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Everything posted by natchan
"Aw, his first KO. I remember mine, it was back when I was fighting-" Hana began to recall the stroy when Kana interupted. "Not to break your memory stroll but Satsuke is unconcious." Kana replied hoping she didn't sound rude. "Oh no, of course silly me." She stated quikening her pace to catchup to everyone else. "He'll come around in a moment. We could take this moment to rest ourselves while we're waiting for him." Kagome suggested sitting down next to the unconcious Satsuke. "This is a perfect opportunity to take a picture, everyone gather around Satsuke." Hana replied happily as she dug into her pack pulling out a small silver object. She lifted the camera up to her eyes and pushed the button. A bright flash blinded everyone for a moment, and hana smiled there thats good.
Rayne found herself hiding in one of many cubicals occupying the room she was in. She could hear footsteps near by, just a couple of rows over, and she could feel her heart beat increase. "I know you're in here, come out with your hands on your head and no harm will come to you." She listened silently to the guard as he grew closer. She needed help there was no way she could take an armed gaurd on her own, with or without martial arts training. She whispered almost silently and focused on the thought of her feline friend, then she felt Noirs soft fur up against her skin. "I need you to help me again my friend, but please donot kill these people theyt are just doing their job." Noir gave her a reasuring nod and made his way through the cubical halls. Rayne stood slowly with her hands above her head and began speaking french, finguring the gaurd didn't know what she was saying. "Now I don't know what you're doing here, but its time you leave. This is official US Goven--" The guard was cut off suddenly by Noir pouncing onto him and sending him crashing to the ground, and conveniantly knocking him out. "Thanks again Noir." She replied as she stroked the fine creatures soft fur, and this time she knew that Noir was entirley real, and that he wouldn't be going away. The two of them left the room of cubicals and headed down another dark hallway.
This is a tough one, I'll have to do a favorite good guy, and a favorite bad guy. Male Good guy: Vash the Stampede (hes so fun loving and haappy) Female Good guy: Tohru Honda (shes absolutely adorable) Male Bad guy: Seishirou Sakurazukamori (Hes frickin wasome, and very handsome) Female bad guy: Pirotess (Dark elves rock)
"Well I must admit this is definatly my most monumentous trip to the hot springs." Hana replied happily, she hadn't moved or said a word durring all the comotion. "Hey what are we doing for dinner tonight?" Tao asked outloud to anyone who would listen. "Well I brought some instant noodles that we could have, unless someone has a better idea?" Hana stated pointing to her rather full backpack. "Nope noodles are fine, thats a great plan!" InuYasha shouted from the other pool, a glare crossed Kagome's face. "InuYasha has a strange addiction to those noodles Kagome brings from your world." Sango replied placing a hand on Kagome's shoulder. "We don't have to eat whatever InuYasha says we have to eat." Tao stated. "No its fine, theres no problem with the noodles." Kagome replied.
"Yipee! HOT SPRINGS here I come!" Hana replied excitedly. "I love hot springs, my mopther and I always used to go and then after ward she would always buy me ice cream, ah childhood memories." Hana's smile was bigger than ever. "You had a good childhood I take it?" Kana asked amusment filling her voice. "Oh yes I have almost nothing but good memories, even today I am making memories that will cherish forever. How about you guys you have any wonderful memories that make you smile?" Hana asked adjusting her pack.
It took about 5 hours for the two of them to catch up with InuYasha's group, when they arrived the group, all but InuYasha that is, seemed surprised to them. "Its great you came back." Kagome stated greeting the two feline girls. "Well of course we're back, I can't just abandon those that I promised I would accompany."
"Dear Child... haven't you realized your true reason for being here yet?" Galathon asked a tinge of sarcasim in his voice. Luna gave him a wide eyed puzzled look. "True reason, I don't understand what you mean." She replied "Little Girl... you are meant to join that group of misfits and save Aranel." Galathon stated.
"Of course I missed you, this is no fun with just one person fighting." Hana replied, an unusual smile across her face. "Now, hows about we finish this." She cried out charging at two of the kings underlings and quickly dispatching them. Tao tightened her grip on her newly claimed sword and dodged attack from the king then quickly countered with a slash at his tail. OOC: Sorry its so short I have to go t class! But I didn't wanna leave you empty handed.
Lanin smiled and began to speak. "You'll be staring in the noreastern moutains about 300 miles from here. From there yu should head to the city of Aleria, it is a city of winged elves, normally they don't take kindly to visitors but I told them that you were coming." "I beg your pardon, but why aren't we just teleporting there?" Isha asked curiously. "Because they have a magical barrier against teleporting, and it cirlces the city by about 50 miles, it is one of the stongest barriers I have ever seen. There you will find an elf named Thelin, he should have some information for you, and unforunately thats all the info I have for you." Lanin replied before sipping from her glass. "Little information is better than none my lady." Thorn stated before taking another bite of his food. Each of them glanced over at the doorway as Galathon re-entered the room and sat in his seat next to Lanin.
[I]'Alright how do you get a computer whiz into a tight security facility?'[/I] Rayne thuoght to herself as she knelt down next to the wall where she wouln't be seen. She had positioned herself a few feet away from a side gate, one with just a tad bit less gaurds, and she had her laptop out and ready. She pulled up the pentagon's security cameras with ease and found the entrance she was waiting at. She watched the 4 gaurds as they circulated through the area, and found the exact gap she was looking for. She hacked the system and allowed herself clearence. The gates surprisingly opened silently and she shut the laptop and dashed through the opening just as the gates swung shut and she found a bush to hide behind she opened the laptop again and checked the surrounding areas, in one camera she could see Alexa, and she wasn't to far off. She waited til it was clear and made her way in that direction. "Psst, over here." She replied only loud enough for Alexia to here. Alexia glanced over to a line of shrubbery. "Now I know I'm outta my mind when shrubs start talknig." Alexia stated under her breath. "No you silly american, its me Rayne." She poked her head out from behind the bushes. "Really, I just thought it was a French bush." She replied almost sarcastically coming over to crouch next to Rayne. "So any bright idea's for gtting us inside the building?" "I've run a complte security check to see where everyone is trying to get in and luckily I can't find them on the cameras which means they're doing a nice job, but that also means I'm not sure where to set my diversion." Rayne explained as she sifted through the different camera views. "How about there, its just a garage that isn't directly linked to the building, that would be the best spot... don't you think?" Alexia replied pointing to a lone garage on the map. "Brilliant, now I'll just push this here and enter this code." Suddenly the alarms in the Garage went off and many of the gaurds headed off in that section. "Gaurds are so stupid sometimes." Rayne remarked. OOC: Sorry I'd write more but I gotta go to class.
Rayne was thrown off by the comment, and waited a moment before she answered. I was attacked while I was at the hospital with my mother, a man, a very handsome one at that attacked me. When I least expercted it he managed to get a rope around my neck, I don't know where it came from all I knew is that I thought that was the end. The rope was already choking me and tearing into my skin, it didn't help that I tore myslf from the curtain rod which was holding the rope." She replied quietly as she shuddered from the memory. Dave scoot his chair closer to Rayne and asked quietly. "May I take a look?" Rayne nodded her head and rolled down the turtle neck so that Dave could see. He could see cleary what happened just from the wound, it was a deep cut all the way around and the skin was very tender. He touched it gently and Rayne flinched. "I'm sorry." He replied quickly. "It's alright, Its just real painful still." Her voice shook slightly.
"Demon blood, and 17 years of martial arts training, I'm not too worried." Hana replied dodging another attack. Her moves were graceful and delicate, battle is when her cat like abilities were most obvious. Her custom claws tore through demon after demon as she evaded each attack that came from their leader. She recieved a minor wound from one of the flunkies but it was nthing she even noticed. She watched as Tao made her way up to the cave, she smiled as she again moved out of harms way. Landing lightly in a crouch on a higher rock she smiled down at her opponents, which were closiong in on her. "Is that all you brutes got? Come on I was hoping for a challenge." She taunted. They came closer and all attacked at once, she leapt into the air turning a 180 flip and landing behnd her enemies, then rolled out of the way of the King's attack.
"Right then you sleep and I'll take watch tonight, I need less and less sleep the closer I get." Hana stated setting her bag down on the ground then sitting next to it. Tao glanced over at her, she didn't seem like her happy self, infact almost as if she was dreading something. "You really don't like becoming full demon... do you?" She asked laying down next to the fire Hana was building. There was a pause of silence before Hana spoke, like she was searching for her words almost. "In all honesty... no, I don't enjoy it at all. Not only do my physical attributes change but my personality takes a complete 180. I say and think things that I would never in my concsious mind would even think of, and well even though I'm proud of my demon heritage I just wish it didn't change me so much." "Thats nothing to worry about, I mean how cruel can you possibly get?" Tao replied nonchalantly. Hana looked up at her, she was definatley serious about what she said.
Galathon narrowed his eyes at the dwarf, never in all his years had anyone spoken to him as he did. He stood and thanked Lanin for the meal then left the room, heading for the stairs. Lanin sighed, then leaning her chin on her hand she glanced at the dwarf, who looked slightly embarassed. "I apologize good lady I didn't mean to make him leave." Thorn replied quietly stroking his beard. "No need to apologize, hes not going anywhere far. You've just insulted his pride and he needs to go cool off, and you didn't do anything wrong he insulted your honor as a dwarf and you need to worry." She looked over at the stairs, she knew Galathon was still there. "I know he's akward, undead, and sometimes down right rude, but he's one of the only friends I have left. Please forgive his rashness?" Her eyes turned back to the dwarf, they were sad as usual.
Rayne glanced over at Maximus for only a moment as she continued her typing, not even wondering for a moment what he might be smiling about. [I]' He's an odd one.'[/I] She thought to herself her thoughts wondered and her hands typed whatever felt right. Computer skills were always an art for her, not a chore nor a hassel, she could get lost in world of computers if she didn't fear the lonliness of it. She glanced back over at Maximus, he was looking at Yuna who was sitting at a table all by her lonesome. [I]'I don't understand her.'[/I] She again thought to herself as she sat silently. Dave was playing his guitar again, Renee was sleeping, and the two americans Alex and Alexia were talking amongst themselves. Rayne turned her eyes back to her computer and read the security layouts that covered the screen. Hacking had always been an easy task for her, it came naturally, almost as easily as programming was to her. "I hope Lani is having luck with Dimmitri." Dave stated as he strummmed quietly on his guitar as not to disturb Renee too much. Without even looking from the screen Rayne spoke in her usual quiet tone. "She's got a good head on her shoulders, I imagine they're doing just fine." Her statement was said very matter of factly. "You seem to think you know her pretty well." Dave replied, a smirk crossed his face. "I analyze people the same way I analyze computers, It makes quite easy to understand if I should trust someone or not." Rayne remarked as if speaking with a client, she didn't do it on purpose its just how she spoke to people. "Really?" Dave sounded interested now. "Well then miss programmer, analyze me." He stated sitting up staight and setting his guitar aside. Rayne looked up and even stopped typing for the first time since she sat down, and she focused her dark framed eyes on Dave. "You are quiet, but not because you're shy - you just don't see a point in talking that much, unless you have something to say. You're confident in your abilities, but you don't like to show off. You're somewhat of a loner - a loner who, ironically, gets along pretty well with other people, but there is a sadness in your eyes, a sadness that says you've lost someone and that you hold on to their memoery every waking moment." Rayne said all of this while Dave starred in awe. "Thats amazing, how did you do that?" Dave asked curiously. Rayne had begun to type again. "I told you, I analyze peolple the same way I analyze a computer, and besides I do a whole lot more watching than I do talking, its easier to figure someone out when you watch close enough.
Galathon smiled to himself, he could see the dwarfs nervousness and irritation, he knew the dwarves out look on magic users. He heard a soft voice in his mind. "[I]Be nice Galathon."[/I] The vioce was Lanins, he knew this as a fact because it was not the first time it had happened. He picked at his meal, even though he couldn't taste it, he could remember what it tasted like. "So tell me lady goddess, for my own curiousity, why did you dissapear so suddenly yesturday? If you don't mind my asking that is?" The dwarf asked between bites of delicious food. "Because, Feanor is stronger than Lanin, and she is only truly safe in her own temples. Isn't that right Lanin?" Galathon answered quickly. "I was asking the lady good sir." Thorn replied.
Rayne sat at the table with the others, and as usual was concentrating on her laptop, but she spoke up this time as she typed. "So it seems you three had quite the time last night, no?" Her voice was filled with couriosity, not accusation. She took a sip from her coffee and without looking away from the screen smiled and shook her head. "You know thats how I got my first tattoo, after I woke up the next morning with a panther on the back of my neck I swore off getting drunk ever again. How about you Renee, you seem like you're not exactly having fun in the world of "the hang over", am I correct. We went out to eat last night thats all we did, nothing near as exciting as your night seemed to be. Wait a second I think I found what I was looking for." She stopped talking momentarily and focused on her laptop more. This is when those who cared to notice, noticed that she wasn't wearing her normal baby tee, but a black trurtle neck, and that all she had been wearing since she returned. "If you don't mind my asking?" Dave spoke, breaking the momentary silence. "Go ahead." Rayne stated continuing to type. "The turtle neck, thats all you've worn the last couple of days, is there a reason." "Just that I get chilly easily... thats all." She answered matter-of-factly. "What is it you've found?" Lani asked approching the table. Rayne glanced over from the laptop for the first time in many minutes, then back at her computer screen. "Well you said you were looking for a way to get into the pentagon, I think I may have found one or two options. I had to hack a little bit to do so, but no big deal."
Xia retrieved the items as asked and returned to Grims room, sitting down on the computer chair next to the bed. She handed him the items and replied. "Can I help you with that?" Her voice was softer than he'd ever noticed in "The World". He looked at the akwardness of holding the mirror and trying to tend to his wounds, then up at Xia. "Yeah... sure." He answered. She moved closer, kneeling next to the bed as to clean the wounds more precisley. Every now and then Grim would flinch and she would appologize. "Sorry." "No, Its okay." Minutes of silence went by and that time seemed an eternity before Grim asked. "How's Kia?" His voice sounded a bit concerned. Xia didn't llok up as she replied to the question. "She didn't look good when I left, but the others should have tended to her just fine." Another pause filled the room. "You care about her... more than you would if she was just another party member, like a close friend I woudl say." Xia replied banaging the wounds. "The same could be said about you and Orange Shadow." He stated in return, a smirk crossed his face. "I've seen you two." Xia turned a shade of pink as she glanced up at Grim. "Thats not exactly what you think... you see I don't have many friends and to think that some one would be as nice and caring as quickly as he was," She paused. "Well thats just a nice thought you know."
Name:Marra Townsend Race: Waska Age:20 Sex: Female Weapon of Choice: Katana and a Bladed Whip Stat Description: She not the stronget but she is quick and agile. She is also magically inclined. Apperence: She stands about 5'1, her skin is fairly tan, her eyes are a brilliant blue/green, her hair is blue/black, and her tail matches the color of her hair. Shes not built strong at all, in fact most people would call her frail, but she is attractive in a wildcat sort of way. (Cute but not considered the most beautiful thing on the planet you know what I mean?) Preferences: Favorite Color: Green, it remeinds her of soft grass. Hobbies & Likes: Reading a good book, but only when shes not busy talking to someone. Studying magic, listening to music, and making friends with everyone possible.She is also a sap for romance but she would never admit to it. Oh and lying in the grass on a cloudy day. Dislikes & Fears: She looks down upon those who see themselves as higher than others. She doesn't like the sun, but she accepts that its apart of life, give her a rainy day any day. She fears lonliness and loosing anyone close to her, oh and tight places. Wears: She wears clothes similar to Ayame in tenchu. Refer to attachment. Bio: She grew up with her father as her hero, watching as he led them as their general. She didn't see it as ruling she saw it as guiding and that is now how she percieves it. She quickly makes firneds with those around her and she doesn't take delight in harming people but she does know that violence is needed sometime, which is why she agreed to learning how to use her weapons. She is kind hearted and loves to help those in need. But she does have a dark serious side that must surface every now and then , but she trys to keep things cheery most the time. Side of Conflict: The Dirtmen (duh)
Xia had control of Grim and all she could so was run, [I]this is crap[/I], she thought as she went to log him out. She removed the headset and looked down at Grims player, she wasn't sure if his name was Grim or if that was just his username. He was moving and slowly opened his eyes. Sitting in his computer chair, and looking down at him was a dark haired college girl wearing cargo pants and a babydoll tee, her eyes were almost black and she was pretty cute. "Who are you?" He managed to say as he sat up. "I'm Xia." She replied as a smile crossed her face. "It's amazing how close you live."
Hana opened her pack and began to sift through its contents, Tao leaned in closer to see if she could see inside the bag. Hana looked up and smiled raising an eyebrow. "Looking for somthing?" A playful tone filled her voice. Tao sat back. "No, what would I possibly be looking for." Tao replied. "Oh I don't know... this maybe?" Hana asked as she pulled out a chocolate bar. Tao's eyes brightened and a smile crossed her face. "Uh huh, I thought so." Hana replied tossing the bar to Tao, who caught it and began to open in happily.
"I'm glad you slept well and enjoyed your room. I do try to decorate to my guests desires." She replied smiling, not mentioning the crying from the night before, anyone who n\knew her knew that her crying herself to sleep was normal. "Thorn, allow me to introduce you to my friend. This is Galathon, he is head of a wizarding school up north. He may have some information for you and your companions to run off of." Lanin replied gesturing toward Galathon who was glancing over at the dwarf now, his eyes glowing brightly.
OOC: Sorry its been a while, I've pout of town and my computer is still in the shop! ****************************** Rayne was still shaken a bit from her trip home, but she found the american atmoshpere quite calming, kind of like a dream. She entered the hotel room set her laptop bag on the bed, then walked over to the window to open the curtains. It was a beautiful view of the city and the sun was getting lower in the sky, her stomach growled. "I guess I haven't eaten in a while." She replied in french to herself. She walked into the bathroom to freshin up and then left the room. She didn't want to sit around think about anything, especially alone, she needed to be with someone. She continued down the hall toward the elevator, she was joined by Sakura. Rayne pushed the down button and stepped back to wait, she glanced over at Sakura and then smiled. "Are you doing anything in particular this evening?" She asked through her thick accent. Sakura shook her head 'no' and replied. "No... why?" The elevator opened and the two of them stepped in. "Well I was just thinking that maybe... you, Lani, and I could go out to eat, maybe get our mins off of... well you know. I saw Dave, Dimmitri, and Renee head out a little while ago and thought that going out was a good idea, and its much more fun with people, wouldn't you agree?" She stated nervously. She wasn't used to trying to make friends, but she needed them now more than ever. OOC: Sorry its so short I have to go back to work now.
Lanen heaved a sigh and closed her eyes for a moment, then turned back to her guest. "How do you suppose the rest of your guests are going to react?" Galathon asked. "We'll take that one at a time, now won't we." She replied smiling her usual sad smile. "Now tell me, last time you saaw Feanor did he say anything about what he is currently doing?" She asked quietly. Galathon paused for only a moment before he answered. "No, I have no idea what he's up to." He stated, not looking Lanen in the eye. "Galathon, come now, how long have I known you, and how offten do you know at least a piece of whats going on?" Lanen's voice had almost a pleading tone to it. "A couple hundred years, and I always know somthing."
OOC: I love corny thats what I'm best at! IC: "Of Course I accept the mail!" Xia shouted as she read the message. "Oh my... thats just down the street. I'll go if you guys can thats great, but if you can't I understand. See you all later." Xia logged off and removed the head set. She jumped up and grabbed her car keys, then headed down the stairs nearly knocking her father downin the process. "Hey its nice to see you too Xia, but you don't have to kill me." Her Father stated dodging her as she ran toward the door. "Can't talk now dad I gotta be somewhere, talk to ya later, my cells on if you need me." She replied closing the door behind her. She slipped on the wet grass, but quickly recovered and climbed into her car. Staring the engine she glanced down the street to make sure she wouldn't hit anyone, then pulled out and headed for Grims address. The 4 minute trip seemed like forever as every slow driver in world pulled in front of her, finally she reached the address, it was a large apartment building. She ran inside and took the elevator to the proper floor and ran down the hall to the correct apt. number. She knocked on the door, waited... no one answered. She knocked again, this time only waiting a moment before she checked the door... unlocked. She opened the door slowly and annouced her presance. "Hello, is anyone here, my names Xia... Grim, you here?" She walked into the apartment and closed the door walking down the hall and glancing into rooms to find him. She reached the door at the end of the hall, it was opened slightly, she peeked in. She could see a computer desk, and a boy lying on the ground, he was bleeding from intense slash wounds. OOC: Alrighty here we go!