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Everything posted by natchan
Eclair awoke to a light tapping at her door and Darian's voice calling her. "Milady. Are you awake?" He asked through the door. Eclair sat up in her bed and pulled the blankets around her. "Come in Darian." She replied sleepily. The door opened and Darian enterd the room, gave a bow, then approached Eclairs bed. In his hand he held a small envelope. "This came from Sir Nathan for you this morning. He wished to see you, but I told him that you were sleeping and I insited that he return later." He stated setting the letter on the bed. He then bowed again and turned to leave the room. "Breakfast is ready for you." Eclair picked up the note, and studied the writing, it was simple but clean. She opened the envelope, and pulled the small folded paper from within. She unfolded it and read it silently. [COLOR=DarkGreen] [I]Dear Lady Eclair, I apologize for not being able to escort you home last night. I was pleased to hear that you arrived home safely and with no harm. I do hope that you are feeling well, I wish to come see you later today after my investigation. Your friend- Sir Nathan[/I][/COLOR] "Friend. Is that all he wants to be?" She asked herself as she closed the letter. [COLOR=DarkRed]Of course he only wants to be friends. [/COLOR] [I]Whats that supposed to mean?[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]You're useless compared to the others, why would anyone want to get close to you? [/COLOR] [I]Thats not true, I'm not....[/I]
Yvonne had walked down the sidewalk for only 10 minutes when a car pulled up next to her and the passenger side window rolled down. Yvonne bent down to glance in the window and nearly shouted out when she saw the driver. Victor sat in the drivers seat and smiled sleekly at Yvonne. "You!" She replied sharply. "Don't make a scene Yvonne." His silky voice came from the vehicle. "Don't make scene?" She asked in shock. The car door opened, and Victor patted the the passenger seat, his smile widening. "Come on, lets talk." He invited. Yvonnes face changed from shock to instant anger. "You seriously expect me to get in a car with you after you-" Yvonne's voice was interupted by Victor's. "People are starring, just get in the car. Theres not anything else that I could possibly to do you. Well, you know what I mean." Yvonne took a deep breath, not that it mattered. Very grugingly Yvonne stepped into the car, buckling her seat belt. Victor smirked at her as she closed the door. He pulled the car back out into the street and into the flow of New York traffic. "Truthfully Yvonne, you don't look well." "Well thanks, I can't believe that being undead hasn't done wonders for my complextion." Yvonne stated, her voice driping with disatain. She was starring out the window, ignoring Victor's smug face. "I'm serious... how many times have you eaten since I turned you?" He asked. "Um.... twice, actually." Her voice was quiet. "Twice, you should feed-" "Please dont call it that." Yvonne replied quickly. "Right sorry, you should eat, at leat every other day, no less than every three days. You're probably eating old, near death people too aren't you?" He glanced at her. "On second thought don't answer that I don't wanna know. Any way you're going about it all wrong. You need to find someone without family to go home to, leed them in a dark corneer or room or whatever. Then you, whatever, and bite." His eyes slid back to Yvonnes disgusted figure. "You act like they're groceries of take out. Besides everyone has a mom or a landlord, if I kill anyone their mom is bound to notice at Christmas when the card they sent gets sent back. And I 'm sure that the land person will notice when the rent hasn't been paid!" Her shocked voice stated. "Any way, now that I've said that. I actually have somthing more important to talk to you about." Victor replied. "What could that possibly be?" She asked. "The silver haired Demon."
Yvonne awoke with the sutting sun, slightly different from her normal routine of getting up at dawn, but the last 2 weeks she had to adjust to being a creature of the night. "I still can't believe this is happening to me." She replied sitting up in her bed and moving the sheets aside. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and placed her feet on the hard wood floor. She scratched her neck, yawning as she walked over to the bathroom, when her hand brushed over the puncture marks she shivered slightly. Two whole weeks and it still bothered her to think about. She didn't like the idea of being a vampire, but at the same time she didn't exactly want to walk out into the sun and die... permanently. She looked herself over in the mirrior, that is if she could see herself in the mirrior, her skin had gone quite pale in the last couple weeks and she wasn't quite sure if she liked it that pale. She brushed her teeth, taking note of her fangs... again. She then took a shower and dressed for the night. Tonight was Saturday and there would be plenty of people out. [I]I feel like I'm going grocery shopping. [/I] She thought to herself when she realized she was going out to find her next cadidate for dinner, and not as a date. Thinking of dates she realized that she hadn't seen hide nor hair of Victor since the night she became a vampire. [I]That jerk.[/I] She thought promtly. She opened a can of cat food and left it on the floor of the small kitchen for BT to eat. She slipped on her shoes, grabbed her bag and stepped out into the hallway of her apartment complex. There was a note on her door, she took it and opened it to reveal that her rent was due in a week. "Thats right, just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I get a free room." She mumbled to herself, shoving the note into her bag. She walked to the elevator and pushed the down button. She waited less than a minute before the bell chimed and the door slid open. A young man, probably 18 or 19 stood alone, he smiled and waved slightly as Yvonne stepped into the elevator, she msiled back nervously taking care not to show her teeth. "You live in number 62 right?" He asked curiously. "Yes." She answered flatly, not really wanting to talk to him. Her feeling of hunger was growing and she didn't want to do anything rash. He was young, and probaly tasted good, but she didn't want to think about that. "I only ever see you leave your place at night now. You have a change in jobs?" He pryed. Why was he asking all these questions? "You could say that." She replied. "You're a vampire right?" Sh could have sworn this is what he said. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" She asked shakily. "Your an artist right?" He asked. [I]Did he really say vampire, or am I loosing my mind?[/I] She thought. The elevator finally stopped after what seemed like forever and she stepped out into the main hall, escaping the confines of the building. "Have a goodnight!" He shouted as she left. [I]Yeah goodnight, whatever. Have a good time shopping for a meal.[/I] She thought sarcasticlly.
Anime Name an anime that you can watch over and over
natchan replied to meka2003's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=DarkDragon][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I watch [B]Fruits Basket [/B] over and over and each time I finish the series I get kinda of mad because I hate where it ends.... but I still keep watching it.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE] I deffinately agree with this one, I watch Fruits Basket over and over and over! Oh yeah and believe or not Sailor Moon! And some Fullmetal in between those two! -
My best guy friend cried at the end of Fruits Basket! I think its totally neat when a guy can forget all mocking aspects and just go with it! :animecry:
Anime I Have or I did have a crush on an anime character!
natchan replied to XxmoraiNAKIxX's topic in Otaku Central
Two of my longest crushes have been, Rufus Shinra, and Seishirou Sakurazukamori. Rufus was always just cool and amazingly sexy, has anyone payed attentin to his wardrobe lately. He dresses fabulously, and theres just somthing hot about a blonde man in a white suit slingin that gun around. My crush on him only deepened after I saw Advent Children! :animeblus The Sakurazuka, wow! Nice suit, easy on the ice and great voice (in japanese and english). Besides there somthing really sexy about a man thats more than likely going to kill me rather than give me the time of day! My most recent crush deveolpment is Cain from Godchild. The reason is he is the vision of everything I ever want in a man. GOTHIC VICTORIAN! Spats and top hats here I come! :catgirl: -
RPG Howl's Moving Castle- Spirits Joined [PG VSL]
natchan replied to kingdomhearts's topic in Theater
Kiki's thought struck her harder than a hammer when she realized she was holding a flying broom. Of course they could get in without being spotted, she hoped. She took Howl by the hand quickly, taking him by surprise, she pulled him behind the nearby bushes. "I have a plan." Kiki spoke quickly and quietly. "we can both fly on my broom, and I can take us to a empty side window." "Both of you on your broom?" Gigi interupted and Kiki ignored him. Howl looked past the shrubery for a moment, the young boy with the chin length brown hair seemed to be almost starring straight at them. But Howl couldn't feel any ill feelings coming off of him. "Your sure your little brrom can handle us both?" He asked quietly. "Absolutely, I'm tiny and you're not exactly a large man yourself, and Gigi well he simply goes on my shoulder." She stated matter-o-factly. "Very well then seems like the perfect plan." Howl replied with a smile, his blues eyes glittering. "Right then." Kiki remarked positioning her broom for take off. "Simply hop on the back and away we'll go." Howl did as instructed and Kiki brought her broom into the air. Thankfully the bathhouse was on a small cliff so that they could sneek past the bridge of demons and spirits. When they past up their obstacle of people, Kiki brought her broom up higher into the air. They found a samll window that was conected to a small room that seemed to be for storage. They landed gingerly and the two of them dismounted the broom. "Excellent young Kiki, your plan was brilliant." Howl stated in a whisper. Kiki beemed with happiness from his compliment. -
Sign Up Fire Emblem Ten: Ruler of all Lands [PG-13 VL]
natchan replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Theater
Name: Anisa Age:18 Class: Scorceress (Air elementalist) shes 5 even Appearance: The female as seen below! Bio: Anisa is an only child born into a very magicaly driven family. Both of her parents are magically inclined and taught her nothing but magic. She chose to be an Air Elementalist, because she loves to listen to the wind. She grew up with only one friend, and sometimes its hard to tell that their even friends. Verin, her dear friend and most of the time body guard, has been with Anisa since she was 6 and he was 10. She has always had a slight crush on the man, but will never admit it. Both her and Verin thought they would be loads more useful if they helped defend their kingdom. Personality: Anisa is very knowlegable, proud but not arogant. A little spacey at times but very good to have around. She is loyal to her frineds, once she made them, and true to her kingdom. She tends to come off slightly sarcastic but doesn't really mean to. Deffinately a girl that can't hold her liquor and has never tried, and would never dream of having company in her bed. Character #2 Name: Verin Age: 22 Class: Straight to the point Fighter! hes 6'3 Appearance: The male as seen Below! Bio: Verin is the middle child of 7, and the only boy. So naturally by the time he was 15 he had more pent up tention than he knew what to do with so he became a swordsman and tactician. He spends most of his time keeping Anisa out of trouble, and keeping trouble from finding Anisa (AKA Prospecting males) Ever since Anisa reached the age of 15 Verin has felt an odd attraction to her, but brushes it aside most of the time. Thought their relationship is completely obvious to those around them. Personality: Intelligent in his field but clueless to the ways of the court and magic. He is very protective of his Anisa, and anyone else that he might come close to. A quick thinker in battle and a sticks out like a sore thumb in a scocial event. -
Eclair stood slowly as she watched Geni's father escort Ariana to where Rufus now rest, and a smile crossed her face as she took in the sight of Dante and Geni. Dante noticed her watching but said nothing. Not having to play the part of the elder voice of reason any longer, Eclair sat in one of the near by seats and allowed her body to relax. She closesd her eyes for only a moment as she took a dep breath when she heard a familiar voice speak her name. "Milady!" The voice was that of young Edward. Eclair lifted her head to watch him approach. A look of relief shown on his face. "Edward, what a pleasant surprise." She spoke softly. "Richard told us of the news and I came as quickly as I could. Knowing that Sir Nathan being an officer would be tied in the matter, I knew that you would need another--." He stopped, noticing the smirk on Eclair's face. He recognized it as the one she wore when she though he had done somthing "adorable". "So you came to be by my side, and escort me home when the time comes?" Eclair asked quietly. "Yes Milady." He looked back over his shoulder then back at Eclair. "What is the news on Lord Rufus?" "He will live, no doubt with some scarring but he will live." Eclair replied. An officer approached the two of the them. "I realize you are tired Dutchess and probably wish to go home, but I could get a statement from you please?" He sounded almost nervous. "Of course officer." She stood to look the officer eye to eye and began. "I ws merely enjoying the ballet from the seventh row in the center. When all of a sudden this man swings down from the curtains shouting somthing, and unlike half of the rest of the audience I did not believe this man to be a part of the ballet. He didn't fit the scene at all you see. Then he lept from the stage and attacked the young Lord. He was interupted by Sir Nathan and Lord Dante, then he all of a sudden dissapeared. Naturally I stayed to help comfort the young lady Ariana while Lord david and Dante took Rufus to safety, and now I stand here befre you." She finished. "Thank You dutchess it will only be a short while now till you may leave." And he gave a short bow and headed toward Dante and Geni. Eclair resumed her seat. "Milady you seem pale, are you not well again?" edward replied in his usual tone of concern. "No I am fine dear Edward, do not concern yourself with me. You only gain grey hairs out of it." She stated giving a smile. Another two hours went by before the young nobles were allowed to retire for the evening. Eclair left right away, bidding goodnight to Young Dante and Geni as she past. Edward lead her out to where her carriage was waiting and helped her up. The ride home seemed eternal as she waited silently.
Name: Yvonne Scott Nickname: Sunshine Age: 23 Gender: I'm a Girl! Species: Vampire Clan: Knubrap Appearance: See attachments, she looks like the brunet, but dresses like the blond in the red! Weapons: Rapier Powers: Telekinesis, a bit of Telepathy, and she has the ability to bend the shadows to her will. This way she can block unwanted light easier, or take away someones cover if int he same shadow. And one attack that she hasn't quite mastered, "Recall Light" this is merely a memory of sunlight that is projected into the mind of her opponent. In doing this she causes her enemy to be stunned for only a moment. Personality: Well as you can tell be her age, Yvonne is a very young Vampire. She was sired only recently and is still adjusting to her knew way of life. This makes her hesitant, unsure, confused, afraid, and all around jumpy. She does not like the idea of needing the blood of others to survive, but she doesn't like the idea of just flat out dying either. Unfortunately she is easliy manipulated, one her flaws, but she is incredibly loyal once shes decided. Bio: Yvonne was born in the great big city of New York and has lived there her entire life. She lived a completely normal life. She lived with a cat named BT, went to work, payed rent, and even occasionally went on dates. She did however learn how to fence at a young age and continues to do so. Aside from working in the basment she loves to be out in the daylight, this would change. She worked as a Libraian in the downtown Library, but never had much to do but read, she worked in the basement where hardly anyone ever ventured. She was also the one who closed up every night, this is how she met Victor. Now she only saw Victor after dark when she closed up the library, so naturally she did think of the fact that she never saw him the day light. As luck would have it, Victor turned out to be a Vampire, and well one thing led to another. Even though Yvonne herself has been turned into a vampire, she is absolutely terrified of other vampires, though she attempts to hide it. She does not like having to drink peoples blood in the least bit, so living in the largest city on her side of the states there are thankfully plenty of homeless people near death every day, so she puts them out of their misery and manages to keep herself going. Rather shameful of a vampire she figures but somtimes she likes to not think of herself as one. Writing Sample: Yvonne left the library closing the door behind her and turning to lock it. Stifling a yawn as she did so. "You're later than usual." The low voice stated. She jumped slightly but knew the voice to be Victor's. She turned on her heels to face the young man and smiled. "Good evening Victor, and how are you on this chilly December night?" She asked cheerfully. She always did love it when Victor showed up to walk her home. They had been seeing eachother for almost 2 months now, and Yvonne loved having him around, she had never had male company for more than a week or two. "I am Particularly well this fine night." He answered offering his arm. This was another thing that Yvonne loved about Victor he was so gentleman like. "So what's on the agenda for this eveing Victor? Dinner, Movie, Pool Hall, Bar, Window Shopping..." "I was thinking that we could just go to your place this eveing." His voice was smoother than usual, this caught Yvonnes attention quickly. "Really?" She stopped walking for a moment. Victor looked back at her and smiled his dashing smile. "Is that a problem?" "No." Yvonne stated absent mindedly. [I]He wants to go to my place. Maybe he wants.... nah.[/I] She thought to herself as she continued to walk along side Victor. He took her hand in his as the strode down the sidewalk, this brought butterflies to Yvonnes stomach. "Woah! Victor, your hands are freezing, how long have you been outside?" She replied taking his hand in both of hers attempting to warm it up. "Its no big deal, I naturally have cold hands." He remarked very matter-o-factly. The two of them reached Yvonnes appartment, which Victor had never actually been inside of. They entered the small appartment, and Yvonne took their coats and hung them up in the closet. Victor looked around to finds books, canvas's, and paint everywhere. "I didn't know that you paint. These are really good." He stated examining one closley. The painting was of a young woman being embraced from behind my a slightly older man. The man was the depiction of a vampire and there was blood running down the girls neck onto her blue dress. Victor lauged to himself. "Whats the story behind this one?" He asked. Yvonne came closer to the painting, standing slightly infront of him. "Oh this one was actually a request, but the stroy is that the young girl met the man of her dreams. He was everything she desired and more, and then he turned out to be a vampire." She replied her voice getting quieter as she did so. Then she jumped slightly as Victor put his arms around her in the very same way the man in the painting had his. Then he brought his lips close to her ear and whispered. "Well its a lovely painting, same as the artist." Yvonne could feel the blood rush to her face and she knew she was blushing from the compliment. Victor turned Yvonne around to face him and placed his lips upon hers before she could even gasp from surprise. Yvonne did not fight him, but in fact returned the kiss. Everything in her mind told her not to fight him, and that this is what she wanted. Victor's lips moved down to her neck and Yvonne practicly sank, but managed to keep her footing, but was suddenly brought back to reality when she felt the sharpness of teeth penitrating her skin. She gasped in shock and pain, but could not fight him, her body refused, and she felt tears come to her eyes. He released her for only a moment to speak. "The pain won't last long." He stated in his low silken voice, then resumed. Yvonne was too shocked to speak as she felt her life seep away. The world around began to spin and her vision blurred. She could feel her muscles begin to fail ash victor now fully supported her. The last thing she remembered was a tear sliding down her cheek.
Eclair locked eyes with Nathan, he knew what he wanted to do but he also felt his duty as an officer pull at him. "Sir." The officer spoke again. "Go Nathan." Elcair spoke softly. "But--" Nathan started but was cut off. "Your men need you more than I, don't keep them waiting." She replied looking tothe officer waiting behind them. "Besides, I am not completely helpless if anything should happen." She stated her tone low and certain. Nathan stayed for only a moment longer then he sttod and the two of them left the theater. "You don't don't suppose its another murder just as last time?" Geni asked quietly. "I wouldn't put it past our dramatic friend." Eclair replied looking at the door where the two men had left. [I]'I hope Dante and Geni's father get Rufus to that surgeon in time.'[/I]
Eclairs heart ached for young Ariana, and she could only hope that Rufus would be alright. It would be a terrible tragedy if the young lord didn't surive. Eclair shudered at the thought. She stood quietly over the two younger girls as Geni held Ariana as she cried endlessly. She couldn't help but remember every detail of Vincent's death, and she did not want ariana to experience the same grief. "I'm sure he'll pull through Ariana. Rufus is a strong man." Eclair replied quietly as she crouched down to face the young girl. She placed a gentle hand on Ariana's back. "Besides he wouldn't dream of leaving you behind." She stated atempting to give the young girl a smile. "Eclair." Nathan's voice came from behind her. She stood and turned to meet him. "How is she?" He asked quietly. She glanced over her shoulder then back at Nathan. "She's distraught Nathan, and its most likely not going to get much better until she finds out whether Rufus will be alright." She replied almost silently. Nathan could see the sadness in her eyes, and without reading her thoughts knew exactly what she was thinking about. "Are you alright?" His voice shown concern as he spoke softly. "I am fine, its Ariana and Rufus that we should be worried about. But I do--" The blinding pain came for only an instent but still caused her to loose her balance. She did not loose conciousnessthis time as Nathan caught her. Her mind was empty of what she again wished to tell Nathan. "Eclair? Perhaps you should sit down." Nathan suggested, eclair shook her head no in reply. "Just dizzy for a moment I am fine." She replied, her voice barely audible. "Commander!" A young man shouted as he approached them from behind. He was another junior officer. "What is it?" Nathan asked, his voice turning official. "Theres been word that the culprit has been sighted only a few blocks away." "Very well then David and I will go after him, you will stay here and guard these women. I will send in Robert to join you." He replied then gestured for David to follow him outside. "Yes sir." The young officer saluted. "Milady are you well?" Geni asked quietly after Nathan had left the room. "I am quite well dear Geni, there is no need to be concerned about me." Eclair assured her, of course she wan't about to tell her that the same spells had been happening all summer.
RPG Howl's Moving Castle- Spirits Joined [PG VSL]
natchan replied to kingdomhearts's topic in Theater
Kiki walked silently beside Howl as they crept along the ferry to where they would be out of sight. Then after sitting silently for what seemed like forever Kiki whispered somthing. "I willl help you." Her voice was barely audible. Howl turned his head to look down at the young girl, brushing his silken hair from his eyes. "I know I am only still learning but I can help you. Besides I would hate to see you down because the one close to you has been taken." "Why is that?" His tone low. "Because it doens't suit your face." Kiki smiled up at the young wizard. She could sense his power he was far stronger than she would ever be, but she still wanted to help. -
RPG Howl's Moving Castle- Spirits Joined [PG VSL]
natchan replied to kingdomhearts's topic in Theater
Kiki gripped the broom tightly beneath her as she closed in the port city of the supernatural. She had heard of this place, being a witch, but she had never been here before. She could see demons, spirits, and many other types of creatures roaming the streets, and she could feel utterflies in her stomach, she had never seen so many magical beings in one place before. "Looks like this is the place Gigi." She shouted over her shoulder. The small black cat was observing everything below them as they flew over the winding paths of the city. "Looks like it!" He replied. She brought them lower to the ground and touched her feet down softly onto the ground. Gig leapt up onto Kiki's shoulder, and she held her broom at her side. "You better be careful Kiki, not everyone is as nice as you." He stated quietly as so only Kiki would hear. "Right, now comes the hard part... finding him." She replied smiling. "Do you know what he looks like?" Gig asked. "He has black hair just above the shoulder, blue eyes that look like star light, and he wears a blue and pink harlequin coat which he never wears correctly." Kiki replied in a very matter-of-fact voice. "They were quite specific weren't they? Do you know his name?" "His name is Howl." Kiki said quietly as she observed those around her looking for anyone fitting that description. From seeing everyone there she began to think that he was probbly going to be the most normal looking person there next to her. She wandered for almost an hour through the different streets, peeking through shop windows, and glancing at every guest eating at any of the vendors. Thats wehn she caught a glance of him. As she past a vendor she could see the shimmer of raven black hair, she took a second glance, and sure enough he had to be Howl. The young man had silky black hair just above the shoulders, he wore a Harelquin coat of blue and pink, and surely enough his eyes looked of star light. A smile spread across her face as she began to make her way around the vendor to get to him. "Excuse me, pardon me, sorry, thank you." She stated as she gently pushed her way past the others. "Excuse me, but are you-" She was cut off his gesture of silence, a delicate finger to her lips. OOC: I found you Howl, but i was careful not to give away your positin! I hope this works for you! -
Sign Up Howl's Moving Castle- Spirited Joined [PG]
natchan replied to kingdomhearts's topic in Theater
Name- Kiki age-13 gender- Shes a girl Race- Witch Job- Delivery Girl Personality- Sweet as sweet gets, and very determined. ONce she puts her mind to somthing its hard to change it, and very defensive of her friends. appearance- See Pic below! bio- Kiki was asked to make a delivery to Howl and in the process found out about Sophies disapearence, and of course deciced that she had to hekp him find her because its just not right for some one to kidnap Sohpie! Abilities- not a lot, She can fly on her broom! She owns a talking cat too, his name is Gigi! Yay1 I'm soooo excited! -
The late spring and early summer months were alittle out of Eclair's normal range. Nathan was a frequented house guest for the pure fact that no one should go alone for too long, and it was her first summer without Vincent. Aside from the abnormalities, Eclair enjoyed the summer months. She never really got the chance to see the others, save for 2 or 3 parties that they all were envited to, and each time none of them had any new or important information. She did however manage to visit her parents in france for most of July, they were very happy to see her. She was accompanied by Edward and Nathan was able to visit her for a brief time while she was away. However though durring the summer she began to experience more and more of the same fainting spells as she did that night in Nathans carriange, theses made Edward nervous and uneasy. She was very excited to be attending the Queen's Ballet, not only did she love the ballet, but she knew that she would get to see the others. And she had heard all about the fact that Geni and Lord Dante had speant almost every waking moment together, she was ery happy to hear this. She ofcourse was accompanied by Nathan, who seemed almost boarde with idea of the ballet. "You should just be happy that you were envited to such an event." Eclair told him. She quickly found Rufus and Ariana and rushed over to them. "How have you two been this summer, good I asume. You two always seem to be perfectly happy." She replied happily, she loved talking to the two of them, they were absolutely adorable. "We are well Milady Eclair, and yourselves?" Rufus raised an eyebrow as if her were hinting at somthing. "Just as fine as the last time you saw us." Eclair stated smiling.
Nathan rushed from the room in search of Eclair's office. Though he wasn't quite sure how he knew where to go. He found the small office and was about to enter when he heard raised voices on the other side. He listened in closely, he could tell which was Eclair, but he wasn't quite sure who the other voice was, but it was male. "What do you mean 'No'?" The males voice was distraught. "I can't accept, I've been chosen for the Victorian mission." Eclairs voice was calm and collected as usual. "You mean you actually volunteered, even though you knew how I felt?" He asked quickly. "I am the highest ranking, and most suitable Telekinetic for this mission. Besides no one else volunteered." Eclair stated matter of factly. "I'll take you off the list then, I can do that Helena." His voice increased in volume. "You take me off that list, and you compromise the survival of the human race. Is that really somthing that you would like to be guilty for?" Eclair was amazingly in control of the situation. "The point is that you VOLUNTEERED! How could you do that to me? Our relationship came this far and you go and volunteer to never COME BACK!?" He was completely shouting by now, and Nathan felt a little nervous about listening in. "Allen" Elcair spoke soflty. "Its nothing that you have done or haven't done. Its just that I feel that if my skills can assist in saving mankind then I want to be able to give them." Nathan jumped back from the door just in time for it to open. Standing before Nathan was a tall man wearing wire framed glasses, tears were in his eyes but they he did not allow them to fall. He walked passed Nathan without a word. Nathan entered the room slowly, lightly tapping on the door as he did. "May I come in?" He asked quielty. He could see her putting a small box inside the top drawer of her desk. "What can I do for you?" She asked evenly as she sat down at her desk, and began to type up some paperwork. Nathan had somthing in specific that he wanted to say, but when he spoke somthing completely different came out. "Jeni says that we're going Victorian tonight and I was just checking in on that." He was present in a memory and had no way to change what he could say, only what he once said. "You don't believe Jeni?" Eclair asked flatly, not even galncing at her screen as she typed and spoke. "No its not that, I just wanted to..." His sentence fell short. "You just wanted to what?" She glanced over her frames at him. "Its nothing sorry to bother you." He apologized as he left the room. 'She probably thinks I'm such an Idiot.' He thought as he walked away. The memory ended and Nathan awoke to find Eclair waking as well, she didn't look well. "Milady?" Nathan spoke quietly, and helped her back onto her seat. "I apologize Nathan but I believe I would like to be taken home. I am afraid that I'm not feeling as well as I would have hoped. I am sorry Nathan." Her voice was as weak as her appearence. His heart sank for only a moment as he replied. "Very well, I understand Milady." When they arrived at Eclair's home they were greeted at the door by Edward. "Her ladyship is not well do take care of her Edward. I shall return in the morning to check up on her." Nathan replied bowing and leaving Eclair in Edwards care. "You are dreadfuly pale Milady, have you felt this way all evening?" Edward asked in a quiet concerned tone. "No dear Edward this is a recent deveolpment." She stated weakly. After Clohe had helped Eclair get ready for bed and she had fallen asleep, Edward set a chair right outside her door and sat quietly incase she needed him. He did not like seeing his lady ill, after all Lord Vincent had died of illness and Edward did not want to see Miss Eclair suffer the same fate.
Nathan was a horrible liar, infact he always had been. It wasn't just somthing on his mind... Eclair could see that much, but she couldn't get him to say what it was. She simply smiled and allowed him to keep whatever was on his mind, in his mind. There was a long pause between themas she gazed out the carriage window. "Nathan." Eclair broke the silence. "Yes Milady?" He was quick to reply. "Thank You for joing me tonight." She stated then turned back to Nathan. She gave a genuine sweet smile. "I really enjoyed my self, I hope that you did as well. I was going to tell you earlier ---"She stopped in mid sentence, a look of pain crossed her face as she shut her eyes and gasped from the sudden feeling. Nathan sprang forward just int time to catch as she slumped forward unconcious. "Eclair... Eclair!" His voice revealed hestaria but he gained control before the panic could settle in. He held her slender body in his arms and re-adjusted for her comfort, he was very gentle with her, feeling as if he simply moved wrong she would break. But what brought this on, he wondered to himself. OOC: Not much longer than yours! :animeswea
"It can't possibly be that he dosn't enjoy your company Miss Eclair." Nathan replied smiling. Ecliar raised an eyebrow in the manner of 'you've got to be kidding me'. "Enjoy my company? He can barely stand to look at me let alone have me as company." Elcair stated flatly. It was first truely negative thing she had said all night. "Truth be told Nathan, I am very tired of tring so hard to be trusted. Its mentally exhausting." Eclair replied, her tone suddenly serious. "All I have done is everything I can, and aparently it isn't enough." "Maybe if you just stopped trying, you know just be yourself. Be the Eclair that--" He stopped short. "The Ecalir?" She asked. "The Eclair that your husband fell in love with, everyone no matter what has to love and trust her." Nathan replied. OOC: Sorry its soooooo short, I just wanted post and I had no time!
Éclair thought for a moment on what leaving early might say to her hosts then turned back to Nathan. " I believe that leaving early is fine but I I?m afraid of offending our dear hosts. So I have constructed a plan.? Éclair replied lifting a finger. Nathan raised an eyebrow. ?A plan?? His voice rang with curiosity. ?Let us make our way through the ball room, then make a stop at the card table for a short while then we may make our leave.? She stated in a rather matter-o-fact way. ?You have a plan for everything don?t you Milady.? Nathan replied, a grin appearing upon his face. They entered the large building and made they?re way through the ball room by dancing a song or two. When they finally managed to sneak out of the crowd they made they?re way toward the card tables. They sat down and took a hand. Geni?s father sat at the same table across from them. ?Lady Éclair, I haven?t spoken with you for a while, how are you these days?? He was a kind man, Éclair liked speaking with him very much. She shuffled the cards in her hand and looked down at what she had to work with... nothing. She looked back up to continue her conversation, when she noticed Dante and Geni walk past toward the stairs. "I thought she went home." Nathan replied puzzeled. "You forget she is home, Sir Nathan." She stated smiling. Genis father noticed Dante, and glanced back down at a Eclair again. "The young Lord has been spending an awful lot of time with my daughter. Tell Lady Eclair, what do you know of Lord Dante?" He asked lifting his brows. "Young Lord Dante? Oh hes quite a fine gentleman, treats your daughter with the most respect one could give." Eclair informed hiim happily. "So those rumors about him, you don't believe them?" >He questioned. "You mean the rumors about him and his father? No Milord I do not, I only believe rumors that I spread. You needn't >worry Milord, your daughter is in good hands." She replied laying her cards on the table. "I fold." After almost an hour of cards Nathan was finally able to pull Eclair away from the table and they said their goodbyes to their host. They made it outside to a carriage and Nathan helped her into it and follwed in after her. "I had a pleasant time playing cards with Geni's father, I haven't played since---" Her voice faltered and she glanced out the window. Nathan knew what she was about to say, and decided to change the subject. "You said somthing nice about Dante." He stated, it had been pulling at him since she said it. "Well I don't think hes a bad person, and I was telling the truth when I said that he treats Geni with the utmost respect." Eclari replied smiling. "Its just me and Ariana that he doesn't."
OOC: Since no one else is posting, I guess I'll post again! The fact that they had more to discuss had been pointed out, and was completely obvious, but at that the same time it seemed that no one wished to continue the discussion. "Welll I do believe that I speek for at least all the woman when I do say, that its bit chilly and that I would like to re-locate back inside. Everyone seemed to agree, all accept for Dante that is. He gave her his look of disaproval, but that wasn't anything new, infact Eclair had become quite used to the look. "Lady Elcair I don't---" Dante was cut off by Eclair. "If you wish to remain my friend Milord you'll decide that finishing that sentence is not wise." Eclair replied softly as the group stood to head back to the warmth of the dance hall. OOC: Sorry its soooo short but I really had no time!
That name, the same name she had sworn some one had called her the night of the gala. Was that who she was supposed to be. She starred down at her hands, they trembled ever so slightly. The experience had deffinately shaken her up. [I]"Are you alright Milday?" [/I]She heard Nathans voice in her mind. [I]"Just a bit tired all of a sudden, nothing more." [/I] She thought back. "Now that we have that, any suggestions on what our current actions should be other than staying in pairs?" Rufus asked. Eclair was trying to listen but all she could think about was the name that Nathan had spoken. Then her thoughts jumped back from earlier that evening, back when he had told Lady Ariana that all he could ask for was her friendship. She knew the subject wasn't important to the discussion at hand, but it was bothering her, and she couldn't help be think about it. [I]' All he would have to do is ask...'[/I] She thought to herself, forgeting that there were three telepaths sitting within 5ft of her. Lady Ariana hadn't said much during this discussion, but she noticed that by the way they had split into couples, each couple had a telepath in it. [I]'That might become useful.'[/I] "Excuse me, but I just realized somthing quite pecular. Look at the way we've paired off, what is it that each set has in common?" Ariana spoke up. "Well we're each one man and one attractive woman." Rufus replied lightly. Ariana elbowed him soflty. "Thats not what I mean at all." She stated. "What is it then?" Dante asked. "Each pair has a Telepath in it." She replied matter-o-factly.
Eclair thanked Nathan kindly for his offer, but she couldn't help but see the sadness in his eyes as he spoke. She then turned to Dante. "So all we know is his name? Do we realy not know anything else, there must be somthing." She stated looking down at her feet. She pulled her wrap tighter around her shoulders as a sudden chill ran down her spine. She shut her eyes for a moment, and took in a sharp breath. [I]The young lady that Ecliar recognized as herself sat at a desk of a sort in a room by herslef, a pile of papers sat on top of the desk in front of her. The top paper read "Ripper Program", next to this pile was another. She sifted through the second stack of papers, reading over various notes, and historical data. The name Jack the Ripper was repeated several times through out the papers. There was a light tap at the door of the small room, and Eclair lifted her head. "Come in." She replied with a quite voice. The door opened and Geni walked in, holding more paper work. She held it out for Ecliar to take from her. "This is one more Tech that is to be added to the canidate listing." Geni replied, then turned for the door. "Oh yeah, maybe you could eat lunch with us today, instead of eating in the corner like you always do." She stated. As she shut the door behind her leaving Ecliar alone again. She glanced down at the papers infront of her, under victorian history she found the canidate's name as Nathan.[/I] "Lady Eclair, are you alright?" Nathans voice brought her back to the reality that was now and opened her eyes. "Milady?" "Ripper, this is all based on somthing in History from this time period. The name Jack was follwed by "the Ripper". "Milday, may we see your memory?" Nathan asked quielty. Eclair knew what he meant by this, Geni and Ariana had both shown this ability before. "Yes" She stated almost inaudible.
Eclair's thoughts were quite scattered at the moment as she sat quietly eating her dinner. Did lady Ariana know somthing that she didn't, or was she seriously joking?' [I]Did Nathan really mena what he said about simply being friends? [/I]' She thought to herself. "Lady Elcair." Geni's voice broke her chain of thought, and she came back to reality. "I'm sorry, what were going to say?" Ecliar replied her smile returning. "I just wanted to thank you and Sir Nathan for joining us tonight." Geni stated kindly. "Oh of course dear, it was mine and Nathan's pleasure. I wouldn't miss any event of yours, well your mothers, for the world." Ecliar answered cheerfully. "And so far things are going much more smoothly than your mothers last party." Nathan added. "Well of course it is, because sir Nathan is here to make sure of that.... and enjoy himself of course." She replied turning to Nathan and giving him a sweet sile. She turned back to Geni and Dante suddenly. "Have I ever told you about the time Nathan rescued me?" "No... I can't say you have." Geni replied. "Well you see it was just a few months after my husband and I were married. Vincent had to go his motherr who was in France at the time, and had been quite ill at the time, so naturally he didn't want to leave me behind alone. So he had asked dear Nathan here to keep an eye on me, and make sure I would be safe while he was away. Well to make the long story short, while Vincent was away, some thief had got it into their head that attempting to rob our manor whilst 'we' were away would be a good idea. Unfortunatley he entered through my room, from the balcony, and Nathan was there to intercept him. If it wasn't for Nathan refusing to sit anywhere but in my room whilst I slept I could be gone now. Vincent was very greatful to Nathan when he returned to find out what had happened." Elcair finished up and turned to Nathan, who was pretending not to listen. "You remember don't you?" "How could I forget." He stated, but there was somthing odd about the way he did so. Luckily though Ecliar didn't notice.
Eclair was quite thrilled with the fact that she did not have to attend this event without an escort. Athough she was beginging to think that dear Nathan was a tad bit nervous when she caught him a light shade of pink. This made her smile. As they sat down at a table to prepare for dinner, Eclair suddenly felt an urge to go out on the floor. Somthing overly excited inside of her took over, and she turned to Nathan with a flirtatious grin. "What is Miss Eclair?" His voice questioned. "Ask me to dance." She replied happily, her eyes shown with happiness. "I'm afraid that I haven't danced in quite sometime Milady." He stated honsetly. "But if that is what you wish." He stood and held a hand out to Eclair. "Lady Eclair, would you please honor me with a dance?" Eclair smiled warmly and stood taking Nathans hand. He led her out onto the floor and they took the position amongst the crowd. he led more gracefuly than Eclair had expected, thuogh she should haven't expected anything less, afterall he was a known swordsman and had excellent footing. Nathan seemed to loosen up as the two of them danced across the floor. They spoke of the weather, Nathans duties as of late, and how Elcair's house hold had been over the last few months. He tried not to touch any subjects that might lead to her deceased husband. "Tell me Nathan is this the first Event that you have attended as a guest or have you always been on duty when you attend these parties?" Eclair asked searching for conversation. Nathan seemed to be more relaxed when speaking. After their dance they returned to their seats to find Ariana and Rufus sitting next to them. "Lady Elcair how are you? Who is your escort?" Ariana asked kindly as they sat down. "This is Nathan, he guards the streets in my division." Eclair repied happily. "How is it, protecting the streets of our fine city?" Rufus asked as he reached forward to shake Nathans hand.