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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua] Hey everyone I don't know if this kind of thread has been made yet so here it goes. Yes you read the title right there is a Fullmetal Alchemist Movie due to be released in Japanese theaters later this summer, all we know is that it takes places two years after the series ends. I haven't been able to find a trailer yet, but I'll keep you updates as I go. Fullmetal fans prepare yourself! :animeknow [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
O.o this sounds interesting... I'm in! Name: Kita Sakurazuka Age: 21 Gender: I'm a Girl! Blood Type: O Apperence: Make the blond a girl and thats exactly what she looks like, thats what she wears too. I know shes blond, but she dyed her hair. Special Ability: She has a few Omyoji abilities, but not many. She has the ability to contain medium to lower level demons for a short time using an arrangment of wards she carries. And she has one spiritual attack, when she focuses her energy on a singal opponent for a period of time, undistubed that is, she may release an attack that would supress the demon long enough for another finish the job. This is an extremely hard attack for her to get off, but when it actually world its very useful.l Weapon: Katana (Holy Weapon from family shrine) Personality: Kita is the youngest child of 4, quite large for a Japanese family, so naturally shes the baby of the family. She kind hearted, sweet, loving, and soft spoken. She generally shy, but once you get her to say more than a sentence shes quite the conversationalist. Her determination to destroy evil is what drives her forward, especially ever since she met "him", the man in the grey coat. Her 2nd eldest brother was inflicted with the "virus", but saved in time, by the man in the grey coat. Kita fell immediatly in love with thought of running around and destroying evil. So her goal has become to find and help the man in the grey coat. Snippet: Higen sat silently motionless as he meditated on the events from the days before. He had been infected with a type of "demonic" virus, and for an Omiyoji that was not exactly a good thing. He felt the darkness inside him become applified and begin to rise to a level af madness that he feared once broke the surface... would not pass unless he was killed. Then "he" came almost out of no where, tall and mysterious in the long grey coat, Higen feared this man at first, feared that he might be there representing death, and that he was there to collect his soul in the end of his life. Higen had been wrong though, in the last hour of his sanity... a savior came and freed him from the darkness which had consumed his soul, now he was free and the man in grey had dissapeared. Higen's younger sister Kita had been by his side through everything, she had even recieved permanent scars from many outbreaks of rage that she tried to calm him from. As rebelious as she looked with her bleach blond cropped hair, and her many pericings and jewelry, his parents did not approve of her recent acts of independence. Higen had seen it her eyes the moment the man in grey walked away, he could tell that she wanted to follow him, wanted to assist him in his quest to destroy that was evil. He knew this and knew his sister enough that he also knew that she would leave. She had already waited 4 days since the incident, if she waited too long he would be impossible to find, but she wouldn't care. Kita watched her brother from the doorway, less than a week ago he had been a raging sould of vengence and anger, now you coulodn't even tell that he had ever been that way. That was as long as you didn't look to closely at Kita, she had recieved many scars and small injuries from him when he began to loose himself. She didn't care though, because she cared for him more than anything. [I]' The time has come.'[/I] She thought as she took a step into her brothers room. Higen tilted his head slightly. "You're leaving now, yes?" He asked his voice was gentle. "Yes." She answered simply. "Do mom and dad know?" He had not turned in her direction yet. "No." Her voice wavered slightly. "How about Kitsu?" He was refering to the eldest brother. "No." She could feel tears welling up as she said this. Higen turned on his hands to face her. His face was kind as he smiled at her. "I will miss you... and I will let them know where you have ---" He was interrupted by a tear filled hug, and he returned the embrace. "Don't worry I will be fine... we know how this is to be fought now. It will not catch us off gaurd again.
"Say Cheese!" Hana replied snapping a picture of the group in its entirty. "Ah! I wish you'd stop that!" InuYasha shouted in irritation. "I'm just preserving the memories... I'll make triple prints so everyone gets copies of somthing." Hana stated. "You're gonna blind us all with that little flashy thing." InuYasha replied. "Only when its not important, I'm not that dumb." Hana stompted her foot down. "Yeah I could beg to differ." InuYasha spoke under his breath, turning away from the annoying girl. "What was that?" Hana asked as she worked on putting her camera away. :catgirl:
It happened so quickly that Akina didn't even realize what had happened as she stood over the now completely lifeless lions body. She had managed to plunge one of her shuriken deep into the lions brain, rendering it imobile and dead... again. She suddenly felt an awful twist of pain inside and she collapsed to her knees, practically gasping for breath. In that moment as she knelt there thinking that this was the end, images from the last feww days flashed through her mind. Going to school on a normal Tuesday, a zombie attacaking the teacher, laocking herself in the classroom, Vahn coming to her rescue, meeting new people, Bobbys death, everything ran through so quick, and yet so slow. ' [I]We need to get to that vacine, I don't want to become one of them.'[/I]
"Don't give me lectures on team work ." Akina replied quietly holding her shoulder. "I don't think that any of us are in the mood." Vahn added. "Very well, just don't blame me when you all un up dead." Doctor Furter stated as they began to walk. "If I become one of them hes the first one I'm going after." Akina spoke under her breath. They moved almost silently through the twisting paths of the zoo, they're hearts beating faster with each step.
Akina was noy happy with the current situation, People zombies were one thing, but now they to deal with the entire Zoo. She also found the sudden appearence of this new person, Doctor Furter, to be a little out of place, she didn't like it, not one bit. Her thoughts were interuppted by a sudden jolt of pain in her shoulder and she put her hand to it. [I]'Thats right how could I forget, so this is how it feels.'[/I] She thought gritting her teeth as the pain passed. "Hey you alright kid?" The man named Bobby asked, him and Gado were taking up th rear behind her. "Yes, I'm fine." She replied half heartedly. [I]'Right Akina you're fine, you're only going to become a fricken zombie if we don't get to that vacine in time.' [/I] Her were pretty obvious to anyone that was paying attention. She had screwed up and she knew it.
Akina listened, but only distantly. The pain in her shoulder was driving her mad, not to mention the anger she felt. [I]' How could I be so careless, now I'm just going to become a burden.'[/I] Akina thought to herself. "So what happens when we get to the zoo? Do you have a plan for then, or we just wingin it?" Bobby asked quickly. "I mean what happens if we get there and things just get worse?" "Thats were the antidote is, beside two of us are already infected." Vahn stated glancing over at Akina, who was starring down at her feet. "Right then, should we keep movin then?" Rayne asked motioning for them to move on. "True, no reason for us to sit here anylonger." Jack added shifting as he glanced down both directions of the street. The small group began to move on toward the zoo.
Akina starred as Vahn walked away from the group. "I didn't mean to insult him. I was just trying to lighten the mood." She stated quietly. After only moments of him being gone, she took off after him. "Akina where are you going?" Rayne called after her. "I can't leave him, its too dangerous for anyonew to be alone." She replied over her shoulder as she kept going. "Try and stay where we can find you, I'll bring him back." Akina heard a loud crash come from down the stairs, she follwed the sound the find a dead dog lying on the floor and the door to the basement open. She walked toward the door when another dog lept from behind a desk attacking her. She cursed herself as its teeth sank into her sholder, and she cried out.
Sign Up The Ripper Program [M for V,L & possible S]
natchan replied to missrelena's topic in Theater
Yay! I'm so in! :animesmil Future Name: Helena Yvo Victorian Name: Elcair Delahaye Chamberlayn Gender: I'm a girl! Age: 21 Social Rank: Dutchess Camberlayn Psy-Tech Ability: Telekinesis Appearance: You'll see at the bottom! Personality: She VERY sweet and absolutely a social butterfly. She loves parties and visiting with people, especially people she doesn't know. She's trustworthy and would never betray a friend or companion, she would rather give her own life before betraying those that trust her. Victorian Bio: Elcair was born the wealthy Delahaye family in Paris France and was raised with the best of education, but she always preferred to chit chat rather than study. Through the years Elcair found that she had a rare gift that not many people she imagined could have, she could move things simply by consentrating her thoughts on them hard enough, and she also began to have memories of what she suspected to be another time. She never told anyone about these stange images from who knows where, in fear that they might think that she's crazy. Her parents loved her dearl and often took her trips to eangland with them, that is where she met Vincent Chamberlayn. Vincent was the son of Duke and the perfect marriage material, but Elcair never really thought of him this way, she only ever looked forward to seeing her close friend. They met when Elcair was 7 and Vincent was 10, after their first meeting and Elcair had to return home to France she recieved a letter from Vincent, and the teo of them continued to write eachother everytime they were apart. When Elcair was 18 Vincent asked her to marry him, and she gladly accepted. The two of them were married in December of that year and they lived happily in England. A year after they were married Vincents father died of sickness and Vincent recieved the title of Duke in his place. Unfortuneately the two of them would only be married for 3 years before Vincent himself died fo the same illness that took his father, and now Elcair has taken up residence in London as the Widowed Dutchess of Chamberlayn. Well at least that is the background the the Techs created for her. Future Bio: Helena is a 23 year old Pys-tech that loves her job. She is the only child in her family and her parents died in a accident at sea. Though she does not allow this to alter her or her work. Most people see her as the quiet but kind tech who sits alone at lunch, or on occasion is sitting with a man. Shes really shy, but once you strike up a conversation with her she'll open up and talk. She was a little saddend by having to leave the world of technology behind, but she was also excited to feel the victorian times frist hand. She knew that her husband would understand, after all no one knew that they were married. -
"Mine name's Akina just so you know." This was directed at the spec ops officer that was rushing them on. He didn't even give a second glance over the shoulder. "Well its a pleasure Akina." Rayne replied as they began to move on. Jack held the front follwed by Vahn and then Rayne with Akina close behind. "I really wish he wouldn't do that." Rayne whispered. "Do what?" Akina asked fingering a shuriken inside her satchel. "Leave us in the back, like I know what I'm doing." Rayne stated. "Trust me we're more safe back here than up there ib the front lines. Besides I'd rather hang back while the men strut about, it makes us look better." Akina gigled slightly as she mockingly strut a few steps.
Akina took the gun, holding it akwardly in her small hands, she knew how to use a gun she just prefered not to. She held it up to inspect it closely, fully loaded. 'Good' She thought, 'But I still don't want to use it.' She slipped it in her satchel, hoping that Vahn wouldn't notice. "You cared about that officer didn't you?" She asked quietly. Vahn stopped infront of her, he didn't turn around, and there was that pause that said all she needed to know. "You don't have to answer me if you don't wish to. Just know, that I'm sorry. I have lost people in the past that were close to me, so I understand what you must be feeling right now." Vahn shook his head in the affirmative motion and moved on. Akina follwed behind, just as she had been, she glanced behind them down the hall. She could see a zombie shuffling out of one of the other rooms, it turned in their direction and began to shuffle faster. She lifted the flap on her satchel and pulled a shuriken from inside and threw it hitting her mark perfectly. Vahn turned in time to watch the zombie colapse to the ground, knife lodged in it brain. "Why didn't you use the gun I gave you?" He asked looking in her hand to see no gun. "I prefer my own weapons, I'll just use them till i'm out, and then I'll use the gun I promise." She replied quickly in her defense. "How many of those you got anyway?" Vahnasked raising an eyebrow. "19 now, I did have 20." She stated pointing back at the zombie, which lay twitching at the end of the hall. "Wait, did you hear that?" Akina held her hand up to signal Vahn to be silent, he raised an eyebrow at this. The sound of footsteps could be heard above them, then a gun shot. "Some one's upstairs, and they're alive!" Akina's voice pitched to excitment.
This will not be happening I apologize.
Akina starred for only a moment at the barcode, she dodn't want to seem rude. "So... you're a weapon? That was created to destroy." There was a pause before she spkoe again. "I'm glad you're not associated with them anymore." "Me too, I really didn't agree with the idea of them playing god so they could smite their enemies. So whats your secret miss Kishu?" He asked a smirk crossing his face. "I'm sorry..." Akina acted as though she didn't know what he was talking about. "Don't play ignorent with me, I saw you throw that letter opener, and that my little asin friend was not the result of adrenaline. So whats up?" He wasn'rt looking at her as they spoke, he was watching the road and avoiding zombies. Akina hesitated but she knew it was to no avail. "Alright... my father is the leading master of Japan's largest exsiting Ninja clan. So naturally being his daughter and only child I was taught the silent and deadly arts of ninjitsu. So thats it, no big deal." "No big deal huh?" Vahn glanced back at Akina she was glancing off to the side, and blushing. "Thats pretty useful, and here I was thinking that I'd saved some poor innocent school girl, lucky me shes kicks ass." He turned back and starred ahead. There was a group of Zombies ahead that they were trying to avoid.
Akina's breathing had began to finally even out and slow down though she wasn't sure why, her and Vahn were still being stalked by leigons of the undead. She held the letter opener more loosly and comfortable now, she couldn't decide if that was from the numbness her body began to feel, or if it was that she felt protected and more focused. 'I wonder what all that stuff he said about Umbrella was earlier.' She thought to herself watching out the hallway windows. The city beyond was desolate and other than the undead walking the streets, abandoned, no not abandoned, just dead. They reached the front double doors to the school and opened them carfully only to be attacked at that moment. Akina's senses finally kicked in and before Vahn could to move to counter attack the zombie she had thrown the letter opener so that it had lodged itself in the zombies brain and it collapsed in front of them. Vahn glanced back at the terrified Akina, she was starring down at her right hand. "Wow, that was pretty impressive, I had no idea that you could do that." Vahn stated. "I'll tell you about it later, when you tell me about Umbrella." She replied quietly her voice sounded un-nerved.
Akina was trembling a great deal, almost where she couldn't hold the letter opener anymore. She did feel sense of relief now that she wasn't alone though. She was now being led by the hand of Vahn, the weird albino kid in her math class. She caught a glance at a group of zombies muching on what looked to be what was left of the Gym teacher, she cringed, Vahn felt it. "You probably shouldn't let your eyes wonder, theres gonna be alot that you probably don't want to see." He sugggested as they pushed forward. "Okay." She stated shortly. She directed her eyes forward, and starred at the back of Vahns head. "None of the blood is yours is it?" He asked quietly as they moved toward the stairs. "No." Her voice was soft. "You weren't biten or scratched?" He added. "No." A simple answer. "Thats good." Vahn remarked.
Akina was crouched beneath her history teachers desk, wishing that she could just wake up in her bed and start the day over. Her uniform was stained with blood, whoms blood she didn't know, her glasses were cracked and barely staying together. Halfway through class is when it all began, she was taking notes on the war of 1812 when a very ill or dead looking student came in the room and started munching on the nearset student. Now she was the only one left in the class room excluding one dead student in the back that hadn't stood up yet. Her heart was beating a thousand times faster than it should and everytime she closed her eyes she could see that first student enter the room. Eyes glazed over and not looking at anything in particular... almost like his soul had left the body and left it to terrorize others. She never imagined that something like this could really happen, this knid of thing olny happens in horror movies and video games. The sound of shuffling came from the other side of the room, and a moan followed after. Akina held her breath. 'I hope he doesn't find me.' She thought desperately. She tightened her hold on the letter opener in her hand, he makeshift weapon of choice at the moment. She listened intently as his footsteps began to drag across the floor, she couldn't tell whitch way he was going. Her heart beat faster. He was closer, she could tell now he was just on the other side of the desk now. 'NOW!' Her thoughts shouted for her to move, she obeyed and ran from under the desk. As she thought, standing on the other side of the desk was David West, or at least his body, starring ahead with lifeless eyes that sought only one thing now... flesh. Davids body stumbled forward in attempt to attck Akina, she backaway and head for the door, making sure to grab her backpack in the process. The zombie whilred around ungracefuly tripping over a backpack. Akina reached the door and paused a moment. 'what if there are more out there?' She thought suddenly hand on the door knob. She turned back and looked at the stumbling zombie. "'I'd rather handle this one than a whole hallway full." She spoke to herself as she turned to face Davids zombie.
Sign Up Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem (m for violence and language)
natchan replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
Name: Akina Kishu Age: 17 Occupation: Student Starting Point: Racoon City Highschool Infection Status: - Bio:Akina was born and raised in Japan, she is currently here in the United States as a transfer student at Racoon City High. Shes a giddy highschool student that makes friends with everyone she speaks to. Little did she know when she came to america that she would live an experience that seems it came from one of her homeland horror games. -
Hana glanced in the direction every one was starring at, she could see rustling in the bushes. "Come on OUT! Before we force you OUT!" Satsuke shouted, "I'm in no mood" Hana began to stuff her camera back in her bag, she figured that Satsuke was in no mood to get his picture taken. OOC: soooo short :animeblus
"Explain? You think I need and explanation to have the scent of a demon on my robes when we live in a world full of them. It very well could be that a demon brushed past me in town or wait maybe because I'm traveling by myself I was attacked and had to defend myself. Therefore I have no need to "explain" myself." Ryuna replied once again her voice staying completely level. "I am simply here to fufilll Master Hiten's last wish, and if you have a problem with that then thats your problem not mine." She walked over to Kitra and smiled happily. "He talked about you alot after you left, he really missed you."
As Kobe turned to leave he felt a firm grip on his wrist, he turned back and glared at Riyuna. "What?!" He asked in a single word, suspiscion filled his voice. Riyuna's mischevious look had left and turned to one of insult. "Dear Sir, you don't just insult someone and then leave." She replied cooly, her eyes meeting Kobe's. "And how, may I ask did I insult you?" He remarked. "Are you really that iggnorant that you must ask?" Riyuna replied sarcasticly. "He's not iggnorant." Orikal interupted. Riyuna lifted a finger to signal Orikal to be silent. "I am not asking you Orikal." Riyuna did not move her gaze from Kobe as she spoke. "You assume that I am the culprit merely because I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I believe that I am innocent until proven guilty, I donot expect you to trust me. But I would prefer that you not insult me." Her voice never changed level or volume she stayed completely calm. After giving Kobe one last narrowing glance Riyuna released Kobe's wrist and stood quietly.
Riyuna's eyes moved for only a moment catching a glimpse of Orikal and some one sitting next to her, her smile became as mischevious as her eyes as she retuned her gaze to the priestess before her. Riyuna reached into her pouch and pulled out a rolled scroll. She smiled again and handed the scroll to Kitra. "What is this?" Kitra asked a look of confusion crssing her face. "Master Hiten sends his regards."
Riyuna had been traveling through the dark woods all by her lonsome, and the sound of more people sounded wounderful. She pushed forward throught the brush to approach the owners of the near by voices. "We really should get---" Heero stopped in mid sentence as his ears perked up and he glance toward the direction of the nearing rustle. "I hear too." InuYasha replied his hand instictively moving to unsheath the Tetsaiga. "I'll flank it on the left, no wait." Heero sniffed at the air for a moment then replied. "Whoever it is they're only human." "Excuse me, but "that only human" you are refering to is me. And I good sir have a name." The brush parted and a slender human female emerged a mischevious glint shown in her eyes as she smiled. She wore a crimson travel Kimono that had obvious alterations, a black stchel hung at her side and she carried a long black spear. Her raven black hair was tightly tied back, and out of her face, the hair stood out quite well against her pale mmon colored skin. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Riyuna Shintoso, I am from the village of the Earth, and it is a pleaseure to meet you." She replied bowing her head. "Pardon me... but have I met you before?" The recently recovered Kitra asked quietly. "I'm not sure if you ever noticed me but I certainly know who you are. Miss Priestess trained my master Hiten." Her mischevious eyes turned to Kitra."But do not fret I am not here to har any of you."
Sign Up Inu-Yasha: Ties that bind [M - V, poss S]
natchan replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
Name: Riyuna Shintoso (Ree-Yuna) Race: HUMAN 100% Era: Gaia Bio: Riyuna was a scribe at the shrine of the Earth Jewel, she had been for almost 8 years. She never had any interest in becoming a priestess but she did enjoy thier company. She was out of the village on an errend for Master Hiten when the shrine was attacked, so luckily she was not targeted. Unfortunately since the shrine was destroyed shes also "out of the job", so she has decieded to move along and take to the road. Riyuna dosen't have any special abilities, accept that she is really smart, throw a fight at her and shes very talented at hiding. However she does own a weapon and shes actually really good with it, its just a matter of making her use it. Her weapon is a long spear. Shes easy going, and lives by the saying "why do today, what I can do tomorrow?". Her favorite hobby is... knowing everything, and learning anything. She also comes across as very sarcastic every once and a while, alright all the time. Appearence: She's elegantly tall, about 5'10. She has long raven colored hair that flows gently down her back, that she normally wears tied back tightly. Her eyes are a peircing blue that matches the color of the moon. She wears a Crimson colored travel kimono, that is altered for battle purposes. She wears a black satchel that she is very protective over and allows no one to see whats inside of it, and she carrries a long spear. -
Name: Chihiro Sakurazuka Gender: I'm a girl! Age: 23 Power: Electricity Side: The Nine Personality: Chihiro is a hard working college student that some how also finds the time to have her fun. She works at a local newspaper in the morning, shes the photographer entertainment colloum. Then its off to school for 5 hours then she works a night job three days a week at the local movie theater. She is studying to become a professional photographer. She loves music and is never seen without her mp3 player, and she always has her skate board. Her attitude toward life is easy going and take it as it comes, and she got a great sense of humor. She tries to make friends everywhere she goes, so she has a lot of friends. Shes not real protective of herself, but man you touch one of her friends or bully someone who dosen't deserve it then she will tear you apart. More likely vocaly than physically but she can do it either way. Her one hear is that she is horribly afraid of death, wheather it be hers or those around her, shes just simply terrified of the thought of death. Weapon: Kasari-kama (spiked weight and kama conected by a long chain) Ancestor Bio: After her battle with the king she returned to her homeland and lived the rest of her life in meditative peace. She made sure to pass down her family's martial art and weapon skill. Bio: Chihiro was raised by her parents in the family dojo, she was taught martial arts; this is where she learned to use her weapon, and also how to live as n Omyohji. She grew up hearing the tales of the original nine and believed every word of it. Her family is also a well known Omyohji clan, but her older brother became the better of the two when it came to actually using those powers, but she does have a small bit of Omyohji power. She was given her ancesteral Kasari-kama when her brother recieved the highest level of Omyohji. Oh yeah throughout her life she has been constanly teased about the fact that she looks so young for her age. Shes at the bottom of the page, she has black that just kinda sticks out everywhere, and o matter how hard she tries she just can't seem to control it. She's got bright green eyes (very odd for the orient), she wears mostly camo-cargos that are pink, purple and black, accompanied by a white or black t-shirt, oh yeah and a BRIGHT green tie that has the word Weiss Kreuz embroidered in crimson. Musn't forget she wears black and pink skater shoes, and purple shaded silver framed sunglasses.
Name: Kana-Lynn Deriesh Age: 11 (I know thats really young but i can do it I promise) Gender: Female Race: Human Homeworld: Corellia Affiliate Order: Old Jedi Order Rank: Padawan (youngling hoping for a master) Class: Training to become a Padawan Peacemaker Lightsabre: Refer to image Lightsabre Style: Shi-Cho lv 3 Force Powers: Heal, Force Push, Force Direction, Burst of Speed Apperence: Refer to image Biography: Kana-Lynn was born on the planet Correllia, she is the daughter of Kena-San and Seifer-Cou. She had a normal life like anyother infant, her parents loved her and had grand plans for when she grew up.