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Everything posted by natchan

  1. For pure impression, I would probably show... hmmmm..... this is a tough one..... most likely somthing Miyazaki, Princess Mononoke to be precise!
  2. Eclair was quite unsure what to say, in fact for once she knew that saying nothing at all would be the best course of action. She ddin't mean to make the young Lord explode. She looked to Nathan with quite a lost exression, his was equally lost. "I didn't know the extent of what was happening here anyway." Nathan stated under his breath as so Lord Dante wouln't hear. [I]'Don't worry your head Lady Eclair, I'm sure he didn't mean to call youa fool. He just doesn't know you very well yet.' [/I] Nathan sent this secretly to Eclair allowing only her to hear him in her mind. She gave a weak smile and he offered his arm. She accepted his offer and they walked silently and cautiously after Dante. OOC: I know its short but I didn't really have time!
  3. Ecliar watched as the two men starred at eachother for a moment, drew swords, fought right there in the walkway, then shook hands as if nothing had ever happened. "What just happened? Did we miss somthing, or is this some Gentlemens onlything that we don't get to be included on?" Eclair asked remaing just in front of Geni on the stairs. Therefore not noticing the young girl's dizzy swaying. She turned to say somthing to Geni, but paused for a moment then smiled mischeviously. "What is it Milady?" Geni asked meekly. "Your lips." Eclair stated. Geni put a hand up to her lips, she knew they were sore but that was it. "I'm sorry, did you say lips?" She hesitated a moment. "Yes, your lips, they look.... different." Suddenly she let out a gasp and her grin grew. "My dear Geni have you and the oung Lord been getting to know eachother better?" Then before anyone could object Geni's face turned a all shades of pink and red. Dante was surprisingly a similar color. :animeshy: "Milady I do believe that you have embarrassed them." Nathan added. "Oops, my apologies." OOC: Hahahaha, that was fun! :)
  4. Nathan knocked on the door of Lord Dante's Manor, then stepped back to stand slightly behind Eclair. "You're sure this is alright? After all I don't even know the Lord." He asked. Eclair smiled. "Of course it's alright, you know me, and I know everyone worth knowing. Besides what he going to do, reject us flat?" Just as she finished her sentence the door opened to reveal a maid, behind her coming down the stairs was Dante. His expression changing to automatic frustration, though he did try to hide it. "MiLady Eclair, what a surprise, and you brought a friend?" His voice ringing with restraint. "MiLord Dante, this is Nathan." Eclair introduced the Officer with a smile. He bowed tipping his hat. "Pleasure Milord." He replied politley. "May we come in?" Eclair asked. "Please do." He envited opening the door wide for them to enter. Eclair stepped past Dante and into the warm not-rainy comfort of his home. Nathan helped her remove her claok and handed it to one of the maids. "This is a lovely home Lord Dante, I must say so myself." Eclair replied looking around at her surroundings. "I didn't want to leave anything to be desired." Dante stated. "Well yoiu certainly did quite the job doing that." Nathan added. "Lady Eclair, what a pleasant surprise." Geni's voice came from the stairs. OOC: Sorry its so short, take it away Dante!
  5. Nathan's confusion and fright was clear on his face when he entered the carriage and sat across from Elcair. "Nathan.... you look pale. Are you not feeling well?" Eclair asked kindly. "You didn't---" He stopped, he didn't want to sound foolish in front of Lady Eclair. "Nathan what is it? Somthing happened just now, I can tell by looking at your face. Only who has experienced somthing terrifying has a look such as yours." Eclair replied her voice level and steady. "Just a chill, thats all.... noithing more." He was lying through his teeth and he knew he should tell Ecliar. "Nathan, only moments ago even now as we speak you are enveloped in a blue glow. From your reaction I suspect that I am the same to you? Am I right?" Her voice had gone from level to almost soothing, calming Nathans speeding heart. "Yes... do you know what it is?" Nathan asked. "I do, but we must not speak of it until we reach my home." She stated. Edward drove the carriage stright home, no longer taking the scenic route as they originally planned. His ears listened intently as Nathan spoke to Eclair, there was somthing Edward didn't like about him. It wasn't that he was a bad man, no not bad infact far from. He was nice to Eclair and she was kind in return. He listened to their entire converesation, never missing a word. His ears were trained to listen to everthing that was inside the house, so listening to them in the carriage was not hard. He heard Eclairs voice change, instead of stricly calm it had becoming the soothing voice that Edward listened for everyday. He waved as a young girl passed by waving excitedly at the carriage. He didn't see, but Eclair waved as well. Edwards thoughts wondered to earlier that day, when Lady Genieve and Lord Dante were over. He felt his temperature rise as he rememered Lord Dantes outburst. Edward did not approve of someone loosing their temper at his Ladies home, to her face even, let a lone at all. He shrugged it off as they pulled up to the house, Darian was waiting for them and could see Edwards thoughts written all over his face.
  6. OOC: I guess thats me! Eclair closed the door gently behind her, then returned to the parlor once again. she resumed her seat, and took up her cup of tea, sipping from it slowly. [I]Why is it that he hates me so?[/I] She thought. [I]Would it be different if he had met me first? Of course not, he trusts Geni because shes young and inexperienced in the world of polotics, So there fore she must be trustworthy.[/I] She set the glass down and looked out the large window across the room. The day had begun to turn dark and grey with the overhanging of rainclouds. [I]All I have done to the poor boy is everything I could do to help. I even welcomed them into my home so that we may discuss the current crisis that is hat hand. [/I] Her thoughts wandered for many hours, though they passed on like moments to her. There was a period of time where Edward sat at the doorway, his eyes fixated on her, never leaving never missing a beat of her pulse, nor a sigh of grief. her plans for the afternoon had not gone as she would have hoped, in fact they were down right disaterous. Lord Dante's explosive temper didn't help it either, no matter how cool she played it, the young man had managed to hurt her feelings. She grew tired of sitting around moping and decied it would be better for her to get some air, before she had attend the dinner party with the man that hated her so openly. "Edward." She called quickly. "Yes Milady." It took him only seconds to respond, for he had already been there. "Get the carriage ready please." She stated as she headed toward the door where her cloak hung. "Yes Milady." And he was off preparing the carriage.Eclair sliped on her gloveas and Darian appeared to help her with her cloak. "Milady is upset?" He asked quietly. She turned and smiled slightly. "Only frustratted, thats all." She answered. Darian opend the door and led Eclair down the frontsteps and into the carriage. She stepped in a sat down, then looked out the window. For nearly 30 minutes the carriage romed aimlessly, twisting through the streets of london. Then Eclair demanded that the carriage be stopped and she smiled down at a nearby gentleman. "Hello dear Nathan, out saving the world again are we?" Her tone was playful. "Good day dutchess, bad day to out and about." He replied removing his hat and bowing slightly, then smiling up at Eclair. "Oh I fear nothing while you are on duty." She stated, then suddenly the strangest thing happened. Nathan was bathed in a blue aura, the same as the others. she placed her hand over he mouth and her eyes widened. "Miss Eclair, was it somthing I ----" He stopped in mid sentence, Eclair was glowing blue, she had never done that before.
  7. Rufus pulled a brilliant golden pocket watch from within his jacket, and checked the time. "I must apologize dutchess, but Ariana and I have some more buisness to attend to. It has been a wonderfuly pleasant time though, we should do this again sooner rather than later." He relplied standing and assisting his wife up, taking her by the arm. Elcair led them to the door and they said their goodbyes. "What a fine couple, don't you think Darian?" Elcair asked as she waved at the departing carriage. "Yes milady, they remind me of another couple I once knew." OOC: Sorry its short I gotta go to work now!
  8. Slain Chapter 2 The sunlight slid through the curtains and onto the sleeping Omiyoji?s face, directly across her eyes. She opened them squinting at first due to the sudden brightness, and a groan of unhappiness escaped her lips. She sat up quickly to avoid the light hitting her eyes any longer, then rubbed the sleep from them and yawned. Last night had been a late night for her and she did not welcome the sun with open arms, or eyes at that matter. She allowed her head to fall to her chest as she sat waiting for her body to will itself awake; she almost fell asleep again when her phone rang loudly. She leapt from the stiff motel bed, nearly crashing to floor as she reached for the phone. ?Hello this is, Kita speaking.? She stated answering the phone, her voice groggy from sleeping. ?Morning little Kita, did I wake you?? The voice of her brother asked happily. ?Nope? you missed me by only 3 minutes.? She replied through her yawn. ?I see you are taking this time away from home to sleep in whenever you can.? His voice chuckled on the other side. ?That?s not it at all; I had a late night last night with some low class demons. I just wasn?t quite ready for the sun to come up yet.? She exclaimed as she stood up to open the curtains all the way, allowing the sun to fill the small room. ?Low class huh, nothing to attract his attention I assume.? ?You said it; I haven?t had any luck finding him yet. With my luck, he?s my neighbor and I just don?t know it. How?s everyone else, are they still angry with me?? Kita?s voice sounded distant as she asked the question. There was a pause between them. ?Well Father hasn?t hired anyone or threatened to come after you so my guess is he?s calmed down. Mom on the other hand is worried absolutely sick about you. She?s afraid that you?ve stepped into something far too big for you to handle, but I keep reminding her that you are a perfectly capable Omiyoji and can take care of yourself. Kitsu blames himself for you leaving; he feels that it should have been him out there, and not you.? ?They all worry too much.? She paused to yawn, and then continued to speak. ?So far I haven?t run into anything that?s too much for me. A couple of western demons that I didn?t recognize, but nothing more. How about you, are you?well?? Her voice only trembled for a moment as she spoke. There was a pause between them. ?I am very well, thank you for inquiring so. How?s your shoulder, does it still ache?? Higen was referring to an injury that Kita had received from one of his uncontrollable outbreaks of rage. ?It?s getting better? I can sleep on it now.? Kita attempted to make her self sound cheery. She ran her fingers through her bleached hair, it was getting longer. ?It was great hearing from you Higen; I?ll talk to you soon. I love you.? They said their goodbyes and Kita hung the phone up, blinking back tears. She walked into the small shabby looking bathroom, and gazed at her tired self in the mirror. She decided that a hair cut would be in need soon, the scar on her lip was finally staring to lighten up, and her shoulder?s bruising had hit its yellow stage. Kita showered and finished getting ready for the day with a chocolate donut, the breakfast of a high class Omiyoji. She left her run down motel and set out on her investigations for the day. She would walk for only 3o minutes before she heard the rumors flying about the demonic activity from the night before, to her surprise she over heard someone talking about a young blond exorcist that had been spotted in the area. The sun was particularly shy today, as it hid behind the darkening clouds. Her heart leapt as she turned a corner to see a flash of grey, but it fell as quickly as it had leapt when she realized it was not him. She stopped at a local bar to listen in on anything that might be of any importance. She didn?t hear anything out of the ordinary, just the usual flirtatious and not so sober men, showering her with compliments. She moved her seat into the back of the bar and pulled her notebooks from her satchel. She opened her book of eastern and western demons, and began to read, taking notes whenever something seemed significant. Hours ran by without Kita?s attention, her thoughts were racked by a prick of spiritual energy and she packed her books up as fast as possible, heading for the door. ?Where you going in such a hurry missy, you need an escort?? One of the men asked as she dashed toward the door. ?No, but thank you for the offer gentlemen, have a nice evening.? She smiled and left the bar. She ran down the street as quickly as her feet would carry her, and turned down an alley way taking the fire escape to the roof tops. She ran for about 4 rooftops and came to a stop at the end of one, crouching on the edge and narrowing her eyes to peer through the darkness. Kita's heart raced as she watched the events unfold before her. A higher range mid-class demon stood in the alley way of the dark early morning hours, a man, no not just a man, he stood before the demon. His body did not tremble with the same fear that most felt, for he stood completely still as he held his ground, preparing for the first strike. Kita couldn't tell which would make the first attack, but she did know that it wouldn't last long. Her eyes widened in awe as the demon lunged forward with incredible speed that far surpassed her own, and then to her astonishment, he moved even faster than she remembered. His hand reached out to the demon as it fell past him in an attempted attack on him. His hand caught the demon by the neck and held fast only for a moment as the demon fell, and never stood again. Kita felt words form in her throat, but faltered when she heard the shout of woman break the night; this was not a cry for help but a command for surrender. She shot, he evaded and found his hand around her neck and up against the wall of the alley way. She struggled further and pulled a knife from her sleeve, he released her and she leapt forward in attempt to drive the weapon into her opponent?s chest. Again the morning light struck the sleeping Omiyoji?s eyes, causing her to wake with a start. She held her head as it throbbed with pain, and a shot of pain rant through her side. What had happened, the last thing she remembered was watching the battle between him and the woman, and now she was in bed with fresh injuries. ?I?m glad that you?re awake.? A female voice replied from the other side of the room. Kita?s eyes shot open and she looked over to the source of the voice, she found a blond woman standing in the doorway. As her eyes focused she recognized the woman as Millenear Delaney, a young exorcist from Rome, a smile gracing her lips. ?I apologize for startling you, but you apparently had some stress with a demon last night and I couldn?t just leave you there.? She spoke kindly. ?I don?t remember fighting any demons. I was watching the man in the grey coat fight, and then I wake up here.? Kita?s voice was full of confusion. ?I can?t imagine that you would remember after the hit you took, I?m surprised that you even woke up after that. I was afraid I was going to have to call your brother.?
  9. Elcair waved as the carriage rolled out of sight and around a corner, she then turned back to the young couple, a smile spread across her lips. "Now you two must come in and tell how you have been since your wedding. I've been dying to know." Elcair exclaimed happily enviting them both back inside. They walked back into the parlor where Darian had fresh warm tea ready and waiting for them. The couple sat across from Eclair and her smile only widened. "I remember being a newly married bride." She sighed. "Vincent was such a wonderful man, and I was so lucky to have him as a husband. There was this one time that we were hosting a dinner party and he managed to dump an entire plate of food on one our guests. He turned the brightest shade of pink, it was absolutely adoarble. You two remind me so much of ourselves." Her smiled faded fot only a moment then she glanced up at the young couple.
  10. "Lord Dante, please come sit with us. Lady Ariana was just about to tell us the details of her dream, hopefully we shall gain more peices of the puzzel through listening." Eclair's voice was kind and Dante could feel a sense of apology in its tone. He still despised this whole situation and felt that nothing could be done by sitting around talking, but no one seemed to agree on that note. He came back to his seat in the arm chair, his mood not lightening in the least. He glanced over at Geni, and she smiled, his nerves loosened just smigen. "I do apologize for creating such a moment." Ariana replied quietly from her seat, barely audible to anyone. "Don't blame yourself dear girl, it was I that created Lord Dantes mood to go sour. I afraid that I am a bit of a tease and some people don't enjoy it as much as I. Please do go my dear." OOC: We're all having short moments aren't we?
  11. Eclair had watched Dante stare at Geni quite intensly and she knew that she was being left out of the loop, but her smile never left her face. She was relieved when Geni revealed her own silver tag, and showed it to the both of them. "Well then now that we have proof that we all are obviously supposed to meet... what exactly do you propose we do about it?" Eclair asked tking back her own tag and setting it in her lap. Edward walked by the doorway, and Dante heaved a sigh. "Should we be talking about this out in the open?" He asked frustration in his voice. "Silly, you needn't worry about my servants. Nothing that is ever said in this house leaves this house.... isn't that right Edward?" She replied loud enough for Edward to here. He came into the room and gave a small bow to the guests and his lady. "Not a word Milady, nor a hint." He stated. "Thank you, you may return to your previous affairs." She smiled and Edward left the room as quickly as he had come. "As you can see, there is no lack of trust in this house hold. Every one trusts eachother with their secrets and their lives. Tell me Genieve what are your thoughts on the situation at hand?" There was a pause before Geni replied. "What if the lives we know... aren't real, but simply.... created." She suggested quietly.
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed] Shu Lien bowed respectfully, her long hair droping to the ground as she did so. "The Emperor is summoning the 4 of you to his castle, I am here to escort you back." She looked awkward as she spoke the word escort. Everyone knew that these 4 didn't need to be "escorted". "Will you accept the the Emperor's request, or shall I return alone and with your regards?" There was a long pause between them as Shu Lien waited for Sakura's reply. "Come you must be tired, hungry, and in need of a bath. Lets discuss this later, perhaps over dinner." She she replied motiong for a servent to lead Shu Lien to the baths. Shu Lien smiled. "I thought you'd never ask." She stated relief in her voice, a bath was deffinatly somthing she wanted. She follwed the sevent to the bath house where she was given a fresh change of cloths while hers were attended to. She stripped down and stepped into the warm luxurious bath, all of her muscles relaxed at once as she sunk down until only her head was abouve the water. "Wow.... this must be what heaven feels like. At least after a 6 day trek that is." She replied to herself smiling slightly as she always did. [/COLOR] OCC:Sorry its short, I ran out of time!
  13. Elcair could see the slight distraction in Geni's eyes when she spoke of the maid from White Chapel, she decided now would be the best time to tell them. "When I met you two last night I had a distinct feeling that I had met you before, this morning I was assured of that when I remembered somthing that seemed like a memory from a completely different life. You both... were there." Elcair made way over to her desk and pulled a door open, then pulled out a long silver chain with a small plate dangling from it. She came back to where they were all sitting and placed on the small table in front of them. "Go ahead touch it, look at it as closely as you would like." The plate read 0008 Yvo. Dante and Geni both had similar looks of awe as they looked upon the silver plate. "I would like to think that you can trust me, because whatever we are here for, we're obviously here for the same reason." Eclair stated giving them both a gentle smile. "I have told you my secret now I hide nothing from you." ooc: sorry this ones short I ran out of time!
  14. Eclair's morning had bee quite average and nothing out of the ordinary had happened, well that is except for the odd memory she had. She had remembered being in a room with many other people, all these people dressed in grey except for one. The one looked exceptionally sad, he was handsome, but so lonely looking. She looked down and in her hand hand she held a small silver object, which had " Yvo 008" enscribed upon it. She looked back to the man, he mouthed somthing.... Helena. She shook her head and opened her curtains, another dreary day among the many they recieved every year. The rain was not falling at the moment but it was clear that it had been raining earlier. She got dressed and did her hair for the day, which wan't anything fancy when she planned on staying home, she merely brushed it out and wore it down. Her delicte curls fell down her back like a chocolate colored waterfall. She walked down to the dining room where darian waited with her breakfast, Eggs, toast, bacon, and tea. "Good morning Darian" She replied, her voice still slightly tired sounding. She yawned. "Morning Milady. This came for you earlier." He replied handing her a small envelope. She opened the letter and read its contents, it fully explained the young Lord and Debutantes situation. "I see." She stated as she folded up the note. She ate her breakfast then went to her study to wriite a letter to Geni's mother explaining that her daughter was perfectly safe and why she wasn't home. "Edward." She spoke aloud as she sealed the envelope, knowing that Edward was very near, as he always was. "Yes Milady." He spoke quickly, almost excitedly. She handed him the letter and smiled. "Would you please take this and make sure it is delivered personaly?" Her smailed was warm and frieldy as usual. He merely shoook his head and headed for the door. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At noon the door sounded and entered the Young lord Dante and a quite disheveled looking Geni, for she was still wearing her ball gown from the night before. it looked asa though someone had attempted to refresh it but to little avail. Eclair smiled as she welcomed them into her home. Darian led them all to the main sitting room and offered them all tea. "Now dear Geni, you musn't worry, I sent a letter to your mother first thing this morning so that she knows your whereabouts. You really needn't worry your little head about it, I can see it all over your face." She smiled and took a sip of her tea." She smiled then took a sip of her tea. "I assume you heard about the murder in town last night" Dante asked as he lifted his own cup. "I did hear that there was a murder of one of the local working girls, and that the killer vanished afterword." Eclair replied. "Thats precisely it, he vanished, just the same as the assassin from earlier that evening. He said somthing to the effect that he would kill someone because I didn't let him kill his target." "Oh I almost forgot--" She suddenly replied standing up and walking over to the table where her gloves sat. Then came back into the room handing Geni an envelope. "I'm not sure whether you spell you name with a J or a G but this was sitting on the same table as my gloves so I thought I would pick it up for you. The envelope was small and white, upon it was scrawled the lettr J in red ink.
  15. "Well the first thing I think we should do is get out of the street, because those guys look really hungry." Akina stated glancing over at a small group of zombies on the other side of a fence. "Quite frnkly I don't want to end uip as premium sushi." "I'll agree with that." Rayne added in. "There where do you suggest we go little girl?" Jack asked bluntly. Akina glarred for a moment, she didn't appreciated being called "little girl". "Well my suggestion is to get to the roof of that appartment building." She pointed as a building across the street. "Then we travel by roof. What do you guys think?"
  16. Shu Lien smiled to herself as she walked away from the four bandits. A good work was just what she needed this morning, she had been traveling nearly a week and hadn't reached her destination yet, it was begining to annoy her. She streched out her shoulders and continued to walk not even glancing behind her, she could tell that no one had follwed her. "I wonder what this assassin is like? I hope they're impressive." She stated outloud. She stopped on the river bank for lunch, and took the opportunity to clean up in the fresh water. She kept a close eye on her surroundings but didn't seem to notice the man hiding in the brush. A whistle came from the near by bushes and Shu Lien leapt out of the river and into her robes faster than ever before. She brought her spear to the ready and took a fighting stance. "Crane style, very graceful." An amused voice replied from the bushes. "Identify yourself." Shu Lien demanded lifting her spear higher into a striking position. A tall man stood and walked from the brush lifting his hands high above his head. He had long black hair, the top half was delicately pulled back out of his face. He was attractive, and he knew it too. His dark eyes gleamed as he smiled. "Theres no need for the weapon, I won't hurt you." He took his own weapon, a longsword, and placed it on the ground. "Beside why would I want to hurt such a delicate flower such as yoursef?" Shu Lien lowered her weapon slightly and stood up straight. "My name is Hien, who might you be?" He asked politely bowing. "Shu Lien, I am-" She was cut off. "You're a messenger for the Emperor... I've heard of you, and many of his other messengers. You're looking for the Tiger assassin right?" He replied smugly. "How do you know all this?" Shu Lien asked in a confused tone. "Thats my secret. Anyway, you'll be sure to find the Tiger soon. You're not to far off, only another 4 miles or so." he turned and waved as he bgean to walk. "It was a pleaseure meeting you, I'm sure we'll meet again in the future, you're way to cute to let go." Hien left Shu Lien's presence and never turned back. Shu lien took his name into account and finished clothing herself, then headed out on the remainder of her journey. About 4 miles later, just as he had predicted, she reached a city. She asked he first man she saw for directions and found what was supposed to be the home of the Tiger assassin. She reached the door of an extravagent home, and knocked. Now all she had to do was wait for some one to answer.
  17. Eclair's carriage arrived at its destination, and came to a slow halt. The home of the late Duke Chamberlayn, a fairly descent sized home set in a fine area of town. A young man in fine servants clothes approached and opened the door, assisting the dutchess as she stepped out. Muffled sirens could be heard across town, waking those who were asleep. "Fowl night to be out Dutchess." The servant replied in a sincere tone. "I am truly happy to see you home safely." He stated trying to keep his half grin hidden, but failed, Eclair smiled. "True Edward, there was an attack on one of the Ladies at the gala, and now somthing a miss in town it seems." Eclair agreed with the servant fully, it was a fowl night to be out. As Eclair headed for the door, Edward retrieved her hand bag from within the carriage. He lingered for only a moment, then turned back and follwed Eclair into the house. An older man had opened the door for them, then took Eclair's gloves as she slipped them off her hands and handed them to him. This man was Edwards father, Darian Dooley, him and Edward had been two of the families servants for many a year. They were Eclairs favorites which is why they were allowed to accompany here to the house in town. Edward set the had bag down on a small table next to the door and assisted Eclair in removing her cloak. "Thank you Edward. Darian I don't suppose theres any tea ready?" She asked kindly smiling at the elder gentleman. "Of course Milady I made some up only minutes ago." Darian replied laying the gloves next to the hand bag. "Did you hear all the comotion going on outside?" Elcair walked into the front room and sat down on the couch. "Yes Milady, I sent Richard out to find out the details, he hasn't returned yet, but should be back breifly." Darian replied as he entered the room with Eclair's tea. "You are so on top of things this evening, how do you do it?" Eclair asked smiling warmly as she took the tea. "When living with such a defined family you learn to climb on top and stay there." He smiled the way a grandfather might smile. Of course he looked the way a grandfather might as well, he was tall, but it did not show in his increasing age. His salt and pepper hair was thinning and his eyes dimmed with time. He must have been attractive in his time, it showed in the way he presented himself. Eclair imagned that he looked much like Edward does now. Tall with dark curly lockes of hair. His bright green eyes lit with youth and exciment, and a smile to drop any lady. "You better make sure to take notes Edward, if you want to end up as successful as your father." She teased slightly, causing Edwards face to turn a light shade of pink. "Well gentlemen, I owuld love to stay up and tell you all about the excitment from this evening, but I am going to retire for the evening. Edward would you please escort me upstairs?" She replied handing her cup to Darian. "Of course Milady." His voice slightly shaky, she always made him nervous. "Oh and Darin, I plan on having guests tomorrow for lunch, will make sure all of the arrangments are made please?" "Yes Milady." Darian replied as they left the room and he began to clean up. Eclair walked up to her bed room accompanied by Edward, when she reached the door she turned to Edward and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Edward turned a brighter shade of pink than he already was. "Night Edward..." She whispered as she turned and entered the room. Her bedroom was filled with dark velvets and silks, comforts that anyone would be happy with. Waiting for her was her last sevant, Clohe she stood as Eclair entered. "How was the Gala Milady?" She asked kindly coming forward to assist Eclair in removing her dress and corset. "It was as the same it was every year." Elcair stated stiffling a yawn. "Except for the assassination atempt, am I right? I'm sure that doesn't happen every year." She added. "I suppose you're right, but I wasn't there for that event, I was already on my way home." She stated matter-o-factly.
  18. "But the first thing that must happen before anything else is." Elcair pronounced lifting a finger. "Whats that?" Dante asked. "Sleep." She declared. "Sleep." Geni repeated. "Absolutely, we all need a good nights sleep. That way we can all think clearly on the recent events." Elcair knocked on the side of the carriage and they began to move. "Simple, I'll escort you to the door. We will part our seperate ways for the evening, and in the morning you two can join me at my home here in the city. Then over lunch of course, we can discuss what we believe must happen next." The carriage came to a halt and Dante opened the door, then turned back to the Dutchess. " How are we supposed to find your home?" He asked that same eyebrow raising again. Elcair pulled out two small peices of paper from her pouch sitting next to her. Then handed one to each of them. Written in blue ink was the address of her home. "There now, you should have no problem. I'll be expecting you by lucnh." She stated smiling kindly as they exited the carriage. She gave them one last wave as the carriage then pulled away... again.
  19. This sounds like fun! Messenger it is! Name: Shu Lien Age:19 Gender: I'm a girl! Role: Messenger to the Tiger I hope! Appearence: Pictures below! I know you can't see her outfit very well, but you guys get the jist of it right? Weapon: Bamboo Spear Power: Well... does the abiliyt to memorize anything told count, cause she can do that. When her lord gives her a mile long scrolls worth of information, she remebers it all by heart. This is what makes her an excellent messenger. Personlity: Shes not arrogant but she does have pride, and shes not afriad to show off when challenged. She wears a slight smile at all times, no matter what the situation is. When she shows true emotions is when people begin to worry. She makes makes friends easy enough, and treats them with the utmost loyalty. Shes generally kind, except when someone needs to be told off, she goes ahead and lets them have it. Snippet: Shu Lien held her spear perfectly still as the men circled around her and rain fell from all around them. Her heart beat at a very calm rate, she didn't fear the challenge of 4 to 1, in fact she almost welcomed it as a smile spread across her lips. One of the men glanced over hesitantly to the one that seemed to be the leader. "Don't be afraid... shes bluffing. Shes absolutely terrified in truth look at those eyes they give her away." He struggled to restain his voice from shaking. Her eyes were as cold and stern as a tigers waiting to strike. Each man carried his own weapon, the leader carried a spear similar to Shu Lien's, another held his staff eagerly, and the other two each held a sword. Then without a moments notice the man with the staff stepped forward to attack, bringing his weapon down to strike. Shu Lien stepped aside and thrust her spear forward peircing her opponents shoulder. He cried out dropping his staff and stumling backwards. "That was just a lucky shot, theres no way she can do that again." The leader shouted waving spear. The other two men leapt forward in unison from two different directions, both thrusting their weapons forward. Shu Lien twisted out of the way of one blade then preformed a graceful back hand spring landing softly in a crouched position. The two men hesitated, Shu Lien's smile maintained its current position. The leader grew impatient with anger and lunged forward himself between the two swordsmen. Shu Lien moved slightly to the side then slid down the side of his spear, meeting him face to face. "Give up now, and I'll let you go." Her voice was as cheerful as her smile. Beads of sweat ran down the mans face as his eyes met with Shu Lien's. His heart was beating frantically and his nerves were just about to give way. She was just a messenger, thats all nothing more, but why did he find her so un-nerving. "I'll take your silence as my answer." She replied moving away from him and walking past between the two swordsman, still gawking at her skill. "Have a nice day gentlemen." She stated as she walked away waving. The four watched as she never turned back, not even a glance.
  20. As Dante walked farther away from the building he noticed a carraige slowly approaching. It came to a halt only feet away from him and the door opened to reveal the Dutchess from earlier that evening. "Dutchess I'd thought that you had left?" Dante asked raising an eyebrow. "I had, but I got halfway home and realzed that I had forgotten my gloves. So we came back, and I heard all of this comotion about an assassination attempt. What happened while I was away?" Eclair had stepped out of the carriage. "Please if you'd like a seat you are welcome to come inside, we can wait for miss Genieve to awaken, and you can fill me in." Dante accepted the Durchesses invitation and entered the carriage, he lay Geni down on the bench across from where he sat next to the Dutchess. "Well about an hour after you had left, a madman charged out of the crowd and attempted to kill Geniveve's mother. Then Genieve fainted and I brought her out here into the fresh air." Dante explained. "How did you know to be where you were at the time of the attack? Surely you had to have had some sort of warning or else you wouldn't have had been close enought to help her Ladyship." The Dutchess asked curiously. "Genieve had another one of those memory flashes again, and then suddenly her mother was bathed in a red aura." Dante stated. "Red, the signature color of blood. Of course I had a similar flash back on the way back to the estate." The Dutchess stopped when it seemed tht Geni might be waking.
  21. Eclair left the building without a second glance back, a servant close behind her heels. He opened the door to her carriage and she stepped inside and sat down. The servant closed the door and the carriage began to pull away from the large manor. She had been able to speak with two of the attendees in blue, and she hoped that the following events would help unfold the truth of what she felt was about to happen. [I]'I shall need to speak with them both again very soon.'[/I] She thought as she closed her eyes to think on the evenings events.
  22. Elcair kindly smiled as Geni was pushed back into the ballroom. She turned to Lord Dante, continuing to smile. "You're awfuly calm about all of this." Lord Dante stated. "Lets just say that I've learned to take new findings with understanding. Thats all, now I believe I shall retire for the evening." Eclair replied turning for the exit and signaling for her cloak to be brought to her. "Your leaving this early in the Gala?" Dante asked. "i've made my appearence haven't I, now scociety must accept me all year long. Besides I'm far too tired to repeat my self all night which what I have been doing, so if you'll excuss me Milord. I expect that we will be meeting eachother very soon, have a pleasent evening." She gave a small curtsey and took her cloak from the servant and left the Gala.
  23. Eclair watched the two figures in blue dance a lovely waltz. There dance was completely in the ordinary, that was until the male, Lord Dante she was sure, staggered back clutching his head. "Milord are you alright, his dance parrtner asked placing ahand on his shoulder." Eclair could see his face now, it was almost a look confusion and terror roled into one. He spoke quietly so that only the debutant could hear, and the two of them left the dance hall. Elcair excused herself from the conversation she was having and followed the two of them into the hall outside. She found them outside talking in only a whisper. She had brougt a glass of wine out with her, she held out her hand and released the glass into the allowing to glide across to the Lord Dante. His natural reaction was to take the glass, then when he realized it was not the Debutant that handed it to him he quickly shot a glance over at Eclair. Genieve looked over as well, her eyes wide with astonishment. "What is going on here?" Lord Dante asked. "I cannot answer that, but I do know that whatever it is, it involves all that are in the aura of blue." Her voice was quite and level, nothing like the Dutchess that most people knew her as, "the social butterfly".
  24. Eclair mingled with the crowd as she did every year, only this year she recieved many apologies for the death of her husband earlier that year. She smiled despite the topic of her passed on husband, she usually put on a smile for the galas she attended, which was many being a dutchess. Her reamy white dress increased the darkness of her long chocolate coler lockes of hair, and created intesnsity in her eyes. Her thoughts on the evening were not about who she was going to mee this year, but what the glipses of blue meant. She couldn't figure out what it was until one of the debutants were introduced and she could clearly see that one of them was enveloped in a blue aura. She found this most interesting and as she took a closer look around the room she could two other men with the same aura. [I]' Hmm... thats seems oddly important. I'll have to talk to her.'[/I] She thought to herself.She moved forward to speak with the young debutant, but she knew it would take a matter of time considering almost every person in the room knew who she waas and who hae to give their greeting. Her train of thought was interupted when a man bumped into her. "I'm sorry Miss Helena." Is what she could have sworn he said. "I'm sorry Dutchess Chamberlayn." Is what he actually said.
  25. "Alright zoo-man, you know your way around, how do we get out of here?" Akina asked quickly. She was relieved that she didn't have to worry about the spreading visus, but she knew that they were far from anything that could be considered free. Her heart had slowed down and beat normally in her chest, she liked that, she didn't like the feeling of panic. "This way." Vahn replied pointing.
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