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Julie Elric

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About Julie Elric

  • Birthday October 13

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  • Biography
    Intelligent, curious, non-modest,obsessive, spendthrifty.
  • Occupation
    Could pay better...

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  1. Warning, contains spoilers!!! I saw both and have to admit that [i]Castle Beyond the Looking Glass[/i] was the better movie. Why? The story in #2 was better developed, a little more intelligent than the usual, Inuyasha-and-Co-meet-a-baddie, are-threatened-by-his/her-evil, but-rebound-and-soon-kick-a**, plotline. Though there were some very touching moments in the first, (I'm a Inu-Kag shipper to a degree...my fave ship is Miroku/Sango) and I honestly cried when [spoiler]Kagome was able to bridge time itself and find Inuyasha. Their hug, coupled with Inuyasha's poignant addmission "don't you know by now how much I need you?" had me wringing the hankies.[/spoiler] The music for that scene was just beautiful, as well. [spoiler](My other fave scene was the Miroku/Sango scene when Miroku asked Sango to "fall into my arms," and she threw her armor at him. :D That was great!)[/spoiler] But otherwise, the villain Manomaru was just the typical baddie, and the action dragged a bit, and the fight scenes were a little tiresome. But #2 was tight...I never felt bored when I was watching it. The pacing was great, and the mood was serious and passionate without being melodramatic. My absolute fave scene is [spoiler]the kiss[/spoiler. Wont say more, don't want to ruin things. Also, that Kohaku/Sango interaction was just heartbreaking to watch. Julie [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags. You can do this yourself with these tags: [*spoiler][*/spoiler], leaving out the asterisks. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  2. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I love [COLOR=DarkRed][I]Red Dwarf[/I]![/COLOR] Can't think of anything intelligent to add...I was just so surprised and pleased to see a thread about it. Have to admit I haven't seen all the eps...and now that it's available on DVD there goes another bit of my meager earnings... While were on the subject of Brit Com, anyone like [I]Black Adder[/I]? Jule[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Hello everybody, I wanted to start a thread to introduce myself, as well as get a chance to make the acquaintance of other Otaku's in this forum that might be closer to my age. I don't know how true this will prove, but I sometimes get the feeling that many of you are in your twenties or younger... So, though I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it, I'm a 31 year old female with a recent love/interest/obsession with anime, and I would like the chance to talk to other older Otaku's. I have three older brothers, and I used to raid all their stuff--comic books, novels, music. I got most of my hobbies and personal tastes from them, (as well as this lingering tomboy quality that I'm actually quite proud of) and though I was always interested in anime (I saw the old classic [I]Akira[/I], when I was 13 and [I]Ghost in the Shell[/I] when I was 14.) I never got into it much. Then I find myself in grad school with a little disposable income, cable TV (which I haven't had for almost four years) and a tendency to stay up late. Result: adult swim addict, and soon, total anime addict and newly christened Otaku. Then I start looking for anime in half price book stores and borders, start checking out manga too, then buy it up like it's going out of fashion. It might take some of the shame off of this admission to admit that I'm going into young adult librarianship--for precisely the reasons I mentioned above--lifetime love of comics, graphic novels, sci-fi, etc etc. I would pleased to talk to anyone of a similar age. :animesmil K? Hope to hear from you. Jule[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo] Well, I'm a new Otaku...I just got into anime and my exposure has been limited thus far... But I do love: (not in order of preference) [I]Wolf's Rain[/I], for the pretty boys and angsty road journey at the center of it. [I]FullMetal Alchemist[/I], for the total angst between the Brothers Elric, as well as the intelligent plot and overall millieu. [I]BoogiePop Phantom[/I], because it's so noir, dream-like and unusual. [I]Cowboy BeBop[/I], because it's slick, cool, and laid-back style is the perfect homage to jazz and the blues. [I]InuYasha[/I], because it's like the anime equivalent of romantic comedy. (Gotta love that Scheckshy Sess and Miroku :animesmil ). While I liked the idea behind [I]Angel Sanctuary[/I], I thought the english dub did a horrible job. I didn't like the voice actors (with the exception of Crispin Freeman) and it lacked the full emotional impact that it's so tantalizingly close to...know what I mean? So much promise and it failed to deliver. I recently looked at the manga, and it seems a bit more sophisticated...if only the anime were the same. (no offense to [I]Angel Sanctuary[/I] lovers. I [I]totally[/I] dig the Bish Setsuna) Jule[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]What an interesting question! I dream a lot, and some of them are so wacked and some of them are so cool, that I keep a journal now, and usually write down some of the images and situations that occur. They are a good source of inspiration if you ever want to write something creative or draw something weird... So, the topic... Yes. I've dreamt of anime characters. In particular, I've had one dream about Inu-Yasha. He was smirking and swearing and busting things up. Nothing unusual. :animesmil I've also dreamt of Edward Elric from [I]FullMetal Alchemist[/I], because I'm a totally obssessive fangirl when it comes to [I]that[/I] little hottie... and though I can't remember exactly what Ed was doing in my dream, I know that it was sad, very angsty...and I wanted to cheer him up and make him smile. So aside from the obvious and pathetic lack of an actual life, I think it's normal to dream about something you spend so much time watching. On a related note...whenever you get angry about something, do you almost believe you have that little mad-as-hell symbol on your head? Know what I mean? That little cross thingamajig... Jule[/COLOR]
  6. Well, here I am mixing ethnicities and cultures, and I'm not sure if I'm adding anything meaningful to the discussion, [I]but[/I] ... I have to admit to many of the same frustrations y'all have mentioned. There [I]is[/I] repetition, static elements. When Inu-Yasha refuses to acknowledge his feelings for Kagome for the 11th thousandth time, one runs out of patience. Then suddenly, in the middle of all that, you get episodes like [I]Jaken Falls Ill[/I] ,(# 96) which showcased and expanded one of the more intriguing characters IMHO, Rin. And how about ep #98, [I]Kikyo and Kagome: Alone in a Cave[/I]. I don't know about the rest of you, but the fact that two incarnations of the same soul were in forced seclusion together was a neat idea... And even if the overall ep isn't that great, there's one moment that stands out, surprises you. Like in ep #95 [I]The Scared Jewel Maker: Part Two[/I] ... when the half demon (forgot the character name) dies at the end. He says to Kagome (bad paraphrase here) something like: Am I going to die [I]human[/I] ? Talk about philosophically loaded... I guess what I'm trying to say is that some of it is going to suck because it's a production just like any other. I'm sure the writers gets sick of writing new eps and feel pressured to go with the gags that work... i.e. Inu-Yasha's denial, Miroku's wandering hands, Shippou's [I]annoying [/I] cuteness... Just yin and yang. Jule
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