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    Rabid Fangirl, Student

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  1. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well personally I'd love to see a great Star Wars game set outside the RPG genre, I mean there's no denying that KOTOR and it's sequel are great games but I'd just love to get a little more direct control over the action. I suppose basically I'd love to see a Star Wars game set over the game mechanics developed by Lionhead with Fable. I mean the Jedi Knight series is probably the best non-RPG there is out there and while it's good, it's not great or at least it could have been much better. In the same manner that KOTOR feels constricting, JK feels too open and obvious, i.e. kill the bad guys and reach the end level. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Have you ever played Star Wars Battlefround? Or its sequal? The first one was really fun, but you were still kissing the bad guys to pass the level (there's another way as well). But it really is a fun game. My sister and I arn't big SW fans, but we played this game for HOURS. It gets kinda monotonis after a while, because there are only X amout of levels, but you really should try playing it (if you haven't already).
  2. I may not have that big of an original world in my head, but I have a world for each of the animes that I really like in my head. I don't usually think of anything else.*needs a life* Whats really weird is when you think things like "maybe if I do this... this will happen and I will be sucked into the (insert anime/manga/game here) world", and yes, I do this. :animeswea
  3. Ha ha.. I think about anime/manga/game characters coming to life all the time. I either go to their world, or they occasionaly come to mine. @.@ Its a habbit. It stops me from going insane (if that makes any sense....). It also stops me from paying attention in class as well... which isn't all that good when you go to math. ^.^ oh well.
  4. I know how waiting for the FMA manga to come out on the internet is. I was reading it, getting REALLY into the manga, and then.... The next chapter was gone. I almost started to hyperventilate. Its still not updated, and its bugging the heck out of me. *dies*. Waiting for any really good manga on the internet always bugs me >.< and I'm one of the most patient people that I know.
  5. The thing I mostly don't like about casual gamers and the fact that they look just at the graphics, is that more gaming companies are trying to get their attention, so they come up with games that Have wonderful graphics, but not much of a storyline. I think that ever since casual gamers came into play, the game storylines have gone downhill.
  6. Yes, Furuba is DEFINATLY a good manga. I's very funny, and it isn't Very mushy romance. It is really a manga made for girls, but all my guy friends who like manga also really like it. The anime is also very well done, But is a lot different from the manga. The order of the evernts is changed, and the manga is a lot deeper than the anime. And not to mention that only the first season is out in anime.
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