were looking for, when she looked over and saw the fresh scar on Olivia's face. It was bandaged, but it was pretty deep as far as she could tell. "When did you get that?" She replied gesturing at Olivia's cheek. Olivia brought her hand up to the cut. "Well.... um... you see." She started quietly. "It was HIM wasn't it?" Trey knew all about Olivia's father problem. "Well you see I can't just--" "You're a walking victim Liv. You mine as well have a stamp on your for head that says, 'Mug me Please.' " She finished tapping Olivia's forhead. "How about a kick me sign well I'm at it." Olivia grumbled as she continued digging.
"Now I'm sure this is all just one big misunderstanding." She took a slow step forward her hands wandering to her pistols. "Shall we put our weapons down and discuss this like civalized beings. I mean after all we all are responsible adults." Her hands rested on the handles. [I]I sure hope this works I don't wanna have to do anything rash.[/I] Olivia thought to herself, keeping her composure completely calm. "Who is she?" Noir asked Korbin nodding her head in Olivia's direction. "My names Olivia Heartily." Olivia spoke softly, nervousness shone through her voice. [I]Keep cool![/I] Her hands came out in front of her, showing her lack of hostility. "Can just talk, theres no need to shoot anyone." "Shes no threat to you." Korbin stated.
Eclair's hand brushed Nathan's as she turned from the grusome sight of the gate keepers fate. She grasped his hand instictively, holding it tightly. Nathan glanced down at Eclair's shivering hand, as it held his. "Poor Milton was just a innocent victim in "Jack's" sick game." Dante replied quietly as he held Geni close, her small figure was trembling all over. Nathan let his hand slip from Eclair's as he approached the scene to take a closer look. He ran a finger across the writing realizing that it was not written with ink. "This was written in blood." He looked up at the face of the dead man then back to the others. "Probably his poor man." He stated walking back over to where his companions stood. "I'll get my men on this right away." He replied almost sympathetically. The four of them left the small residence, Nathan left Eclair with Dante and Geni as he left to retrieve his men. Dante spoke to Geni in soft hushed tones as he comforted the young girl, still distraught from the scene inside. Eclair stood off a few feet byherself as she watched the sun peak over the horizon, smoke drifted across her view. Her mind wondered as her thoughts reviewed the last couple of days, they had been very long for all of them. First the attack at the ballet, Lord Dantes home, it seemed that Jack was begining to want their attention more focused. After what seemed like only moments nathan returned with the detective that had taken the case that was "Jack". OOC: I didn't really know what to write so I wrote filler! :D
Olivia looked up from her data-station as the bell rang its tune. She recognized the man as Korbin, she heard most call him Drake, but she prefers to use peoples real names in a customer situation. "Welcome Mr.Korbin." She greeted him with a shy smile, then winced remebering the gash she had on her cheek now. Korbin saw the bandaged wound, but said nothing, he held up his card and approached the desk. "Ah I see Vic paid you a visit as well." She stated motioning for him to come around the table to stand next to her as she sifted through the files on the data card. "What's up?" He asked simply. He watched her hands as she searched the files, they shook with a kind of nervousness that was often there, even when he was getting repairs. The files were disguised as cyber scematics, but it only took her a few moments to locate the information they were looking for. "It looks as though Sleeper was killed by one of the corporations "Blade Dancers", along with three of our agents." SHe skimmed the file further. "She was carrying a datapad with valuble info on it. This data pad was not located at the scene, and Aros is even still in search of it. This needs to be located by us not by them." She summed up the file almost to herself, tapping nervously on the desk as she read.
Olivia slid the key card through the access panel, she couldn't afford the voice active security doors, the beeps and a grren light later the door slid open. She let the door slide shut behind her as she ocked it behind her. She didn't want anyone bothering her as she opened shop. She counted the money in her register, checked her tools, and booted up her computer system. Everything was slightly out of date and definately second hand, but it all worked and she was able to do her job, which is all that mattered. She pushed a button on her computer and the tunes of people much happier than herself sang aloud. A samll labador follwed her around, his tail wagging joyfully. She bent down to scratch his chin, and he rolled onto his tummy. "Oh I see how it is." She stated smiling, rubbering the puppies tummy. "Well its time to open." She moved over to the door and entered in the code to open all window panels, allowing the light of the day into her small shop. The "Open" sign flared to life, and she sat down at her desk. "Now we wait." She spoke to the puppy half to herself. She picked up an antique pocket watch, and began to tinker. The electronic bell sounded as the door slid open and a man walked in. He was a tall fellow, kinda lerpy though. He had mouse brown hair that was messy and came down around his eyes. His left leg was a cybernetic replacement, she could tell from the sound of his foots steps. "Morning, what'll it be today Vick?" She asked warmly. Vick was a "regular", meaning that he worked with the Caladbolg resistance group. Normally when he came in it meant he had something to report. "Good Day Liv," He was interupted by a bark. "You too Ratchet. Theres somthin screwy with my ankle joint, I was hopin you could take gander at it." He stated sitting on a near by table. Olivia stood and walked over to the table, she brushed her hair out of her eyes and bent down to get a closer look. Vick pulled up his pant leg. Olivia used her cyber implant to zoom in on the joint. "The doc didn't come home from the coffee shop last night." Vick replied while Olivia pulled her a fine wired tool from her counter, to make an adjustment. "Failed arival?" She asked. "Interupted delivery." He answered. Olivia shook her head, and stood up. "You cracked pieces C-72 and C-73, you should be more carful when taking your morning run. But other than that, you're all good." Vick handed her a card and smiled. "Thanks Liv, perfect as always." He waved as he left the shop, leaving Olivia to slip the card into a hidden compartment. The bell rang only moments later, and she looked up to greet her next cutomer, only to recieve a pistol whip to the side of the head, knocking her back against the wall. She could feel the warmth of blood trickle down her cheek. She opened her eyes as she felt the barrel of gun shove itself under her chin. She opened her eyes only to find her father, the man she despised and feared more than anything. "Hello sweetheart." His voice was that of a 40 year smoker. "I just came to check up on you. Hows buisness?" His breath wreaked of alcholhal. Olivia said nothing. She trembled beneath his gun, and he smiled cruely. "I'm so glad to see I still have somthin up my sleeve." The bell rang a thrid time. "Oy Livia, I was wondering---" The girl tok a look at the situation. "Maybe I came at a bad time." She replied. "Nah, I was just about to leave." Olivia's father replied, eyeing Olivia as if she had this planned. He took his gun and shoved in his pants, then pushed his way past the girl and out the door. The young woman rushed forwad making her way around the desk. "Livia, who was that? And what buisness does he have pointing a gun at you." She asked pulling bandana out of her pocket and placing it over Olivia's bleeding cheek. "Was that your fther?" Olivia shook her head slightly. "When you gonna stop letting him treat you like this. He doesn't have any power over you anymore." Her voice was stern but full of genuin concern. I saw Vick, did he visit you?" "Yes, he brought me an update, but I haven't been able to look at it yet." She replied quietly pointing to the hidden drawer in her desk. "Well then lets take a look."
Éclair awoke with a start, sitting up in her bed. Sweat dripped down her frightened face, and her breathing came in panicked gasps. The door opened and Edward entered the room, rushing to his lady?s side. ?Milady are you alright?? His gentle voice was welcomed. ?It was just nightmare, I?m not surprised with all that?s happened.? She replied quietly. Edwards face became more concerned, and his eyes focused on Éclair?s. ?It didn?t feel like the same nightmare you had before Lord Vincent?s death did it. If I remember correctly, you seemed the same as you did now when you woke from that one.? He replied his eyes not leaving Éclair?s face. Éclair was silent, almost holding her breath as she thought back remembering the terrifying nightmare she about her husband. A little over a year ago she had a nightmare where her husband visited the mainland, and while he was there he became ill, and when he died shortly after he returned home. That nightmare had felt the same as this one, and it had happened. Would the same happen here with this one. ?What was it Milady?? Edward asked, bringing her back to reality. She thought for a long moment then looked out the window as she spoke quietly. ?There was a home, I have seen it before.? She took time to explain the whereabouts of the home so that Edward could get a clear picture of the dream. ?I don?t know what it was about this home, but there was an event there that caused?? She paused for a moment. ??my death.? Edward opened his mouth to say something when he heard the loud knock on the front door. * * * * * * Nathan?s mind was a blaze with anger, confusion, guilt, and concern. Who was the voice that had awoken him, and where had it come from, clearly it was in his mind but he could not pin point the intruder. Worry filled his heart as he raced toward Lady Éclair?s home. ?I never should had let her go home with out me, not after a night like last.? He spoke to himself. I?m such an idiot sometimes. Its clear that she cares. I should tell her, but what good would that do? His thoughts wondered until he reached the exquisite home that was Éclair?s. He dismounted his horse and skipped steps up to her door, then knocked loudly. Only moments passed , and as he was about to knock a second time the door opened. Edward stood on the other side, he was completely awake. ?Sir Nathan, this is an unexpected visit.? Edward replied politely. He opened the door so that Nathan could enter. ?Your timing is perfect Sir, Milady is awake. I shall tend to your horse, I trust you know where her bed chambers are.? He replied flatly as he closed the door behind him. Nathan did know where her bedchambers were and he made his way there quickly, taping on her door as he approached. ?Enter.? He heard her voice from the other side. He opened the door slowly, and announced that it was Nathan. When he entered the room Éclair had pulled her covers around her tightly. Her eyes lit up for a moment as he entered. Nathan could see the sweat on her brow and he frowned. ?Are you well?? He asked, taking a chair moving closer to the bed. ?I?m fine, it was a silly nightmare, nothing more. I see you couldn?t sleep either.? She replied kindly. ?I am sorry I haven?t been here.? He stated quickly. Éclair smiled. ?You have no need to apologize. You?re an officer and there has been a great deal going on, with the attack and the murder. You are simply doing your job, I understand.? Her smile was warm, and it gave Nathan a sense of comfort. ?I know I?m an officer, but I should be here with you. The others all have each other and well?? He stopped . Éclair reached out and placed her hand upon Nathan?s, he looked up to see her kind eyes now starring straight into his. ?Thank You.? She stated quietly.
Name: Olivia Heartliy Classification: human/Cyber replacement Codename/Nickname: She goes by Livia or Liv. Anyone working with the resistance knows her as "Heart". Age: 19 Sex: Yep Shes a Girl! Physical Description: Livia stands at about 5 nothin, with a very small build. Shes not exactly an athlete. She has shoulder length raven colored hair, which she wears in two very short pig tails. Her natural eye color is a vibrant emerald, but her left has been replacec by a cybernetic implant which is silver. Shes not much of the outdoorsey type so her skin is fairly pale. Her slender figure is covered by a pair of black cargo capris, and a powder pink T with a charcoal multi-pocketed vest. And her black skate shoes are steel toed. She wears fingerless gloves, a silver heart shaped locket, about a dozen braclets and three peircings in each ear. Mental stability: She not exactly unstable, but she does have a serious nervousness problem, shes a little bit a scardy-cat, mostly around men, and is seriously claustrophobic. Personallity: Shes the shy girl in the back of the room that eats lunch by herself. She has a sweet disposition but you have to get her to talk first, shes very quiet. Shes generally nice, but a little afraid of most things, espeicially men that she doesn't know well. She'll crack a joke at the perfect moment without eveing trying, and shes feircly loyal to those who manage to get close. Occupation: Cybernetics repair specialist. Cybernetics: Her Left eye was damaged in an attack and she had it replaced with cyber implant. It has simple functions really, it allows her to zoom in on an object, see in the dark, and a couple other minor things. Faction: Caladbolg Weapons:A pair of AMT Back Up 45 cal - stainless - double action hand guns. Background: Well it wasn't exactl wine and roses for Olivia. She grew with an abusive father who somehow got away with killing her mother right in front of her. She doesn't talk much do to the fact that, and the fact that if she ever said anything she'd get the crap kicked out of her by dad. She kept herself locked up in her room most of the time keeping to herslef and tinkering with anything that she could get her hands on. He oh so wonderful father alos found it necessary to lock her up in a closet every now and then, causing the claustriphobia. When she was 12 Olivia left while her father was out cold on the couch. Not quite sure what she was going to do, she found herself living in an abandoned apartment on the top floor of a rundown building in a very gloomy part of town. When she was 16 she opened her buisness, Liv's Cyber Repair. Just when she thought life was looking like it was about to improve, daddy showed back up. Ransacked her shop, and her along with it. It all went down hill from there, 5 seperate times she has been attacked on her way to and from work and home. One of these muggins was bad enough that she had to get her left eye replaced. Naturally these happening make her terrified of any male figure 5'2 or taller. She does repair work for the resistance and runs her some what succesful shop, all of this with the company of her 4 month old lab puppy named Ratchet. Oh yeah and all repairs to Caladbolg members are free!