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  • Birthday 07/28/1980

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    Spacenoid Hope
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  1. I've got a fairly taxing problem regarding this with a friend of mine, who is usually quite a reasonable person but... He doesn't like anime because he can't take cartoons seriously; I asked him for this reasoning behind this, and he said he can only connect when there's real people on the screen. I was somewhat dumbfounded and attempted to explain that pictoralism can make people even EASIER to identify; but he says he was conditioned as a child to think of cartoons as only being funny, and he doesn't WANT to try and uncondition himself. If an anime tries to make him take it seriously, he gets turned off instantly XD. Still, I think he's being an idiot... So I'm going to try and change his mind. I'm not sure what series would be good to get his attention though. I'm thinking of Mobile Suit Gundam or maybe FLCL.
  2. That Dog in Duck Hunt! No explaination needed in this case is there? :animeswea
  3. Doh! Yeh, 0080 war in the pocket is a good one... That's what I get for not watching much Gundam lately.. I fixed the typo to make it say 0083. As for the different SD Gundams... I've only seen a few of the "real ones"... those are quite funny actually. Not so much a series. I was thinking of them but then it was pretty much established here SD Gundam is meaning Superior Defender. Oldschool fans disliking Gundam Seed? Well I've seen this a lot, but it's usually because they dislike Seed being simular to MGS.. I don't think it's a very good reason. I've known a lot of UC fans to say SEED is better than Zeta, quite a few. In a lot of semi-official rankings, seed is the #1 best Mecha anime EVER. Honesly; I don't really understand at all how SEED can be THAT good.
  4. Videogames can be banned despite freedom of speech. Comics were banned way back when to follow certain guidelines, (Remember the comic code? How does this happen? Well, they thing is, these people don't consider videogames art, and may not even consider them expression; they think of videogames are merely entertainment, or a toy. Yes; it's false but this is how people who seek to ban videogames think. If they didn't, they'd be banning books. Some videogames do have a violent influence.. many things have violent influences... many things have positive influences; but this isn't the point! People play video-games under their own will and accept to commit violent actions under their own will, the whole issue falls under a greater problem: There is no personal accountability in the world, we blame culture, the media, religion, mental illness, but never the individual. It's a state of affairs that won't go away unless there's a lot of changes in the ways people think.
  5. Aside Qukey, I haven't seen anybody mention Zeta Gundam. I'll just assume nobody has seen it? XD. Zeta Gundam is in my opinion clearly the best Gundam series, even the best anime series ever. It's constructed in a way that nothing that is said or done is wasted, everything in this show relates to Theme. Zeta Gundam is story telling in maximum effect. Lots of tragedy in this one, but lots of scenes that are so beautiful you may want to cry. Where else will the main hero fall in love with a basketcase lab victim and enjoy some Icecream in a park? It's the most intense series I can think of.... Ah I'll stop because I'd go on forever about the merits of Zeta Gundam. But, I could be wrong. There's 2 things I haven't seen yet.. Turn A and V. As for worst, I'll give SD Gundam a break (yeh it's the worst) And take some time to pick on Gundam 0083: Stardust memories... The most annoying main character ever and some of the least context for plot. Not to mention it's an OAV that seems to think it's a anime series. 4 episodes are spent with Kou just sulking. Some good action at the end; but that can hardly make up for it.
  6. Alright. First off, I'd say compared to the manga, the anime of Case Closed (Detective Conan), is very bad. Onto Case Closed, which was on Cartoon Network, here's what gets me annoyed; Viz taking up the Detective Conan manga license decides to follow along with name changes. Now, we have that series cancelled, with VIZ changing eveything for nothing.. Oh, they only have 40 volumes to go (or more)... What is viz to do? Start all over? I guess they are stuck with it. >:( Anyway ahh... Detective Conan is a really excellent manga, I consider Gosho Aoyama to be about the 3rd best manga illustrator of all time.
  7. The reason the weather has been particularly odd lately is because of the Sun. We are in a period of high solar activity.. For the last few years or so we've been bombarding solar flares all over the place. This effects the earths electromagnetic feild, which then effects the jetsteam, which is the source of the overall weather pattern. To contrast, the Iceage occured during a period of very low solar activity.
  8. Dragon Warrior 7! Just one interesting adventure after the next. I can't think of any other RPG that kept me so constantly interested and challenged. Really, I'm much of an RPG purist, I like big difficult dungeons and fighting thousands of random encounters, doing fetch quests and endless puzzles.. DW7 just has more of this than any other RPG. Am I saying quanity over quality here? Well almost. RPG's are typically very long games so quanity is an issue; DW7 is hardly repetitive because it involves a lot of different stories and settings. Everything in this game gets increasingly complex; I'd say by the end it's at a level no other RPG has been in... Most people who don't like this game simply haven't played it start to finish.
  9. I keep rewatching One Piece because of people who have never heard of it need to see it. Other than that, I've watched Bubblegum Crisis a lot of times.
  10. The initial appeal of Gundam is in unique I think. I'll be refering the Mobile Suit Gundam (the original) It is a serious, somewhat realistic anime, it has a complicated plot. But unlike most, this isn't just the surface of the matter, what happens has meaning, The characters and events make up a powerful message. It's dramatic yes, but the drama is meaningful. it's rare for adult anime for it to not be nihilistic. Gundam in general occupies a unique space in style, it puts accross ideas, and while being depressing; it isn't overboard; Gundam has a feeling of hope. Of course beyond this, I say the LASTING appeal of Gundam is in the mecha, or Model Kits.. Gunpla is the means for the fan to continue on and on in their obsession. I think most fans are at first drawn in by the story and then becomes a fan of the Mecha.
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